Example #1
    def test_ensure_unix(self):
        # Check that ensure_unix is doing its job for both scalar and array
        # inputs

        dt = datetime(2016, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
        dt_list = [
            datetime(2016, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0),
            datetime(2016, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)

        ut = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)
        ut_array = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt_list)

        sf = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ut)
        sf_array = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ut_array)

        self.assertEqual(ctime.ensure_unix(dt), ut)
        self.assertEqual(ctime.ensure_unix(ut), ut)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ctime.ensure_unix(sf), ut, 3)

        self.assertTrue((ctime.ensure_unix(dt_list) == ut_array).all())
        self.assertTrue((ctime.ensure_unix(ut_array) == ut_array).all())
Example #2
    def test_time_precision(self):
        """Make sure we have ~0.03 ms precision and that we aren't overflowing
        anything at double precision. This number comes from the precision on
        Julian date time representations:

        delta = 0.001  # Try a 1 ms shift
        unix_time = time.time()
        unix_time2 = unix_time + delta
        tt1 = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_time).tt_calendar()
        tt2 = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_time2).tt_calendar()
        err = abs(tt2[-1] - tt1[-1] - delta)
        self.assertTrue(err < 4e-5)  # Check that it is accurate at the 0.03 ms level.
Example #3
    def test_time_precision(self):
        """Make sure we have ~0.03 ms precision and that we aren't overflowing
        anything at double precision. This number comes from the precision on
        Julian date time representations:

        delta = 0.001  # Try a 1 ms shift
        unix_time = time.time()
        unix_time2 = unix_time + delta
        tt1 = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_time).tt_calendar()
        tt2 = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_time2).tt_calendar()
        err = abs(tt2[-1] - tt1[-1] - delta)
            err < 4e-5)  # Check that it is accurate at the 0.03 ms level.
Example #4
    def test_array(self):
        # Do a simple test of transit_RA in an array. Use the fact that the RA
        # advances predictably to predict the answers

        from skyfield import earthlib

        epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 56)

        # Create an observer at an arbitrary location
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        # Calculate LST
        t = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch))
        gst = earthlib.sidereal_time(t)
        lst = (360.0 * gst / 24.0 + obs.longitude) % 360.0

        # Drift rate should be very close to 1 degree/4minutes.
        # Fetch times calculated by ephem
        delta_deg = np.arange(20)
        delta_deg.shape = (5, 4)
        lst = lst + delta_deg

        # Calculate RA using transit_RA
        unix_epoch = ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch)
        unix_times = unix_epoch + (delta_deg * 60 * 4 * ctime.SIDEREAL_S)
        TRA = obs.transit_RA(unix_times)

        # Compare
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lst, TRA, atol=0.02, rtol=1e-10))
Example #5
def icrs_to_cirs(ra, dec, epoch, apparent=True):
    """Convert a set of positions from ICRS to CIRS at a given data.

    ra, dec : float or np.ndarray
        Positions of source in ICRS coordinates including an optional
        redshift position.
    epoch : time_like
        Time to convert the positions to. Can be any type convertible to a
        time using `caput.time.ensure_unix`.
    apparent : bool
        Calculate the apparent position (includes abberation and deflection).

    ra_cirs, dec_cirs : float or np.ndarray
        Arrays of the positions in *CIRS* coordiantes.
    positions = Star(ra=Angle(degrees=ra), dec=Angle(degrees=dec))

    epoch = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ctime.ensure_unix(epoch))

    earth = ctime.skyfield_wrapper.ephemeris["earth"]
    positions = earth.at(epoch).observe(positions)

    if apparent:
        positions = positions.apparent()

    ra_cirs, dec_cirs, _ = positions.cirs_radec(epoch)

    return ra_cirs._degrees, dec_cirs._degrees
Example #6
    def test_array(self):
        # Do a simple test of transit_RA in an array. Use the fact that the RA
        # advances predictably to predict the answers

        from skyfield import earthlib

        epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 56)

        # Create an observer at an arbitrary location
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        # Calculate LST
        t = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch))
        gst = earthlib.sidereal_time(t)
        lst = (360.0 * gst / 24.0 + obs.longitude) % 360.0

        # Drift rate should be very close to 1 degree/4minutes.
        # Fetch times calculated by ephem
        delta_deg = np.arange(20)
        delta_deg.shape = (5, 4)
        lst = lst + delta_deg

        # Calculate RA using transit_RA
        unix_epoch = ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch)
        unix_times = unix_epoch + (delta_deg * 60 * 4 * ctime.SIDEREAL_S)
        TRA = obs.transit_RA(unix_times)

        # Compare
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lst, TRA, atol=0.02, rtol=1e-10))
Example #7
    def test_ensure_unix(self):
        # Check that ensure_unix is doing its job for both scalar and array
        # inputs

        dt = datetime(2016, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)
        dt_list = [datetime(2016, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0), datetime(2016, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)]

        ut = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt)
        ut_array = ctime.datetime_to_unix(dt_list)

        sf = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ut)
        sf_array = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(ut_array)

        self.assertEqual(ctime.ensure_unix(dt), ut)
        self.assertEqual(ctime.ensure_unix(ut), ut)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(ctime.ensure_unix(sf), ut, 3)

        self.assertTrue((ctime.ensure_unix(dt_list) == ut_array).all())
        self.assertTrue((ctime.ensure_unix(ut_array) == ut_array).all())
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(ctime.ensure_unix(sf_array), ut_array, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-4))
Example #8
def object_coords(body, date=None, deg=False, obs=chime):
    """Calculates the RA and DEC of the source.

    Gives the ICRS coordinates if no date is given (=J2000), or if a date is
    specified gives the CIRS coordinates at that epoch.

    This also returns the *apparent* position, including abberation and
    deflection by gravitational lensing. This shifts the positions by up to
    20 arcseconds.

    body : skyfield source
        skyfield.starlib.Star or skyfield.vectorlib.VectorSum or
        skyfield.jpllib.ChebyshevPosition body representing the source.
    date : float
        Unix time at which to determine ra of source If None, use Jan 01
    deg : bool
        Return RA ascension in degrees if True, radians if false (default).
    obs : `caput.time.Observer`
        An observer instance to use. If not supplied use `chime`. For many
        calculations changing from this default will make little difference.

    ra, dec: float
        Position of the source.

    if date is None:  # No date, get ICRS coords
        if isinstance(body, skyfield.starlib.Star):
            ra, dec = body.ra.radians, body.dec.radians
            raise ValueError(
                "Body is not fixed, cannot calculate coordinates without a date."

    else:  # Calculate CIRS position with all corrections

        date = unix_to_skyfield_time(date)
        radec = obs.skyfield_obs().at(date).observe(

        ra, dec = radec[0].radians, radec[1].radians

    # If requested, convert to degrees
    if deg:
        ra = np.degrees(ra)
        dec = np.degrees(dec)

    # Return
    return ra, dec
Example #9
    def _gen_basis(self, times, vis, n, max_za=90.):

        # make za axis
        max_sinza = np.sin(np.radians(max_za))
        if self.harm_basis:
            sinza = np.linspace(-max_sinza, max_sinza,
                                2 * int(2 * np.radians(max_za) / np.pi * n))
            sinza = np.linspace(-max_sinza, max_sinza, n)
        za = np.arcsin(sinza)
        az = np.zeros_like(za)
        az[:az.shape[0] / 2] = 180.
        alt = 90. - np.cos(np.radians(az)) * np.degrees(za)
        self.za = za
        self.sinza = sinza
        self._basis = np.zeros((vis.shape[0], vis.shape[1], n),
        # make EW grid to integrate over
        phi = np.linspace(-2 * self._res(), 2 * self._res(), 20)
        z, p = np.meshgrid(za, phi)
        self.z, self.p = z, p
        alt, az = tel2azalt(z, p)
        # model the EW beam as a sinc
        ew_beam = cylbeam.fraunhofer_cylinder(lambda x: np.ones_like(x), 20.)
        ew_beam = ew_beam(p)**2
        self.ew_beam = ew_beam
        # calculate phases within beam
        phases = np.exp(1j * self._fringe_phase(z, p))
        for i, t in enumerate(times):
            sf_t = unix_to_skyfield_time(t)
            pix = np.zeros((alt.shape[0], alt.shape[1]), dtype=int)
            for j in range(alt.shape[0]):
                for k in range(alt.shape[1]):
                    pos = self.obs.at(sf_t).from_altaz(
                        az_degrees=np.degrees(az[j, k]),
                        alt_degrees=np.degrees(alt[j, k]))
                    gallat, gallon = pos.galactic_latlon()[:2]
                    pix[j, k] = healpy.ang2pix(self.nside,
            if len(phases.shape) > 2:
                basis = np.sum(self.smoothmap[pix] * ew_beam * phases, axis=1)
                basis = self.smoothmap[pix] * ew_beam * phases
            if self.harm_basis:
                # convolve NS slice with basis functions
                basis = np.dot(
                        np.arange(1, n + 1)[np.newaxis, :] *
                        (za[:, np.newaxis] + np.pi / 2)))
            self._basis[:, i, :] = basis
Example #10
    def test_from_unix_time(self):
        """Make sure we are properly parsing the unix time.

        This is as much a test of ephem as our code. See issue #29 on the
        PyEphem github page.

        unix_time = random.random() * 2e6
        dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)
        st = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_time)
        new_dt = st.utc_datetime()
        self.assertEqual(dt.year, new_dt.year)
        self.assertEqual(dt.month, new_dt.month)
        self.assertEqual(dt.day, new_dt.day)
        self.assertEqual(dt.hour, new_dt.hour)
        self.assertEqual(dt.minute, new_dt.minute)
        self.assertEqual(dt.second, new_dt.second)
        self.assertTrue(abs(dt.microsecond - new_dt.microsecond) <= 1000)  # Skyfield rounds its output at the millisecond level.
Example #11
def utc_lst_to_mjd(datestring, lst, obs=chime):
    """Convert datetime string and LST to corresponding modified Julian Day

    datestring : string
        Date as YYYYMMDD-AAA, where AAA is one of [UTC, PST, PDT]
    lst : float
        Local sidereal time at DRAO (CHIME) in decimal hours
    obs : caput.Observer object

    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date corresponding to the given time.
    return (unix_to_skyfield_time(
        obs.lsa_to_unix(lst * 360 / 24, datetime_to_unix(
            parse_date(datestring)))).tt - 2400000.5)
Example #12
    def test_from_unix_time(self):
        """Make sure we are properly parsing the unix time.

        This is as much a test of ephem as our code. See issue #29 on the
        PyEphem github page.

        unix_time = random.random() * 2e6
        dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unix_time)
        st = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_time)
        new_dt = st.utc_datetime()
        self.assertEqual(dt.year, new_dt.year)
        self.assertEqual(dt.month, new_dt.month)
        self.assertEqual(dt.day, new_dt.day)
        self.assertEqual(dt.hour, new_dt.hour)
        self.assertEqual(dt.minute, new_dt.minute)
        self.assertEqual(dt.second, new_dt.second)
            abs(dt.microsecond - new_dt.microsecond) <=
            1000)  # Skyfield rounds its output at the millisecond level.
Example #13
    def test_epoch(self):

        from skyfield import earthlib

        # At the J2000 epoch, sidereal time and transit RA should be the same.
        epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 56)

        # Create an observer at an arbitrary location
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        # Calculate the transit_RA
        unix_epoch = ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch)
        TRA = obs.transit_RA(unix_epoch)

        # Calculate LST
        t = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_epoch)
        gst = earthlib.sidereal_time(t)
        lst = (360.0 * gst / 24.0 + obs.longitude) % 360.0

        # Tolerance limited by stellar aberation
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lst, TRA, atol=0.01, rtol=1e-10))
Example #14
    def test_epoch(self):

        from skyfield import earthlib

        # At the J2000 epoch, sidereal time and transit RA should be the same.
        epoch = datetime(2000, 1, 1, 11, 58, 56)

        # Create an observer at an arbitrary location
        obs = ctime.Observer(118.3, 36.1)

        # Calculate the transit_RA
        unix_epoch = ctime.datetime_to_unix(epoch)
        TRA = obs.transit_RA(unix_epoch)

        # Calculate LST
        t = ctime.unix_to_skyfield_time(unix_epoch)
        gst = earthlib.sidereal_time(t)
        lst = (360.0 * gst / 24.0 + obs.longitude) % 360.0

        # Tolerance limited by stellar aberation
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(lst, TRA, atol=0.01, rtol=1e-10))