Example #1
def add(identifier, annotation):
    # parse id (allow annotations of an ARK or part of an ARK)
    #   push this off till next phase and require all assertions
    #   to be at the object rather than file level

    # make sure id exists
    if not identity.exists(identifier):
        return False

    annotations = storage.get_or_create_file(identifier, "about.nt")
    # get_or_create annotations file from storage
    #   hardcode this filename to about.ttl?
# block out b.c. RDF lib was to sloooow
#    #annotations = storage.get_or_create_file(identifier, "about.n3")
#    # instantiate a graph
#    g = rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph()
#    if annotations:
#        # pull existing annotations into in-memory rdf graph
#        g.parse(StringIO.StringIO(annotations), format="n3")
#    # assume client sends list of strings/tuples (KLUDGE)
#    for assertion in annotation:
#        ns = rdflib.Namespace(assertion[1][1])
#        ns_label = assertion[1][0]
#        triple = (rdflib.URIRef(assertion[0]),
#                  ns[assertion[1][2]],
#                  rdflib.Literal(assertion[2]))
#        # attach annotation to annotations file
#        g.bind(ns_label, ns)
#        g.add(triple)
#        # write annotation to central datastore
#        #   push this off till future iteration
#        __rdfstore_write(triple, ns_label, ns)
# temp filx until we get rdf store working better
    if not annotations: 
        annotations = ""
    for assertion in annotation:
        trip = '<%s> <%s> "%s" .\n' % (assertion[0], assertion[1], assertion[2])
        RDFMask().create_mask(assertion[0], os.path.basename(assertion[1]), assertion[2])
        annotations += trip

    # validate annotations (don't write garbage)
    #   maybe rdflib is doing this for us in g.parse & g.add?

    # write annotations file using storage service
    #   this should ask storage to up the repo version
    # storage.put_file(identifier, "about.n3", g.serialize(format="n3"))
    storage.put_file(identifier, "about.nt", annotations) 

    return True
Example #2
def new_annotation_file(p):
    # create a new set of annotations to store in about.nt
    trips = RDFMask.objects.filter(phile=p)
    annotations = ""
    for t in trips:
        x = '<%s> <%s> "%s" .\n' % (t.phile.identifier, t.triple_predicate, t.triple_object)
        annotations += x

    # overwrite existing about.nt with new triples
    # put_file, will update git
    storage.put_file(trips[0].phile.identifier, "about.nt", annotations)

    #repo = git.Repo(trips[0].phile.path)
    #storage.commit_version(repo.index, "updated metadata " + key + "=>" + val)
    return True