Example #1
def test_unpack_uint32():
    a = 12
    b = 2**31 + 1
    buf = struct.pack('II', a, b)
    assert unpack_uint32(buf, 0) == a
    assert unpack_uint32(buf, 4) == b
    buf = b'abc'
    pytest.raises(IndexError, "unpack_uint32(buf, 0)")
Example #2
def _load_buffer_single_segment(f):
    # fast path for the single-segment case. In this scenario, we don't
    # even need to compute the padding as we know that we read exactly 4+4
    # bytes
    buf = f.read(4)
    # The cost of the len(buf) checks is ~7-8% on CPython, but I don't know
    # how to avoid it. However, it's negligible on PyPy
    if len(buf) < 4:
        raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF when reading the header")
    message_size = unpack_uint32(buf, 0)
    message_lenght = message_size * 8
    buf = f.read(message_lenght)
    if len(buf) < message_lenght:
        raise ValueError("Unexpected EOF: expected %d bytes, got only %s. " 
                         "Segment size: %s" % (message_lenght, len(buf), message_size))
    return Segment(buf)
Example #3
def _load_message(f):
    # read the total number of segments
    buf = f.read(4)
    if len(buf) < 4:
        raise EOFError("No message to load")
    n = unpack_uint32(buf, 0) + 1
    if n == 1:
        capnp_buf = _load_buffer_single_segment(f)  # fast path
        capnp_buf = _load_buffer_multiple_segments(f, n)  # slow path
    # from the capnproto docs:
    #     The first word of the first segment of the message is always a
    #     pointer pointing to the message's root struct.
    # Thus, the root of the message is equivalent to a struct with
    # data_size==0 and ptrs_size==1
    return struct_from_buffer(Struct, capnp_buf, 0, data_size=0, ptrs_size=1)