def test_azuremaps_tiles_api_url():
    subscription_key = 'foo'
    tileset_id = 'bar'
    tile = [0, 1, 2]

    exp_url = (''

    az_maps_sample = cimgt.AzureMapsTiles(subscription_key, tileset_id)
    url_str = az_maps_sample._image_url(tile)
    assert url_str == exp_url
def test_azuremaps_get_image():
    # In order to test fetching map images from Azure Maps
    # an API key needs to be provided
        api_key = os.environ['AZURE_MAPS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY']
    except KeyError:
        pytest.skip('AZURE_MAPS_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY environment variable '
                    'is unset.')

    am1 = cimgt.AzureMapsTiles(api_key, tileset_id="microsoft.imagery")
    am2 = cimgt.AzureMapsTiles(api_key, tileset_id="microsoft.base.road")

    tile = (500, 300, 10)

    img1, extent1, _ = am1.get_image(tile)
    img2, extent2, _ = am2.get_image(tile)

    # Different images for different layers
    assert img1 != img2

    # The extent is the same though
    assert extent1 == extent2