Example #1
 def clear_image(self):
     dummy_image = Icon('tango/32x32/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png')
Example #2
class ChangeObjects(ActionStep):
    Pop up a list for the user to change objects
    :param objects: a list of objects to change
    :param admin: an instance of an admin class to use to edit the objects.
    .. image:: /_static/listactions/import_from_file_preview.png
    This action step can be customised using these attributes :    
    .. attribute:: window_title
        the window title of the dialog shown
    .. attribute:: title
        the title of the dialog shown
    .. attribute:: subtitle
        the subtitle of the dialog shown
    .. attribute:: icon
        the :class:`camelot.view.art.Icon` in the top right corner of
        the dialog

    def __init__(self, objects, admin):
        self.objects = objects
        self.admin = admin
        self.window_title = admin.get_verbose_name_plural()
        self.title = _("Data Preview")
        self.subtitle = _("Please review the data below.")
        self.icon = Icon("tango/32x32/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png")

    def get_objects(self):
        """Use this method to get access to the objects to change in unit tests
        :return: the object to change
        return self.objects

    def render(self):
        """create the dialog. this method is used to unit test
        the action step."""
        dialog = ChangeObjectsDialog(self.objects, self.admin)
        # the dialog cannot estimate its size, so use 75% of screen estate
        desktop = QtGui.QApplication.desktop()
        available_geometry = desktop.availableGeometry(dialog)
        dialog.resize(available_geometry.width() * 0.75, available_geometry.height() * 0.75)
        return dialog

    def gui_run(self, gui_context):
        dialog = self.render()
        result = dialog.exec_()
        if result == QtGui.QDialog.Rejected:
            raise CancelRequest()
        return self.objects
Example #3
 def clear_image(self):
     dummy_image = Icon('tango/32x32/mimetypes/image-x-generic.png')
Example #4
class ChangeObjects( ActionStep ):
    Pop up a list for the user to change objects
    :param objects: a list of objects to change
    :param admin: an instance of an admin class to use to edit the objects.
    .. image:: /_static/listactions/import_from_file_preview.png
    This action step can be customised using these attributes :    
    .. attribute:: window_title
        the window title of the dialog shown
    .. attribute:: title
        the title of the dialog shown
    .. attribute:: subtitle
        the subtitle of the dialog shown
    .. attribute:: icon
        the :class:`camelot.view.art.Icon` in the top right corner of
        the dialog
    def __init__( self, objects, admin ):
        self.objects = objects
        self.admin = admin
        self.window_title = admin.get_verbose_name_plural()
        self.title = _('Data Preview')
        self.subtitle = _('Please review the data below.')
        self.icon = Icon('tango/32x32/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.png')
    def get_objects( self ):
        """Use this method to get access to the objects to change in unit tests
        :return: the object to change
        return self.objects        
    def render( self ):
        """create the dialog. this method is used to unit test
        the action step."""
        dialog = ChangeObjectsDialog( self.objects, 
                                      self.admin )
        dialog.setWindowTitle( unicode( self.window_title ) )
        dialog.set_banner_title( unicode( self.title ) )
        dialog.set_banner_subtitle( unicode( self.subtitle ) )
        dialog.set_banner_logo_pixmap( self.icon.getQPixmap() )
        # the dialog cannot estimate its size, so use 75% of screen estate
        desktop = QtGui.QApplication.desktop()
        available_geometry = desktop.availableGeometry( dialog )
        dialog.resize( available_geometry.width() * 0.75, 
                       available_geometry.height() * 0.75 )
        return dialog
    def gui_run( self, gui_context ):
        dialog = self.render()
        result = dialog.exec_()
        if result == QtGui.QDialog.Rejected:
            raise CancelRequest()
        return self.objects