Example #1
def play():

    # this really isn't endless, because we've engaged a global stop timer.
    # but if you change 10 to 100, it will play for 100 seconds.  Make note
    # of the use of Endlessly here to see that data sources are not exhausted.

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    # play the two scales for 7 beats each, and then keep using those scales
    scale1 = scale("c6 major")
    scale2 = scale("c6 minor")
    scale_choices = [dict(scale=scale1, beats=7), dict(scale=scale2, beats=7)]

    source = ScaleSource(scales=Endlessly(scale_choices))

    # note: the syntax is simpler to just play ONE scale repeatedly, and you'll see this
    # done more in future examples.  Because we don't need to stay in one scale for N beats
    # before moving on to another, we don't need all the extra info.
    # source = ScaleSource(scales=scale1)

    # the scale follower will play the first 7 notes in each scale, whatever the current
    # scale is.
    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=7, channel=1)
    source.chain([follower, output])

    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #2
def play():

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    # specify that we are going to be playing the c6 major scale for a very long
    # time
    scale1 = scale("c6 major")
    source = ScaleSource(scales=[ dict(scale=scale1, beats=9999) ])

    # but just play the first 7 notes in the scale
    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=[ 7 ], channel=1)
    source.chain([follower, output])

    # begin performance
    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #3
def play():

    # playing all the power chords in a chromatic scale.

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    # play the two scales for 7 beats each, and then keep using those scales
    scale1 = scale("c4 chromatic")
    scale_choices = dict(scale=scale1, beats=12)
    source = ScaleSource(scales=scale_choices)

    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=12)
    chordify = Chordify(types="power", channel=1)
    source.chain([follower, chordify, output])

    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #4
def play():

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    scale1 = scale("c6 major")
    scale2 = scale("c6 minor")

    # the performance will use the c6 major scale for 7 beats, then the c6 minor scale for 7 beats
    source = ScaleSource(
        scales=[dict(scale=scale1, beats=7),
                dict(scale=scale2, beats=7)])

    # the scale follower will play the first 7 notes in each scale
    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=[7, 7], channel=1)

    source.chain([follower, output])

    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #5
def play():

    # example 05 was "playing all the power chords in a chromatic scale".
    # let's modify the example very slightly using Subdivide.
    # normally the conductor sends down quarter notes.  Let's alternate
    # playing quarter notes and sixteenth notes.

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    # play the two scales for 7 beats each, and then keep using those scales
    source = ScaleSource(scales=scale("c4 chromatic"))

    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=12)

    # pay attention to this part - nothing else has changed
    subdivide = Subdivide(splits=Endlessly([1, 4]))

    chordify = Chordify(types="power", channel=1)
    source.chain([follower, subdivide, chordify, output])

    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #6
    def test_simple_band(self):

        output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

        scale1 = scale("c6 major")
        scale2 = scale("c6 minor")

        source = ScaleSource(
            scales=[dict(scale=scale1, beats=7),
                    dict(scale=scale2, beats=7)])

        subdivide = Subdivide(splits=[4])
        roman = Roman(symbols="1 2 3 4 I IV V iii".split(), channel=1)

        follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=[7])
        chordify = Chordify(types=['power'])
        shift = Transpose(octaves=[-3], channel=2)

        source.chain([subdivide, roman, output])
        source.chain([follower, chordify, shift, output])

        conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #7
def play():

    # example 05 was "playing all the power chords in a chromatic scale".
    # example 06 used subdivide to chop up alternating measures with faster notes
    # now lets alternately transpose every 2nd measure up an octave
    # and every 3rd measure down an octave

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    source = ScaleSource(scales=scale("c4 chromatic"))

    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=Endlessly([12]))

    subdivide = Subdivide(splits=Endlessly([1,4]))

    # pay attention to this part - nothing else has changed
    transpose = Transpose(octaves=Endlessly([0,1,-1]))

    chordify = Chordify(types="power", channel=1)
    source.chain([follower, subdivide, transpose, chordify, output])

    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)
Example #8
def play():

    # previous examples showed a couple of instruments, lets go back to one
    # instrument to showcase just the arpeggiator.

    # WARNING - may not make sense if you haven't used any hardware or
    # software arpeggiators.

    output = Performance(bpm=120, stop_seconds=10)

    scale1 = scale("c4 major")
    scale_choices = [dict(scale=scale1, beats=7)]

    # refresher - CAMP is generator based, and performances stop when there is
    # nothing left to do OR stop_seconds is reached.
    # by not wrapping the scale choices in "Endlessly", we're allowing this example
    # to terminate when the scale is done.  This example will play 24 quarter note
    # beats and STOP.  But the way the arpeggiator is coded, there will really be
    # 24*4 = 96 sixteenth notes, of which 3/4s of them will be played with audible notes
    # and the rests will be, ahem, rests.

    # refresher - the MIDI channel number can be set anywhere in the graph, as well as overrided
    # anywhere in the graph.  Leaving it off here on ScaleSource and setting it on the
    # Arp would do exactly the same thing.  Leaving off the channel will cause an exception.

    source = ScaleSource(scales=(scale_choices), channel=1)

    # refresher - the scale follower will take note of the current scale and
    # play the scale for a given number of notes in order.  We could be more
    # creative by using Roman() instead to select particular notes (or chords)
    # in the scale.

    follower = ScaleFollower(lengths=Endlessly([7]))

    # refresher, the roman usage looks very similar:
    # roman = Roman(symbols="1 2 3 4 5 6 7".split())
    # really, there's little use for ScaleFollower in the real world, but it was
    # getting lonely and wanted to be featured here.  It's a bit more efficient
    # but I doubt that matters.


    # ok, here's the arpeggiator.

    # in this example, we take the currently selected note from the scale
    # play that note, then the notes 4 and 9 semitones up - a major chord.
    # every single beat will be divided into 4 parts by the arp due to 'splits'
    # however every 4th note is also a REST.
    # see this table:
    # TRIGGER: | C4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | D4 ~~~~~~~~~ | ...
    # ---------+-----------------+--------------+
    # RESTS:   | N   N   N  Y    | N   N   N  Y |
    # SEMI:    | +0  +3  +8  -   | +0  +3  +8   |
    # OCTAVES: | +2  -2  0   0   | +2  -2  0  0 |
    # ---------+-----------------+--------------+
    # PLAY:    | C6  E2  G4  -   | D6  Gb2 A4 - |
    # more creative things can be done by having the semitones
    # and rest patterns be different lengths, and so on, as well as using
    # the 'free' mode with those uneven lengths.

    arp = Arp(semitones=Endlessly([0, 3, 8, 0]),
              octaves=Endlessly([2, -2, 0, 0]),
              rests=Endlessly([0, 0, 0, 1]))

    # HOMEWORK: add "mode=free" to the Arp constructor above and experiment
    # with octaves, splits, rests, and semitones of different values and array
    # lengths.

    # POP QUIZ:  what happens if we remove Endlessly from some of the expressions above?
    # WHY?

    # the chain here is simple - scale source feeds note source, which in turn
    # feeds the arp.

    source.chain([follower, arp, output])

    # kick out the jams

    conductor = Conductor(signal=[source], performance=output)