Example #1
    def __init__(self, filename, nints=1, nskip=0, ddid=-1, selectpol=['XX','YY']):
        """Initializes the class "mwa". This creates new object containing data and metadata for a set of files in a directory.
        It also includes functions to manipulate data and do some analysis, like making lightcurves, etc.
        Note that this uses CASA libraries in a way that requires it to be run from within "casapy". Other options exist elsewhere.
        Default is to read in first file (alphabetically) in the directory. Use nints and nskip to control where to start and number of files to read. this assumes that the alphabetical order is the time order.

        Examples of usage in python/casapy:
        import mwavis
        obs = mwavis.mwa('directory') -- create observation object for first file in a directory.
        print obs.data.shape -- see the structure of data read in. dimensions are (time, baseline, channel, polarization)
        results = obs.bisplc(show=1) -- create a bispectrum lightcurve and show any candidate transients. results are returned in 'return' object

        # critical parameters. need to edit these
        ants = range(64)    # set what antennas to use. default is to use "range" to specify all antennas with range(n_ant+1)
        self.chans = n.array(range(64))  # set what channesl to use. default is to use range to select all channels.
        self.track0 = [n.zeros(len(self.chans)), self.chans]

        # open first file and read a bit of data to define data structure
        self.file = filename
        print 'Reading ', self.file
        spwinfo = ms.getspectralwindowinfo()
        summary = ms.summary()

        # read in multiple subbands ("data id" in casa parlance). mwa probably doesn't use this.
        if ddid < 0:
            ddidlist = range(len(spwinfo['spwInfo']))
            ddidlist = [ddid]

        freq = n.array([])
        for ddid in ddidlist:
            nch = spwinfo['spwInfo'][str(ddid)]['NumChan']
            ch0 = spwinfo['spwInfo'][str(ddid)]['Chan1Freq']
            chw = spwinfo['spwInfo'][str(ddid)]['ChanWidth']
            freq = n.concatenate( (freq, (ch0 + chw * n.arange(nch)) * 1e-9) )

        self.freq = freq[self.chans]
        self.nchan = len(self.freq)

        # read data into data structure. start with subband 0, then iterate over higher ones. mwa probably only has 0.
        ms.selectinit(datadescid=0)  # reset select params for later data selection
        selection = {'antenna1': ants, 'antenna2': ants}
        ms.select(items = selection)
        print 'Reading SB %d, polarization %s...' % (0, selectpol)
        da = ms.getdata(['data','axis_info'], ifraxis=True)
        if da == {}:
            print 'No data found.'
            return 1
        newda = n.transpose(da['data'], axes=[3,2,1,0])  # if using multi-pol data.
        if len(ddidlist) > 1:
            for ddid in ddidlist[1:]:
                ms.selectinit(datadescid=ddid)  # reset select params for later data selection
                ms.select(items = selection)
                print 'Reading SB %d, polarization %s...' % (ddid, selectpol)
                da = ms.getdata(['data','axis_info'], ifraxis=True)
                newda = n.concatenate( (newda, n.transpose(da['data'], axes=[3,2,1,0])), axis=2 )
        rawdata = newda  # array for collecting raw data

        # check pol and baseline dimensions of data
        self.npol_orig = da['data'].shape[0]
        self.npol = len(selectpol)
        self.nbl = da['data'].shape[2]
        print 'Initializing %d of %d polarizations' % (self.npol, self.npol_orig)
        print 'Initializing nchan:', self.nchan
        print 'Initializing nbl:', self.nbl
        self.nskip = int(nskip*self.nbl)    # number of iterations to skip (for reading in different parts of buffer)

        # set number of antennas and names of baselines
        bls = da['axis_info']['ifr_axis']['ifr_shortname']
        self.blarr = n.array([[bls[i].split('-')[0],bls[i].split('-')[1]] for i in range(len(bls))])
        self.ants = n.unique(self.blarr)
        self.nants = len(self.ants)
        print 'Initializing nants:', self.nants

        # set integration time and time axis
        ti = da['axis_info']['time_axis']['MJDseconds']
        self.inttime = n.mean([ti[i+1] - ti[i] for i in range(len(ti)-1)])
        print 'Initializing integration time (s):', self.inttime
        self.reltime = ti - ti[0]

        if len(msfiles) > 1:
            for file in msfiles[1:]:

                print 'Reading ', file
                spwinfo = ms.getspectralwindowinfo()

                # read in multiple subbands ("data id" in casa parlance). mwa probably doesn't use this.
                if ddid < 0:
                    ddidlist = range(len(spwinfo['spwInfo']))
                    ddidlist = [ddid]

                # read data into data structure. start with subband 0, then iterate over higher ones. mwa probably only has 0.
                ms.selectinit(datadescid=0)  # reset select params for later data selection
                ms.select(items = selection)
                print 'Reading SB %d, polarization %s...' % (0, selectpol)
                da = ms.getdata(['data','axis_info'], ifraxis=True)
                if da == {}:
                    print 'No data found.'
                    return 1
                newda = n.transpose(da['data'], axes=[3,2,1,0])  # if using multi-pol data.
                if len(ddidlist) > 1:
                    for ddid in ddidlist[1:]:
                        ms.selectinit(datadescid=ddid)  # reset select params for later data selection
                        ms.select(items = selection)
                        print 'Reading SB %d, polarization %s...' % (ddid, selectpol)
                        da = ms.getdata(['data','axis_info'], ifraxis=True)
                        newda = n.concatenate( (newda, n.transpose(da['data'], axes=[3,2,1,0])), axis=2 )
                rawdata = n.concatenate( (rawdata, newda), axis=0)

        # create data structures
        self.rawdata = rawdata
        self.data = rawdata[:,:,self.chans]   # remove channels ignored earlier
        self.dataph = (self.data.mean(axis=3).mean(axis=1)).real   # create dataph, which is sum over all baselines. akin to calculating tied-array beam (possibly without calibration)
        self.min = self.dataph.min()
        self.max = self.dataph.max()
        print 'Shape of rawdata, data:'
        print self.rawdata.shape, self.data.shape
        print 'Dataph min, max:'
        print self.min, self.max
Example #2
def pipeline(asdmfile, workdir='', mode='prep', intentfilter='OBSERVE_TARGET'):
    """ Pipeline to simplify quasi-blind searching over many scans and/or files.
    mode of 'frb' does multi-node processing of frb data.
    mode of 'any' does search over all scans of arbitrary observation.

    if workdir == '':
        workdir = os.chdir(workdir)

    # strip out path
    if '/' in asdmfile:
        asdmfile = asdmfile.split('/')[-1]

    # data filler steps
#   asdmfile = search(datadir)   # daemon process?
    msfile = asdmfile + '.ms'
    telcalfile = asdmfile + '.GN'

        goodscans = prep(asdmfile, workdir=workdir, intentfilter=intentfilter)    # set up asdm and telcal files, get scans of interest (tuple with scann
        msfile2 = asdm2ms(asdmfile, msfile, goodscans[scan][0])

    if mode == 'prep':
        # just filling data...
        return msfile2

    elif mode == 'frb':

        # set good channels
#        nch = 64
#        edgechan = n.round(0.05*nch).astype('int')
#        chans = n.arange(edgechan, nch-edgechan, dtype='int')
        dmarr = [0,19.2033,38.4033,57.6025,76.8036,96.0093,115.222,134.445,153.68,172.93,192.198,211.486,230.797,250.133,269.498,288.894,308.323,327.788,347.292,366.837,386.426,406.062,425.747,445.484,465.276,485.125,505.033,525.005,545.042,565.147,585.322,605.571,625.896,646.3,666.786,687.355,708.012,728.759,749.598,770.532,791.565,812.699,833.936,855.28,876.733,898.299,919.979,941.778,963.697,985.741,1007.91,1030.21,1052.64,1075.21,1097.92,1120.76,1143.76,1166.9,1190.19,1213.63,1237.23,1260.99,1284.92,1309.01,1333.27,1357.7,1382.31,1407.09,1432.06,1457.22,1482.56,1508.1,1533.83,1559.76,1585.89,1612.23,1638.77,1665.53,1692.51,1719.7,1747.12,1774.77,1802.64,1830.75,1859.1,1887.69,1916.53,1945.61,1974.95,2004.54,2034.39,2064.51,2094.9,2125.56,2156.49,2187.71,2219.21,2250.99,2283.07,2315.45,2348.13,2381.12,2414.41,2448.02,2481.94,2516.19,2550.77,2585.68,2620.92,2656.51,2692.44,2728.72,2765.36,2802.36,2839.72,2877.45,2915.55,2954.04,2992.91]
        chans = range(23,31)+range(32,50)+range(70,128)

        d = leanpipe.pipe_thread(filename=msfile, nints=nints, nskip=0, iterint=200, spw=[0,1], chans=chans, dmarr=dmarr, fwhmsurvey=0.5, fwhmfield=0.5, selectpol=['RR','LL'], scan=0, datacol='data', size=25600, res=50, sigma_image=6., searchtype='imageallstat', telcalfile=telcalfile, filtershape=None, savecands=True)

    elif mode == 'any':
        # read structure of data
        scans = ms.getscansummary()
        spwinfo = ms.getspectralwindowinfo()
        summary = ms.summary()

        print 'Searching over %d field(s) in %d scans and %d spws.' % (summary['nfields'], len(scans.keys()), len(spwinfo))

        # search
        scanlist = scans.keys()
        for scan in scanlist:
            nints = int(n.round((scans[scan]['0']['EndTime']-scans[scan]['0']['BeginTime'])*24*3600/scans[scan]['0']['IntegrationTime'])-1)
            spws = scans[scan]['0']['SpwIds']
            for spw in spws:
                nch = spwinfo[str(spw)]['NumChan']
                print 'For scan %d and spw %d, %d integrations and %d channels' % (int(scan), spws[spw], nints, nch)
                edgechan = n.round(0.05*nch).astype('int')
                chans = n.arange(edgechan, nch-edgechan, dtype='int')
                d = leanpipe.pipe_thread(filename=msfile, nints=nints, nskip=0, iterint=min(nints,200), spw=[spws[spw]], chans=chans, dmarr=range(0,300,30), fwhmsurvey=0.5, fwhmfield=0.5, selectpol=['RR','LL'], scan=int(scanlist.index(scan)), datacol='data', size=50000, res=100, sigma_bisp=5., sigma_image=5., calibratedfilter=True, specmodfilter=1.5, searchtype='imageallstat', telcalfile=telcalfile, telcalcalibrator='3C48', filtershape='b')
Example #3
    def __init__(self, filename, nints=1, nskip=0, selectpol=['XX','YY'], datacol='corrected'):
        """Initializes the class "lofar". This creates new object containing data and metadata for a set of files in a directory.
        It also includes functions to manipulate data and do some analysis, like making lightcurves, etc.
        Note that this uses CASA libraries in a way that requires it to be run from within "casapy". Other options exist elsewhere.
        Default is to read in first file (alphabetically) in the directory. Use nints and nskip to control where to start and number of files to read. this assumes that the alphabetical order is the time order.

        Examples of usage in python/casapy:
        import lofarvis
        obs = lofarvis.lofar('directory') -- create observation object for first file in a directory.
        print obs.data.shape -- see the structure of data read in. dimensions are (time, baseline, channel, polarization)
        results = obs.bisplc(show=1) -- create a bispectrum lightcurve and show any candidate transients. results are returned in 'return' object

        # critical parameters. need to edit these
        ants = range(25)    # set what antennas to use. default is to use "range" to specify all antennas with range(n_ant+1)
        self.chans = n.array(range(1))  # set what channesl to use. default is to use range to select all channels.
        self.track0 = [n.zeros(len(self.chans)), self.chans]

        # open file and read a bit of data to define data structure
        self.file = filename
        print 'Reading ', self.file
        spwinfo = ms.getspectralwindowinfo()
        summary = ms.summary()
        scansummary = ms.getscansummary()
        starttime_mjd = scansummary['summary']['0']['0']['BeginTime']
        starttime0 = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd+0/(24.*60*60),'d'),form=['ymd'], prec=9), 's'))
        stoptime0 = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd+0.5/(24.*60*60), 'd'), form=['ymd'], prec=9), 's'))
        ms.selectinit(datadescid=0)  # initialize to initialize params
        selection = {'time': [starttime0, stoptime0], 'antenna1': ants, 'antenna2': ants}
        da = ms.getdata([datacol,'axis_info', 'u', 'v', 'w'], ifraxis=True)

        self.npol_orig = da[datacol].shape[0]
        self.npol = len(selectpol)
        self.nbl = da[datacol].shape[2]
        print 'Initializing %d of %d polarizations' % (self.npol, self.npol_orig)
        print 'Initializing nbl:', self.nbl

        # good baselines
        bls = da['axis_info']['ifr_axis']['ifr_shortname']
        self.blarr = n.array([[bls[i].split('-')[0],bls[i].split('-')[1]] for i in range(len(bls))])
        self.ants = n.unique(self.blarr)
        self.nants = len(self.ants)
        self.nants0 = len(self.ants)
        print 'Initializing nants:', self.nants
        self.nskip = int(nskip*self.nbl)    # number of iterations to skip (for reading in different parts of buffer)

        # set integration time
        ti0 = da['axis_info']['time_axis']['MJDseconds']
        self.inttime = scansummary['summary']['0']['0']['IntegrationTime']
        self.inttime0 = self.inttime
        print 'Initializing integration time (s):', self.inttime

        nch = spwinfo['spwInfo']['0']['NumChan']
        ch0 = spwinfo['spwInfo']['0']['Chan1Freq']
        chw = spwinfo['spwInfo']['0']['ChanWidth']
        freq = (ch0 + chw * n.arange(nch)) * 1e-9

        self.freq = freq[self.chans]
        self.nchan = len(self.freq)

        # read data into data structure. start with subband 0, then iterate over higher ones. lofar probably only has 0.
        timeskip = self.inttime*nskip
        starttime = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd+timeskip/(24.*60*60),'d'),form=['ymd'], prec=9), 's'))
        stoptime = qa.getvalue(qa.convert(qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd+(timeskip+nints*self.inttime)/(24.*60*60), 'd'), form=['ymd'], prec=9), 's'))
        print 'First integration:', qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd,'d'),form=['ymd'],prec=9)
        print 'Reading times', qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd+timeskip/(24.*60*60),'d'),form=['hms'], prec=9), 'to', qa.time(qa.quantity(starttime_mjd+(timeskip+nints*self.inttime)/(24.*60*60), 'd'), form=['hms'], prec=9)

        ms.selectinit(datadescid=0)  # reset select params for later data selection
        selection = {'time': [starttime, stoptime], 'antenna1': ants, 'antenna2': ants}
        ms.select(items = selection)
        print 'Reading SB %d, polarization %s...' % (0, selectpol)
        da = ms.getdata([datacol,'axis_info', 'u', 'v', 'w'], ifraxis=True)
        u = da['u']; v = da['v']; w = da['w']
        if da == {}:
            print 'No data found.'
            return 1
        newda = n.transpose(da[datacol], axes=[3,2,1,0])  # if using multi-pol data.
        rawdata = newda  # array for collecting raw data

        # create data structures
        self.u = u.transpose() * (-self.freq.mean()*1e9/3e8)  # uvw are in m on ground. scale by -wavelenth to get projected lamba uvw (as in miriad?)
        self.v = v.transpose() * (-self.freq.mean()*1e9/3e8)
        self.w = w.transpose() * (-self.freq.mean()*1e9/3e8)
        self.rawdata = rawdata
        self.data = rawdata[:,:,self.chans]   # remove channels ignored earlier
        self.dataph = (self.data.mean(axis=3).mean(axis=1)).real   # create dataph, which is sum over all baselines. akin to calculating tied-array beam (possibly without calibration)
        self.min = self.dataph.min()
        self.max = self.dataph.max()
        print 'Shape of rawdata, data:'
        print self.rawdata.shape, self.data.shape
        print 'Dataph min, max:'
        print self.min, self.max
        ti = da['axis_info']['time_axis']['MJDseconds']
        self.reltime = ti - ti[0]
Example #4
def read_data_from_ms(msfn, viscol="DATA", noisecol='SIGMA',
                      mode='tot',noise_est = False):
    Reads polarization or total intensity data in visibility and noise arrays.

        msfn: Name of the MeasurementSet file from which to read the data
        viscol: A string with the name of the MS column from which to read the
            data [DATASET_STRING]
        noisecol: A string with the name of the MS column from which to read
            the noise or weights ['SIGMA']
        mode: Flag to set whether the function should read in
            polarization data ('pol') or total intensity data ('tot')


    m = M.Messenger(2)

    if mode == 'pol':
        m.header2("Reading polarization data from the MeasurementSet...")
    if mode == 'tot':
        m.header2("Reading total intensity data from the MeasurementSet...")
    viscol = viscol.lower()
    noisecol = noisecol.lower()

    if noise_est:
        m.message("Performing simple noise estimate")

    meta = ms.metadata()
    nspw = range(meta.nspw())
    nchan = []
    nvis = []
    u = []
    v = []
    freq = []
    if mode == 'pol':
      Qvis = []
      Uvis = []
      Qsigma = []
      Usigma = []
      lambs2 = []
    if mode == 'tot':
      vis = []
      sigma = []
    # the Q,U OR the I part of the S Jones matrix (hence Spart)
    # from the Stokes enumeration defined in the casa core libraries
    # http://www.astron.nl/casacore/trunk/casacore/doc/html \
    # this defines which polarization type the data columns correspond to

    corr = ms.getdata(['axis_info'])['axis_info']['corr_axis']

    corr_announce = "Correlation type detected to be "

    ii = complex(0, 1)

    if mode == 'pol':
        if corr[0] == 'RR':  # RR, RL, LR, LL
            QSpart = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.5, 0])
            USpart = np.array([0, -0.5 * ii, 0.5 * ii, 0])
            corr_announce += "RR, RL, LR, LL"
        elif corr[0] == 'I':  # I, Q, U, V
            QSpart = np.array([0, 1., 0, 0]) 
            USpart = np.array([0, 0, 1., 0])
            corr_announce += "I, Q, U, V"
        elif corr[0] == 'XX':  # XX, XY, YX, YY
            QSpart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, -0.5])
            USpart = np.array([0, 0.5, 0.5, 0])
            corr_announce += "XX, XY, YX, YY"
    if mode == 'tot':
        if corr[0] == 'RR':  # RR, RL, LR, LL
            Spart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
            corr_announce += "RR, RL, LR, LL"
        elif corr[0] == 'I':  # I, Q, U, V
            Spart = np.array([1., 0, 0, 0])
            corr_announce += "I, Q, U, V"
        elif corr[0] == 'XX':  # XX, XY, YX, YY
            Spart = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0.5])
            corr_announce += "XX, XY, YX, YY"

    print corr_announce

    for spw in nspw:
	  temp = ms.getdata([viscol,"axis_info"],ifraxis=False)
	  data_temp = temp[viscol]
	  info_temp = temp["axis_info"]
	  s_temp = ms.getdata(["sigma"], ifraxis=False)['sigma']
	  flags = 1. - ms.getdata(["flag"])['flag']

          if not(np.sum(flags[0])==np.sum(flags[1])==np.sum(flags[2])==np.sum(flags[3])):
              m.warn('Warning: Different flags for different correlations/channels.'+
            'Hard flag is applied: If any correlation is flagged, this gets'+ 
            'extended to all.')
              maximum = np.ones(np.shape(flags[0]))
              for i in range(4):
                  if flags[i].sum() < maximum.sum():
                      maximum = flags[i]
              flag = maximum
              flag = flags[0]      

          #Start reading data.

          if mode == 'tot': 
              vis_temp = flag * (Spart[0] * data_temp[0] + Spart[1] * data_temp[1] + Spart[2] *\
                        data_temp[2] + Spart[3] * data_temp[3])
              sigma_temp = flag * (Spart[0] * s_temp[0] + Spart[1] * s_temp[1] + Spart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                        Spart[3] * s_temp[3])



          if mode == 'pol':
              Qvis_temp = flag * (QSpart[0] * data_temp[0] + QSpart[1] * data_temp[1] + QSpart[2] *\
                         data_temp[2] + QSpart[3] * data_temp[3])
              Qsigma_temp = flag * (QSpart[0] * s_temp[0] + QSpart[1] * s_temp[1] + QSpart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         QSpart[3] * s_temp[3])

              Uvis_temp = flag * (USpart[0] * data_temp[0] + USpart[1] * data_temp[1] + USpart[2] *\
                         data_temp[2] + USpart[3] * data_temp[3])
              Usigma_temp = flag * (USpart[0] * s_temp[0] + USpart[1] * s_temp[1] + USpart[2] * s_temp[2] +\
                         USpart[3] * s_temp[3])



          #uvflat give all uv coordinates for the chosen spw in m
          uflat = ms.getdata(['u'])['u']
          vflat = ms.getdata(['v'])['v']

          freqtemp = info_temp["freq_axis"]["chan_freq"]
          lamb = C / freqtemp
          if mode == 'pol':
              lambs2.append(lamb**2 / PI)


          #calculates uv coordinates per channel in #lambda 
          utemp = np.array([uflat/k for k in lamb])
          vtemp = np.array([vflat/k for k in lamb])
          #Reads the uv coordates into lists. Delete functions take care of flags.
        summary = ms.summary()
        print "Warning: Could not create a summary"
        summary = None        

    if mode =='tot':

	  return vis, sigma, u, v, freq, nchan, nspw, nvis, summary

    if mode == 'pol':
	  return Qvis, Qsigma, Uvis, Usigma, freq, lamb, u, v, nchan, nspw, nvis