def insert_into_cartodb(sql_query): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(var_api_key, var_cartodb_domain) try: # your CartoDB account: print cl.sql(sql_query) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e)
def clean(self): api_key = self.cleaned_data['api_key'] domain = self.cleaned_data['domain'] table_name = self.cleaned_data['table_name'] name_col = self.cleaned_data['name_col'] pcode_col = self.cleaned_data['pcode_col'] parent_code_col = self.cleaned_data['parent_code_col'] client = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) try: sites = client.sql( 'select * from {} limit 1'.format(table_name) ) except CartoDBException as e: logging.exception("CartoDB exception occured", exc_info=True) raise ValidationError("Couldn't connect to CartoDB table: "+table_name) else: row = sites['rows'][0] if name_col not in row: raise ValidationError('The Name column ({}) is not in table: {}'.format( name_col, table_name )) if pcode_col not in row: raise ValidationError('The PCode column ({}) is not in table: {}'.format( pcode_col, table_name )) if parent_code_col and parent_code_col not in row: raise ValidationError('The Parent Code column ({}) is not in table: {}'.format( parent_code_col, table_name )) return self.cleaned_data
def purgeCartoDBMpas(mpas=mpas, dryrun=False): '''Execute Mpa remove statements using the CartoDB API via the cartodb module for mpas in the CartoDB mpatlas table that are not found in the passed mpas queryset. mpas = Mpa queryset [default is all non-rejected MPAs with geom boundaries] dryrun = [False] if true, just return list of mpa_ids to be purged but don't run SQL. Returns list of mpa.mpa_ids that were removed, empty list if none removed. ''' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) nummpas = mpas.count() local_ids = mpas.values_list('mpa_id', flat=True) cartodb_idsql = ''' SELECT mpa_id FROM mpatlas ORDER BY mpa_id; ''' try: result = cl.sql(cartodb_idsql) except CartoDBException as e: error_ids.extend(step_ids) print('CartoDB Error for getting mpa_ids', e) cartodb_ids = [i['mpa_id'] for i in result['rows']] missing = list(set(cartodb_ids) - set(local_ids)) missing.sort() deletesql = ''' DELETE FROM mpatlas WHERE mpa_id IN %(missing)s; ''' % ({'missing': adaptParam(tuple(missing))}) if not dryrun: try: cl.sql(deletesql) except CartoDBException as e: error_ids.extend(step_ids) print 'CartoDB Error deleting %s mpas:' % len(missing), e return missing
def create( table_name, columns, api_key=CARTODB_API_KEY, cartodb_domain=cartodb_domain): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, cartodb_domain) try: resp = cl.sql("drop table {}".format(table_name)) except CartoDBException as e: print ("unable to drop table", e) # Do not add column 'cartodb_id' as this is created by the later call to cdb_cartodbfytable() # Though if it were needed, it would most likely look like this - # cartodb_id int4 default nextval('untitled_table_cartodb_id_seq1'::regclass) not null # Columns created_at, updated_at, the_geometry and the_geom_webmercator are also created automatically if absent. # created_at timestamptz default now() not null, updated_at timestamptz default now() not null # the_geometry, the_geom_webmercator geometry try: resp = cl.sql("create table {} ({})".format(table_name, columns)) except CartoDBException as e: print ("unable to create table", e) print resp try: resp = cl.sql("select cdb_cartodbfytable('{}')".format(table_name)) except CartoDBException as e: print ("unable to cartodbfy table", e) return
def insert_data1(query): """Connect to CartoDB and insert the data contained in tye query.""" cl = CartoDBAPIKey(settings.CARTODB_API_KEY1, settings.CARTODB_DOMAIN1) try: print(cl.sql(query)) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) raise
def update_sites(api_key='', domain='', username='', password='', list_name='', site_type='', name_col='', code_col='', target_list=''): carto_client = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) ai_client = ActivityInfoClient(username, password) # create an index of sites by p_code existing = dict( (site['code'], dict(site, index=i)) for (i, site) in enumerate(ai_client.get_locations(target_list)) if 'code' in site) sites = carto_client.sql('select * from {}'.format(list_name)) send_message('Starting upload of {}'.format(list_name)) bad_codes = [] updated_sites = 0 for row in sites['rows']: p_code = str(row[code_col]).strip() site_name = row[name_col].encode('UTF-8') cad = ai['Cadastral Area'].find_one({'code': str(row['cad_code'])}) if cad is None: bad_codes.append(row['cad_code']) continue caz = ai['Caza'].find_one({'id': cad['parentId']}) gov = ai['Governorate'].find_one({'id': caz['parentId']}) if p_code not in existing and site_name: payload = dict(id=int(random.getrandbits(31)), locationTypeId=int(target_list), name='{}: {}'.format(site_type, site_name)[0:40], axe='{}'.format(p_code), latitude=row['latitude'], longitude=row['longitude'], workflowstatusid='validated') payload['E{}'.format(gov['levelId'])] = gov['id'] payload['E{}'.format(caz['levelId'])] = caz['id'] payload['E{}'.format(cad['levelId'])] = cad['id'] response = ai_client.call_command('CreateLocation', **payload) if response.status_code == updated_sites += 1 print 'Updated {}'.format(payload['name']) else: print 'Error for {}'.format(payload['name']) print 'Bad codes: {}'.format(bad_codes) print 'Updated sites: {}'.format(updated_sites) send_message('Updated {} sites'.format(updated_sites))
class CartoDBConnector(object): def __init__(self): self.user = os.environ.get('CARTODB_EMAIL') self.api_key = os.environ.get('CARTODB_APIKEY') self.cartodb_domain = os.environ.get('CARTODB_DOMAIN') = CartoDBAPIKey(self.api_key, self.cartodb_domain) def newResponse(self, response_data): try: sqlValues = { "survey" : response_data.get('survey'), "surveyid" : response_data.get('survey_id'), "path":response_data.get('path'), "choose_a_road" : response_data.get('choose_a_road'), "how_do_you_feel" : response_data.get('how_do_you_feel'), "link_to_destinations" : response_data.get('link_to_destinations'), "is_the_gradient_amenable_to_cycling" : response_data.get('is_the_gradient_amenable_to_cycling'), "street_offers_priority_through_intersections" : response_data.get("street_offers_priority_through_intersections"), "type_of_cyclist" : response_data.get('type_of_cyclist') } sqlStr = "INSERT INTO dynamicconnections_bmwguggenheimlab \ (survey, surveyid, type_of_cyclist, the_geom, choose_a_road, how_do_you_feel, link_to_destinations,is_the_gradient_amenable_to_cycling,street_offers_priority_through_intersections) \ values \ ('%(survey)s', '%(surveyid)s', '%(type_of_cyclist)s', ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((%(path)s))',4326), '%(choose_a_road)s', '%(how_do_you_feel)s', '%(link_to_destinations)s','%(is_the_gradient_amenable_to_cycling)s', '%(street_offers_priority_through_intersections)s')" % sqlValues app.logger.debug('cartodb insert sql') app.logger.debug(sqlStr) query ='utf-8','replace')) app.logger.debug('query results') app.logger.debug(query) return query except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error occurred",e) return e def test(self): try: sqlstr = "INSERT INTO dynamicconnections_bmwguggenheimlab \ (survey, surveyid, the_geom, choose_a_road, how_do_you_feel, link_to_destinations,is_the_gradient_amenable_to_cycling,street_offers_priority_through_intersections) \ values \ ('None', 'None', ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((13.40568 52.51951, 13.40669 52.51879, 13.40726 52.51843, 13.40835 52.51758, 13.40918 52.51698, 13.40998 52.5164, 13.41032 52.51623, 13.41057 52.51616, 13.41177 52.51596, 13.41234 52.51586, 13.41315 52.51576, 13.41348 52.51575))',4326), '%(street)s', 'stressed', 'yes','yes', 'no')" % {'street':'Spandauer Straße and Stralauer Straße'} query ='utf-8','replace')) return query except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e) return e
def geodata(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(cartodb_key, cartodb_user) #TODO: validate that geoJSON is valid and nonmalicious geodata = json.dumps(request.json) try: #TODO: Store places as array of string, not array of object #TODO: user parameter binding instead of string concatenation result = json.dumps(cl.sql("DROP TABLE temp ; CREATE TABLE temp AS WITH data AS (SELECT '" + geodata + "'::json AS fc) SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid, ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feat->>'geometry')) AS geom, feat->'properties' AS properties FROM (SELECT json_array_elements(fc->'features') AS feat FROM data) AS f; INSERT INTO points (the_geom, pelias_label,session_id) SELECT ST_COLLECT(ST_SETSRID(geom, 4326)), json_agg(properties), max(gid) from temp;")) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def geodata(): # Query: INSERT INTO geopaths (the_geom) VALUES (ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(" + coords[0].toString() + ", " + coords[1].toString() + "),4326)) cl = CartoDBAPIKey(keys.cartodb_key, keys.cartodb_user) geodata = request.json for geo in geodata: try: cl.sql("INSERT INTO geopaths (the_geom) VALUES (ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(" + str(geo[0]) + ", " + str(geo[1]) + "),4326))") except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def updateMpa(m): '''Executes Mpa update/insert statements using the CartoDB API via the cartodb module. Returns mpa.mpa_id or None if error''' if not isinstance(m, Mpa): m = Mpa.objects.get(pk=m) cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) try: cl.sql(updateMpaSQL(m)) return except CartoDBException as e: print 'CartoDB Error for mpa_id %s:' %, e return None
def upload(property_id): """Uploads the data for the supplied integer ID""" cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) x = cleaner.carto_entry(property_id) if x['values'] is not None: query = 'INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s' %(TABLE, x['header'], x['values']) try: print "uploading %s" % property_id cl.sql(query) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e) print query
def index(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(keys.cartodb_key, keys.cartodb_user) try: carto_geoj = cl.sql("SELECT cartodb_id," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p1) as p1," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p2) as p2," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p3) as p3," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p4) as p4," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p5) as p5 " + "FROM geopaths;") except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return render_template('index.html', carto_geoj=carto_geoj)
def processed_ids(): """Returns a list of property IDs that have already been pushed to CartoDB """ cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) query = 'SELECT property_id FROM %s' % TABLE try: data = cl.sql(query) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return [x['property_id'] for x in data['rows']]
def flush_and_transmit(features): print "Connecting to CartoDB..." cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) try: print "Clearing old feature set..." cl.sql("TRUNCATE TABLE warning_geom;") print "Inserting new features..." for feat in features: cl.sql("INSERT INTO warning_geom (name, description, the_geom) VALUES ('%s','%s', ST_SetSRID(ST_GeometryFromText('%s'), 4326))" % (feat['key'], feat['desc'], feat['wkt'])) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e)
def processed_ids(): """Returns a list of property IDs that have already been pushed to CartoDB """ cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) query = 'SELECT property_id FROM %s' % TABLE try: data = cl.sql(query) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e) return [x['property_id'] for x in data['rows']]
def update_sites( api_key='cad5c2fd1aa5236083743f54264b203d903f3a06', domain='unhcr', table_name='imap_v5_cadcode', site_type='IS', name_col='pcodename', code_col='p_code', ): client = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) sites = client.sql( 'select * from {}'.format(table_name) ) for row in sites['rows']: p_code = row[code_col] site_name = row[name_col].encode('UTF-8') cad = ai['Cadastral Area'].find_one({'code': row['cad_code']}) caz = ai['Caza'].find_one({'id': cad['parentId']}) gov = ai['Governorate'].find_one({'id': caz['parentId']}) location = ai.locations.find_one({'p_code': p_code}) if not location: location = { "p_code": p_code, "ai_id": int(random.getrandbits(31)) # (31-bit random key), } location["ai_name"] = '{}: {}'.format(site_type, site_name) location["name"] = site_name location["type"] = site_type location["latitude"] = row['latitude'] location["longitude"] = row['longitude'] location["adminEntities"] = { str(gov['levelId']): { "id": gov['id'], "name": gov['name'] }, str(caz['levelId']): { "id": caz['id'], "name": caz['name'] }, str(cad['levelId']): { "id": cad['id'], "name": cad['name'] }, } ai.locations.update({'p_code': p_code}, location, upsert=True) print 'Updated {}: {}'.format(site_type, site_name)
def total_value(): """Returns the total value of the unclaimed property that had already been uploaded to CartoDB """ cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) query = 'SELECT value FROM %s' % TABLE try: data = cl.sql(query) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) cash = sum([x['value'] for x in data['rows']]) return '{:10,.2f}'.format(cash)
def upload(property_id): """Uploads the data for the supplied integer ID""" cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) x = cleaner.carto_entry(property_id) if x['values'] is not None: query = 'INSERT INTO %s %s VALUES %s' % (TABLE, x['header'], x['values']) try: print "uploading %s" % property_id cl.sql(query) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) print query
def total_value(): """Returns the total value of the unclaimed property that had already been uploaded to CartoDB """ cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) query = 'SELECT value FROM %s' % TABLE try: data = cl.sql(query) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e) cash = sum([x['value'] for x in data['rows']]) return '{:10,.2f}'.format(cash)
def update_sites( api_key='cad5c2fd1aa5236083743f54264b203d903f3a06', domain='unhcr', table_name='imap_v5_cadcode', site_type='IS', name_col='pcodename', code_col='p_code', ): client = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) sites = client.sql('select * from {}'.format(table_name)) for row in sites['rows']: p_code = row[code_col] site_name = row[name_col].encode('UTF-8') cad = ai['Cadastral Area'].find_one({'code': row['cad_code']}) caz = ai['Caza'].find_one({'id': cad['parentId']}) gov = ai['Governorate'].find_one({'id': caz['parentId']}) location = ai.locations.find_one({'p_code': p_code}) if not location: location = { "p_code": p_code, "ai_id": int(random.getrandbits(31)) # (31-bit random key), } location["ai_name"] = '{}: {}'.format(site_type, site_name) location["name"] = site_name location["type"] = site_type location["latitude"] = row['latitude'] location["longitude"] = row['longitude'] location["adminEntities"] = { str(gov['levelId']): { "id": gov['id'], "name": gov['name'] }, str(caz['levelId']): { "id": caz['id'], "name": caz['name'] }, str(cad['levelId']): { "id": cad['id'], "name": cad['name'] }, } ai.locations.update({'p_code': p_code}, location, upsert=True) print 'Updated {}: {}'.format(site_type, site_name)
def index(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(keys.cartodb_key, keys.cartodb_user) try: carto_geoj = cl.sql("SELECT cartodb_id," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p1) as p1," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p2) as p2," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p3) as p3," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p4) as p4," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p5) as p5 " + "FROM geopaths;") last_row_id = max([row['cartodb_id'] for row in carto_geoj['rows']]) print("Length of database is: ", len(carto_geoj['rows'])) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return render_template('index.html', carto_geoj=carto_geoj, last_row_id=last_row_id)
def get_breweries(komm): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(CDB_KEY, CDB_DOMAIN) try: res = cl.sql(''' SELECT count(*) FROM osm_breweries WHERE ST_Contains(%s, the_geom) ''' % geojson_sql(komm['geometry'])) return res['rows'][0]['count'] except CartoDBException: return -1
def update(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(keys.cartodb_key, keys.cartodb_user) prevRow = request.args.get('rowid','') try: carto_geoj = cl.sql("SELECT cartodb_id," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p1) as p1," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p2) as p2," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p3) as p3," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p4) as p4," + "ST_AsGeoJSON(p5) as p5 " + "FROM geopaths " + "WHERE cartodb_id > " + str(prevRow) + ";") except CartoDBException as e: print("some error occurred", e) return jsonify(carto_geoj)
def __init__(self): self.user = os.environ.get('CARTODB_EMAIL') self.api_key = os.environ.get('CARTODB_APIKEY') self.cartodb_domain = os.environ.get('CARTODB_DOMAIN') = CartoDBAPIKey(self.api_key, self.cartodb_domain)
def geodata(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(cartodb_key, cartodb_user) #TODO: validate that geoJSON is valid and nonmalicious geodata = json.dumps(request.json) try: #TODO: Store places as array of string, not array of object #TODO: user parameter binding instead of string concatenation result = json.dumps( cl.sql( "DROP TABLE temp ; CREATE TABLE temp AS WITH data AS (SELECT '" + geodata + "'::json AS fc) SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid, ST_AsText(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feat->>'geometry')) AS geom, feat->'properties' AS properties FROM (SELECT json_array_elements(fc->'features') AS feat FROM data) AS f; INSERT INTO points (the_geom, pelias_label,session_id) SELECT ST_COLLECT(ST_SETSRID(geom, 4326)), json_agg(properties), max(gid) from temp;" )) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return redirect(url_for('index'))
def index_s(id): cl = CartoDBAPIKey('',cartodb_user) try: carto_geoj = json.dumps(cl.sql("SELECT * FROM points WHERE cartodb_id= %d;" % id , format='geojson')) #TODO: Parse array of strings, not array of objects as place labels labels_resp = cl.sql("SELECT pelias_label FROM points WHERE cartodb_id= %d;" % id) labels = [[y for y in json.loads(x['pelias_label'])] for x in labels_resp['rows']] last_row_id_resp = cl.sql("SELECT MAX(cartodb_id) AS id FROM points") last_row_id = last_row_id_resp['rows'][0]['id'] except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return render_template('index.html', carto_geoj=carto_geoj, carto_places=labels, last_row_id=last_row_id, id=id)
def updateAllMpas(mpas=mpas, step=10, limit=None): '''Execute bulk Mpa update/insert statements using the CartoDB API via the cartodb module. mpas = Mpa queryset [default is all non-rejected MPAs with geom boundaries] step = number of Mpas to update per http transaction limit = only process a subset of records, useful for testing Returns list of mpa.mpa_ids that were not processed due to errors, empty list if no errors ''' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) nummpas = mpas.count() if limit: nummpas = min(limit, nummpas) print 'Processing %s of %s mpa records at a time' % (step, nummpas) r = range(0,nummpas+2,step) if r and r[-1] < nummpas: r.append(nummpas) error_ids = [] start = time.time() for i in xrange(0,len(r)-1): r0 = r[i] r1 = r[i+1] print 'Records [%s - %s]' % (r0, r1-1) step_ids = [] upsert = '' for m in mpas[r0:r1]: try: upsert += updateMpaSQL(m) step_ids.append( except: error_ids.append( print 'Skipping Mpa', # Now update this batch of records in CartoDB try: cl.sql(upsert) except CartoDBException as e: print 'CartoDB Error for mpa_ids %s:' % step_ids, e print 'Trying single updates.' for mpa_id in step_ids: try: updateMpa(mpa_id) except CartoDBException as e: error_ids.append(mpa_id) print 'CartoDB Error for mpa_id %s:' % mpa_id, e end = time.time() print 'TOTAL', end - start, 'sec elapsed' return error_ids
class CartoDBOutput: SQL = 'INSERT INTO {table} ({column_names}) VALUES ({column_values})' def __init__(self, apikey, domain, table): self.table = table = CartoDBAPIKey(apikey, domain) def insert_line(self, lat, lon): """ Insert a line in the configured CartoDB table. Lat/Lon are in EPSG:4326. """ formatted_sql = self.SQL.format(table=self.table, column_names='the_geom', column_values='ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(' + lon + ', ' + lat + '), 4326)') def truncate_table(self):"TRUNCATE TABLE {table}".format(table=self.table))
def get_api(self): """ Reads secrets from local file and connects to CartoDB API. """ with open('secrets.json') as secrets_file: secrets = json.load(secrets_file) api_key = secrets['api_key'] cartodb_domain = secrets['cartodb_domain'] api = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, cartodb_domain) try: api.sql('SELECT * FROM energy_tweets_table') except CartoDBException: raise return api
def index(): form = DotCartoForm() fi = None first = None old_map_name = None if form.validate_on_submit(): # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # cred = json.load(open('credentials.json')) # modify credentials.json.sample # if username == '': username = # if apikey == '': apikey = # if cartojson == '': cartojson = ' ', '_').lower() + '.carto.json' # if first == '': print 'cartjson assigned' # if cartojson == 'dma_heatmap.carto.json': # first = 'dma_master_polygons_merge' if cartojson == 'dmas_oct.carto.json': first = 'dma_visit_index_template_data_may2017v1' elif cartojson == 'visits_final.carto.json': first = 'visitindexheatmapexample' print first # if second == '': second = # if cartojson == 'dma_heatmap.carto.json': # old_map_name = "TEMPLATE (USE THIS) - DMA Heatmap" if cartojson == 'dmas_oct.carto.json': old_map_name = "NinthDecimal DMAs - 0914" elif cartojson == 'visits_final.carto.json': old_map_name = "NinthDecimal Visits Index - 0914" print first new_map_name = # cartojson = 'template.carto.json' curTime ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') inFile = 'data/' + cartojson ouFile = 'data/_temp/' + cartojson.replace( '.carto.json', '') + '_' + curTime + '.carto.json' fiFile = 'data/_temp/' + new_map_name.replace( ' ', '_').lower() + '_' + cartojson.replace( '.carto.json', '') + '_' + curTime + '.carto.json' print inFile, ouFile, first, second openFileReplaceDatasetSave(inFile, ouFile, first, second) print inFile, ouFile, old_map_name, new_map_name openFileReplaceDatasetSave(ouFile, fiFile, old_map_name, new_map_name) cl = CartoDBAPIKey(apikey, username) # Import csv file, set privacy as 'link' and create a default viz fi = FileImport(fiFile, cl, create_vis='true', privacy='link') return render_template("index.html", form=form, result=[str(fi)])
class CartoTransaction(object): #_SQL_INSERT = "insert into {0} ( the_geom, type, happened_at, message, spotid ) values( g, t, h, m, i ) select {1} where {1} not in (select spotid from {0} where spotid = {1} _SQL_INSERT = "insert into %s ( the_geom, type, happened_at, message, spotid ) values( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" _SQL_DELETE = "delete from %s where spotid = %s;" def __init__(self, api_key, domain, table, debug=False): = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) self.table = table self.queries = [] self.debug = debug def commit(self): if len(self.queries) == 0: return stmts = "\n".join(self.queries) query = "BEGIN;\n" query += stmts query += "COMMIT;\n" if self.debug: print query resp = if self.debug: print resp def _craft_insert(self, the_geom, event_type, happened_at, message, spotid): if happened_at is None: happened_at = '' if message is None: message = '' return self._SQL_INSERT % (self.table, the_geom, quote(event_type), quote(happened_at), quote(message), quote(spotid)) def insert_point(self, point): the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%s,%s), 4326)" % (point.longitude, point.latitude) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "checkin", point.dateTime, point.messageContent, str( self.queries.append(insert) def update_line(self, spotid, coords, remove_first=False): geojson = json.dumps({ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [coords] }) the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('%s'), 4326)" % (geojson) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "track", str(, None, str(spotid)) delete = self._SQL_DELETE % (self.table, quote(spotid)) self.queries.append(delete) self.queries.append(insert)
def update(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey('',cartodb_user) prevRow = int(request.args.get('rowid','')) try: #TODO: user parameter binding instead of string concatenation carto_geoj = cl.sql("SELECT the_geom FROM points WHERE cartodb_id > " + str(prevRow) + ";", format='geojson') #TODO: Parse array of strings, not array of objects as place labels labels_resp = cl.sql("SELECT pelias_label FROM points WHERE cartodb_id > " + str(prevRow) + ";") labels = [[y for y in json.loads(x['pelias_label'])] for x in labels_resp['rows']] last_row_id_resp = cl.sql("SELECT MAX(cartodb_id) AS id FROM points") last_row_id = last_row_id_resp['rows'][0]['id'] except CartoDBException as e: print("some error occurred", e) return jsonify(multipoints=carto_geoj, places=labels, lastrowid=last_row_id)
def all(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey('', cartodb_user) try: carto_geoj = cl.sql("SELECT * FROM points;", format='geojson') id = "All" #TODO: Parse array of strings, not array of objects as place labels labels_resp = cl.sql("SELECT pelias_label FROM points ") labels = [[y for y in json.loads(x['pelias_label'])] for x in labels_resp['rows']] last_row_id_resp = cl.sql("SELECT MAX(cartodb_id) AS id FROM points") last_row_id = last_row_id_resp['rows'][0]['id'] except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) return render_template('index.html', carto_geoj=json.dumps(carto_geoj), carto_places=labels, last_row_id=last_row_id, id=id)
def push_to_cartodb(f): """ send dataset f to cartodb, return success of import """ print "attempting to import into cartodb" config = loadConfig() cl = CartoDBAPIKey(config["API_KEY"], config["user"]) fi = FileImport(f, cl, table_name='python_table_test') return fi.success
def main(): carto_conn = CartoDBAPIKey(secrets.apikey, secrets.domain) am_conn = get_connection_or_die() for project in ['KATM_BrownBear']: locations = get_locations_to_remove(am_conn, project) vectors = get_vectors_to_remove(am_conn, project) remove(am_conn, carto_conn, locations, vectors) locations = get_locations_for_carto(am_conn, project) vectors = get_vectors_for_carto(am_conn, project) insert(am_conn, carto_conn, locations, vectors) fix_format_of_vector_columns(carto_conn)
class CartoTransaction(object): _SQL_INSERT = "insert into %s ( the_geom, type, happened_at, message ) values( %s, %s, %s, %s);" def __init__(self, api_key, domain, table, debug=False): = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) self.table = table self.queries = [] self.debug = debug def commit(self): if len(self.queries) == 0: return stmts = "\n".join(self.queries) query = "BEGIN;\n" query += stmts query += "COMMIT;\n" if self.debug: print query resp = if self.debug: print resp def _craft_insert(self, the_geom, event_type, happened_at, message): if happened_at is None: happened_at = '' if message is None: message = '' def quote(s): return "'" + s + "'" return self._SQL_INSERT % (self.table, the_geom, quote(event_type), quote(happened_at), quote(message)) def insert_point(self, point): the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%s,%s), 4326)" % (point.longitude, point.latitude) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "checkin", point.dateTime, point.message) self.queries.append(insert) def update_line(self, trip_id, coords): geojson = json.dumps({ "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [coords] }) the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('%s'), 4326)" % (geojson) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "track", str(, None) self.queries.append(insert)
def synchronize_entries(self, entries): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(settings.CARTODB_SYNC['API_KEY'], settings.CARTODB_SYNC['DOMAIN']) # # Apply synchronizations in the following order: insert, update, # delete. In this way, we should hopefully avoid unsafe situations # such as deleting an entry then trying to update it. # inserts = [self.get_cartodb_mapping(e.content_object) for e in entries \ if e.status == SyncEntry.PENDING_INSERT] if inserts: insert_statement = self.get_insert_statement(inserts) try: print(cl.sql(insert_statement)) except CartoDBException as e: traceback.print_exc() print('Exception while inserting:', e) updates = [self.get_cartodb_mapping(e.content_object) for e in entries \ if e.status == SyncEntry.PENDING_UPDATE] if updates: statement = self.get_update_statement(updates) print(statement) try: print(cl.sql(statement)) except CartoDBException as e: traceback.print_exc() print('Exception while updating:', e) deletes = [e for e in entries if e.status == SyncEntry.PENDING_DELETE] if deletes: statement = self.get_delete_statement(deletes) try: print(cl.sql(statement)) except CartoDBException as e: traceback.print_exc() print('Exception while deleting:', e)
def new_squat(): def value_to_db(value): if value == 'on': value = 'Yes' return "'%s'" % value.replace("'", "''") cl = CartoDBAPIKey(app.config.get('CARTODB_APIKEY'), app.config.get('CARTODB_USER')) try: keys = request.form.keys() sql = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % ( app.config.get('CARTODB_TABLE'), ','.join(keys + ['needs_moderation',]), ','.join([value_to_db(request.form.get(k)) for k in keys] + ['true',]), ) cl.sql(sql) except CartoDBException: traceback.print_exc() response = app.make_response('OK') if app.config.get('DEBUG'): response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' return response
def describe(table_name): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(CARTODB_API_KEY, cartodb_domain) try: resp = cl.sql( "SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name ='{}'". format(table_name)) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e) #print resp.keys() #for c in resp['fields']: # print c, resp['fields'][c] for c in resp['rows']: #print "-----------" #for d in ['column_name','udt_name','column_default']: #for d in c: # if c[d] != None: # print d, c[d] item = "{} {}".format(c['column_name'], c['udt_name']) if c['column_default']: item = item + " default " + c['column_default'] print item
def update(): cl = CartoDBAPIKey('', cartodb_user) prevRow = int(request.args.get('rowid', '')) try: #TODO: user parameter binding instead of string concatenation carto_geoj = cl.sql("SELECT the_geom FROM points WHERE cartodb_id > " + str(prevRow) + ";", format='geojson') #TODO: Parse array of strings, not array of objects as place labels labels_resp = cl.sql( "SELECT pelias_label FROM points WHERE cartodb_id > " + str(prevRow) + ";") labels = [[y for y in json.loads(x['pelias_label'])] for x in labels_resp['rows']] last_row_id_resp = cl.sql("SELECT MAX(cartodb_id) AS id FROM points") last_row_id = last_row_id_resp['rows'][0]['id'] except CartoDBException as e: print("some error occurred", e) return jsonify(multipoints=carto_geoj, places=labels, lastrowid=last_row_id)
def get_foot_trails(komm): cl = CartoDBAPIKey(CDB_KEY, CDB_DOMAIN) try: gj = geojson_sql(komm['geometry']) query = ''' SELECT SUM( ST_Length( ST_INTERSECTION( s.the_geom::geography, %s::geography ) ) ) / 1000 as len FROM fotrute s WHERE ST_Intersects(%s, s.the_geom); ''' % (gj, gj) res = cl.sql(query) length = res['rows'][0]['len'] return round(length) if length is not None else 0 except CartoDBException: return -1
class CartoTransaction(object): #_SQL_INSERT = "insert into {0} ( the_geom, type, happened_at, message, spotid ) values( g, t, h, m, i ) select {1} where {1} not in (select spotid from {0} where spotid = {1} _SQL_INSERT = "insert into %s ( the_geom, type, happened_at, message, spotid ) values( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);" _SQL_DELETE = "delete from %s where spotid = %s;" def __init__(self, api_key, domain, table, debug = False): = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) self.table = table self.queries = [] self.debug = debug def commit(self): if len(self.queries) == 0: return stmts = "\n".join(self.queries) query = "BEGIN;\n" query += stmts query += "COMMIT;\n" if self.debug: print query resp = if self.debug: print resp def _craft_insert(self, the_geom, event_type, happened_at, message, spotid): if happened_at is None: happened_at = '' if message is None: message = '' return self._SQL_INSERT % (self.table, the_geom , quote(event_type), quote(happened_at), quote(message), quote(spotid)) def insert_point(self, point): the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%s,%s), 4326)" %(point.longitude, point.latitude) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "checkin", point.dateTime, point.messageContent, str( self.queries.append(insert) def update_line(self, spotid, coords, remove_first=False): geojson = json.dumps({ "type" : "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [coords] }) the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('%s'), 4326)" % (geojson) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "track", str(, None, str(spotid)) delete = self._SQL_DELETE % (self.table, quote(spotid)) self.queries.append(delete) self.queries.append(insert)
class CartoTransaction(object): _SQL_INSERT = "insert into %s ( the_geom, type, happened_at, message ) values( %s, %s, %s, %s);" def __init__(self, api_key, domain, table, debug = False): = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, domain) self.table = table self.queries = [] self.debug = debug def commit(self): if len(self.queries) == 0: return stmts = "\n".join(self.queries) query = "BEGIN;\n" query += stmts query += "COMMIT;\n" if self.debug: print query resp = if self.debug: print resp def _craft_insert(self, the_geom, event_type, happened_at, message): if happened_at is None: happened_at = '' if message is None: message = '' def quote(s): return "'" + s + "'" return self._SQL_INSERT % (self.table, the_geom , quote(event_type), quote(happened_at), quote(message)) def insert_point(self, point): the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%s,%s), 4326)" %(point.longitude, point.latitude) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "checkin", point.dateTime, point.message) self.queries.append(insert) def update_line(self, trip_id, coords): geojson = json.dumps({ "type" : "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [coords] }) the_geom = "ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('%s'), 4326)" % (geojson) insert = self._craft_insert(the_geom, "track", str(, None) self.queries.append(insert)
def tocarto(table, url, geom_field=None): from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException, FileImport # parse url # get name of filename = name + '.csv' # write to csv # TODO can FileImport take a stream so we don't have to write to csv first? (etl.reproject(table, 4326, geom_field=geom_field) .rename('shape', 'the_geom') .tocsv(filename) ) API_KEY = '<api key>' DOMAIN = '<domain>' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, DOMAIN) fi = FileImport(filename, cl, privacy='public')
def flush_and_transmit(features): print "Connecting to CartoDB..." cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) try: print "Clearing old feature set..." cl.sql("TRUNCATE TABLE warning_geom;") print "Inserting new features..." for feat in features: cl.sql( "INSERT INTO warning_geom (name, description, the_geom) VALUES ('%s','%s', ST_SetSRID(ST_GeometryFromText('%s'), 4326))" % (feat['key'], feat['desc'], feat['wkt'])) except CartoDBException as e: print("some error ocurred", e)
def cleanNinthDecimal(inFile, inFileName, username, apikey): curTime ='%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') ouFileName = inFileName.replace('.csv', '') ouFile = 'data/ninth_decimal_' + curTime + '.csv' ouFile = 'data/_send/' + ouFileName + '.csv' with open(ouFile, 'w') as csvoutput: writer = csv.writer(csvoutput, lineterminator='\n') # This code opens our bytestream with \r as the newline newline_wrapper = TextIOWrapper(inFile, newline=None) # newline='\r') reader = csv.reader( newline_wrapper) # , delimiter = ',')#, lineterminator='\r') all = [] row = next(reader) row.append('the_geom') all.append(row) geoFenceColLoc = row.index('geofence') for row in reader: row.append(reorderLatLng(row[geoFenceColLoc])) all.append(row) writer.writerows(all) cl = CartoDBAPIKey(apikey, username) # Import csv file, set privacy as 'link' and create a default viz fi = FileImport(ouFile, cl, create_vis='false', privacy='link', content_guessing='false', type_guessing='false') return fi
def truncate_table1(table=settings.CARTODB_TABLE1): query = 'TRUNCATE %s' % table cl = CartoDBAPIKey(settings.CARTODB_API_KEY1, settings.CARTODB_DOMAIN1) cl.sql(query)
import os from powertrack.api import * from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()"app.conf") APP_NAME= config.get('general','app_name') IMPORT_API_ENDPOINT = config.get('cartodb', 'import_api_endpoint') ACCOUNT_NAME = config.get('cartodb', 'account_name') API_KEY = config.get('cartodb', 'api_key') TABLE_NAME = config.get('cartodb', 'table_name') RUN_AFTER_S = int(config.get('intervals', 'run_after_s')) p = PowerTrack(api="search") cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, ACCOUNT_NAME) # Split categories categories = [cat.split(" ") for cat in config.get('twitter','categories').split("|")] print ("======================================") print (" Starting script {} for user {}".format(APP_NAME,ACCOUNT_NAME)) print ("======================================") # Get tweets from GNIP while 1: # Read the start timestamp with open("{table_name}_next.conf".format(table_name=TABLE_NAME), "r") as conf: from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException user = '******' API_KEY ='adfa3ceeaf052aaa42e2e2ec96d4df80ea42e950' cartodb_domain = 'lauragator' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) sql_statement = "DELETE FROM spatial" try: print cl.sql(sql_statement) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn import scipy.special import sent import sys, csv from subprocess import call ### ### CARTODB API KEY: 24b3f4810d68e1f8e9c3f17c0580181b4e034edb ### my_cartodb_domain = '' my_cartodb_url = '' my_cartodb_api_key = '24b3f4810d68e1f8e9c3f17c0580181b4e034edb' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(my_cartodb_api_key, my_cartodb_domain) app = Flask(__name__) app.vars = {} #app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] = UPLOAD_FOLDER @app.route('/') def main(): return redirect('/index') @app.route('/index', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('index.html')
from powertrack.api import PowerTrack from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, FileImport config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()"champions.conf") ACCOUNT_NAME = config.get('cartodb', 'account_name') API_KEY = config.get('cartodb', 'api_key') TABLE_NAME = config.get('cartodb', 'table_name') START_TIMESTAMP = datetime.strptime(config.get('interval', 'start_timestamp'), "%Y%m%d%H%M") END_TIMESTAMP = datetime.strptime(config.get('interval', 'end_timestamp'), "%Y%m%d%H%M") p = PowerTrack(api="search") cdb = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, ACCOUNT_NAME) categories = [ [ "#HalaMadrid", "#APorLaUndecima", "#RMUCL", "#RMFans", "#RMCity", "#RmHistory", "@realmadrid", "@realmadriden", "@readmadridfra", "@realmadridarab", "@realmadridjapan" ], ["#LaUndecima"], ["Zidane"], ["Gareth Bale", "@GarethBale11"], ["Sergio Ramos", "@SergioRamos"], ["Cristiano Ronaldo", "@Cristiano"], ["Keylor Navas", "@NavasKeylor"], ["@officialpepe"], ["Luka Modric", "@lm19official"],
from _settings import * from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException, FileImport # gitignored secret info from _secret_info import cartodb_domain, API_KEY cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) tr95 = wp + '/to_cartodb/nyctrees1995.csv' tr05 = wp + '/to_cartodb/nyctrees2005.csv' tr15 = wp + '/to_cartodb/nyctrees2015.csv' fi = FileImport( tr95, cl, create_vis='true', privacy='public' ) # Import csv file, set privacy as 'link' and create a default viz # fi = FileImport( tr05, cl, create_vis='true', privacy='public' ) # Import csv file, set privacy as 'link' and create a default viz # fi = FileImport( tr15, cl, create_vis='true', privacy='public' ) # Import csv file, set privacy as 'link' and create a default viz #
from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException API_KEY ='YOUR_CARTODB_API_KEY' cartodb_domain = 'jatorre' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) try: print cl.sql('select * from mytable') except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e)from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException API_KEY ='YOUR_CARTODB_API_KEY' cartodb_domain = 'jatorre' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, cartodb_domain) try: print cl.sql('select * from mytable') except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e)
#import required modules import exceptions import urllib2, json from cartodb import CartoDBAPIKey, CartoDBException #cartodb variables api_key = 'ebd93f0d0daf2ab7d2b31e2449e307cfe0744252' cartodb_domain = 'troy' cl = CartoDBAPIKey(api_key, cartodb_domain) def insert_into_cartodb(sql_query): try: # your CartoDB account: print cl.sql(sql_query) except CartoDBException as e: print ("some error ocurred", e) def get_max_id(): return cl.sql('SELECT MAX(id) FROM humanitarian_response')['rows'][0]['max'] #parse the json def getResults(data): # Use the json module to load the string data into a dictionary api_url = json.loads(data) for i in api_url["data"]: #defining the variables that will be pulled into CartoDB id = i["id"] label = i["label"] cluster_id = i["bundles"][0]["id"] cluster_label = i["bundles"][0]["label"]
def delete_for_date1(target_date, table): print("\n=== Deleting existing data for date %s... ===" % target_date) date_formatted = target_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE date='%s'" % (table, date_formatted) cl = CartoDBAPIKey(settings.CARTODB_API_KEY1, settings.CARTODB_DOMAIN1) cl.sql(query)
def setUp(self): self.client = CartoDBAPIKey(API_KEY, user, api_version='v2')