Example #1
def trainer():
    inp = ct.ph([None, None, None])  # image
    gt = ct.ph([10])  # labels

    x = inp - 0.5
    x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1)  #[NHWC] -> [N1HWC]
    gt2 = tf.expand_dims(gt, axis=1)  #[batch, dims] -> [batch, 1, dims]
    timesteps = 8  # how many timesteps would you evaluate the RNN

    x = tf.tile(x, multiples=[1, timesteps, 1, 1, 1])
    gt2 = tf.tile(gt2, multiples=[1, timesteps, 1])

    y = gg2dclf(x)  # [batch, timesteps, 10]

    loss = mean_softmax_cross_entropy(y, gt2)
    # mean of cross entropy, over all timesteps.

    accuracy = one_hot_accuracy(y[:, -1, :], gt)

    opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
    train_step = opt.minimize(loss, var_list=gg2dclf.get_weights())

    def feed(img, lbl):
        sess = get_session()
        res = sess.run([train_step, loss, accuracy],
                           inp: img,
                           gt: lbl
        return res[1:3]

    # extract foveal pattern from hidden states
    set_training_state(False)  # set training state to false to enable softmax
    y_softmaxed, hiddens = gg2dclf(x, return_hidden_states=True)
    # [batch, timesteps, 10], [batch, num_h]

    hs = tf.shape(hiddens)
    hiddens = tf.reshape(hiddens, shape=[-1, hs[2]])  #[batch*time, dims]

    offsets = gg2dclf.unit.get_offset(hiddens)

    shifted_means = gg2dclf.unit.glimpse2d.shifted_means_given_offsets(offsets)
    shifted_means = tf.reshape(shifted_means, shape=[
        hs[0], hs[1], -1, 2
    ])  #[batch*time,num_receptors,2] -> [batch,time,num_receptors,2]

    variances = gg2dclf.unit.glimpse2d.variances()  #[num_receptors,1]

    def test(img):
        sess = get_session()
        res = sess.run([x, y_softmaxed, shifted_means, variances],
                       feed_dict={inp: img})
        return res

    return feed, test
Example #2
def trainer():
    x, gt = ct.ph([None, None, None, 3]), ct.ph([None, None, None, 1])
    xf, gtf = tf.cast(x, tf.float32) / 255. - .5, tf.cast(gt,
                                                          tf.float32) / 255.,

    # s = tf.shape(gtf)
    # gtf = tf.reshape(gtf,[s[0]*s[1],s[2],s[3],s[4]])
    # gtf = MaxPool2D(k=4,std=4)(gtf) # 96->24
    # ns = tf.shape(gtf)
    # gtf = tf.reshape(gtf,[s[0],s[1],ns[1],ns[2],ns[3]])

    xf += tf.random_normal(tf.shape(xf), stddev=0.05)

    y, _ending_state = tec(xf)
    loss = ct.binary_cross_entropy_loss(y, gtf, l=0.1)  # bias against black
    lr = tf.Variable(1e-3)

    print('connecting optimizer...')
    opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
    train_step = opt.minimize(loss, var_list=tec.get_weights())

    def feed(xin, yin, ilr):
        sess = ct.get_session()
        res = sess.run([train_step, loss],
                           x: xin,
                           gt: yin,
                           lr: ilr
        return res[1]  # loss

    #tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None])
    starting_state = ct.ph([None, None, None])  # an image of some sort
    stateful_y, ending_state = tec(xf, starting_state=starting_state)

    def stateful_predict(st, i):
        # stateful, to enable fast generation.
        sess = ct.get_session()

        if st is None:  # if starting state not exist yet
            res = sess.run([y, _ending_state], feed_dict={x: i})
            res = sess.run([stateful_y, ending_state],
                               x: i,
                               starting_state: st
        return res

    return feed, stateful_predict
Example #3
def gan(g, d):
    # initialize a GAN trainer
    # this is the fastest way to train a GAN in TensorFlow
    # two models are updated simutaneously in one pass

    noise = tf.random_normal(mean=0., stddev=1., shape=[batch_size, 1, 1, zed])
    real_data = ct.ph([None, None, 3])
    inl = tf.Variable(1e-11)

    def noisy(i):
        return i + tf.random_normal(mean=0, stddev=inl, shape=tf.shape(i))

    generated = g(noise)

    gscore = d(noisy(generated))
    rscore = d(noisy(real_data))

    def log_eps(i):
        return tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(i + 1e-8))

    # single side label smoothing: replace 1.0 with 0.9
    #dloss = - (log_eps(1-gscore) + .1 * log_eps(1-rscore)+ .9*log_eps(rscore))
    #gloss = - log_eps(gscore)

    dloss = tf.reduce_mean((gscore - 0)**2 + (rscore - 1)**2)
    gloss = tf.reduce_mean((gscore - 1)**2)

    Adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer
    #Adam = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer

    lr, b1 = tf.Variable(1.2e-4), .5  # otherwise won't converge.
    optimizer = Adam(lr, beta1=b1)

    #optimizer = Adam(lr)

    def l2(m):
        l = m.get_weights()
        return tf.reduce_sum([tf.reduce_sum(i**2) * 1e-7 for i in l])

    update_wd = optimizer.minimize(dloss, var_list=d.get_weights())
    update_wg = optimizer.minimize(gloss + l2(g), var_list=g.get_weights())

    train_step = [update_wd, update_wg]
    losses = [dloss, gloss]

    def gan_feed(sess, batch_image, nl, lllr):
        # actual GAN training function
        nonlocal train_step, losses, noise, real_data

        res = sess.run([train_step, losses],
                           real_data: batch_image,
                           inl: nl,
                           lr: lllr,

        loss_values = res[1]
        return loss_values  #[dloss,gloss]

    return gan_feed
Example #4
def trainer():
    x, gt = ct.ph([None, None, 3]), ct.ph([None, None, 1])
    xf, gtf = tf.cast(x, tf.float32) / 255. - .5, tf.cast(gt,
                                                          tf.float32) / 255.,

    # s = tf.shape(gtf)
    # gtf = tf.reshape(gtf,[s[0]*s[1],s[2],s[3],s[4]])
    # gtf = MaxPool2D(k=4,std=4)(gtf) # 96->24
    # ns = tf.shape(gtf)
    # gtf = tf.reshape(gtf,[s[0],s[1],ns[1],ns[2],ns[3]])

    xf += tf.random_normal(tf.shape(xf), stddev=0.05)

    y = clf(xf)
    loss = ct.mean_sigmoid_cross_entropy_loss(y, gtf)
    lr = tf.Variable(1e-3)

    print('connecting optimizer...')
    opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
    train_step = opt.minimize(loss, var_list=clf.get_weights())

    def feed(xin, yin, ilr):
        sess = ct.get_session()
        res = sess.run([train_step, loss],
                           x: xin,
                           gt: yin,
                           lr: ilr
        return res[1]  # loss

    def predict(i):
        sess = ct.get_session()
        res = sess.run([y], feed_dict={x: i})
        return res[0]

    return feed, predict
Example #5
def trainer():
    x, gt = ct.ph([None, None, 1]), ct.ph([None, None, 1])
    y = tec(x)
    decay = tf.reduce_mean([tf.reduce_mean(w**2)
                            for w in tec.get_weights()]) * 1e-4

    loss = ct.binary_cross_entropy_loss(y, gt)
    lr = tf.Variable(1e-3)

    print('connecting optimizer...')
    opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr)
    train_step = opt.minimize(loss + decay, var_list=tec.get_weights())

    def feed(xin, yin, ilr):
        sess = ct.get_session()
        res = sess.run([train_step, loss],
                           x: xin,
                           gt: yin,
                           lr: ilr
        return res[1]  # loss

    return feed
Example #6
def feed_gen(output_size=[512, 512]):
    # all the logic
    )  # because keras load model variables into his own session, so we have to use it

    def into_variable(value):
        v = tf.Variable(initial_value=value)
        sess = ct.get_session()
        return v

    print('output size chosen:', output_size)

    # create white_noise_image
    global white_noise_image
    white_noise_image = into_variable(
        tf.random_normal([1] + output_size + [3], stddev=1e-3))
    print('white_noise_image initialized.')

    # the model to descent the white noise image
    global vggmodel_d, vggmodel_e
    vggmodel_d = VGG19(include_top=False,

    reference_image = ct.ph([None, None, 3])
    # the model to extract style representations
    vggmodel_e = VGG19(include_top=False,

    print('VGG models created.')

    def get_representations(vggmodel):

        # activations of each layer, 5 layers for style capture, 1 layer for content capture.
        layer_for_styles = list(
            filter(lambda x: 'conv1' in x.name or 'block5_conv3' in x.name,
        style_activations = [i.output for i in layer_for_styles]
        layer_for_content = ['block5_conv2']
        content_activations = [
            vggmodel.get_layer(l).output for l in layer_for_content

        def gram_4d(i):
            # calculate gram matrix (inner product) of feature maps.
            # where gram[n1, n2] is the correlation between two out of n features.

            # for example two feature map are each sensitive to tree and flower,
            # then gram[tree, flower] tells you how tree and flower are
            # correlated in the layer activations.
            # in other words, how likely tree and flower will appear together.

            # this correlation does not depend on position in image,
            # and that's why we can calculate style loss globally.
            # in other words, we don't care about the exact position of features,
            # but how likely each of them appear with another.

            # assume input is 4d tensor of shape [1, h, w, f]
            s = tf.shape(i)

            # reshape into feature matrix of shape [h*w, f]
            fm = tf.reshape(i, [s[1] * s[2], s[3]])

            # inner product
            gram = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(fm), fm)  # [f, f]

            # because h*w*f elements are included in computing the inner product,
            # we have to normalize the result:
            gram = gram / tf.cast((s[1] * s[2] * s[3]) * 2, tf.float32)
            return gram

        gram_matrices = [gram_4d(i) for i in style_activations]

        return gram_matrices, content_activations

    # get the gram matrices of the style reference image
    style_gram_matrices, content_activations = get_representations(vggmodel_e)

    # image shape manipulation: from HWC into NHWC
    sn = starry_night.view()
    sn.shape = (1, ) + sn.shape

    sess = ct.get_session()
    gram_ref = sess.run([style_gram_matrices], feed_dict={reference_image:

    print('reference style gram matrices calculated.')

    # load style references into memory
    style_references = [into_variable(gr) for gr in gram_ref]

    print('reference style gram matrices loaded into memory as variables.')

    # get content representation of the content image
    gz = guangzhou.view()
    gz.shape = (1, ) + gz.shape

    reference_content_activations = sess.run([content_activations],

    print('reference content representations calculated.')

    # load content reps into memory
    reference_content_activations = [
        into_variable(rca) for rca in reference_content_activations
    print('reference content activations loaded into memory as variables.')

    # calculate losses of white_noise_image's style wrt style references:
    white_gram_matrices, white_content_activations = get_representations(

    def square_loss(
            g1, g2):  # difference between two gram matrix, used as style loss
        return tf.reduce_sum((g1 - g2)**2)

    white_style_losses = [
        square_loss(white_gram_matrices[idx], style_references[idx])
        for idx, gs in enumerate(style_references)

    # calculate losses of white_noise_image's content wrt content reference:
    white_content_losses = [
        tf.reduce_mean((reference_content_activations[idx] -
        for idx, _ in enumerate(reference_content_activations)

    def amplitude_penalty(tensor, ceiling=0.499, floor=-0.499):
        p = tf.maximum(white_noise_image - ceiling, 0) + tf.maximum(
            floor - white_noise_image, 0)
        return p

    def proportional_loss(
            lis):  # similar to reduce mean, adds penalty if imbalance.
        mean_loss = tf.reduce_mean(lis)
        pro_loss = tf.reduce_mean([abs(l - mean_loss) for l in lis])
        return mean_loss + pro_loss * 5

    white_amplitude_penalty = amplitude_penalty(white_noise_image)

    white_loss = proportional_loss([
        tf.reduce_mean(white_content_losses) * .01

    white_loss += tf.reduce_mean(white_amplitude_penalty**2) * 10000

    # minimize loss by gradient descent on white_noise_image
    learning_rate = tf.Variable(0.01)

    #adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
    adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
    print('connecting momentum sgd optimizer...')
    descent_step = adam.minimize(white_loss, var_list=[white_noise_image])
    slots = [
        adam.get_slot(white_noise_image, name)
        for name in adam.get_slot_names()

    # initialize the white_noise_image and optimizer slots.
        tf.variables_initializer([white_noise_image] + slots +

    def feed(lr=.01):
        nonlocal white_loss, descent_step, learning_rate
        sess = ct.get_session()
        res = sess.run([descent_step, white_loss],
                       feed_dict={learning_rate: lr})
        loss = res[1]
        return loss

    print('feed function generated.')
    return feed