Example #1
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = name.lower().strip().replace('#', '')
     self.base_key = 'tag:{}:posts'.format(self.name)
     self.new = RedisSortedSet(self.base_key)
     self.images_only = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':images', 1000)
     self.popular = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':popular', 1000)
     self.post_count = RedisKey(self.base_key + ':count')
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = name.lower().strip().replace('#', '')
     self.base_key = 'tag:{}:posts'.format(self.name)
     self.new = RedisSortedSet(self.base_key)
     self.images_only = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':images', 1000)
     self.popular = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':popular', 1000)
     self.post_count = RedisKey(self.base_key + ':count')
Example #3
def viewed_comments(request, comment_ids):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
    # Rudimentary uniqueness filtering, could be improved with longer-lived record-keeping.
    comment_ids = list(set(comment_ids))

    for comment_id, count in Counter(comment_ids).items():
        RedisSortedSet('quest_comment_views').zincrby(comment_id, count)
class Tag(object):
    top = property(lambda self: DateKey(lambda key: RedisLastBumpedBuffer(key, 30*30), self.base_key, ':top'))

    updates_channel = property(lambda self: RealtimeChannel('tu:%s' %  self.name, 5, ttl=24*60*60))

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name.lower().strip().replace('#', '')
        self.base_key = 'tag:{}:posts'.format(self.name)
        self.new = RedisSortedSet(self.base_key)
        self.images_only = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':images', 1000)
        self.popular = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':popular', 1000)
        self.post_count = RedisKey(self.base_key + ':count')

    def to_client(self, **kwargs):
        return self.name

    def tag_comment(self, comment, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = Services.time.time()

        self.new.zadd(int(comment.id), timestamp)

        if comment.reply_content is not None:
            self.images_only.bump(int(comment.id), score=timestamp)
            count = self.post_count.incr()
            self.updates_channel.publish({'post': comment.id, 'tag': self.name, 'count': count})

    def untag_comment(self, comment):

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return '/x/' + self.name.replace('#','')

    def user_is_following(self, user):
        if not user.is_authenticated():
            return False

        return self.name in user.redis.followed_tags

    def merge_top_scores(self, day=None):
        Merges daily top scores into monthly and monthly into yearly top scores for this group for the given day
        and the 365 days before it.

        If `day` is `None`, defaults to today.
        if not day:
            day = Services.time.today()
        # Merge today + last 365 days
        days = [day - datetime.timedelta(n) for n in range(366)]

        months = defaultdict(list)
        for day in days:
            months[(day.year, day.month)].append(day)

        years = defaultdict(list)

        for (year, month) in months.keys():

        for (year, month), days in months.iteritems():
            dest = self.top.month(datetime.date(year, month, 1))
            source_keys = [self.top.day(day).key for day in days]
            redis.zunionstore(dest.key, source_keys, aggregate='max')

        for year, year_months in years.iteritems():
            dest = self.top.year(datetime.date(year, 1, 1))
            source_keys = [self.top.month(datetime.date(year, month, 1)).key for month in year_months]
            redis.zunionstore(dest.key, source_keys, aggregate='max')
Example #5
class Tag(object):
    top = property(lambda self: DateKey(lambda key: RedisLastBumpedBuffer(key, 30*30), self.base_key, ':top'))

    updates_channel = property(lambda self: RealtimeChannel('tu:%s' %  self.name, 5, ttl=24*60*60))

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name.lower().strip().replace('#', '')
        self.base_key = 'tag:{}:posts'.format(self.name)
        self.new = RedisSortedSet(self.base_key)
        self.images_only = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':images', 1000)
        self.popular = RedisLastBumpedBuffer(self.base_key + ':popular', 1000)
        self.post_count = RedisKey(self.base_key + ':count')

    def to_client(self):
        return self.name

    def tag_comment(self, comment, timestamp=None):
        if timestamp is None:
            timestamp = Services.time.time()

        self.new.zadd(int(comment.id), timestamp)

        if comment.reply_content is not None:
            self.images_only.bump(int(comment.id), score=timestamp)
            count = self.post_count.incr()
            self.updates_channel.publish({'post': comment.id, 'tag': self.name, 'count': count})

    def untag_comment(self, comment):

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return '/x/' + self.name.replace('#','')

    def user_is_following(self, user):
        if not user.is_authenticated():
            return False

        return self.name in user.redis.followed_tags

    def merge_top_scores(self, day=None):
        Merges daily top scores into monthly and monthly into yearly top scores for this group for the given day
        and the 365 days before it.

        If `day` is `None`, defaults to today.
        if not day:
            day = Services.time.today()
        # Merge today + last 365 days
        days = [day - datetime.timedelta(n) for n in range(366)]

        months = defaultdict(list)
        for day in days:
            months[(day.year, day.month)].append(day)

        years = defaultdict(list)

        for (year, month) in months.keys():

        for (year, month), days in months.iteritems():
            dest = self.top.month(datetime.date(year, month, 1))
            source_keys = [self.top.day(day).key for day in days]
            redis.zunionstore(dest.key, source_keys, aggregate='max')

        for year, year_months in years.iteritems():
            dest = self.top.year(datetime.date(year, 1, 1))
            source_keys = [self.top.month(datetime.date(year, month, 1)).key for month in year_months]
            redis.zunionstore(dest.key, source_keys, aggregate='max')