def __init__(self,
                 image_cut=[115, 510]):

        dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        #self.dropout_vec = [1.0] * 8 + [0.7] * 2 + [0.5] * 2 + [0.5] * 1 + [0.5, 1.] *6
        self.dropout_vec = [1.0] * 8 + [0.7] * 2 + [0.5] * 2 + [0.5] * 1 + [
            0.5, 1.
        ] * 6
        self._image_size = (88, 200, 3)
        self._avoid_stopping = True
        self._image_cut = image_cut
        config_gpu = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
        # GPU to be selected, just take zero , select GPU  with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
        config_gpu.gpu_options.visible_device_list = '0'
        config_gpu.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = memory_fraction
        self._sess = tf.Session(config=config_gpu)
        self._models_path = "/home/pankaj/Trainer_module/CARLAILtrainer/models/"  #"D:/outbox/changed_old_trainer/trainer5/models/"#dir_path + '/model/'
        with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
            saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(self._models_path +
        self._graph = tf.get_default_graph()
        self._input_images = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('input_image:0')
        self._input_speed = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('input_speed:0')
        self._dout = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('dropout:0')
        self._follow_lane = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._left = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('Network/Branch_1/fc_11:0')
        self._right = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._straight = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._speed = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._intent = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
            saver.restore(self._sess, self._models_path + 'model.ckpt')
        self._curr_dir = 0
        self.count = 0
        self._enable_manual_control = False
        self._is_on_reverse = False
        #self._display = pygame.display.set_mode(
        #        (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT),
        #                        pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
        self.command_follower = CommandFollower(city_name)
        self.traffic_light_infraction = False
Example #2
def make_controlling_agent(args, town_name):
    Make the controlling agent object depending on what was selected.
    Forward Agent: Trivial agent that just accelerate forward.
    Human Agent: Agent controlled by a human driver, currently only by keyboard.
    Command Follower: A* planner followed by a PID controller (used as expert for data collection)

    if args.controlling_agent == "ForwardAgent":
        return ForwardAgent()
    elif args.controlling_agent == "HumanAgent":
        return HumanAgent()
    elif args.controlling_agent == "CommandFollower":
        return CommandFollower(town_name)
        raise ValueError("Selected Agent Does not exist")
Example #3
def make_controlling_agent(args, town_name):
    """ Make the controlling agent object depending on what was selected.
        Right now we have the following options:
        Forward Agent: A trivial agent that just accelerate forward.
        Human Agent: An agent controlled by a human driver, currently only by keyboard.

    if args.controlling_agent == "ForwardAgent":
        return ForwardAgent()
    elif args.controlling_agent == "HumanAgent":
        # TDNextPR: Add parameters such as joysticks to the human agent.
        return HumanAgent()
    elif args.controlling_agent == "CommandFollower":
        return CommandFollower(town_name)
    elif args.controlling_agent == 'LaneFollower':
        return LaneFollower(town_name)
        raise ValueError("Selected Agent Does not exist")
class ImitationLearning(Agent):
    def __init__(self,
                 image_cut=[115, 510]):

        dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        #self.dropout_vec = [1.0] * 8 + [0.7] * 2 + [0.5] * 2 + [0.5] * 1 + [0.5, 1.] *6
        self.dropout_vec = [1.0] * 8 + [0.7] * 2 + [0.5] * 2 + [0.5] * 1 + [
            0.5, 1.
        ] * 6
        self._image_size = (88, 200, 3)
        self._avoid_stopping = True
        self._image_cut = image_cut
        config_gpu = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
        # GPU to be selected, just take zero , select GPU  with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
        config_gpu.gpu_options.visible_device_list = '0'
        config_gpu.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = memory_fraction
        self._sess = tf.Session(config=config_gpu)
        self._models_path = "/home/pankaj/Trainer_module/CARLAILtrainer/models/"  #"D:/outbox/changed_old_trainer/trainer5/models/"#dir_path + '/model/'
        with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
            saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(self._models_path +
        self._graph = tf.get_default_graph()
        self._input_images = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('input_image:0')
        self._input_speed = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('input_speed:0')
        self._dout = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('dropout:0')
        self._follow_lane = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._left = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name('Network/Branch_1/fc_11:0')
        self._right = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._straight = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._speed = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        self._intent = self._graph.get_tensor_by_name(
        with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
            saver.restore(self._sess, self._models_path + 'model.ckpt')
        self._curr_dir = 0
        self.count = 0
        self._enable_manual_control = False
        self._is_on_reverse = False
        #self._display = pygame.display.set_mode(
        #        (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT),
        #                        pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
        self.command_follower = CommandFollower(city_name)
        self.traffic_light_infraction = False

    #def load_model(self):

    def get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
        Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
        if a new episode was requested.
        if keys[K_r]:
            return None
        control = Control()
        if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
            control.steer = -1.0
        if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
            control.steer = 1.0
        if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
            control.throttle = 1.0
        if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
            control.brake = 1.0
        if keys[K_SPACE]:
            control.hand_brake = True
        if keys[K_q]:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
        if keys[K_p]:
            self._enable_manual_control = not self._enable_manual_control
        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control

    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):

        self.state = self.command_follower.run_step(measurements, sensor_data,
                                                    directions, target)
        #key_control = self.get_keyboard_control(pygame.key.get_pressed())
        if self._enable_manual_control:
                "predicted_stop_pedestrian": 1,
                "predicted_stop_vehicle": 1,
                "predicted_stop_traffic": 1
            return key_control, self.state
            model_control = self._compute_action(
                measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed, directions)
            return model_control, self.state

    def _compute_action(self, rgb_image, speed, direction=None):

        rgb_image = rgb_image[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]

        image_input = scipy.misc.imresize(
            rgb_image, [self._image_size[0], self._image_size[1]])

        image_input = np.multiply(image_input, 1.0 / 255.0)

        steer, acc, brake, pred_intents, pred_speed = self._control_function(
            image_input, speed, direction)

        #self.command_follower.param_controller['target_speed'] = 30.0 # Fixed speed limit to 30 km/hr for testing
        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0
        control = self.command_follower.controller.get_control(
            self.state['wp_angle'], self.state['wp_angle_speed'],
            min(pred_intents), speed * 3.6, steer, acc, brake)
        #control = Control()
        #control.steer = steer
        #control.throttle = acc
        #control.brake = brake

        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0
        ped_intent, tra_intent, veh_intent = pred_intents
            "predicted_stop_pedestrian": ped_intent,
            "predicted_stop_vehicle": veh_intent,
            "predicted_stop_traffic": tra_intent
            f"Controls:  Steer: {control.steer:.2f} \tThrottle: {control.throttle:.2f} \tBrake: {control.brake:.2f} Command: {numtoCommands[direction]} "
            f" True ped_intent: {self.state['stop_pedestrian']}\t True veh_intent: {self.state['stop_vehicle']} \t True tra_intent: {self.state['stop_traffic_lights']}"
            f"Pred_ped_intent: {ped_intent} \tPred_veh_intent: {veh_intent} \tPred_tra_intent: {tra_intent} "
        return control

    def _control_function(self, image_input, speed, control_input):

        image_input = image_input.reshape(
            (1, self._image_size[0], self._image_size[1], self._image_size[2]))
        # Normalize with the maximum speed from the training set ( 90 km/h)
        curr_speed = speed

        speed = np.array(float(speed) / MAX_SPEED)
        speed = speed.reshape((1, 1))
        print(f"Current Speed: ", speed * 3.6 * MAX_SPEED)
        if control_input == 2 or control_input == 0.0:
            branch = self._follow_lane
        elif control_input == 3:
            branch = self._left
        elif control_input == 4:
            branch = self._right
            branch = self._straight

        feedDict = {
            self._input_images: image_input,
            self._input_speed: speed,
            self._dout: [1] * len(self.dropout_vec)

        output, predicted_speed, pred_intent =
            [branch, self._speed, self._intent], feed_dict=feedDict)

        predicted_steers, predicted_acc, predicted_brake = output[0]
        predicted_speed = predicted_speed[0]
        print(f"Predicted Speed: ", predicted_speed * 3.6 * MAX_SPEED)
        for i in range(len(pred_intent[0])):
            if pred_intent[0][i] > 0.9:
                pred_intent[0][i] = 1
            elif pred_intent[0][i] <= 0.05:
                pred_intent[0][i] = 0
        if (predicted_speed * 3.6 * MAX_SPEED) > 5 and (
                speed * 3.6 * MAX_SPEED) < 5:  #False braking
            print("False braking !!!!")
            predicted_acc = 0.5
            predicted_brake = 0
        #if (tra_intent - self.state['stop_traffic_lights'])  > 0.7:
        #    print(self.state['stop_traffic_lights'],  tra_intent)
        #    self.traffic_light_infraction = True
        return predicted_steers, predicted_acc, predicted_brake, pred_intent[
            0], predicted_speed[0] * MAX_SPEED * 3.6