Example #1
  def __init__(self, index):
	CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
	self.target = None
	self.lastObservedFood = None
	# This variable will store our patrol points and
	# the agent probability to select a point as target.
	self.patrolDict = {}
Example #2
  def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing = .1, actionFn = None, alpha=0.2, epsilon=0.05, gamma=0.8, numTraining = 100, extractor='SimpleExtractor' ):
    Sets options, which can be passed in via the Pacman command line using -a alpha=0.5,...
    alpha    - learning rate
    epsilon  - exploration rate
    gamma    - discount factor
    numTraining - number of training episodes, i.e. no learning after these many episodes
    if actionFn == None:
        actionFn = lambda state: state.getLegalActions()
    self.alpha = float(alpha)
    self.epsilon = float(epsilon)
    self.discountRate = float(gamma)
    self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
    self.actionFn = actionFn
    self.episodesSoFar = 0
    self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
    self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
    self.featExtractor = util.lookup(extractor, globals())()

    # Create a containers for q values
    self.q_values = util.Counter()
    # You might want to initialize weights here.
    self.weights = util.Counter()

    #Capture Agent constructor
    CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
 def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing=.1):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing=.1)
     self.escapepath = []
     self.eaten = 0
     self.height = 0
     self.width = 0
     self.plan = [[], []]
Example #4
    def __init__(self, index, communication):
	Some definition of instance variables
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
        self.communication = communication
        self.simulationResult = []
        self.epsilon = 1
        self.epsilonFinal = 0.3
        self.discount = 0.7
        self.depth = 5
        self.startDecay = 20
        self.weights = {}
        self.offensive = True
        self.lastAction = None
        self.weights = {
            'minGhostDistances': 100,
            'minCapsuleChasingDistance': -5,
            '#ofLeftFoods': -100,
            'score': 100,
            '#ofChasingCapsules': -100,
            'minFoodDistance': -3,
            'distanceFromStart': -10
        self.target = None
        self.lastObservedFood = None
        self.patrolDict = {}
        self.timeReverse = 0
 def __init__(self, index):
     self.weights = util.Counter()
     self.episodesSoFar = 0
     self.epsilon = 0.05
     self.gamma = 0.8
     self.alpha = 0.2
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, index, isRed,actionFn = None,numTraining = 0, 
                 epsilon = 0.05, alpha =0.2, discount=0.8):
        # initialize superclass
        ##### Debug zone
        # print "TRAINING", numTraining
        # print "MY INDEX IS", self.index

        # parameters for training
        if actionFn == None:
            actionFn = lambda state: state.getLegalActions(index)
        self.actionFn = actionFn
        self.episodesSoFar = 0
        self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
        self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
        self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
        self.epsilon = epsilon 
        self.alpha= alpha 
        self.discount= discount 
        self.weights = util.Counter()

        self.red = isRed

        print("i'm on RED team?",self.red)
        print("[DEBUG] Agent initialized")
Example #7
    def __init__(self,
        # initialize superclass
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
        # parameters for training
        if actionFn == None:
            actionFn = lambda state: state.getLegalActions(index)
        self.actionFn = actionFn
        # these are for reinforcement (since it's become heuristic search)
        # I just leave them for further improvement later on
        self.episodesSoFar = 0
        self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
        self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
        self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.discount = discount
        self.weights = util.Counter()

        self.visitedPositions = {}

        self.red = isRed
Example #8
    def __init__(self,
    actionFn: Function which takes a state and returns the list of legal actions - REMOVED

    alpha    - learning rate
    epsilon  - exploration rate
    gamma    - discount factor
    numTraining - number of training episodes, i.e. no learning after these many episodes
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
        self.episodesSoFar = 0
        self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
        self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
        self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
        self.epsilon = float(epsilon)
        self.alpha = float(alpha)
        self.discount = float(gamma)
        self.qValues = util.Counter()
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Initialize agent

        # Initialize Q values for features
        self.numGamePoint = 0
        self.weights = util.Counter()
        self.numTraining = kwargs.pop('numTraining', 0)
        self.trainingFindingPower = .5
        self.testingFindingPower = .05

        self.learningPower = .2
        self.findingPower = .8
        self.discountFactor = .99

        if self.numTraining == 0:
                'score': 0.6809099995971538,
                'numMyTeamFood': 23.6565508664964,
                'opponent_0_distance': 2.0699359632136902,
                'numOpponentTeamFood': 23.633853866509785,
                'bias': 115.8643705168336,
                'opponent_2_distance': 1.9917190914963816,
                'nearestFoodAStar': -1.9670769570603142

        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Example #10
  def __init__(self, index):
	CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
	self.simulationResult = []
	self.epsilon = 1
	self.epsilonFinal = 0.3
	self.discount = 0.7
	self.depth = 5
	self.startDecay = 20
	self.weights = {}
	self.offensive = True
	self.lastAction = None
	self.weights = {
	 'minGhostDistances': 100,
	 'minCapsuleChasingDistance': -5,
	 '#ofLeftFoods': -100,
	 'score': 100,
	 '#ofChasingCapsules': -100,
	 'minFoodDistance': -3,
	 'distanceFromStart': -10
	self.target = None
	self.lastObservedFood = None
	self.attacker = None
	# This variable will store our patrol points and
	# the agent probability to select a point as target.
	self.patrolDict = {}
Example #11
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.target = None
     self.lastTickFoodList = []
     self.isFoodEaten = False
     self.patrolDict = {}
     self.tick = 0
     self.gazeboDict = {}
Example #12
    def __init__(self, index):
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
        # Variables used to verify if the agent os locked

        self.defendingFood = []
        self.index = index
        self.target = None
        self.flag = 0
Example #13
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.weights = util.Counter()
     self.numTraining = 0
     self.episodesCur = 0
     self.epsilon = 0.05
     self.discount = 0.8
     self.alpha = 0.2
Example #14
    def __init__(self, index, epsilon=0, timeForComputing=.1, depth=4, times=20, alpha=0.9):
        self.depth = depth
        self.times = times
        self.alpha = float(alpha)
        self.powerTimer = 0

        self.epilon = float(epsilon)
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing=.1)
Example #15
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.currentFood = []
     self.flag = 0
     self.status = 1
     self.p = []
     self.target = ()
     self.isTargetToFood = False
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     # Variables used to verify if the agent os locked
     self.foodNum = 999
     self.trappedTime = 0
     self.defendingFood = []
     self.flag = 0
     self.target = ()
Example #17
    def __init__(self, index, red, timeForComputing=.1):
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)

        self._half = self._height = self._maxDist = self._weights = \
            self._width = None

        self.red = red
Example #18
 def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing=.1, **args):
     "You can initialize Q-values here..."
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing=.1)
     self.qValues = util.Counter()
     self.epsilon = args['epsilon']
     self.alpha = args['alpha']
     self.gamma = args['gamma']
     self.numTraning = args['numTraining']
Example #19
 def __init__(self, gameState):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, gameState)
     self.foodHeld = 0
     self.legal_y = []
     self.midx = 0
     self.mostlikely = [None] * 4
     self.scareTime = 0
     self.scared = False
Example #20
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.catchState = False
     self.coreDefendingArea = []
     self.target = None
     self.remainFoodList = []
     self.number = 0
     self.catchState = False
Example #21
 def __init__(self, index):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   self.firstTurnComplete = False
   self.startingFood = 0
   self.theirStartingFood = 0
   self.legalPositions = None
   self.estimate = util.Counter()
    def __init__(self, index, teammates=None, timeForComputing=.1):
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)

        self.teammates = []
        if teammates is not None:
        for teammate in self.teammates:
            if len(teammate.teammates) == 0:
Example #23
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.alpha = 0.2
     self.reward = 1
     self.gamma = 0.8
     self.epsilon = 0.01
     self.qSa = None
     self.Q_present = 0
     self.numTrainig = 10
Example #24
	def __init__( self, index ):
		CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
		self.weights = util.Counter()
		self.numTraining = 0
		if 'numTraining' in interestingValues:
			self.numTraining = interestingValues['numTraining']
		self.episodesSoFar = 0
		self.epsilon = 0.05
		self.discount = 0.8
		self.alpha = 0.2
Example #25
    def __init__(self, gameState):
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, gameState)
        self.expectation = [None] * 4
        self.godmodeClock = 0

        # step time calculation
        self.timerA = []
        self.timerB = []
        self.counter = 0
        self.foodNum = 0.0
Example #26
 def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing, learning_rate,
              exploration_rate, discount, numTraining):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
     self.alpha = float(learning_rate)
     self.epsilon = float(exploration_rate)
     self.gamma = float(discount)
     self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
     self.has_no_observation = True
     self.episodesSoFar = 0
     self.actionHistory = []
  def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing = .1):
    CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)

    self.depth = 4
    self.numParticles = 10
    self.steps = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]

    self.teammateLocations = {}
    self.enemyParticles = {}
    self.lastAction = None
 def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing=.1):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
     if self.index % 2 == 0:
         self.isRed = True
         self.middle = (ReflexCaptureAgent.MAP_WIDTH / 4, ReflexCaptureAgent.MAP_HEIGHT / 2)
         self.isRed = False
         self.middle = (ReflexCaptureAgent.MAP_WIDTH * 3 / 4), (ReflexCaptureAgent.MAP_HEIGHT / 2)
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.weights = util.Counter()
     self.discountFactor = 0.7
     self.ValidPos = {}
     self.PrevAction = None
     self.AttackHistory = []
     self.DefenceHistory = []
     self.offensiveEntry = None
     self.defensiveEntry = None
Example #30
 def __init__(self, index):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   self.legalPositions = []
   "tuple with (boolean, belief distribution, actual/most probable position)"
   "TODO: Assumes 6 agents, will not always work"
   self.positions = [None, None, None, None, None, None] 
   self.firstMove = True
Example #31
 def __init__( self, index, timeForComputing = .1 ):
     CaptureAgent.__init__( self, index, timeForComputing)
     print self.red, index, timeForComputing
     self.visibleAgents = []
     self.foodLeft = 0
     self.foodEaten = 0
     self.isPacman = False
     self.a = []
     self.first = True
     self.size = 0
Example #32
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.coreDefendingArea = []
     self.target = None
     self.remainFoodList = []
     self.isFoodEaten = False
     self.patrolDict = {}
     self.tick = 0
     self.gazeboDict = {}
     self.catchState = False
Example #33
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     #self.foodNum = 999
     #self.trappedTime = 0
     self.currentFood = []
     self.flag = 0
     self.status = 1
     self.p = []
     self.target = ()
     self.isTargetToFood = False
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.weights = util.Counter()
     self.numTraining = 0
     #if 'numTraining' in arguments:
     # self.numTraining = arguments['numTraining']
     self.episodesSoFar = 0
     self.epsilon = 0.05
     self.discount = 0.8
     self.alpha = 0.2
Example #35
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.firstTurnComplete = False
     self.startingFood = 0
     self.theirStartingFood = 0
     self.discount = .9
     self.alpha = 0.002
     self.featureHandler = FeatureHandler()
     self.agentType = 'basicQLearningAgent'
     self.weights = None
     self.explorationRate = 0.3
Example #36
 def __init__(self, index, alpha, epsilon):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   # self.weights = util.Counter()
   self.alpha = alpha #learning rate--higher means learn in larger steps
   self.epsilon = epsilon #exploration rate--higher means explore more
   self.firstTurnComplete = False
   self.startingFood = 0
   self.theirStartingFood = 0
   #used for estimating the enemy pos
   self.legalPositions = None
   self.estimate = util.Counter()
Example #37
  def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing = .1, numTraining=0, epsilon=0.5, alpha=0.5, gamma=1, **args):
    actionFn: Function which takes a state and returns the list of legal actions - REMOVED

    alpha    - learning rate
    epsilon  - exploration rate
    gamma    - discount factor
    numTraining - number of training episodes, i.e. no learning after these many episodes
    CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
    self.episodesSoFar = 0
    self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
    self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
    self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
    self.epsilon = float(epsilon)
    self.alpha = float(alpha)
    self.discount = float(gamma)
    self.qValues = util.Counter()
Example #38
    def __init__(self, index,actionFn = None, numTraining=100, epsilon=0.07, alpha=0.2, gamma=0.7):
        actionFn: Function which takes a state and returns the list of legal actions

        alpha    - learning rate
        epsilon  - exploration rate
        gamma    - discount factor
        numTraining - number of training episodes, i.e. no learning after these many episodes
        CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
        if actionFn == None:
            actionFn = lambda state: state.getLegalActions()
        self.actionFn = actionFn
        self.episodesSoFar = 0
        self.accumTrainRewards = 0.0
        self.accumTestRewards = 0.0
        self.numTraining = int(numTraining)
        self.epsilon = float(epsilon)
        self.alpha = float(alpha)
        self.discount = float(gamma)
Example #39
  def __init__( self, index, timeForComputing = .1 ):
    CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)

    self.discount = 0.9
    self.noise = 0
    self.alpha = 0.01
    self.epsilon = 0.05

    self.preScore = 0
    self.preState = None
    self.preAction = None
    self.weights = util.Counter()

    self.weights = util.Counter()
    self.weights['distanceToFood'] = -1
    self.weights['successorScore'] = 100
    #self.weights['onOffence'] = 0
    #self.weights['numDefenders'] = 0
    #self.weights['defenderDistance'] = 0
    #self.weights['attackerDistance'] = 0
    self.weights['foodsLeft'] = -1
    self.weights['foodsRemained'] = 1
    self.weights = util.normalize(self.weights)
  def __init__(self,index):
    self.firstMove = True
    self.visitedPositions = util.Counter()
    self.numEnemiesEaten = 0
    self.firstTurnComplete = False
    self.scaredEnemies = []
    # Create a new QLearning Agent
    self.learning = LearningAgent("testReflexAgent_" + str(self.index) + ".p")
    # Flag indicating if the enemy's capsule has been eaten
    self.eatenEnemyCapsule = False
    # Flag indicating if enemy has been scared before
    self.beenScaredBefore = False
    # Timers used to calculate when we are no longer scared
    self.enemyScaredTimer = 0

    self.lastFoodList = util.Counter()
    self.numDeaths = 0
Example #41
 def __init__(self, index, *args, **kwargs):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, *args, **kwargs)
   if self.engine is None: GoalieAgent.engine = self # the first agent
   GoalieAgent.caboose = self # the last agent
   GoalieAgent.team[index] = self
Example #42
 def __init__(self, gameState):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, gameState)
     self.distanceThreshold = 5
     self.carryThreshold = 5
Example #43
 def __init__(self, index):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
Example #44
 def __init__(self, index, timeForComputing = 0.1):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
   self.hmm_list = {}
Example #45
 def __init__(self, index, inferenceModule, timeForComputing = .1 ):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   self.inferenceModule = inferenceModule
 def __init__(self, index):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     self.enemyPos = list()
     self.firstTurnComplete = False
     self.legalPositions = list()
Example #47
 def __init__( self, index = 0, timeForComputing = .1, inference = "ExactInference", observeEnable = True, elapseTimeEnable = True):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index, timeForComputing)
   self.observeEnable = observeEnable
   self.elapseTimeEnable = elapseTimeEnable
   self.enemyBeliefs = []
Example #48
 def __init__(self, gameState):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, gameState)
   self.mostlikely = [None]*4
   self.powerTimer = 0
Example #49
 def __init__( self, index, timeForComputing = .1 ):
     CaptureAgent.__init__( self, index, timeForComputing)
     self.visibleAgents = []
Example #50
 def __init__(self, index, debug):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   self.debug = debug
Example #51
 def __init__(self, index):
   #initialize values
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   self.firstTurnComplete = False
   self.startingFood = 0
   self.theirStartingFood = 0
Example #52
 def __init__(self, index, teamData):
   CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
   self.firstTurnComplete = False
   self.startingFood = 0
   self.theirStartingFood = 0
   self.teamData = teamData
Example #53
 def __init__(self, index ,evalFn = 'betterEvaluationFunction', depth = '1'):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
     #self.index = 0 # Pacman is always agent index 0
     self.evaluationFunction = self.betterEvaluationFunction
     self.depth = int(depth)
Example #54
	def __init__(self, index, factory, role = None):
		CaptureAgent.__init__(self, index)
		self.factory = factory
		self.role = role
		self.miscDistribution = None
		self.moveHistory = util.Queue()
Example #55
 def __init__(self, gameState):
     CaptureAgent.__init__(self, gameState)