Example #1
    def generate_mmodes(self, ts_data=None):
        """Calculate the m-modes corresponding to the Timestream.

        Perform an MPI transpose for efficiency.

        completed_file = self._mdir + 'COMPLETED_M'
        if os.path.exists(completed_file):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "******* m-files already generated ********"

        # Make directory if required
        # if mpiutil.rank0 and not os.path.exists(self._mdir):
        #     os.makedirs(self._mdir)

        except OSError:
            # directory exists

        tel = self.telescope
        mmax = tel.mmax
        ntime = ts_data.shape[0] if ts_data is not None else self.ntime
        nbl = tel.nbase
        nfreq = tel.nfreq

        indices = list(itertools.product(np.arange(nfreq), np.arange(nbl)))
        lind, sind, eind = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq * nbl)

        # load the local section of the time stream
        tstream = np.zeros((ntime, lind), dtype=np.complex128)
        for ind, (f_ind, bl_ind) in enumerate(indices[sind:eind]):
            if ts_data is not None:
                tstream[:, ind] = ts_data[:, f_ind, bl_ind]
                with h5py.File(self._tsfile, 'r') as f:
                    tstream[:, ind] = f['/timestream'][:, f_ind, bl_ind]

        # FFT to get m-mode
        mmodes = np.fft.fft(tstream, axis=0) / ntime # m = 0 is at left
        mmodes = MPIArray.wrap(mmodes, axis=1)
        # redistribute along different m
        mmodes = mmodes.redistribute(axis=0)

        # save m-modes to file
        ms = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, mmax+1), np.arange(-mmax, 0)])
        for ind, mi in enumerate(mpiutil.mpilist(ms, method='con')):
            with h5py.File(self._mfile(mi), 'w') as f:
              f.create_dataset('/mmode', data=mmodes[ind].view(np.ndarray).reshape(nfreq, nbl))
              f.attrs['m'] = mi


        if mpiutil.rank0:

            # Make file marker that the m's have been correctly generated:
            open(completed_file, 'a').close()
$ mpiexec -n 4 python mpiarray_demo.py

import os
import numpy as np
from caput import mpiutil
from caput.mpiarray import MPIArray

rank = mpiutil.rank
size = mpiutil.size

# construct a MPIArray with global_shape (5, 4, 3) and distribute axis 0
shape = (5, 4, 3)
dist_axis = 0
darr = MPIArray(global_shape=shape, axis=dist_axis, dtype=np.float32)
print 'rank %d has global_shape = %s, local_shape = %s, local_offset = %s' % (rank, darr.global_shape, darr.local_shape, darr.local_offset)

# from_numpy_array
nparr = np.arange(6*5*4).reshape(6, 5, 4)
darr1 = MPIArray.from_numpy_array(nparr, axis=0, root=None)
# to_numpy_array
nparr1 = darr1.to_numpy_array(root=0)
if rank == 0:
    print 'rank 0: nparr1 == nparr: %s' % np.allclose(nparr, nparr1)
    print 'rank %d: nparr1 = %s' % (rank, nparr1)
# to_hdf5
h5_file = 'test.hdf5'
darr1.to_hdf5(h5_file, 'test', create=True)
# remove the file
Example #3
    def _generate_mfiles(self, regen=False):

        completed_file = self._mdir + 'COMPLETED_BEAM'
        if os.path.exists(completed_file) and not regen:
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print '=' * 80
                print "******* Beam transfer m-files already generated ********"

        if mpiutil.rank0:
            print '=' * 80
            print 'Create beam transfer m-files...'

        st = time.time()

        # Calculate the Beam Transfer Matrices
        nfreq = self.telescope.nfreq
        nbl = self.telescope.nbase
        npol = self.telescope.num_pol_sky
        ntheta = self.telescope.theta_size
        nphi = self.telescope.phi_size

        # create file to save beam transfer matrices
        dsize = (nfreq, nbl, npol, ntheta)
        csize = (nfreq, 1, npol, ntheta)
        mmax = self.telescope.mmax
        ms = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, mmax+1), np.arange(-mmax, 0)])
        # get local section of m'th
        for ind, mi in enumerate(mpiutil.mpilist(ms, method='con')):
            with h5py.File(self._mfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                f.create_dataset('beam_m', dsize, chunks=csize, compression='lzf', dtype=np.complex128)
                f.attrs['m'] = mi

        # calculate the total memory needed for the transfer matrix
        total_memory = nfreq * nbl * npol * ntheta * nphi * 16.0 # Bytes, 16 for complex128
        limit = 1.0 # GB, memory limit for each process
        # make each process have maximum `limit` GB
        sigle_memory = limit * 2**30 # Bytes
        # how many chunks
        num_chunks = np.int(np.ceil(total_memory / (mpiutil.size * sigle_memory)))

        # split bls to num_chunks sections
        if nbl < num_chunks:
            warnings.warn('Could not split to %d chunks for %d baselines' % (num_chunks, nbl))
        num_chunks = min(num_chunks, nbl)
        num, start, end = mpiutil.split_m(nbl, num_chunks)
        for ci in range(num_chunks):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "Starting chunk %i of %i" % (ci+1, num_chunks)

            tarray = self.telescope.transfer_matrices(np.arange(start[ci], end[ci]), np.arange(nfreq))
            tarray = MPIArray.wrap(tarray, axis=0)
            # redistribute along different m
            tarray = tarray.redistribute(axis=3)

            # save beam transfer matrices to file
            for ind, mi in enumerate(mpiutil.mpilist(ms, method='con')):
                with h5py.File(self._mfile(mi), 'r+') as f:
                    f['beam_m'][:, start[ci]:end[ci]] = tarray[..., ind].view(np.ndarray).reshape(nfreq, num[ci], npol, ntheta)


        et = time.time()

        if mpiutil.rank0:

            # Make file marker that the m's have been correctly generated:
            open(completed_file, 'a').close()

            # Print out timing
            print "=== Create beam transfer m-files took %f s ===" % (et - st)
Example #4
def simulate(beamtransfer, outdir, tsname, maps=[], ndays=None, resolution=0, add_noise=True, seed=None, **kwargs):
    """Create a simulated timestream and save it to disk.

    beamtransfer : fmmode.core.beamtransfer.BeamTransfer
        BeamTransfer object containing the analysis products.
    outdir : directoryname
        Directory that we will save the timestream into.
    maps : list
        List of map filenames. The sum of these form the simulated sky.
    ndays : int, optional
        Number of days of observation. Setting `ndays = None` (default) uses
        the default stored in the telescope object; `ndays = 0`, assumes the
        observation time is infinite so that the noise is zero.
    resolution : scalar, optional
        Approximate time resolution in seconds. Setting `resolution = 0`
        (default) calculates the value from the mmax.
    add_noise : bool, optional
        Weather to add random noise to the simulated visibilities. Default True.

    timestream : Timestream

    # Create timestream object
    tstream = Timestream(outdir, tsname, beamtransfer)

    completed_file = tstream._tsdir + '/COMPLETED_TIMESTREAM'
    if os.path.exists(completed_file):
        if mpiutil.rank0:
            print "******* timestream-files already generated ********"
        return tstream

    # Make directory if required
    except OSError:
         # directory exists

    if mpiutil.rank0:
        # if not os.path.exists(tstream._tsdir):
        #     os.makedirs(tstream._tsdir)


    ## Read in telescope system
    bt = beamtransfer
    tel = bt.telescope

    lmax = tel.lmax
    mmax = tel.mmax
    nfreq = tel.nfreq
    nbl = tel.nbase
    npol = tel.num_pol_sky

    # If ndays is not set use the default value.
    if ndays is None:
        ndays = tel.ndays

    # Calculate the number of timesamples from the resolution
    if resolution == 0:
        # Set the minimum resolution required for the sky.
        ntime = 2*mmax+1
        # Set the cl
        ntime = int(np.round(24 * 3600.0 / resolution))

    indices = list(itertools.product(np.arange(nfreq), np.arange(npol)))
    lind, sind, eind = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq * npol)

    # local section of the Tm array
    theta_size = tel.theta_size
    phi_size = tel.phi_size
    Tm = np.zeros((lind, theta_size, phi_size), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ind, (f_ind, p_ind) in enumerate(indices[sind:eind]):
        hp_map = None
        for idx, mapfile in enumerate(maps):
            with h5py.File(mapfile, 'r') as f:
                if idx == 0:
                    hp_map = f['map'][f_ind, p_ind, :]
                    hp_map += f['map'][f_ind, p_ind, :]
        if hp_map is not None:
            cart_map = hpproj.cartesian_proj(hp_map, tel.cart_projector)
            # Calculate the Tm's for the local sections
            Tm[ind] = np.fft.ifft(cart_map, axis=1) # / phi_size # m = 0 is at left

    Tm = MPIArray.wrap(Tm, axis=0)
    # redistribute along different m
    Tm = Tm.redistribute(axis=2)
    Tm = Tm.reshape((nfreq, npol, theta_size, None))
    Tm = Tm.reshape((nfreq, npol*theta_size, None))

    ms = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, mmax+1), np.arange(-mmax, 0)])
    lm, sm, em = mpiutil.split_local(phi_size)
    # local section of mmode
    # mmode = np.zeros((lm, nbl, nfreq), dtype=np.complex128)
    mmode = np.zeros((lm, nfreq, nbl), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ind, mi in enumerate(ms[sm:em]):
        mmode[ind] = bt.project_vector_sky_to_telescope(mi, Tm[:, :, ind].view(np.ndarray))

    mmode = MPIArray.wrap(mmode, axis=0)
    mmode = mmode.redistribute(axis=2) # distribute along bl

    # add noise if required
    if add_noise:
        lbl, sbl, ebl = mpiutil.split_local(nbl)
        # Fetch the noise powerspectrum
        noise_ps = tel.noisepower(np.arange(sbl, ebl)[:, np.newaxis], np.arange(nfreq)[np.newaxis, :], ndays=ndays).reshape(lbl, nfreq).T[np.newaxis, :, :]

        # Seed random number generator to give consistent noise
        if seed is not None:
        # Must include rank such that we don't have massive power deficit from correlated noise
            np.random.seed(seed + mpiutil.rank)

        # Create and weight complex noise coefficients
        noise_mode = (np.array([1.0, 1.0J]) * np.random.standard_normal(mmode.shape + (2,))).sum(axis=-1)
        noise_mode *= (noise_ps / 2.0)**0.5

        mmode += noise_mode

        del noise_mode

        # Reset RNG
        if seed is not None:

    # The time samples the visibility is calculated at
    tphi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, ntime, endpoint=False)

    # inverse FFT to get timestream
    vis_stream = np.fft.ifft(mmode, axis=0) * ntime
    vis_stream = MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=2)

    # save vis_stream to file
    vis_h5 = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/timestream', data=vis_stream)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/phi', data=tphi)

    # Telescope layout data
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmap', data=tel.feedmap)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedconj', data=tel.feedconj)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmask', data=tel.feedmask)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/uniquepairs', data=tel.uniquepairs)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/baselines', data=tel.baselines)

    # Telescope frequencies
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/frequencies', data=tel.frequencies)

    # Write metadata
    vis_h5.attrs['beamtransfer_path'] = os.path.abspath(bt.directory)
    vis_h5.attrs['ntime'] = ntime

    # save to file

    if mpiutil.rank0:
        # Make file marker that the m's have been correctly generated:
        open(completed_file, 'a').close()


    return tstream
Example #5
    def mapmake_full(self, nside, maptype):

        mapfile = self._mapsdir + 'map_%s.hdf5' % maptype
        Tmfile = self._Tmsdir + 'Tm_%s.hdf5' % maptype

        if os.path.exists(mapfile):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "File %s exists. Skipping..." % mapfile
        elif os.path.exists(Tmfile):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "File %s exists. Read from it..." % Tmfile

            Tm = MPIArray.from_hdf5(Tmfile, 'Tm')

            def _make_Tm(mi):

                print "Making %i" % mi

                mmode = self.mmode(mi)

                return self.beamtransfer.project_vector_telescope_to_sky(mi, mmode)

            # if mpiutil.rank0 and not os.path.exists(self._Tmsdir):
            #     # Make directory for Tms file
            #     os.makedirs(self._Tmsdir)

            # Make directory for Tms file
            except OSError:
                # directory exists

            tel = self.telescope
            mmax = tel.mmax
            lm, sm, em = mpiutil.split_local(mmax+1)

            nfreq = tel.nfreq
            npol = tel.num_pol_sky
            ntheta = tel.theta_size
            # the local Tm array
            Tm = np.zeros((nfreq, npol, ntheta, lm), dtype=np.complex128)
            for ind, mi in enumerate(range(sm, em)):
                Tm[..., ind] = _make_Tm(mi)
            Tm = MPIArray.wrap(Tm, axis=3)
            Tm = Tm.redistribute(axis=0) # redistribute along freq

            # Save Tm
            Tm.to_hdf5(Tmfile, 'Tm', create=True)

        # if mpiutil.rank0 and not os.path.exists(self._mapsdir):
        #     # Make directory for maps file
        #     os.makedirs(self._mapsdir)

        # Make directory for maps file
        except OSError:
            # directory exists

        tel = self.telescope
        npol = tel.num_pol_sky
        ntime = self.ntime

        # irfft to get map
        # cart_map = np.fft.irfft(Tm, axis=3, n=ntime) * ntime # NOTE the normalization constant ntime here to be consistant with the simulation fft
        cart_map = np.fft.hfft(Tm, axis=3, n=ntime)
        lfreq = cart_map.shape[0]
        hp_map = np.zeros((lfreq, npol, 12*nside**2), dtype=cart_map.dtype)
        for fi in range(lfreq):
            for pi in range(npol):
                hp_map[fi, pi] = tel.cart_projector.inv_projmap(cart_map[fi, pi], nside)

        hp_map = MPIArray.wrap(hp_map, axis=0)

        # save map
        hp_map.to_hdf5(mapfile, 'map', create=True)
Example #6
def simulate(beamtransfer,
    """Create a simulated timestream and save it to disk.

    beamtransfer : fmmode.core.beamtransfer.BeamTransfer
        BeamTransfer object containing the analysis products.
    outdir : directoryname
        Directory that we will save the timestream into.
    maps : list
        List of map filenames. The sum of these form the simulated sky.
    ndays : int, optional
        Number of days of observation. Setting `ndays = None` (default) uses
        the default stored in the telescope object; `ndays = 0`, assumes the
        observation time is infinite so that the noise is zero.
    resolution : scalar, optional
        Approximate time resolution in seconds. Setting `resolution = 0`
        (default) calculates the value from the mmax.
    add_noise : bool, optional
        Weather to add random noise to the simulated visibilities. Default True.

    timestream : Timestream

    # Create timestream object
    tstream = Timestream(outdir, tsname, beamtransfer)

    completed_file = tstream._tsdir + '/COMPLETED_TIMESTREAM'
    if os.path.exists(completed_file):
        if mpiutil.rank0:
            print "******* timestream-files already generated ********"
        return tstream

    # Make directory if required
    except OSError:
        # directory exists

    if mpiutil.rank0:
        # if not os.path.exists(tstream._tsdir):
        #     os.makedirs(tstream._tsdir)


    ## Read in telescope system
    bt = beamtransfer
    tel = bt.telescope

    lmax = tel.lmax
    mmax = tel.mmax
    nfreq = tel.nfreq
    nbl = tel.nbase
    npol = tel.num_pol_sky

    # If ndays is not set use the default value.
    if ndays is None:
        ndays = tel.ndays

    # Calculate the number of timesamples from the resolution
    if resolution == 0:
        # Set the minimum resolution required for the sky.
        ntime = 2 * mmax + 1
        # Set the cl
        ntime = int(np.round(24 * 3600.0 / resolution))

    indices = list(itertools.product(np.arange(nfreq), np.arange(npol)))
    lind, sind, eind = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq * npol)

    # local section of the Tm array
    theta_size = tel.theta_size
    phi_size = tel.phi_size
    Tm = np.zeros((lind, theta_size, phi_size), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ind, (f_ind, p_ind) in enumerate(indices[sind:eind]):
        hp_map = None
        for idx, mapfile in enumerate(maps):
            with h5py.File(mapfile, 'r') as f:
                if idx == 0:
                    hp_map = f['map'][f_ind, p_ind, :]
                    hp_map += f['map'][f_ind, p_ind, :]
        if hp_map is not None:
            cart_map = hpproj.cartesian_proj(hp_map, tel.cart_projector)
            # Calculate the Tm's for the local sections
            Tm[ind] = np.fft.ifft(cart_map,
                                  axis=1)  # / phi_size # m = 0 is at left

    Tm = MPIArray.wrap(Tm, axis=0)
    # redistribute along different m
    Tm = Tm.redistribute(axis=2)
    Tm = Tm.reshape((nfreq, npol, theta_size, None))
    Tm = Tm.reshape((nfreq, npol * theta_size, None))

    ms = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, mmax + 1), np.arange(-mmax, 0)])
    lm, sm, em = mpiutil.split_local(phi_size)
    # local section of mmode
    # mmode = np.zeros((lm, nbl, nfreq), dtype=np.complex128)
    mmode = np.zeros((lm, nfreq, nbl), dtype=np.complex128)

    for ind, mi in enumerate(ms[sm:em]):
        mmode[ind] = bt.project_vector_sky_to_telescope(
            mi, Tm[:, :, ind].view(np.ndarray))

    mmode = MPIArray.wrap(mmode, axis=0)
    mmode = mmode.redistribute(axis=2)  # distribute along bl

    # add noise if required
    if add_noise:
        lbl, sbl, ebl = mpiutil.split_local(nbl)
        # Fetch the noise powerspectrum
        noise_ps = tel.noisepower(np.arange(sbl, ebl)[:, np.newaxis],
                                  np.arange(nfreq)[np.newaxis, :],
                                      lbl, nfreq).T[np.newaxis, :, :]

        # Seed random number generator to give consistent noise
        if seed is not None:
            # Must include rank such that we don't have massive power deficit from correlated noise
            np.random.seed(seed + mpiutil.rank)

        # Create and weight complex noise coefficients
        noise_mode = (np.array([1.0, 1.0J]) *
                      np.random.standard_normal(mmode.shape +
                                                (2, ))).sum(axis=-1)
        noise_mode *= (noise_ps / 2.0)**0.5

        mmode += noise_mode

        del noise_mode

        # Reset RNG
        if seed is not None:

    # The time samples the visibility is calculated at
    tphi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, ntime, endpoint=False)

    # inverse FFT to get timestream
    vis_stream = np.fft.ifft(mmode, axis=0) * ntime
    vis_stream = MPIArray.wrap(vis_stream, axis=2)

    # save vis_stream to file
    vis_h5 = memh5.MemGroup(distributed=True)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/timestream', data=vis_stream)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/phi', data=tphi)

    # Telescope layout data
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmap', data=tel.feedmap)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedconj', data=tel.feedconj)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/feedmask', data=tel.feedmask)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/uniquepairs', data=tel.uniquepairs)
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/baselines', data=tel.baselines)

    # Telescope frequencies
    vis_h5.create_dataset('/frequencies', data=tel.frequencies)

    # Write metadata
    vis_h5.attrs['beamtransfer_path'] = os.path.abspath(bt.directory)
    vis_h5.attrs['ntime'] = ntime

    # save to file

    if mpiutil.rank0:
        # Make file marker that the m's have been correctly generated:
        open(completed_file, 'a').close()


    return tstream
Example #7
    def mapmake_full(self, nside, maptype):

        mapfile = self._mapsdir + 'map_%s.hdf5' % maptype
        Tmfile = self._Tmsdir + 'Tm_%s.hdf5' % maptype

        if os.path.exists(mapfile):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "File %s exists. Skipping..." % mapfile
        elif os.path.exists(Tmfile):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "File %s exists. Read from it..." % Tmfile

            Tm = MPIArray.from_hdf5(Tmfile, 'Tm')

            def _make_Tm(mi):

                print "Making %i" % mi

                mmode = self.mmode(mi)

                return self.beamtransfer.project_vector_telescope_to_sky(
                    mi, mmode)

            # if mpiutil.rank0 and not os.path.exists(self._Tmsdir):
            #     # Make directory for Tms file
            #     os.makedirs(self._Tmsdir)

            # Make directory for Tms file
            except OSError:
                # directory exists

            tel = self.telescope
            mmax = tel.mmax
            lm, sm, em = mpiutil.split_local(mmax + 1)

            nfreq = tel.nfreq
            npol = tel.num_pol_sky
            ntheta = tel.theta_size
            # the local Tm array
            Tm = np.zeros((nfreq, npol, ntheta, lm), dtype=np.complex128)
            for ind, mi in enumerate(range(sm, em)):
                Tm[..., ind] = _make_Tm(mi)
            Tm = MPIArray.wrap(Tm, axis=3)
            Tm = Tm.redistribute(axis=0)  # redistribute along freq

            # Save Tm
            Tm.to_hdf5(Tmfile, 'Tm', create=True)

        # if mpiutil.rank0 and not os.path.exists(self._mapsdir):
        #     # Make directory for maps file
        #     os.makedirs(self._mapsdir)

        # Make directory for maps file
        except OSError:
            # directory exists

        tel = self.telescope
        npol = tel.num_pol_sky
        ntime = self.ntime

        # irfft to get map
        # cart_map = np.fft.irfft(Tm, axis=3, n=ntime) * ntime # NOTE the normalization constant ntime here to be consistant with the simulation fft
        cart_map = np.fft.hfft(Tm, axis=3, n=ntime)
        lfreq = cart_map.shape[0]
        hp_map = np.zeros((lfreq, npol, 12 * nside**2), dtype=cart_map.dtype)
        for fi in range(lfreq):
            for pi in range(npol):
                hp_map[fi, pi] = tel.cart_projector.inv_projmap(
                    cart_map[fi, pi], nside)

        hp_map = MPIArray.wrap(hp_map, axis=0)

        # save map
        hp_map.to_hdf5(mapfile, 'map', create=True)
Example #8
    def generate_mmodes(self, ts_data=None):
        """Calculate the m-modes corresponding to the Timestream.

        Perform an MPI transpose for efficiency.

        completed_file = self._mdir + 'COMPLETED_M'
        if os.path.exists(completed_file):
            if mpiutil.rank0:
                print "******* m-files already generated ********"

        # Make directory if required
        # if mpiutil.rank0 and not os.path.exists(self._mdir):
        #     os.makedirs(self._mdir)

        except OSError:
            # directory exists

        tel = self.telescope
        mmax = tel.mmax
        ntime = ts_data.shape[0] if ts_data is not None else self.ntime
        nbl = tel.nbase
        nfreq = tel.nfreq

        indices = list(itertools.product(np.arange(nfreq), np.arange(nbl)))
        lind, sind, eind = mpiutil.split_local(nfreq * nbl)

        # load the local section of the time stream
        tstream = np.zeros((ntime, lind), dtype=np.complex128)
        for ind, (f_ind, bl_ind) in enumerate(indices[sind:eind]):
            if ts_data is not None:
                tstream[:, ind] = ts_data[:, f_ind, bl_ind]
                with h5py.File(self._tsfile, 'r') as f:
                    tstream[:, ind] = f['/timestream'][:, f_ind, bl_ind]

        # FFT to get m-mode
        mmodes = np.fft.fft(tstream, axis=0) / ntime  # m = 0 is at left
        mmodes = MPIArray.wrap(mmodes, axis=1)
        # redistribute along different m
        mmodes = mmodes.redistribute(axis=0)

        # save m-modes to file
        ms = np.concatenate([np.arange(0, mmax + 1), np.arange(-mmax, 0)])
        for ind, mi in enumerate(mpiutil.mpilist(ms, method='con')):
            with h5py.File(self._mfile(mi), 'w') as f:
                                     nfreq, nbl))
                f.attrs['m'] = mi


        if mpiutil.rank0:

            # Make file marker that the m's have been correctly generated:
            open(completed_file, 'a').close()