def cone_constraint(c, x_obs, y_obs, theta_obs, v_obs, r_obs, uk, x, y, theta,
                    obs_dist, ego_dist, xkm1, ykm1, xref, yref):
    v_obs_x = cs.cos(theta_obs) * v_obs
    v_obs_y = cs.sin(theta_obs) * v_obs
    rterm = (x - x_obs)**2 + (y - y_obs)**2
    uterm = ((cs.cos(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs_x) * (x - x_obs) +
             (cs.sin(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs_y) * (y - y_obs))
    lterm = (cs.cos(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs_x)**2 + (cs.sin(theta) * uk[0] -
    # -------distance const
    # c += cs.fmax(0.0, r_obs - (x_obs-x)**2 - (y_obs-y)**2)
    # -------regular cone
    #c += cs.fmax(0.0, r_obs**2*lterm-(rterm*lterm-uterm**2))
    # -------cone only when dist ego > dist obs
    cone = r_obs**2 * lterm - (rterm * lterm - uterm**2)
    passed_obs = cs.if_else((obs_dist - ego_dist) > 0, True, False)
    obs_faster_than_ego = cs.if_else(uk[0] < v_obs, True, False)
    obs_driving_towards = cs.if_else(
        cs.norm_2(theta - theta_obs) >= (cs.pi / 2), True, False)
    skip_due_todir_and_vel = cs.if_else(
        obs_driving_towards, False, cs.if_else(obs_faster_than_ego, True,
    deactivate_activate_cone = cs.if_else(
        passed_obs, True, cs.if_else(skip_due_todir_and_vel, True, False))
    c += cs.fmax(0.0,
                 cs.if_else(deactivate_activate_cone, 0, cs.fmax(0.0, cone)))
    # decide what side to drive
    # side_obs =cs.sign((x_obs-xkm1)*(yref-ykm1)-(y_obs-ykm1)*(xref-xkm1)) # neg if on left
    # s=cs.sign((x-xkm1)*(y_obs-ykm1)-(y-ykm1)*(x_obs-xkm1)) # neg if on left
    # #c +=cs.fmax(0.0,s*5)
    return c, deactivate_activate_cone
def cone_constraint(c, x_obs, y_obs,theta_obs, v_obs, r_cone, uk, x, y, theta, obs_dist,ego_dist,xkm1,ykm1,xref,yref):
    # -------distance const
    # c += cs.fmax(0.0, 1000*(r_cone -cs.sqrt((x_obs-x)**2 +(y_obs-y)**2)))
    # ------- cone with activation and deactivation constraints
    rterm = (cs.norm_2(r_vec))**2
    lterm = (cs.norm_2(vab))**2
    uterm = (,vab))**2
    cone = (r_cone**2)*lterm-(rterm*lterm-uterm)
    passed_obs=cs.if_else(obs_dist>ego_dist ,True,False)
    obs_faster_than_ego=cs.if_else(uk[0]<cs.norm_2(v_obs) ,True,False) 
    skip_due_far_away=cs.if_else(cs.sqrt((x_obs-x)**2 - (y_obs-y)**2)<10,False,True)
    c += cs.if_else(deactivate_cone,0,cs.fmax(0.0, cone))

    # decide what side to drive
    #side_obs =cs.sign((x_obs-xkm1)*(yref-ykm1)-(y_obs-ykm1)*(xref-xkm1)) # neg if on left
    # s=cs.sign((x-xkm1)*(y_obs-ykm1)-(y-ykm1)*(x_obs-xkm1)) # neg if on left
    # c +=cs.if_else(deactivate_cone,cs.fmax(0.0,s*decide_side*10),0)
    return c,False
Example #3
def dynamic_model(state, control, forces, calc_casadi):
    # State variables
    x = state[0]
    y = state[1]
    phi = state[2]
    v_x = state[3]
    v_y = state[4]
    omega = state[5]
    # Control variables
    delta = control[1]
    # Tire forces
    f_fy = forces[0]
    f_rx = forces[1]
    f_ry = forces[2]

    x_next = v_x * cs.cos(phi) - v_y * cs.sin(phi)
    y_next = v_x * cs.sin(phi) + v_y * cs.cos(phi)
    phi_next = omega
    v_x_next = 1 / p.m * (f_rx - f_fy * cs.sin(delta) + p.m * v_y * omega)
    v_y_next = 1 / p.m * (f_ry + f_fy * cs.cos(delta) - p.m * v_x * omega)
    omega_next = 1 / p.I_z * (f_fy * p.l_f * cs.cos(delta) - f_ry * p.l_r)

    if calc_casadi:
        return cs.vertcat(x_next, y_next, phi_next, v_x_next, v_y_next, omega_next)
        return x_next, y_next, phi_next, v_x_next, v_y_next, omega_next
Example #4
def cone_constraint(c, x_obs, y_obs, theta_obs, v_obs, r_cone, v, x, y, theta,
    v_obs_x = cs.cos(theta_obs) * v_obs
    v_obs_y = cs.sin(theta_obs) * v_obs
    r_vec = cs.vertcat(x - x_obs, y - y_obs)
    vab = cs.vertcat(cs.cos(theta) * v - v_obs_x, cs.sin(theta) * v - v_obs_y)
    rterm = (cs.norm_2(r_vec))**2
    lterm = (cs.norm_2(vab))**2
    uterm = (, vab))**2
    cone = (r_cone**2) * lterm - (rterm * lterm - uterm)
    # c += cs.if_else(passed_obs,0,cs.fmax(0.0, cone))
    c += cs.fmax(0.0, cone)
    return c
Example #5
def get_tang_v_ego(v, x, y, th):
    vx = -v * cs.cos(th)
    vy = -v * cs.sin(th)
    b_hat_x = (x - center[0]) / cs.sqrt((x - center[0])**2 +
                                        (y - center[1])**2)
    b_hat_y = (y - center[1]) / cs.sqrt((x - center[0])**2 +
                                        (y - center[1])**2)
    vb = vx * b_hat_x + vy * b_hat_y
    v_tan = (v - cs.sqrt(vb**2))
    return v_tan
Example #6
def pacejka_tire_forces(state, control):
    # State variables
    v_x = state[3]
    v_y = state[4]
    omega = state[5]
    # Control variables
    D = control[0]
    delta = control[1]

    # Force calculations
    alpha_f = - cs.arctan2(p.l_f * omega + v_y, v_x) + delta
    alpha_r = cs.arctan2(p.l_r * omega - v_y, v_x)

    F_fy = p.D_f * cs.sin(p.C_f * cs.arctan2(p.B_f * alpha_f, 1))
    F_ry = p.D_r * cs.sin(p.C_r * cs.arctan2(p.B_r * alpha_r, 1))

    F_rx = (p.C_m1 - p.C_m2 * v_x) * D  # - C_r0 - C_r2 * v_x ** 2

    return [F_fy, F_rx, F_ry]
Example #7
def model_dd_tilde(x, y, theta, v_tild, w_tild, xr, yr, thetar, vk):
    x_tild = x - xr
    y_tild = y - yr
    theta_tild = theta - thetar
    x_tild += -ts * np.sin(thetar) * vk * theta_tild + ts * cs.cos(thetar) * vk
    y_tild += ts * np.cos(thetar) * vk * theta_tild + ts * cs.sin(thetar) * vk
    theta_tild += ts * w_tild
    x = x_tild + xr
    y = y_tild + yr
    theta = theta_tild + thetar
    return x, y, theta, x_tild, y_tild, theta_tild
Example #8
    def weighted_distance_to(self, other: "XRef", gain: Gain):
        theta_err = angle_error(self.theta, other.theta)
        pos_errx = (other.x - self.x)**2
        pos_erry = (other.y - self.y)**2
        heading_vector = [cs.cos(self.theta), cs.sin(self.theta)]

        lateral_error = (self.x - other.x)**2 + (self.y - other.y)**2
        pos_err_theta = gain.position * lateral_error**1
        return (
            gain.position * pos_errx,
            gain.position * pos_erry,
            gain.theta * theta_err,
Example #9
def kinematic_model(state, control, calc_casadi):
    # get states
    x = state[0]  # Longitudinal position
    y = state[1]  # Lateral Position
    psi = state[2]  # Heading Angle
    v = state[3]  # Velocity
    # get inputs
    a = control[0]  # Acceleration
    d = control[1]  # Front steering angle

    # compute slip angle
    beta = cs.arctan2(p.l_r * cs.tan(d), (p.l_f + p.l_r))

    # compute change in state
    x_next = v * cs.cos(psi + beta)
    y_next = v * cs.sin(psi + beta)
    psi_next = v / p.l_r * cs.sin(beta)
    v_next = a

    if calc_casadi:
        return cs.vertcat(x_next, y_next, psi_next, v_next)
        return x_next, y_next, psi_next, v_next
Example #10
    def test_integration_1(self):
        u = cs.SX.sym('u', 3)
        xi = cs.SX.sym('xi', 2)
        p = cs.SX.sym('p', 2)
        f = cs.sin(cs.norm_2(p)) *, p) * cs.norm_2(u)
        fun = cs.Function('f', [u, xi, p], [f])

        transpiler = cc.CasadiRustTranspiler(fun, 'xcst_kangaroo')

        (u, xi, p) = ([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])
        expected = fun(u, xi, p)
        result = transpiler.call_rust(u, xi, p)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, result[0], 8)
Example #11
def cone_constraint(c, x_obs, y_obs, r_cone, uk, x, y, theta, passed_obs):
    v_obs_x = 0
    v_obs_y = 0
    r_vec = cs.vertcat(x - x_obs, y - y_obs)
    vab = cs.vertcat(
        cs.cos(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs_x,
        cs.sin(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs_y)
    rterm = (cs.norm_2(r_vec))**2
    lterm = (cs.norm_2(vab))**2
    uterm = (, vab))**2
    cone = (r_cone**2) * lterm - (rterm * lterm - uterm)
    skip_due_far_away = cs.if_else(
        cs.sqrt((x_obs - x)**2 - (y_obs - y)**2) < 10, False, True)
    deactivate_cone = cs.if_else(passed_obs, True, skip_due_far_away)
    c += cs.if_else(deactivate_cone, 0, cs.fmax(0.0, cone))
    return c, False
Example #12
    def test_integration_2(self):
        u = cs.SX.sym('u', 3)
        xi = cs.SX.sym('xi', 2)
        p = cs.SX.sym('p', 2)
        f = cs.sin(cs.norm_2(p)) *, p)**2 * cs.norm_2(u)
        f = 1/f
        df = cs.gradient(f, u)
        fun = cs.Function('df', [u, xi, p], [df])

        transpiler = cc.CasadiRustTranspiler(fun, 'xcst_panda')

        (u, xi, p) = ([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7])
        expected = fun(u, xi, p)
        result = transpiler.call_rust(u, xi, p)

        for i in range(3):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(expected[i], result[i], 8)
Example #13
 def step(self, u: "U", ts):
     self.x += ts * self.speed * cs.cos(self.theta)
     self.y += ts * self.speed * cs.sin(self.theta)
     self.theta += ts * self.speed / self.LENGTH * u.yaw_rate
     self.speed += ts * self.MAX_ACCEL * u.accel
Example #14
    def build(self):
        # Build parametric optimizer
        # ------------------------------------

        u = cs.SX.sym('u', * self.config.N_hor)
        z0 = cs.SX.sym(
            'z0', + self.config.N_hor +
            self.config.Nobs * self.config.nobs +
            self.config.Ndynobs * self.config.ndynobs * self.config.N_hor +
            self.config.nx * self.config.N_hor
        )  #init + final position + cost, obstacle params, circle radius
        # params,         vel_ref each step, number obstacles x num params per obs, num dynamic obstacles X num param/obs X time steps,    refernce path for each time step
        (x, y, theta, vel_init, omega_init) = (z0[0], z0[1], z0[2], z0[3],
        (xref, yref, thetaref, velref, omegaref) = (z0[5], z0[6], z0[7], z0[8],
        (q, qv, qtheta, rv, rw, qN, qthetaN, qCTE, acc_penalty,
         omega_acc_penalty) = (z0[10], z0[11], z0[12], z0[13], z0[14], z0[15],
                               z0[16], z0[17], z0[18], z0[19])
        cost = 0
        obstacle_constraints = 0
        # Index where reference points start
        base = + self.config.N_hor + self.config.Nobs * self.config.nobs + self.config.Ndynobs * self.config.ndynobs * self.config.N_hor

        for t in range(0, self.config.N_hor):  # LOOP OVER TIME STEPS

            u_t = u[t * + 1) *]
            cost += rv * u_t[0]**2 + rw * u_t[1]**2  # Penalize control actions
            cost += qv * (
                u_t[0] - z0[ + t]
            )**2  # Cost for diff between velocity and reference velocity
            cost += self.cost_fn((x, y, theta), (xref, yref, thetaref), q,

            x += self.config.ts * (u_t[0] * cs.cos(theta))
            y += self.config.ts * (u_t[0] * cs.sin(theta))
            theta += self.config.ts * u_t[1]

            xs_static = z0[ + +
                           self.config.N_hor + self.config.Nobs *
            ys_static = z0[ + self.config.N_hor +
                  + self.config.N_hor +
                           self.config.Nobs *
            rs_static = z0[ + self.config.N_hor +
                  + self.config.N_hor +
                           self.config.Nobs *

            # ordering is x,y,x_r, y_r, angle for obstacle 0 for N_hor timesteps, then x,y,x_r, y_r, angle for obstalce 1 for N_hor timesteps etc.
            end_of_static_obs_idx = + self.config.N_hor + self.config.Nobs * self.config.nobs
            end_of_dynamic_obs_idx = end_of_static_obs_idx + self.config.Ndynobs * self.config.ndynobs * self.config.N_hor
            xs_dynamic = z0[end_of_static_obs_idx +
                            t * self.config.ndynobs:end_of_dynamic_obs_idx:self
                            .config.ndynobs * self.config.N_hor]
            ys_dynamic = z0[end_of_static_obs_idx + t * self.config.ndynobs +
                            1:end_of_dynamic_obs_idx:self.config.ndynobs *
            x_radius = z0[end_of_static_obs_idx + t * self.config.ndynobs +
                          2:end_of_dynamic_obs_idx:self.config.ndynobs *
            y_radius = z0[end_of_static_obs_idx + t * self.config.ndynobs +
                          3:end_of_dynamic_obs_idx:self.config.ndynobs *
            As = z0[end_of_static_obs_idx + t * self.config.ndynobs +
                    4:end_of_dynamic_obs_idx:self.config.ndynobs *

            xdiff_static = x - xs_static
            ydiff_static = y - ys_static

            xdiff_dynamic = x - xs_dynamic
            ydiff_dynamic = y - ys_dynamic

            distance_inside_circle = rs_static**2 - xdiff_static**2 - ydiff_static**2

            # Ellipse parameterized according to
            # xs and ys are ellipse center points, xdiff is as before
            # x_radius and y_radius are radii in "x" and "y" directions
            # As are angles of ellipses (positive from x axis)
            distance_inside_ellipse = 1 - (
                xdiff_dynamic * cs.cos(As) + ydiff_dynamic * cs.sin(As))**2 / (
                    x_radius**2) - (xdiff_dynamic * cs.sin(As) - ydiff_dynamic
                                    * cs.cos(As))**2 / (y_radius)**2
            obstacle_constraints += cs.fmax(
                0, cs.vertcat(distance_inside_circle, distance_inside_ellipse))

            # our current point
            p = cs.vertcat(x, y)

            # Initialize list with CTE to all line segments
            distances = cs.SX.ones(1)
            s2 = cs.vertcat(z0[base], z0[base + 1])
            for i in range(1, self.config.N_hor):
                # set start point as previous end point
                s1 = s2
                # new end point
                s2 = cs.vertcat(z0[base + i * self.config.nx],
                                z0[base + i * self.config.nx + 1])
                # line segment
                s2s1 = s2 - s1
                # t_hat
                t_hat = - s1,
                               s2s1) / (s2s1[0]**2 + s2s1[1]**2 + 1e-16)
                # limit t
                t_star = cs.fmin(cs.fmax(t_hat, 0.0), 1.0)
                # vector pointing from us to closest point
                temp_vec = s1 + t_star * s2s1 - p
                # append distance (is actually squared distance)
                distances = cs.horzcat(distances,
                                       temp_vec[0]**2 + temp_vec[1]**2)

            cost += cs.mmin(distances[1:]) * qCTE

        cost += qN * ((x - xref)**2 +
                      (y - yref)**2) + qthetaN * (theta - thetaref)**2

        # Max speeds
        umin = [self.config.lin_vel_min, -self.config.ang_vel_max
                ] * self.config.N_hor
        umax = [self.config.lin_vel_max, self.config.ang_vel_max
                ] * self.config.N_hor
        bounds = og.constraints.Rectangle(umin, umax)

        # Acceleration bounds and cost
        # Selected velocities
        v = u[0::2]
        omega = u[1::2]
        # Accelerations
        acc = (v - cs.vertcat(vel_init, v[0:-1])) / self.config.ts
        omega_acc = (omega -
                     cs.vertcat(omega_init, omega[0:-1])) / self.config.ts
        acc_constraints = cs.vertcat(acc, omega_acc)
        # Acceleration bounds
        acc_min = [self.config.lin_acc_min] * self.config.N_hor
        omega_min = [-self.config.ang_acc_max] * self.config.N_hor
        acc_max = [self.config.lin_acc_max] * self.config.N_hor
        omega_max = [self.config.ang_acc_max] * self.config.N_hor
        acc_bounds = og.constraints.Rectangle(acc_min + omega_min,
                                              acc_max + omega_max)
        # Accelerations cost
        cost += cs.mtimes(acc.T, acc) * acc_penalty
        cost += cs.mtimes(omega_acc.T, omega_acc) * omega_acc_penalty

        problem = og.builder.Problem(u, z0, cost).with_penalty_constraints(obstacle_constraints) \
                                                    .with_constraints(bounds) \
                                                    .with_aug_lagrangian_constraints(acc_constraints, acc_bounds)
        build_config = og.config.BuildConfiguration()\

        meta = og.config.OptimizerMeta()\

        solver_config = og.config.SolverConfiguration()\

        builder = og.builder.OpEnOptimizerBuilder(problem,
                                                solver_config) \
Example #15
def model_dd(x, y, theta, v, w):
    x += ts * cs.cos(theta) * v
    y += ts * cs.sin(theta) * v
    theta += ts * w
    return x, y, theta
    for j in range(0,nMAV):     
        #c = cs.vertcat(c,cs.fmax(0, obs_data[3]**2-(x[ns*j]-obs_data[0])**2 - (x[ns*j+1]-obs_data[1])**2))
        #c = cs.vertcat(c,cs.fmax(0, obs_data[3]**2-(x[ns*j]+7)**2 - (x[ns*j+1]-1.5)**2))
        #c = cs.vertcat(c,cs.fmax(0, obs_data[3]**2-(x[ns*j]+7)**2 - (x[ns*j+1]+1.5)**2))
        #c = cs.vertcat(c,cs.fmax(0, obs_data[3]**2-(x[ns*j]+11)**2 - (x[ns*j+1])**2))
        c = cs.vertcat(c, cs.fmax(0, -0.005 + (u_n[nu*j+1] - u_old[nu*j+1])**2))
        c = cs.vertcat(c, cs.fmax(0, -0.005 + (u_n[nu*j+2] - u_old[nu*j+2])**2))
    #c += 0*cs.fmax(0,-(obs_data[3]**2 - ((x[1]-obs_data[1])**2 + (x[2]-obs_data[2])**2))) * cs.fmax(0, (x[0] - obs_data[0]) + 0.4) * cs.fmax(0, -(x[0] - obs_data[0]) + 0.4)
####State update MAV1
    u_old = u_n
    for j in range(0,nMAV):
        x[ns*j] = x[ns*j] + dt * x[ns*j+3]
        x[ns*j+1] = x[ns*j+1] + dt * x[ns*j+4]
        x[ns*j+2] = x[ns*j+2] + dt * x[ns*j+5]
        x[ns*j+3] = x[ns*j+3] + dt * (cs.sin(x[ns*j+7]) * cs.cos(x[ns*j+6]) * u_n[nu*j] - 0.1 * x[ns*j+3])
        x[ns*j+4] = x[ns*j+4] + dt * (-cs.sin(x[ns*j+6]) * u_n[nu*j] - 0.1*x[ns*j+4])
        x[ns*j+5] = x[ns*j+5] + dt * (cs.cos(x[ns*j+7]) * cs.cos(x[ns*j+6]) * u_n[nu*j] - 0.2 * x[ns*j+5] - 9.81)
        x[ns*j+6] = x[ns*j+6] + dt * ((1 / 0.5) * (u_n[nu*j+1] - x[ns*j+6]))
        x[ns*j+7] = x[ns*j+7] + dt * ((1 / 0.5) * (u_n[nu*j+2] - x[ns*j+7]))

umin = [5, -0.4, -0.4] * (N*nMAV)
umax = [13.5, 0.4, 0.4] * (N*nMAV)
bounds = og.constraints.Rectangle(umin, umax)
problem = og.builder.Problem(u, z0, cost).with_penalty_constraints(c) \
build_config = og.config.BuildConfiguration()  \
.with_build_directory("MAVsim") \
Example #17
import casadi.casadi as cs
import opengen as og

u = cs.SX.sym("u", 5)                 # decision variable (nu = 5)
p = cs.SX.sym("p", 2)                 # parameter (np = 2)
phi = og.functions.rosenbrock(u, p)   # cost function

f2 = cs.fmax(0.0, u[2] - u[3] + 0.1)

f1 = cs.vertcat(1.5 * u[0] - u[1], cs.sin(u[2] + cs.pi/5) - 0.2)
C = og.constraints.Ball2(None, 1.0)

UA = og.constraints.FiniteSet([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 2], [1, 2, 4], [0, 5, -1]])
UB = og.constraints.Ball2(None, 1.0)
U = og.constraints.CartesianProduct(5, [2, 4], [UA, UB])

problem = og.builder.Problem(u, p, phi)         \
    .with_constraints(U)                        \
    .with_aug_lagrangian_constraints(f1, C)

meta = og.config.OptimizerMeta()                \
    .with_version("0.0.0")                      \
    .with_authors(["P. Sopasakis", "E. Fresk"]) \
    .with_licence("CC4.0-By")                   \

build_config = og.config.BuildConfiguration()  \
    .with_build_directory("my_optimizers")      \
    .with_build_mode("debug")                  \
Example #18
 def step(self, u: "U", ts):
     self.x += ts * self.speed * cs.cos(self.theta)
     self.y += ts * self.speed * cs.sin(self.theta)
     self.theta += ts * self.speed / self.LENGTH * u.yaw_rate
     self.speed += ts * self.MAX_ACCEL * u.accel
     self.speed = cs.fmin(cs.fmax(0, self.speed), self.MAX_SPEED)
Example #19
def build_opt():
    u = cs.SX.sym('u', nu * N)
    p = cs.SX.sym('p', nx + nref + nObs + nu_init + ntraj)
    (x, y, theta) = (p[0], p[1], p[2])
    ukm1 = [p[3], p[4]]
    (xref, yref, thetaref) = (p[5], p[6], p[7])
    (x_obs, y_obs, theta_obs, v_obs, w_obs, r_obs) = (p[8], p[9], p[10], p[11],
                                                      p[12], p[13])

    for i in range(14, 14 + len_traj):
        ytraj.append(p[i + len_traj])
        thetatraj.append(p[i + 2 * len_traj])
    cost = 0
    c = 0
    # -------Collission constrint
    k = 0
    x_tild = 0
    y_tild = 0
    theta_tild = 0
    for j, t in enumerate(range(0, nu * N, nu)):
        uk = u[t:t + 2]
        # -------Reference trajectory
        cost += Qx * (x_tild)**2 + Qy * (y_tild)**2 + Qtheta * (theta_tild)**2
        v_tild = uk[0] - v_ref
        w_tild = uk[1] - w_ref
        cost += Rv * v_tild**2 + Rw * w_tild**2
        x, y, theta, x_tild, y_tild, theta_tild = model_dd_tilde(
            x, y, theta, v_tild, w_tild, xtraj[j], ytraj[j], thetatraj[j],
        (x_obs, y_obs, theta_obs) = model_dd(x_obs, y_obs, theta_obs, v_obs,
        rterm = (x - x_obs)**2 + (y - y_obs)**2
        uterm = ((cs.cos(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs) * (x - x_obs) +
                 (cs.sin(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs) * (y - y_obs))**2
        lterm = (cs.cos(theta) * uk[0] - v_obs)**2 + (cs.sin(theta) * uk[0] -
        # -------distance const
        # c += cs.fmax(0.0, r_obs - (x_obs-x)**2 - (y_obs-y)**2)
        # -------regular cone
        #c += cs.fmax(0.0, r_obs**2*lterm-(rterm*lterm-uterm**2))
        # -------cone only when dist ego > dist obs
        cone = r_obs**2 * lterm - (rterm * lterm - uterm)
        ego_dist = cs.sqrt((x - xref)**2 + (y - yref)**2)
        obs_dist = cs.sqrt((x_obs - xref)**2 + (y_obs - yref)**2)
        c += cs.fmax(0.0, -(obs_dist - ego_dist)) * (cs.fmax(0.0, cone))
    # -------Acceleration constraint
    (dv_c, dw_c) = (0, 0)
    for t in range(0, nu * N, nu):
        uk = u[t:t + 2]
        dv_c += cs.fmax(0.0, uk[0] - ukm1[0] - dv)
        dw_c += cs.vertcat(cs.fmax(0.0, uk[1] - ukm1[1] - dw),
                           cs.fmax(0.0, ukm1[1] - uk[1] - dw))
        ukm1 = uk
    # -------Boundery constrint
    umin = []
    umax = []
    for i in range(N):
        umin.extend([vmin, wmin])
        umax.extend([vmax, wmax])

    set_c = og.constraints.Zero()
    set_y = og.constraints.BallInf(None, 1e12)
    bounds = og.constraints.Rectangle(umin, umax)
    C = cs.vertcat(dv_c, dw_c)
    problem = og.builder.Problem(u, p, cost).with_penalty_constraints(
            c, set_c, set_y)

    build_config = og.config.BuildConfiguration()\

    meta = og.config.OptimizerMeta()\

    solver_config = og.config.SolverConfiguration()\

    builder = og.builder.OpEnOptimizerBuilder(problem,
                                              solver_config) \
    #c += cs.fmax(0, 0.49-(x[0]+0.5)**2 - (x[1]-4)**2)
    #c += cs.fmax(0, -(obs_data[3]**2 - ((x[1]-obs_data[1])**2 + (x[2] - obs_data[2])**2))) * cs.fmax(0, (x[0] - obs_data[0]) + 0.4) * cs.fmax(0, -(x[0] - obs_data[0]) + 0.4)
    c = cs.vertcat(
        c, 10 * cs.fmax(
            0, -(obs_data[3]**2 - ((x[1] - obs_data[1])**2 +
                                   (x[2] - obs_data[2])**2))) *
        cs.fmax(0, (x[0] - obs_data[0]) + 0.4) *
        cs.fmax(0, -(x[0] - obs_data[0]) + 0.4))
    c = cs.vertcat(c, cs.fmax(0, -0.003 + (u_n[1] - u_old[1])**2))
    c = cs.vertcat(c, cs.fmax(0, -0.003 + (u_n[2] - u_old[2])**2))
    #######State update
    x[0] = x[0] + dt * x[3]
    x[1] = x[1] + dt * x[4]
    x[2] = x[2] + dt * x[5]
    x[3] = x[3] + dt * (cs.sin(x[7]) * cs.cos(x[6]) * u_n[0] - 0.1 * x[3])
    x[4] = x[4] + dt * (-cs.sin(x[6]) * u_n[0] - 0.1 * x[4])
    x[5] = x[5] + dt * (cs.cos(x[7]) * cs.cos(x[6]) * u_n[0] - 0.2 * x[5] -
    x[6] = x[6] + dt * ((1 / 0.5) * (u_n[1] - x[6]))
    x[7] = x[7] + dt * ((1 / 0.5) * (u_n[2] - x[7]))

cost += 3 * Qx[0] * (x[0] - x_ref[0])**2 + Qx[1] * (x[1] - x_ref[1])**2 + Qx[
    2] * (x[2] - x_ref[2])**2 + Qx[3] * (x[3] - x_ref[3])**2 + Qx[4] * (
        x[4] - x_ref[4])**2 + Qx[5] * (x[5] - x_ref[5])**2 + Qx[6] * (
            x[6] - x_ref[6])**2 + Qx[7] * (x[7] - x_ref[7])**2
umin = [5, -0.3, -0.3] * (nu * N)
umax = [13.5, 0.3, 0.3] * (nu * N)
bounds = og.constraints.Rectangle(umin, umax)
problem = og.builder.Problem(
Example #21
# Same as second example, but using F1 (ALM)
import casadi.casadi as cs
import opengen as og
import json

nu = 3
np = 1
u = cs.SX.sym("u", nu)
p = cs.SX.sym("p", np)

f =, u)
for i in range(nu):
    f += p * u[i]

F1 = cs.sin(u[0]) - 0.3
C = og.constraints.Zero()

U = og.constraints.Ball2(None, 0.5)

problem = og.builder.Problem(u, p, f)         \
    .with_constraints(U)                      \
    .with_aug_lagrangian_constraints(F1, C)

meta = og.config.OptimizerMeta()                \
    .with_version("0.0.0")                      \
    .with_authors(["Shane Trimble"])            \
    .with_licence("CC4.0-By")                   \

build_config = og.config.BuildConfiguration()  \
    .with_build_directory("python_build")      \
Example #22
    p_0 = x0[0:3]  #; % position vector
    v = x0[3:6]  #; % velocity vector
    roll = x0[6]  #; % roll angle
    pitch = x0[7]  #; % pitch angle
    T = u0[0]  #; % mass normalized thrust
    roll_g = u0[1]  #; %desired angles
    pitch_g = u0[2]  #;

    #R_x = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0],[ 0, np.cos(roll), -np.sin(roll)],[0, np.sin(roll), np.cos(roll)]])#; %Rotation around x (roll)
    #R_y = np.matrix([[np.cos(pitch), 0, np.sin(pitch)],[ 0, 1, 0],[-np.sin(pitch), 0, np.cos(pitch)]])#; %Rotation around y (pitch)
    #R = R_y*R_x#; % Rotation matrix without rotation around z since coordinates are fixed to the frame
    #x_0 = p_0[0]
    #y_0 = p_0[1]
    #z_0 = p_0[2]
    #v_dot = R*np.matrix([[0],[ 0],[T]]) + np.matrix([[0],[ 0],[-g]]) - np.matrix([[a_x, 0, 0],[ 0,a_y, 0],[ 0, 0, a_z]])*v
    ddx = (cs.sin(pitch) * cs.cos(roll)) * T - a_x * x0[3] + f_e[0]
    ddy = (-cs.sin(roll)) * T - a_y * x0[4] + f_e[1]
    ddz = -g + (cs.cos(pitch) * cs.cos(roll)) * T - a_z * x0[5] + f_e[2]

    roll_dot = (1 / tao_roll) * (k_roll * roll_g - roll)

    pitch_dot = (1 / tao_pitch) * (k_pitch * pitch_g - pitch)

    x0[0] += x0[3] * dt
    x0[1] += x0[4] * dt
    x0[2] += x0[5] * dt
    x0[3] += ddx * dt
    x0[4] += ddy * dt
    x0[5] += ddz * dt
    x0[6] += roll_dot * dt
    x0[7] += pitch_dot * dt