Example #1
def compile(source_text, filename='', content=None, credentials=None, verify=True, node=None):
    # Steps taken:
    # 1) Verify signature when credentials supplied
    # 2) parser .calvin file -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 3) checker IR -> IR. May produce syntax errors/warnings
    # 4) analyzer IR -> app. Should not fail. Sets 'valid' property of IR to True/False

    deployable = {'valid': False, 'actors': {}, 'connections': {}}
    errors = [] #TODO: fill in something meaningful
    warnings = []
    if credentials:
        _log.debug("Check credentials...")
        sec = Security(node)
        if not sec.authenticate_subject():
            _log.error("Check credentials...failed authentication")
            # This error reason is detected in calvin control and gives proper REST response
            errors.append({'reason': "401: UNAUTHORIZED", 'line': 0, 'col': 0})
            return deployable, errors, warnings
        if (not sec.verify_signature_content(content, "application") or not sec.check_security_policy()):
            # Verification not OK if sign or cert not OK or if the signer is denied by security policies
            print "\n IN DEPLOYER\n "
            _log.error("Check credentials...failed application verification")
            # This error reason is detected in calvin control and gives proper REST response
            errors.append({'reason': "401: UNAUTHORIZED", 'line': None, 'col': None})
            return deployable, errors, warnings

    ir, errors, warnings = calvin_parser(source_text, filename)
    _log.debug("Parsed %s, %s, %s" % (ir, errors, warnings))
    # If there were errors during parsing no IR will be generated
    if not errors:
        c_errors, c_warnings = check(ir, verify=verify)
        deployable = generate_app_info(ir, verify=verify)
        if errors:
            deployable['valid'] = False
    _log.debug("Compiled %s, %s, %s" % (deployable, errors, warnings))
    return deployable, errors, warnings
Example #2
 def _new_actor(self, actor_type, actor_id=None, credentials=None):
     """Return a 'bare' actor of actor_type, raises an exception on failure."""
     if credentials is not None:
         sec = Security(self.node)
         sec = None
     (found, is_primitive, class_) = ActorStore(security=sec).lookup(actor_type)
     if not found:
         # Here assume a primitive actor, now become shadow actor
         _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ NOT FOUND CREATE SHADOW ACTOR", {'class': class_})
         found = True
         is_primitive = True
         class_ = ShadowActor
     if not found or not is_primitive:
         _log.error("Requested actor %s is not available" % (actor_type))
         raise Exception("ERROR_NOT_FOUND")
         # Create a 'bare' instance of the actor
         a = class_(actor_type, actor_id=actor_id)
     except Exception as e:
         _log.error("The actor %s(%s) can't be instantiated." % (actor_type, class_.__init__))
         a.set_credentials(credentials, security=sec)
         a._calvinsys = self.node.calvinsys()
     except Exception as e:
         _log.exception("Catched new from state")
         _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ FAILED REQS CREATE SHADOW ACTOR", {'class': class_})
         a = ShadowActor(actor_type, actor_id=actor_id)
         a.set_credentials(credentials, security=sec)
         a._calvinsys = self.node.calvinsys()
     return a
Example #3
class Deployer(object):

    Process an app_info dictionary (output from calvin parser) to
    produce a running calvin application.

    def __init__(self, deployable, node, name=None, deploy_info=None, credentials=None, verify=True, cb=None):
        super(Deployer, self).__init__()
        self.deployable = deployable
        self.deploy_info = deploy_info
        self.credentials = credentials
        self.sec = Security(node)
        self.actorstore = ActorStore(security=self.sec)
        self.actor_map = {}
        self.actor_connections = {}
        self.node = node
        self.verify = verify
        self.cb = cb
        self._deploy_cont_done = False
        if name:
            self.name = name
            self.app_id = self.node.app_manager.new(self.name)
            self.ns = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.name))[0]
        elif "name" in self.deployable:
            self.name = self.deployable["name"]
            self.app_id = self.node.app_manager.new(self.name)
            self.ns = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.name))[0]
            self.app_id = self.node.app_manager.new(None)
            self.name = self.app_id
            self.ns = ""
        _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ SECURITY", {'sec': str(self.sec)})

    # TODO Make deployer use the Application class group_components, component_name and get_req
    def group_components(self):
        self.components = {}
        l = (len(self.ns)+1) if self.ns else 0
        for name in self.deployable['actors']:
             if name.find(':',l)> -1:
                # This is part of a component
                # component name including optional namespace
                component = ':'.join(name.split(':')[0:(2 if self.ns else 1)])
                if component in self.components:
                    self.components[component] = [name]

    def component_name(self, name):
        l = (len(self.ns)+1) if self.ns else 0
        if name.find(':',l)> -1:
            return ':'.join(name.split(':')[0:(2 if self.ns else 1)])
            return None

    def get_req(self, actor_name):
        name = self.component_name(actor_name) or actor_name
        name = name.split(':', 1)[1] if self.ns else name
        return self.deploy_info['requirements'][name] if (self.deploy_info and 'requirements' in self.deploy_info
                                                            and name in self.deploy_info['requirements']) else []

    def instantiate(self, actor_name, actor_type, argd, signature=None):
        Instantiate an actor.
          - 'actor_name' is <namespace>:<identifier>, e.g. app:src, or app:component:src
          - 'actor_type' is the actor class to instatiate
          - 'argd' is a dictionary with <actor_name>:<argdict> pairs
          - 'signature' is the GlobalStore actor-signature to lookup the actor
        req = self.get_req(actor_name)
        _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ SECURITY", {'sec': str(self.sec)})
        found, is_primitive, actor_def = self.actorstore.lookup(actor_type)
        if not found or not is_primitive:
            raise Exception("Not known actor type: %s" % actor_type)

        actor_id = self.instantiate_primitive(actor_name, actor_type, argd, req, signature)
        if not actor_id:
            raise Exception(
                "Could not instantiate actor of type: %s" % actor_type)
        self.actor_map[actor_name] = actor_id
        self.node.app_manager.add(self.app_id, actor_id)

    def instantiate_primitive(self, actor_name, actor_type, args, req=None, signature=None):
        # name is <namespace>:<identifier>, e.g. app:src, or app:component:src
        # args is a **dictionary** of key-value arguments for this instance
        # signature is the GlobalStore actor-signature to lookup the actor
        args['name'] = actor_name
        actor_id = self.node.am.new(actor_type=actor_type, args=args, signature=signature, credentials=self.credentials)
        if req:
            self.node.am.actors[actor_id].requirements_add(req, extend=False)
        return actor_id

    def connectid(self, connection):
        src_actor, src_port, dst_actor, dst_port = connection
        # connect from dst to src
        # use node info if exists, otherwise assume local node

        dst_actor_id = self.actor_map[dst_actor]
        src_actor_id = self.actor_map[src_actor]
        src_node = self.node.id
        result = self.node.connect(
        return result

    def set_port_property(self, actor, port_type, port_name, port_property, value):
        self.node.am.set_port_property(self.actor_map[actor], port_type, port_name, port_property, value)

    def select_actor(self, out_iter, kwargs, final, comp_name_desc):
        _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+", {'comp_name_desc': comp_name_desc}, tb=True)
        if final[0] and not kwargs['done']:
            kwargs['done'] = True
            for name, desc_list in kwargs['priority'].iteritems():
                if desc_list:
        desc = comp_name_desc[1]
            # List of (found, is_primitive, info)
            actor_types = [self.actorstore.lookup(actor['actor_type'])
                                for actor in desc['component']['structure']['actors'].values()]
        except KeyError:
            actor_types = []
            # Not a component, shadow actor candidate, likely
            kwargs['priority'][comp_name_desc[0]].insert(0, comp_name_desc)
            comp_name_desc[1]['shadow_actor'] = True
        except Exception as e:
            # FIXME Handled when security verification failed
            _log.exception("select_actor desc: %s" % desc)
            raise e
        if all([a[0] and a[1] for a in actor_types]):
            # All found and primitive (quite unlikely), insert after any primitive shadow actors in priority
            index = len([1 for a in kwargs['priority'][comp_name_desc[0]] if 'shadow_actor' in a[1]])
            kwargs['priority'][comp_name_desc[0]].insert(index, comp_name_desc)
            comp_name_desc[1]['shadow_component'] = actor_types
        # A component containing shadow actors
        # TODO Dig deeper to priorities between shadow components, now just insert in order
        comp_name_desc[1]['shadow_component'] = actor_types

    def resolve_remote(self, deployables):
        all_desc_iters = dynops.List()
        store = GlobalStore(node=self.node)
        for actor_name, info in deployables.iteritems():
            desc_iter = store.global_lookup_iter(info['signature'], info['args'].keys())
            all_desc_iters.append((actor_name, desc_iter), trigger_iter=desc_iter)
        collect_desc_iter = dynops.Collect(all_desc_iters).set_name("collected_desc")
        select_iter = dynops.Map(self.select_actor, collect_desc_iter, done=False,
                                                         priority={k:[] for k in self.deployable['actors'].keys()},
        select_iter.set_cb(self.deploy_unhandled_actors, select_iter)

    def deploy_unhandled_actors(self, comp_name_desc):
        while True:
                name, desc = comp_name_desc.next()
                _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+", {'name': name, 'desc': desc}, tb=True)
            except StopIteration:
                # Done
                if self._deploy_cont_done:
                self._deploy_cont_done = True
                _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ DONE", {'deployable': self.deployable, 'components': self.components})
            except dynops.PauseIteration:
            if 'shadow_actor' in desc:
                _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ SHADOW ACTOR", {'name': name})
                # It was a normal primitive shadow actor, just instanciate
                req = self.get_req(name)
                info = self.deployable['actors'][name]
                actor_id = self.instantiate_primitive(name, info['actor_type'], info['args'], req, info['signature'])
                if not actor_id:
                    _log.error("Second phase, could not make shadow actor %s!" % info['actor_type'])
                self.actor_map[name] = actor_id
                self.node.app_manager.add(self.app_id, actor_id)
            elif 'shadow_component' in desc:
                _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ SHADOW COMPONENT", {'name': name})
                # A component that needs to be broken up into individual primitive actors
                # First get the info and remove the component
                req = self.get_req(name)
                info = self.deployable['actors'][name]
                # Then add the new primitive actors
                for actor_name, actor_desc in desc['component']['structure']['actors'].iteritems():
                    args = {k: v[1] if v[0] == 'VALUE' else info['args'][v[1]] for k, v in actor_desc['args'].iteritems()}
                    inports = [c['dst_port'] for c in desc['component']['structure']['connections'] if c['dst'] == actor_name]
                    outports = [c['src_port'] for c in desc['component']['structure']['connections'] if c['src'] == actor_name]
                    sign_desc = {'is_primitive': True,
                                 'actor_type': actor_desc['actor_type'],
                                 'inports': inports[:],
                                 'outports': outports[:]}
                    sign = GlobalStore.actor_signature(sign_desc)
                    self.deployable['actors'][name + ":" + actor_name] = {'args': args,
                                                                          'actor_type': actor_desc['actor_type'],
                                                                          'signature_desc': sign_desc,
                                                                          'signature': sign}
                    # Replace component connections with actor connection
                    #   outports
                    comp_outports = [(c['dst_port'], c['src_port']) for c in desc['component']['structure']['connections']
                                        if c['src'] == actor_name and c['dst'] == "."]
                    for c_port, a_port in comp_outports:
                        if (name + "." + c_port) in self.deployable['connections']:
                            self.deployable['connections'][name + ":" + actor_name + "." + a_port] = \
                                self.deployable['connections'].pop(name + "." + c_port)
                    #   inports
                    comp_inports = [(c['src_port'], c['dst_port']) for c in desc['component']['structure']['connections']
                                        if c['dst'] == actor_name and c['src'] == "."]
                    for outport, ports in self.deployable['connections'].iteritems():
                        for c_inport, a_inport in comp_inports:
                            if (name + "." + c_inport) in ports:
                                ports.remove(name + "." + c_inport)
                                ports.append(name + ":" + actor_name + "." + a_inport)
                    _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ REPLACED PORTS", {'comp_outports': comp_outports,
                                                                   'comp_inports': comp_inports,
                                                                   'actor_name': actor_name,
                                                                   'connections': self.deployable['connections']})
                    # Add any new component internal connections (enough with outports)
                    for connection in desc['component']['structure']['connections']:
                        if connection['src'] == actor_name and connection['src_port'] in outports and connection['dst'] != ".":
                                name + ":" + actor_name + "." + connection['src_port'], []).append(
                                    name + ":" + connection['dst'] + "." + connection['dst_port'])
                    _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ ADDED PORTS", {'connections': self.deployable['connections']})
                    # Instanciate it
                    actor_id = self.instantiate_primitive(name + ":" + actor_name, actor_desc['actor_type'], args, req, sign)
                    if not actor_id:
                        _log.error("Third phase, could not make shadow actor %s!" % info['actor_type'])
                    self.actor_map[name + ":" + actor_name] = actor_id
                    self.node.app_manager.add(self.app_id, actor_id)

    def deploy(self):
        Instantiate actors and link them together.
        if not self.deployable['valid']:
            raise Exception("Deploy information is not valid")

        unhandled = {}

        for actor_name, info in self.deployable['actors'].iteritems():
                self.instantiate(actor_name, info['actor_type'], info['args'], signature=info['signature'])
                unhandled[actor_name] = info

        if unhandled:
            _log.analyze(self.node.id, "+ UNHANDLED", {'unhandled': unhandled})


    def _deploy_cont(self):
        for component_name, actor_names in self.components.iteritems():
            actor_ids = [self.actor_map[n] for n in actor_names]
            for actor_id in actor_ids:

        for src, dst_list in self.deployable['connections'].iteritems():
            if len(dst_list) > 1:
                src_name, src_port = src.split('.')
                self.set_port_property(src_name, 'out', src_port, 'fanout', len(dst_list))

        for src, dst_list in self.deployable['connections'].iteritems():
            src_actor, src_port = src.split('.')
            for dst in dst_list:
                dst_actor, dst_port = dst.split('.')
                c = (src_actor, src_port, dst_actor, dst_port)

        self.node.app_manager.finalize(self.app_id, migrate=True if self.deploy_info else False,
                                       cb=CalvinCB(self.cb, deployer=self))
Example #4
class Actor(object):

    Base class for all actors
    Need a name supplied.
    Subclasses need to declare the parameter
    calvinsys if they want access to system
    interface on the node, this parameter
    will be supplied by the node and not by user

    # Class variable controls action priority order
    action_priority = tuple()

    # Internal state (status)
    class FSM(object):

        def __init__(self, states, initial, transitions, hooks=None, allow_invalid_transitions=True,
                     disable_transition_checks=False, disable_state_checks=False):
            self.states = states
            self._state = initial
            self.transitions = transitions
            self.hooks = hooks or {}
            self.allow_invalid_transitions = allow_invalid_transitions
            self.disable_transition_checks = disable_transition_checks
            # disable_state_checks is used in the verify_status decorator
            self.disable_state_checks = disable_state_checks

        def state(self):
            return self._state

        def transition_to(self, new_state):
            if new_state in self.transitions[self._state] or self.disable_transition_checks:
                hook = self.hooks.get((self._state, new_state), None)
                if hook:
                self._state = new_state
                msg = "Invalid transition %s -> %s" % (self, self.printable(new_state))
                if self.allow_invalid_transitions:
                    _log.warning("ALLOWING " + msg)
                    self._state = new_state
                    raise Exception(msg)

        def printable(self, state):
            return self.states.reverse_mapping[state]

        def __str__(self):
            return self.printable(self._state)



    test_args = ()
    test_kwargs = {}

    # What are the arguments, really?
    def __init__(self, actor_type, name='', allow_invalid_transitions=True, disable_transition_checks=False,
                 disable_state_checks=False, actor_id=None):
        """Should _not_ be overridden in subclasses."""
        super(Actor, self).__init__()
        self._type = actor_type
        self.name = name  # optional: human_readable_name
        self.id = actor_id or calvinuuid.uuid("ACTOR")
        _log.debug("New actor id: %s, supplied actor id %s" % (self.id, actor_id))
        self._deployment_requirements = []
        self._signature = None
        self._component_members = set([self.id])  # We are only part of component if this is extended
        self._managed = set(('id', 'name', '_deployment_requirements', '_signature', 'credentials'))
        self._calvinsys = None
        self._using = {}
        self.control = calvincontrol.get_calvincontrol()
        self.metering = metering.get_metering()
        self._migrating_to = None  # During migration while on the previous node set to the next node id
        self._last_time_warning = 0.0
        self.credentials = None
        self.authorization_plugins = None

        self.inports = {p: actorport.InPort(p, self) for p in self.inport_names}
        self.outports = {p: actorport.OutPort(p, self) for p in self.outport_names}

        hooks = {
            (Actor.STATUS.PENDING, Actor.STATUS.ENABLED): self.will_start,
            (Actor.STATUS.ENABLED, Actor.STATUS.PENDING): self.will_stop,
        self.fsm = Actor.FSM(Actor.STATUS, Actor.STATUS.LOADED, Actor.VALID_TRANSITIONS, hooks,

    def set_credentials(self, credentials, security=None):
        Set the credentials the actor operates under.

        This will trigger an authentication of the credentials.
        Optionally an authenticated Security instance can be supplied,
        to reduce the needed authentication processing.
        _log.debug("actor.py: set_credentials: %s" % credentials)
        if credentials is None:
        self.credentials = credentials
        if security:
            self.sec = security
            if self._calvinsys is not None:
                self.sec = Security(self._calvinsys._node)

    def get_credentials(self):
        _log.debug("actor.py: get_credentials: %s" % self.credentials)
        return self.credentials

    def setup_complete(self):

    def init(self):
        raise Exception("Implementing 'init()' is mandatory.")

    def will_start(self):
        """Override in actor subclass if actions need to be taken before starting."""

    def will_stop(self):
        """Override in actor subclass if actions need to be taken before stopping."""

    def will_migrate(self):
        """Override in actor subclass if actions need to be taken before migrating."""

    def did_migrate(self):
        """Override in actor subclass if actions need to be taken after migrating."""

    def will_end(self):
        """Override in actor subclass if actions need to be taken before destruction."""

    def check_requirements(self):
        """Check that all requirements are available and accessible in calvinsys."""
        # Check availability of calvinsys subsystems before checking security policies.
        if hasattr(self, "requires"):
            for req in self.requires:
                if not self._calvinsys.has_capability(req):
                    raise Exception("%s requires %s" % (self.id, req))
        # Check the runtime and calvinsys execution access rights.
        # Note: when no credentials are set, no verification is done.
        if hasattr(self, 'sec'):
            access_decision = self.sec.check_security_policy(['runtime'] +
                       (self.requires if hasattr(self, "requires") else []))
            if isinstance(access_decision, tuple):
                # Only a tuple if access was granted. No need to check access_decision[0].
                self.authorization_plugins = access_decision[1]
            elif not access_decision:
                _log.debug("Security policy check for actor failed")
                raise Exception("Security policy check for actor failed")

    def __getitem__(self, attr):
        if attr in self._using:
            return self._using[attr]
        raise KeyError(attr)

    def use(self, requirement, shorthand):
        self._using[shorthand] = self._calvinsys.use_requirement(self, requirement)

    def __str__(self):
        ip = ""
        for p in self.inports.values():
            ip = ip + str(p)
        op = ""
        for p in self.outports.values():
            op = op + str(p)
        s = "Actor: '%s' class '%s'\nstatus: %s\ninports: %s\noutports:%s" % (
            self.name, self._type, self.fsm, ip, op)
        return s

    def set_port_property(self, port_type, port_name, port_property, value):
        """Change a port property. Currently, setting 'fanout' on output ports is only allowed operation."""

        if port_type not in ('in', 'out'):
            _log.error("Illegal port type '%s' for actor '%s' of type '%s'" % (port_type, self.name, self._type))
            return False
        ports = self.outports if port_type == 'out' else self.inports
        if port_name not in ports:
            _log.error("Illegal %sport name '%s' for actor '%s' of type '%s'" %
                       (port_type, port_name, self.name, self._type))
            return False
        port = ports[port_name]
        if not hasattr(port, port_property):
            _log.error("Illegal property '%s' for %sport '%s' in actor '%s' of type '%s'" %
                       (port_property, port_type, port_name, self.name, self._type))
            return False
        setattr(port, port_property, value)
        return True

    @verify_status([STATUS.READY, STATUS.PENDING])
    def did_connect(self, port):
        """Called when a port is connected, checks actor is fully connected."""
        # If we happen to by in READY, go to PENDING
        if self.fsm.state() == Actor.STATUS.READY:
        # Three non-patological options:
        # have inports, have outports, or have in- and outports

        if self.inports:
            for p in self.inports.values():
                if not p.is_connected():

        if self.outports:
            for p in self.outports.values():
                if not p.is_connected():

        # If we made it here, all ports are connected

        # Actor enabled, inform scheduler

    @verify_status([STATUS.ENABLED, STATUS.PENDING])
    def did_disconnect(self, port):
        """Called when a port is disconnected, checks actor is fully disconnected."""
        # If we happen to by in ENABLED, go to PENDING
        if self.fsm.state() == Actor.STATUS.ENABLED:

        # Three non-patological options:
        # have inports, have outports, or have in- and outports
        if self.inports:
            for p in self.inports.values():
                if p.is_connected():

        if self.outports:
            for p in self.outports.values():
                if p.is_connected():

        # If we made it here, all ports are disconnected

    def fire(self):
        start_time = time.time()
        total_result = ActionResult(did_fire=False)
        while True:
            if not self.check_authorization_decision():
                # The authorization decision is not valid anymore.
                # TODO: try to migrate actor.
                _log.info("Access denied for actor %s(%s)" % ( self._type, self.id))
                return total_result
            # Re-try action in list order after EVERY firing
            for action_method in self.__class__.action_priority:
                action_result = action_method(self)
                # Action firing should fire the first action that can fire,
                # hence when fired start from the beginning
                if action_result.did_fire:
                    # FIXME: Make this a hook for the runtime to use, don't
                    #        import and use calvin_control or metering in actor
                    self.metering.fired(self.id, action_method.__name__)
                    _log.debug("Actor %s(%s) did fire %s -> %s" % (
                        self._type, self.id,

            if not action_result.did_fire:
                diff = time.time() - start_time
                if diff > 0.2 and start_time - self._last_time_warning > 120.0:
                    # Every other minute warn if an actor runs for longer than 200 ms
                    self._last_time_warning = start_time
                    _log.warning("%s (%s) actor blocked for %f sec" % (self.name, self._type, diff))
                # We reached the end of the list without ANY firing => return
                return total_result
        # Redundant as of now, kept as reminder for when rewriting exception handling.
        raise Exception('Exit from fire should ALWAYS be from previous line.')

    def enabled(self):
        return self.fsm.state() == Actor.STATUS.ENABLED

    # DEPRECATED: Only here for backwards compatibility
    def enable(self):

    # DEPRECATED: Only here for backwards compatibility
    def disable(self):

    def state(self):
        state = {}
        # Manual state handling
        # Not available until after __init__ completes
        state['_managed'] = list(self._managed)
        state['inports'] = {port: self.inports[port]._state()
                            for port in self.inports}
        state['outports'] = {
            port: self.outports[port]._state() for port in self.outports}
        state['_component_members'] = list(self._component_members)

        # Managed state handling
        for key in self._managed:
            obj = self.__dict__[key]
            if _implements_state(obj):
                state[key] = obj.state()
                state[key] = obj

        return state

    def _set_state(self, state):
        # Managed state handling

        # Update since if previously a shadow actor the init has been called first
        # which potentially have altered the managed attributes set compared
        # with the recorded state

        for key in state['_managed']:
            if key not in self.__dict__:
                self.__dict__[key] = state.pop(key)
                obj = self.__dict__[key]
                if _implements_state(obj):
                    self.__dict__[key] = state.pop(key)

        # Manual state handling
        for port in state['inports']:
            # Uses setdefault to support shadow actor
            self.inports.setdefault(port, actorport.InPort(port, self))._set_state(state['inports'][port])
        for port in state['outports']:
            # Uses setdefault to support shadow actor
            self.outports.setdefault(port, actorport.OutPort(port, self))._set_state(state['outports'][port])
        self._component_members= set(state['_component_members'])

    # TODO verify status should only allow reading connections when and after being fully connected (enabled)
    def connections(self, node_id):
        c = {'actor_id': self.id, 'actor_name': self.name}
        inports = {}
        for port in self.inports.values():
            peer = port.get_peer()
            if peer[0] == 'local':
                peer = (node_id, peer[1])
            inports[port.id] = peer
        c['inports'] = inports
        outports = {}
        for port in self.outports.values():
            peers = [
                (node_id, p[1]) if p[0] == 'local' else p for p in port.get_peers()]
            outports[port.id] = peers
        c['outports'] = outports
        return c

    def serialize(self):
        return self.state()

    def deserialize(self, data):

    def exception_handler(self, action, args, context):
        """Defult handler when encountering ExceptionTokens"""
        _log.error("ExceptionToken encountered\n  name: %s\n  type: %s\n  action: %s\n  args: %s\n  context: %s\n" %
                   (self.name, self._type, action.__name__, args, context))
        raise Exception("ExceptionToken NOT HANDLED")

    def events(self):
        return []

    def component_add(self, actor_ids):
        if not isinstance(actor_ids, (set, list, tuple)):
            actor_ids = [actor_ids]

    def component_remove(self, actor_ids):
        if not isinstance(actor_ids, (set, list, tuple)):
            actor_ids = [actor_ids]
        self._component_members -= set(actor_ids)

    def part_of_component(self):
        return len(self._component_members - set([self.id]))>0

    def component_members(self):
        return self._component_members

    def requirements_add(self, deploy_reqs, extend=False):
        if extend:
            self._deployment_requirements = deploy_reqs

    def requirements_get(self):
        return self._deployment_requirements + (
                [{'op': 'actor_reqs_match',
                  'kwargs': {'requires': self.requires},
                  'type': '+'}]
                if hasattr(self, 'requires') else [])

    def signature_set(self, signature):
        if self._signature is None:
            self._signature = signature

    def check_authorization_decision(self):
        """Check if authorization decision is still valid"""
        if self.authorization_plugins:
            if any(isinstance(elem, list) for elem in self.authorization_plugins):
                # If list of lists, True must be found in each list.
                for plugin_list in self.authorization_plugins:
                    if not self.check_authorization_plugin_list(plugin_list):
                        return False
                return True
                return self.check_authorization_plugin_list(self.authorization_plugins)
        return True

    def check_authorization_plugin_list(self, plugin_list):
        authorization_results = []
        for plugin in plugin_list:
            except Exception:
                return False
        # At least one of the authorization checks for the plugins must return True.
        return True in authorization_results