def parse(root,mainWindowId,interfacename, iswindow=True, isbufferobject=False): code = "" for element in root: tag = element.tag.lower() try: widgetType = types[tag] # try to get the widgets type except KeyError: # if there's an error, throw a fit raise captan.errors.UnkownWidgetError(interfacename,tag," is not a known widget type") if element.get("id") is None and root.tag.lower() != "buffer": # make sure the widget has an id # buffer objects are explicitly given id's addDefaultId(element) if isbufferobject is True: # if this widget is a buffer object code += "class " + element.get("type") + widgetType['widgetName'] + '(Q' + widgetType['widgetName'] + '):\n' code += "\tdef __init__(self,parent=None):\n" code += "\t\tsuper(" + element.get("type") + widgetType['widgetName'] + ",self).__init__(parent)\n" if tag == "sheet": code += "\t\tself.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal)\n" element.set("id", "self") # the main object in a class has id self elif iswindow is False: # if the widget is not in a main window (it bust be somewhere in the buffer) # but is not a buffer object element.set("id", "self." + element.get("id")) # we need to add 'self.' to the id so that the object can be an instance variable if tag not in Layouts: # if the widget is not a layout code += parseWidget(widgetType, element, root, mainWindowId, interfacename, iswindow) elif tag in Layouts: # if the element is a layout code += parseLayout(widgetType, element, root, mainWindowId, interfacename, iswindow) code += handleText(widgetType,element, iswindow) code += captan.props.handleProps(widgetType,element, iswindow) code += handleSlots(widgetType,element, iswindow) if len(element) > 0: # parse the element's children, if it has any code += parse(element, mainWindowId, interfacename, iswindow) if isbufferobject is True: # this part is separate because the # buffer object models come last if element.get("model") is not None: # get the functions of the buffer objects model for line in getFuncs(element.get("model")).split("\n"): code += "\t" + line + "\n" # and here we create the new function code += "def new" + element.get("type") + widgetType['widgetName'] + "(parent=None):\n" code += "\tdef slotfunc(*args):\n" code += "\t\td = " + element.get("type") + widgetType['widgetName'] + "(parent)\n" code += "\t\\n" code += "\treturn slotfunc\n" return code
def compile(interfacename, dist=False): # @ReservedAssignment code = "" mainWindowId = None code += "from PySide.QtGui import *\nfrom PySide.QtCore import *\nimport sys\n" if interfacename == app.manifest['start']: code += "app = QApplication(sys.argv)\n" a = code += "app.setStyleSheet('''" + a + "''')\n" print a # only create a QApplication if it is the main file for filename in [ f for f in os.listdir("views") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join("views",f)) ]: if not filename == interfacename + ".xml" and interfacename == app.manifest['start']: code += "import " if not dist: code += "bin." code += ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + " as " + ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) + "\n" code += getFuncs(interfacename) if interfacename == app.manifest['start']: try: # call the end function if it exists exec "models." + interfacename + ".init" code += "init(sys.argv)\n" except: pass # init should only be called for the main file tree = xmlparse("views" + QDir.separator() + interfacename + '.xml') tree = tree.getroot() # get the tree for element in tree: # parse the top-level tags if element.tag.lower() == "window": # the MainWindow if element.get("id") is None: captan.children.addDefaultId(element) mainWindowId = element.get("id") code += parseWindow(element, tree, mainWindowId, interfacename) # delegate the task to captan.main.parseWindow elif element.tag.lower() == "buffer": code += parseBuffer(element,interfacename) if mainWindowId is not None: # show the MainWindow, if there is one code += mainWindowId + ".show()\n" if interfacename == app.manifest['start']: # execute the app if it is the main view code += "APP_RESULT = app.exec_()\n" # execute the application and get the result try: # call the end function if it exists exec "models." + interfacename + ".end" code += "end(APP_RESULT)\n" except: pass code += "sys.exit(APP_RESULT)\n" f = open(getProjectFile(interfacename + ".py"),'w') f.write(code)