Example #1
def render_service_template(cls):

    LOG.debug("Rendering {} service template".format(cls.__name__))
    if not isinstance(cls, ServiceType):
        raise TypeError("{} is not of type {}".format(cls, ServiceType))

    # Entity context
    entity_context = "Service_" + cls.__name__

    user_attrs = cls.get_user_attrs()
    user_attrs["name"] = cls.__name__
    user_attrs["description"] = cls.__doc__ or ""

    # Update service name map and gui name
    gui_display_name = getattr(cls, "name", "") or cls.__name__
    if gui_display_name != cls.__name__:
        user_attrs["gui_display_name"] = gui_display_name

    # updating ui and dsl name mapping
    update_service_name(gui_display_name, cls.__name__)

    depends_on_list = []
    for entity in user_attrs.get("dependencies", []):

    variable_list = []
    for entity in user_attrs.get("variables", []):
        variable_list.append(render_variable_template(entity, entity_context))

    action_list = []
    system_actions = {
        v: k
        for k, v in ServiceType.ALLOWED_SYSTEM_ACTIONS.items()
    for entity in user_attrs.get("actions", []):
        if entity.__name__ in list(system_actions.keys()):
            entity.name = system_actions[entity.__name__]
            entity.__name__ = system_actions[entity.__name__]
        rendered_txt = render_action_template(entity, entity_context)
        if rendered_txt:

    user_attrs["dependencies"] = ",".join(depends_on_list)
    user_attrs["variables"] = variable_list
    user_attrs["actions"] = action_list

    # TODO add ports, ..etc.

    text = render_template("service.py.jinja2", obj=user_attrs)
    return text.strip()
Example #2
def render_package_template(cls):

    LOG.debug("Rendering {} package template".format(cls.__name__))
    if not isinstance(cls, PackageType):
        raise TypeError("{} is not of type {}".format(cls, PackageType))

    # Entity context
    entity_context = "Package_" + cls.__name__

    user_attrs = cls.get_user_attrs()
    user_attrs["name"] = cls.__name__
    user_attrs["description"] = cls.__doc__ or ""

    # Update package name map
    gui_display_name = getattr(cls, "name", "") or cls.__name__
    if gui_display_name != cls.__name__:
        user_attrs["gui_display_name"] = gui_display_name

    # updating ui and dsl name mapping
    update_package_name(gui_display_name, cls.__name__)

    service_list = []
    for entity in user_attrs.get("services", []):

    variable_list = []
    for entity in user_attrs.get("variables", []):
        variable_list.append(render_variable_template(entity, entity_context))

    action_list = []
    if hasattr(cls, "__install__"):
        cls.__install__.__name__ = "__install__"
        cls.__install__.name = "__install__"
        action_list.append(render_action_template(cls.__install__, entity_context))

    if hasattr(cls, "__uninstall__"):
        cls.__uninstall__.__name__ = "__uninstall__"
        cls.__uninstall__.name = "__uninstall__"
        action_list.append(render_action_template(cls.__uninstall__, entity_context))

    user_attrs["services"] = ",".join(service_list)
    user_attrs["variables"] = variable_list
    user_attrs["actions"] = action_list

    text = render_template("package.py.jinja2", obj=user_attrs)
    return text.strip()
Example #3
def render_task_template(
    cls, entity_context="", RUNBOOK_ACTION_MAP={}, CONFIG_SPEC_MAP={}

    LOG.debug("Rendering {} task template".format(cls.name))
    if not isinstance(cls, TaskType):
        raise TypeError("{} is not of type {}".format(cls, TaskType))

    # update entity_context
    entity_context = entity_context + "_Task_" + cls.__name__

    user_attrs = cls.get_user_attrs()
    user_attrs["name"] = cls.name

    target = getattr(cls, "target_any_local_reference", None)
    if target:  # target will be modified to have correct name(DSL name)
        user_attrs["target"] = render_ref_template(target)

    cred = cls.attrs.get("login_credential_local_reference", None)
    if cred:
        user_attrs["cred"] = "ref({})".format(
            get_cred_var_name(getattr(cred, "name", "") or cred.__name__)

    if cls.type == "EXEC":
        script_type = cls.attrs["script_type"]
        cls.attrs["script_file"] = create_script_file(
            script_type, cls.attrs["script"], entity_context

        if script_type == "sh":
            schema_file = "task_exec_ssh.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "static":
            schema_file = "task_exec_escript.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "npsscript":
            schema_file = "task_exec_powershell.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "SET_VARIABLE":
        variables = cls.attrs.get("eval_variables", None)
        if variables:
            user_attrs["variables"] = variables
        script_type = cls.attrs["script_type"]
        cls.attrs["script_file"] = create_script_file(
            script_type, cls.attrs["script"], entity_context

        if script_type == "sh":
            schema_file = "task_setvariable_ssh.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "static":
            schema_file = "task_setvariable_escript.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "npsscript":
            schema_file = "task_setvariable_powershell.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "DELAY":
        if hasattr(cls, "attrs"):
            user_attrs["delay_seconds"] = cls.attrs.get("interval_secs", 0)
        schema_file = "task_delay.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "SCALING":
        scaling_count = cls.attrs.get("scaling_count", 1)
        if scaling_count:
            user_attrs["scaling_count"] = scaling_count
        scaling_type = cls.attrs["scaling_type"]
        if scaling_type == "SCALEOUT":
            schema_file = "task_scaling_scaleout.py.jinja2"

        elif scaling_type == "SCALEIN":
            schema_file = "task_scaling_scalein.py.jinja2"
    elif cls.type == "HTTP":
        attrs = cls.attrs
        user_attrs["headers"] = {}
        user_attrs["secret_headers"] = {}
        user_attrs["status_mapping"] = {}

        for var in attrs.get("headers", []):
            var_type = var["type"]
            if var_type == "LOCAL":
                user_attrs["headers"][var["name"]] = var["value"]

            elif var_type == "SECRET":
                user_attrs["secret_headers"][var["name"]] = var["value"]

        for status in attrs.get("expected_response_params", []):
            user_attrs["status_mapping"][status["code"]] = (
                True if status["status"] == "SUCCESS" else False

        # Store auth objects
        auth_obj = attrs.get("authentication", {})
        auth_type = auth_obj.get("type", "")
        if auth_type == "basic_with_cred":
            auth_cred = auth_obj.get("credential_local_reference", None)
            if auth_cred:
                user_attrs["cred"] = "ref({})".format(
                        getattr(auth_cred, "name", "") or auth_cred.__name__

        user_attrs["response_paths"] = attrs.get("response_paths", {})
        method = attrs["method"]

        if method == "GET":
            schema_file = "task_http_get.py.jinja2"

        elif method == "POST":
            schema_file = "task_http_post.py.jinja2"

        elif method == "PUT":
            schema_file = "task_http_put.py.jinja2"

        elif method == "DELETE":
            # TODO remove it from here
            if not cls.attrs["request_body"]:
                cls.attrs["request_body"] = {}
            schema_file = "task_http_delete.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "CALL_RUNBOOK":
        runbook = cls.attrs["runbook_reference"]
        runbook_name = getattr(runbook, "name", "") or runbook.__name__
        user_attrs = {
            "name": cls.name,
            "action": RUNBOOK_ACTION_MAP[runbook_name],
            "target": target.name,
        schema_file = "task_call_runbook.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "CALL_CONFIG":
        config_name = cls.attrs["config_spec_reference"]
        user_attrs = {
            "name": cls.name,
            "config": CONFIG_SPEC_MAP[config_name]["global_name"],
        schema_file = "task_call_config.py.jinja2"

        LOG.error("Task type does not match any known types")
        sys.exit("Invalid task task")

    text = render_template(schema_file=schema_file, obj=user_attrs)
    return text.strip()
Example #4
def render_task_template(cls, entity_context="", RUNBOOK_ACTION_MAP={}):

    LOG.debug("Rendering {} task template".format(cls.name))
    if not isinstance(cls, TaskType):
        raise TypeError("{} is not of type {}".format(cls, TaskType))

    # update entity_context
    entity_context = entity_context + "_Task_" + cls.__name__

    user_attrs = cls.get_user_attrs()
    user_attrs["name"] = cls.name

    target = getattr(cls, "target_any_local_reference", None)
    if target:
        user_attrs["target"] = render_ref_template(target)

    cred = cls.attrs.get("login_credential_local_reference", None)
    if cred:
        # TODO make it as task decompile functionality
        cred = RefType.decompile(cred)
        user_attrs["cred"] = "ref({})".format(get_cred_var_name(cred.__name__))

    if cls.type == "EXEC":
        script_type = cls.attrs["script_type"]
        cls.attrs["script_file"] = create_script_file(
            script_type, cls.attrs["script"], entity_context

        if script_type == "sh":
            schema_file = "task_exec_ssh.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "static":
            schema_file = "task_exec_escript.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "npsscript":
            schema_file = "task_exec_powershell.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "SET_VARIABLE":
        variables = cls.attrs.get("eval_variables", None)
        if variables:
            user_attrs["variables"] = variables
        script_type = cls.attrs["script_type"]
        cls.attrs["script_file"] = create_script_file(
            script_type, cls.attrs["script"], entity_context

        if script_type == "sh":
            schema_file = "task_setvariable_ssh.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "static":
            schema_file = "task_setvariable_escript.py.jinja2"

        elif script_type == "npsscript":
            schema_file = "task_setvariable_powershell.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "DELAY":
        if hasattr(cls, "attrs"):
            user_attrs["delay_seconds"] = cls.attrs.get("interval_secs", 0)
        schema_file = "task_delay.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "SCALING":
        scaling_count = cls.attrs.get("scaling_count", 1)
        if scaling_count:
            user_attrs["scaling_count"] = scaling_count
        scaling_type = cls.attrs["scaling_type"]
        if scaling_type == "SCALEOUT":
            schema_file = "task_scaling_scaleout.py.jinja2"

        elif scaling_type == "SCALEIN":
            schema_file = "task_scaling_scalein.py.jinja2"
    elif cls.type == "HTTP":
        attrs = cls.attrs
        # TODO add basic_cred creds support. For now default cred used
        user_attrs["headers"] = {}
        user_attrs["secret_headers"] = {}
        user_attrs["status_mapping"] = {}

        for var in attrs.get("headers", []):
            var_type = var["type"]
            if var_type == "LOCAL":
                user_attrs["headers"][var["name"]] = var["value"]

            elif var_type == "SECRET":
                user_attrs["secret_headers"][var["name"]] = var["value"]

        for status in attrs.get("expected_response_params", []):
            user_attrs["status_mapping"][status["code"]] = (
                True if status["status"] == "SUCCESS" else False

        user_attrs["response_paths"] = attrs.get("response_paths", {})
        method = attrs["method"]

        if method == "GET":
            schema_file = "task_http_get.py.jinja2"

        elif method == "POST":
            schema_file = "task_http_post.py.jinja2"

        elif method == "PUT":
            schema_file = "task_http_put.py.jinja2"

        elif method == "DELETE":
            # TODO remove it from here
            if not cls.attrs["request_body"]:
                cls.attrs["request_body"] = {}
            schema_file = "task_http_delete.py.jinja2"

    elif cls.type == "CALL_RUNBOOK":
        # TODO shift this working to explicit method for task decompile
        runbook = RefType.decompile(cls.attrs["runbook_reference"])

        user_attrs = {
            "name": cls.name,
            "action": RUNBOOK_ACTION_MAP[runbook.__name__],
            "target": target.name,
        schema_file = "task_call_runbook.py.jinja2"

        raise Exception("Invalid task type")

    text = render_template(schema_file=schema_file, obj=user_attrs)
    return text.strip()