def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) popit = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 3: raise CommandError("You must provide all three arguments") person_id, scheme, identifier = args try: person_data = popit.persons(person_id).get()['result'] except (HttpClientError, HttpServerError): message = "Failed to get the person with ID {0}" raise CommandError(message.format(person_id)) person_data['identifiers'].append( { 'scheme': scheme, 'identifier': identifier, } ) try: popit.persons(person_id).put(person_data) except (HttpClientError, HttpServerError): raise CommandError("Failed to update that person") invalidate_cache_entries_from_person_data(person_data) # FIXME: this should create a new version in the versions # array too, otherwise you manually have to edit on YourNextMP # too to create a new version with a change message. print "Successfully updated {0}".format(person_id)
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) api = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 2: raise CommandError("You must provide all two arguments") person_id, other_name = args person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, person_id) person.other_names.append( { 'name': other_name, 'note': options['note'], 'start_date': options['start_date'], 'end_date': options['end_date'] } ) person.save_to_popit(api) person.invalidate_cache_entries() # FIXME: this should create a new version in the versions # array too, otherwise you manually have to edit on YourNextMP # too to create a new version with a change message. print "Successfully updated {0}".format(person_id)
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) popit = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 2: raise CommandError("You must provide all two arguments") person_id, other_name = args try: person_data = popit.persons(person_id).get()['result'] except (HttpClientError, HttpServerError): message = "Failed to get the person with ID {0}" raise CommandError(message.format(person_id)) person_data['other_names'].append( { 'name': other_name, 'note': options['note'], 'start_date': options['start_date'], 'end_date': options['end_date'] } ) try: popit.persons(person_id).put(person_data) except (HttpClientError, HttpServerError): raise CommandError("Failed to update that person") # FIXME: this should create a new version in the versions # array too, otherwise you manually have to edit on YourNextMP # too to create a new version with a change message. print "Successfully updated {0}".format(person_id)
def handle(self, **options): joint_party_to_sub_parties = defaultdict(list) api = create_popit_api_object() for party in popit_unwrap_pagination(api.organizations, embed='', per_page=200): if party['classification'] != 'Party': continue if 'dissolution_date' in party: dissolution_date = party['dissolution_date'] if dissolution_date < str( continue for d in party.get('descriptions', []): m =['description']) if not m: continue joint_name = fix_joint_party_name('joint_name')) joint_party_to_sub_parties[joint_name].append(party) for joint_name, sub_parties in joint_party_to_sub_parties.items(): if len(sub_parties) < 2: message = 'Ignoring "{joint_name}" (only made up of one party: "{sub_party}")' print message.format(joint_name=joint_name, sub_party=sub_parties[0]['name']) continue create_or_update_party(api, joint_name, sub_parties)
def upload_photo(request, popit_person_id): if request.method == 'POST': form = UploadPersonPhotoForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): # Make sure that we save the user that made the upload queued_image = queued_image.user = request.user # Record that action: LoggedAction.objects.create( user=request.user, action_type='photo-upload', ip_address=get_client_ip(request), popit_person_new_version='', popit_person_id=popit_person_id, source=form.cleaned_data['justification_for_use'], ) return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('photo-upload-success', kwargs={ 'popit_person_id': form.cleaned_data['popit_person_id'] })) else: form = UploadPersonPhotoForm( initial={'popit_person_id': popit_person_id}) api = create_popit_api_object() return render( request, 'moderation_queue/photo-upload-new.html', { 'form': form, 'person': PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, popit_person_id) })
def handle_label(self, output_filename, **options): api = create_popit_api_object() ntf = NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, dir=dirname(output_filename) ) all_parties = [] for party in popit_unwrap_pagination( api.organizations, embed='', per_page=200 ): if party['classification'] != 'Party': continue # These URLs are specific to the server this data is # extracted from: del party['url'] del party['html_url'] # Similarly the URLs of images: party.pop('image', None) party.pop('proxy_image', None) party.pop('images', None) # The generated id in each identifier will be different # between systems (or between runs on the same system) so # just produces noisy diffs if we include it. for identifier in party.get('identifiers', []): identifier.pop('id', None) all_parties.append(party) all_parties.sort(key=lambda p: p['id']) # Output to a string so that we can strip any trainling whitespace. output = json.dumps(all_parties, sort_keys=True, indent=4) output = re.sub(r'(?ms)\s*$', '', output) ntf.write(output) rename(, output_filename)
def handle(self, **options): self.mime_type_magic = magic.Magic(mime=True) self.api = create_popit_api_object() start = 0 per_page = 50 url = '' params = { 'rows': per_page, 'et': ["pp", "ppm"], 'register': ["gb", "ni"], 'regStatus': ["registered", "deregistered", "lapsed"], } total = None while total is None or start <= total: ntf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) params['start'] = start try: resp = requests.get(url + '?' + urlencode(params, doseq=True)).json() if total is None: total = resp['Total'] with open(, 'w') as f: json.dump(resp['Result'], f) self.parse_data( finally: os.remove( start += per_page
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) api = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 2: raise CommandError("You must provide all two arguments") person_id, other_name = args person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, person_id) person.other_names.append( { 'name': other_name, 'note': options['note'], 'start_date': options['start_date'], 'end_date': options['end_date'] } ) person.save_to_popit(api) person.invalidate_cache_entries() # FIXME: this should create a new version in the versions # array too, otherwise you manually have to edit on the # YourNextRepresentative site too to create a new version with # a change message. print "Successfully updated {0}".format(person_id)
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) api = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 3: raise CommandError("You must provide all three arguments") person_id, scheme, identifier = args person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, person_id) person.identifiers.append( { 'scheme': scheme, 'identifier': identifier, } ) person.save_to_popit(api) person.invalidate_cache_entries() # FIXME: this should create a new version in the versions # array too, otherwise you manually have to edit on YourNextMP # too to create a new version with a change message. print "Successfully updated {0}".format(person_id)
def handle_label(self, output_filename, **options): api = create_popit_api_object() ntf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=dirname(output_filename)) all_parties = [] for party in popit_unwrap_pagination(api.organizations, embed='', per_page=200): if party['classification'] != 'Party': continue if 'dissolution_date' in party: dissolution_date = party['dissolution_date'] if dissolution_date < str( continue # These URLs are specific to the server this data is # extracted from: del party['url'] del party['html_url'] # Similarly the URLs of images: party.pop('image', None) party.pop('proxy_image', None) party.pop('images', None) # The generated id in each identifier will be different # between systems (or between runs on the same system) so # just produces noisy diffs if we include it. for identifier in party.get('identifiers', []): identifier.pop('id', None) all_parties.append(party) all_parties.sort(key=lambda p: p['id']) # Output to a string so that we can strip any trainling whitespace. output = json.dumps(all_parties, sort_keys=True, indent=4) output = re.sub(r'(?ms)\s*$', '', output) ntf.write(output) rename(, output_filename)
def handle(self, **options): joint_party_to_sub_parties = defaultdict(list) api = create_popit_api_object() for party in popit_unwrap_pagination( api.organizations, embed='', per_page=200 ): if party['classification'] != 'Party': continue if 'dissolution_date' in party: dissolution_date = party['dissolution_date'] if dissolution_date < str( continue for d in party.get('descriptions', []): m =['description']) if not m: continue joint_name = fix_joint_party_name('joint_name')) joint_party_to_sub_parties[joint_name].append(party) for joint_name, sub_parties in joint_party_to_sub_parties.items(): if len(sub_parties) < 2: message = 'Ignoring "{joint_name}" (only made up of one party: "{sub_party}")' print message.format( joint_name=joint_name, sub_party=sub_parties[0]['name'] ) continue create_or_update_party(api, joint_name, sub_parties)
def handle(self, **options): self.api = create_popit_api_object() ntf = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: r = requests.get('') with open(, 'w') as f: json.dump(r.json(), f) self.parse_data( finally: os.remove(
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) < 1: raise CommandError("You must provide one or more PopIt person ID") for person_id in args: person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit( create_popit_api_object(), person_id ) person.delete_memberships() self.create_party_memberships(person_id, person.popit_data) self.create_candidate_list_memberships(person_id, person.popit_data)
def handle(self, *args, **options): self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) self.popit = create_popit_api_object() with open(CONSTITUENCIES_JSON_FILE) as f: constituencies = json.load(f).values() xml = objectify.parse(ALL_MEMBERS_XML_FILE).getroot() self.members = [member.attrib for member in xml.findall('member')] people_xml = objectify.parse(PEOPLE_XML_FILE).getroot() people = people_xml.findall('person') self.id_mapping = {p.get('latestname'): p.get('id') for p in people} self.update_candidates(constituencies)
def handle(self, *args, **options): from candidates.models import PopItPerson from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) api = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 1: raise CommandError("You must provide a person.js URL") person_js_url = args[0] people_data = requests.get(person_js_url).json() for person_data in people_data['persons']: twfy_person = PopItPerson.create_from_dict(person_data) ynmp_id = twfy_person.get_identifier('yournextmp') if not ynmp_id: continue parlparse_id = ynmp_person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, ynmp_id) existing_parlparse_id = ynmp_person.get_identifier('') if existing_parlparse_id: if existing_parlparse_id == parlparse_id: # That's fine, there's already the right parlparse ID pass else: # Otherwise there's a mismatch, which needs investigation msg = "Warning: parlparse ID mismatch between YNMP {0} " msg += "and TWFY {1} for YNMP person {2}\n" self.stderr.write( msg.format( existing_parlparse_id, parlparse_id, ynmp_id, ) ) continue msg = "Updating the YourNextMP person {0} with parlparse_id {1}\n" self.stdout.write(msg.format(ynmp_id, parlparse_id)) ynmp_person.set_identifier( '', parlparse_id, ) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, "Fetched a new parlparse ID" ) ynmp_person.record_version(change_metadata) ynmp_person.save_to_popit(api) ynmp_person.invalidate_cache_entries()
def handle(self, *args, **options): from candidates.models import PopItPerson from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object self.verbosity = int(options.get('verbosity', 1)) api = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) != 1: raise CommandError("You must provide a person.js URL") person_js_url = args[0] people_data = requests.get(person_js_url).json() for person_data in people_data['persons']: twfy_person = PopItPerson.create_from_dict(person_data) ynmp_id = twfy_person.get_identifier('yournextmp') if not ynmp_id: continue parlparse_id = ynmp_person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, ynmp_id) existing_parlparse_id = ynmp_person.get_identifier( '') if existing_parlparse_id: if existing_parlparse_id == parlparse_id: # That's fine, there's already the right parlparse ID pass else: # Otherwise there's a mismatch, which needs investigation msg = "Warning: parlparse ID mismatch between YNMP {0} " msg += "and TWFY {1} for YNMP person {2}\n" self.stderr.write( msg.format( existing_parlparse_id, parlparse_id, ynmp_id, )) continue msg = "Updating the YourNextMP person {0} with parlparse_id {1}\n" self.stdout.write(msg.format(ynmp_id, parlparse_id)) ynmp_person.set_identifier( '', parlparse_id, ) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, "Fetched a new parlparse ID") ynmp_person.record_version(change_metadata) ynmp_person.save_to_popit(api) ynmp_person.invalidate_cache_entries()
def handle(self, *args, **kwargs): api = create_popit_api_object() if len(args) < 1: raise CommandError("You must provide one or more PopIt person ID") for person_id in args: invalidate_person(person_id) person = PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, person_id) posts_to_invalidate = person.get_associated_posts() person.delete_memberships(api) # The memberships are recreated when you assign to # standing_in and party_memberships; this script assumes # these are correct and so re-setting these should # recreate the memberships correctly. person.standing_in = person.standing_in person.party_memberships = person.party_memberships person.save_to_popit(api) invalidate_posts(posts_to_invalidate) invalidate_person(person_id)
def handle(self, *args, **options): api = create_popit_api_object() for org in popit_unwrap_pagination( api.organizations, per_page=100 ): org.pop('versions', None) org.pop('memberships', None) images = org.get('images', []) if len(images) < 2: continue print "=====================================================" print len(images), org['id'], org['name'].encode('utf-8') for image in images: print ' --' print ' ' + image['notes'].encode('utf-8') print ' ' + image['url']
def upload_photo(request, popit_person_id): if request.method == 'POST': form = UploadPersonPhotoForm(request.POST, request.FILES) if form.is_valid(): # Make sure that we save the user that made the upload queued_image = queued_image.user = request.user # Record that action: LoggedAction.objects.create( user=request.user, action_type='photo-upload', ip_address=get_client_ip(request), popit_person_new_version='', popit_person_id=popit_person_id, source=form.cleaned_data['justification_for_use'], ) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse( 'photo-upload-success', kwargs={ 'popit_person_id': form.cleaned_data['popit_person_id'] } )) else: form = UploadPersonPhotoForm( initial={ 'popit_person_id': popit_person_id } ) api = create_popit_api_object() return render( request, 'moderation_queue/photo-upload-new.html', {'form': form, 'queued_images': QueuedImage.objects.filter( popit_person_id=popit_person_id, decision='undecided', ).order_by('created'), 'person': PopItPerson.create_from_popit(api, popit_person_id)} )
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(CreateDocumentView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) api = create_popit_api_object() post_data = get_post_cached(api, self.kwargs['post_id'])['result'] context['post_label'] = post_data['label'] return context
def handle(self, username=None, **options): from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object from candidates.election_specific import PARTY_DATA, shorten_post_label from candidates.models import PopItPerson if username is None: message = "You must supply the name of a user to be associated with the image uploads." raise CommandError(message) try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: message = "No user with the username '{0}' could be found" raise CommandError(message.format(username)) api = create_popit_api_object() json_filename = join(dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'data', 'candidates.json') with open(json_filename) as f: all_data = json.load(f) # This map is needed to get getting YNR election data from # the election ID used in the JSON file. json_election_id_to_name = { e['pk']: e['fields']['name'] for e in all_data if e['model'] == 'elections.election' } person_dict = { e['pk']: e['fields'] for e in all_data if e['model'] == 'popolo.person' } candidate_list = [ dict(person_id=e['pk'], election_id=e['fields']['election']) for e in all_data if e['model'] == 'elections.candidate' ] for candidate in candidate_list: vi_person_id = candidate['person_id'] person_data = person_dict[vi_person_id] election_data, post_data = get_post_data(api, candidate['election_id'], json_election_id_to_name) birth_date = None if person_data['birth_date']: birth_date = str( dateutil.parser.parse(person_data['birth_date'], dayfirst=True).date()) name = person_data['name'] gender = person_data['gender'] image_url = person_data['image'] person = get_existing_popit_person(vi_person_id) if person: print("Found an existing person:", person.get_absolute_url()) else: print("No existing person, creating a new one:", name) person = PopItPerson() # Now update fields from the imported data: = name person.gender = gender if birth_date: person.birth_date = str(birth_date) else: person.birth_date = None standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': shorten_post_label(post_data['label']), } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area'][ 'identifier'] person.standing_in = {election_data.slug: standing_in_election} person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID, 'name': PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name[UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID], } } person.set_identifier('import-id', vi_person_id) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from JSON', ) person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) if image_url: enqueue_image(person, user, image_url) except HttpClientError as hce: print("Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content) raise
def handle(self, **options): from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError, HttpServerError from candidates.election_specific import PARTY_DATA, shorten_post_label from candidates.models import PopItPerson from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object api = create_popit_api_object() csv_filename = join(dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'data', 'candidates.csv') with open(csv_filename) as f: all_data = csv.DictReader(f) for candidate in all_data: vi_person_id = candidate['Distrito'] + candidate[ 'Numero Lista'] + candidate['Posicion'] + candidate[ 'Cargo'] + candidate['Nombre Lista'] election_data, post_data = get_post_data( api, candidate['Cargo'], candidate['Distrito']) if (election_data == False): print("Skipping: " + candidate['Cargo'] + ", " + candidate['Distrito'] + ", " + candidate['Nombre']) continue name = candidate['Nombre'] birth_date = None gender = None image_url = None person = get_existing_popit_person(vi_person_id) if person: print("Found an existing person:", person.get_absolute_url()) else: print("No existing person, creating a new one:", name) person = PopItPerson() # Now update fields from the imported data: = name.split(",")[1] + " " + name.split(",")[0] person.gender = gender if birth_date: person.birth_date = str(birth_date) else: person.birth_date = None standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': shorten_post_label(post_data['label']), 'party_list_position': candidate['Posicion'], } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area'][ 'identifier'] person.standing_in = {election_data.slug: standing_in_election} party_id = get_party_id(candidate["Partido"]) person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': party_id, 'name': PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name[party_id], } } person.set_identifier('import-id', vi_person_id) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from CSV', ) person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) except HttpClientError as hce: print("Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content) raise except HttpServerError as hse: print("The server error content was:", hse.content) raise
def handle(self, **options): from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError, HttpServerError from candidates.election_specific import PARTY_DATA, shorten_post_label from candidates.models import PopItPerson from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object api = create_popit_api_object() csv_filename = join( dirname(__file__), '..', '..','data', 'candidates.csv' ) with open(csv_filename) as f: all_data = csv.DictReader(f) for candidate in all_data: vi_person_id = candidate['Distrito']+candidate['Numero Lista']+candidate['Posicion']+candidate['Cargo']+candidate['Nombre Lista'] election_data, post_data = get_post_data( api, candidate['Cargo'], candidate['Distrito'] ) if (election_data == False): print("Skipping: "+ candidate['Cargo'] +", " + candidate['Distrito']+", " + candidate['Nombre']) continue; name = candidate['Nombre'] birth_date = None gender = None image_url = None person = get_existing_popit_person(vi_person_id) if person: print("Found an existing person:", person.get_absolute_url()) else: print("No existing person, creating a new one:", name) person = PopItPerson() # Now update fields from the imported data: = name.split(",")[1] + " " + name.split(",")[0] person.gender = gender if birth_date: person.birth_date = str(birth_date) else: person.birth_date = None standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': shorten_post_label(post_data['label']), 'party_list_position': candidate['Posicion'], } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area']['identifier'] person.standing_in = { election_data.slug: standing_in_election } party_id = get_party_id(candidate["Partido"]); person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': party_id, 'name': PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name[party_id], } } person.set_identifier('import-id', vi_person_id) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from CSV', ) person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) except HttpClientError as hce: print("Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content) raise except HttpServerError as hse: print("The server error content was:", hse.content) raise
def handle(self, **options): self.api = create_popit_api_object() self.scraper_directory = join( settings.BASE_DIR, 'data', 'UK-Political-Parties', 'scraper' ) self.parse_data(join(self.scraper_directory, 'all_data.json'))
def handle(self, username=None, **options): from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object from candidates.election_specific import PARTY_DATA, shorten_post_label from candidates.models import PopItPerson if username is None: message = "You must supply the name of a user to be associated with the image uploads." raise CommandError(message) try: user = User.objects.get(username=username) except User.DoesNotExist: message = "No user with the username '{0}' could be found" raise CommandError(message.format(username)) api = create_popit_api_object() json_filename = join( dirname(__file__), '..', '..','data', 'candidates.json' ) with open(json_filename) as f: all_data = json.load(f) # This map is needed to get getting YNR election data from # the election ID used in the JSON file. json_election_id_to_name = { e['pk']: e['fields']['name'] for e in all_data if e['model'] == 'elections.election' } person_dict = { e['pk']: e['fields'] for e in all_data if e['model'] == 'popolo.person' } candidate_list = [ dict(person_id=e['pk'], election_id=e['fields']['election']) for e in all_data if e['model'] == 'elections.candidate' ] for candidate in candidate_list: vi_person_id = candidate['person_id'] person_data = person_dict[vi_person_id] election_data, post_data = get_post_data( api, candidate['election_id'], json_election_id_to_name ) birth_date = None if person_data['birth_date']: birth_date = str(dateutil.parser.parse( person_data['birth_date'], dayfirst=True ).date()) name = person_data['name'] gender = person_data['gender'] image_url = person_data['image'] person = get_existing_popit_person(vi_person_id) if person: print("Found an existing person:", person.get_absolute_url()) else: print("No existing person, creating a new one:", name) person = PopItPerson() # Now update fields from the imported data: = name person.gender = gender if birth_date: person.birth_date = str(birth_date) else: person.birth_date = None standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': shorten_post_label(post_data['label']), } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area']['identifier'] person.standing_in = { election_data.slug: standing_in_election } person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID, 'name': PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name[UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID], } } person.set_identifier('import-id', vi_person_id) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from JSON', ) person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) if image_url: enqueue_image(person, user, image_url) except HttpClientError as hce: print("Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content) raise
def handle(self, username=None, **options): election_data = { 'prv-2015': 'listedescandidatsauxelectionslegislativeslisteprovincialeanptic.csv', 'nat-2015': 'listedescandidatsauxelectionslegislativesanptic.csv' } field_map = { 'prv-2015': { 'region': 1, 'party': 4, 'list_order': 5, 'first_name': 7, 'last_name': 6, 'gender': 8, 'birth_date': 9, 'party_short': 3 }, 'nat-2015': { 'region': 0, 'party': 2, 'list_order': 3, 'first_name': 5, 'last_name': 4, 'gender': 6, 'birth_date': 7, 'party_short': 2 } } api = create_popit_api_object() party_id_missing = {} party_name_to_id = {} for party_id, party_name in PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name.items(): party_name_to_id[party_name] = party_id for election_id, filename in election_data.items(): csv_filename = join( dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'data', filename ) fields = field_map[election_id] with, 'r', encoding='windows-1252') as f: initial = True for candidate in unicode_csv_reader(f): # skip header line if initial: initial = False continue region = candidate[fields['region']] party = candidate[fields['party']] party_list_order = candidate[fields['list_order']] first_name = string.capwords(candidate[fields['first_name']]) last_name = string.capwords(candidate[fields['last_name']]) gender = candidate[fields['gender']] birth_date = None if candidate[fields['birth_date']] is not None: birth_date = str(dateutil.parser.parse( candidate[fields['birth_date']], dayfirst=True ).date()) name = first_name + ' ' + last_name id = '-'.join([ re.sub('[^\w]*', '', re.sub(r' ', '-', strip_accents(name.lower()))), re.sub('[^\w]*', '', candidate[fields['party_short']].lower()), birth_date ]) # national candidate if region == 'PAYS': region = 'Burkina Faso' election_data, post_data = get_post_data( api, election_id, region ) # debug # tmp = '%s %s %s (%s) - %s (%s)' % ( id, first_name, last_name, party, region, post_data['label'] ) # print tmp person = get_existing_popit_person(id) if person: # print "Found an existing person:", person.get_absolute_url() pass else: print "No existing person, creating a new one:", name person = PopItPerson() person.set_identifier('import-id', id) person.family_name = last_name person.given_name = first_name = name person.gender = gender if birth_date: person.birth_date = str(birth_date) else: person.birth_date = None standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': AREA_POST_DATA.shorten_post_label( election_data.slug, post_data['label'], ), 'party_list_position': party_list_order, } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area']['identifier'] person.standing_in = { election_data.slug: standing_in_election } change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from CSV', ) party_comp = re.sub(' +', ' ', party) party_id = UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID if party_comp in party_name_to_id.keys(): party_id = party_name_to_id[party_comp] party = party_comp else: party_id = party_name_to_id['Unknown Party'] party = 'Unknown Party' if party_id == UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID and party_comp not in party_id_missing.keys(): party_id_missing[party_comp] = 1 person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': party_id, 'name': party, 'imported_name': party_comp } } person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) except HttpClientError as hce: print "Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content raise if len(party_id_missing) > 0: print "Unmatched party names:" for name in party_id_missing.keys(): print name
def handle(self, username=None, **options): from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError from candidates.election_specific import PARTY_DATA, shorten_post_label from candidates.models import PopItPerson from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object election_data = { 'prv-2015': 'listedescandidatsauxelectionslegislativeslisteprovincialeanptic.csv', 'nat-2015': 'listedescandidatsauxelectionslegislativesanptic.csv' } field_map = { 'prv-2015': { 'region': 1, 'party': 4, 'list_order': 5, 'first_name': 7, 'last_name': 6, 'gender': 8, 'birth_date': 9, 'party_short': 3 }, 'nat-2015': { 'region': 0, 'party': 2, 'list_order': 3, 'first_name': 5, 'last_name': 4, 'gender': 6, 'birth_date': 7, 'party_short': 2 } } api = create_popit_api_object() party_id_missing = {} party_name_to_id = {} for party_id, party_name in PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name.items(): party_name_to_id[party_name] = party_id for election_id, filename in election_data.items(): csv_filename = join(dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'data', filename) fields = field_map[election_id] with, 'r', encoding='windows-1252') as f: initial = True for candidate in unicode_csv_reader(f): # skip header line if initial: initial = False continue region = candidate[fields['region']] party = candidate[fields['party']] party_list_order = candidate[fields['list_order']] first_name = string.capwords( candidate[fields['first_name']]) last_name = string.capwords(candidate[fields['last_name']]) gender = candidate[fields['gender']] birth_date = None if candidate[fields['birth_date']] is not None: birth_date = str( dateutil.parser.parse( candidate[fields['birth_date']], dayfirst=True).date()) name = first_name + ' ' + last_name id = '-'.join([ re.sub('[^\w]*', '', re.sub(r' ', '-', strip_accents(name.lower()))), re.sub('[^\w]*', '', candidate[fields['party_short']].lower()), birth_date ]) # national candidate if region == 'PAYS': region = 'Burkina Faso' election_data, post_data = get_post_data( api, election_id, region) # debug # tmp = '%s %s %s (%s) - %s (%s)' % ( id, first_name, last_name, party, region, post_data['label'] ) # print(tmp) person = get_existing_popit_person(id) if person: # print("Found an existing person:", person.get_absolute_url()) pass else: print("No existing person, creating a new one:", name) person = PopItPerson() person.set_identifier('import-id', id) person.family_name = last_name person.given_name = first_name = name person.gender = gender if birth_date: person.birth_date = str(birth_date) else: person.birth_date = None standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': shorten_post_label(post_data['label']), 'party_list_position': party_list_order, } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area'][ 'identifier'] person.standing_in = { election_data.slug: standing_in_election } change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from CSV', ) party_comp = re.sub(' +', ' ', party) party_id = UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID if party_comp in party_name_to_id.keys(): party_id = party_name_to_id[party_comp] party = party_comp else: party_id = party_name_to_id['Unknown Party'] party = 'Unknown Party' if party_id == UNKNOWN_PARTY_ID and party_comp not in party_id_missing.keys( ): party_id_missing[party_comp] = 1 person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': party_id, 'name': party, 'imported_name': party_comp } } person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) except HttpClientError as hce: print("Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content) raise if len(party_id_missing) > 0: print("Unmatched party names:") for name in party_id_missing.keys(): print(name)
def handle(self, **options): from slumber.exceptions import HttpClientError from candidates.cache import get_post_cached, UnknownPostException from candidates.election_specific import PARTY_DATA, shorten_post_label from candidates.models import PopItPerson from candidates.popit import create_popit_api_object spreadsheet_url = '{0}/pub?output=csv'\ .format(GOOGLE_DOC_ID) candidate_list = requests.get(spreadsheet_url) content = StringIO(unicode(candidate_list.content)) reader = csv.DictReader(content) api = create_popit_api_object() for row in reader: try: election_data = Election.objects.get_by_slug('council-member-2015') ocd_division = election_data.post_id_format.format(area_id=row['Ward']) post_data = get_post_cached(api, ocd_division)['result'] except (UnknownPostException, memcache.Client.MemcachedKeyCharacterError): election_data = Election.objects.get_by_slug('school-board-2015') post_data = get_post_cached(api, election_data.post_id_format)['result'] person_id = slugify(row['Name']) person = get_existing_popit_person(person_id) if person: print("Found an existing person:", row['Name']) else: print("No existing person, creating a new one:", row['Name']) person = PopItPerson() = row['Name'] # TODO: Get these attributes in the spreadsheet # person.gender = gender # if birth_date: # person.birth_date = str(birth_date) # else: # person.birth_date = None = row['Campaign Email'] person.facebook_personal_url = row["Candidate's Personal Facebook Profile"] person.facebook_page_url = row['Campaign Facebook Page'] person.twitter_username = row['Campaign Twitter']\ .replace('N', '')\ .replace('N/A', '')\ .replace('', '')\ .replace('', '') person.linkedin_url = row['LinkedIn'] person.homepage_url = row['Campaign Website\n'] standing_in_election = { 'post_id': post_data['id'], 'name': shorten_post_label(post_data['label']), } if 'area' in post_data: standing_in_election['mapit_url'] = post_data['area']['identifier'] person.standing_in = { election_data.slug: standing_in_election } if 'dfl' in row['Party'].lower(): party_id = 'party:101' elif 'green' in row['Party'].lower(): party_id = 'party:201' elif 'independence' in row['Party'].lower(): party_id = 'party:301' else: party_id = 'party:401' party_name = PARTY_DATA.party_id_to_name[party_id] person.party_memberships = { election_data.slug: { 'id': party_id, 'name': party_name, } } person.set_identifier('import-id', person_id) change_metadata = get_change_metadata( None, 'Imported candidate from Google Spreadsheet', ) person.record_version(change_metadata) try: person.save_to_popit(api) # TODO: Get candidate Images # if image_url: # enqueue_image(person, user, image_url) except HttpClientError as hce: print "Got an HttpClientError:", hce.content raise
def handle(self, **options): self.api = create_popit_api_object() self.scraper_directory = join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'data', 'UK-Political-Parties', 'scraper') self.parse_data(join(self.scraper_directory, 'all_data.json'))