Example #1
def example():
    pathpoints = 30
    ref_path = {}
    ref_path['x'] = 5*np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi, pathpoints+1))
    ref_path['y'] = np.linspace(1,2, pathpoints+1)**2*10
    wp = ca.horzcat(ref_path['x'], ref_path['y']).T

    N = 5
    N1 = N-1

    wpts = np.array(wp[:, 0:N])

    ocp = Ocp(N)

    x = ocp.state('x')
    x_dot = ocp.control('x_dot')
    dt = ocp.get_time()

    ocp.set_der(x, x_dot)
    ocp.set_objective(x, wpts[0, :])
    ocp.set_objective(dt, ca.GenMX_zeros(N1))
    ocp.set_constraints(x, wpts[0, 0])

    x00 = wpts[0, :]
    T = 5
    dt00 = [T/N1] * N1
    xd00 = (x00[1:] - x00[:-1]) / dt00
    ocp.set_inital(x, x00)
    ocp.set_inital(x_dot, xd00)
    ocp.set_inital(dt, dt00)

    states, controls, times = ocp.solve()

    x = states
    x_dots = controls
    total_time = np.sum(times)

    print(f"Times: {times}")
    print(f"Total Time: {total_time}")
    print(f"xs: {x.T}")
    print(f"X dots: {x_dots.T}")

    plt.plot(wpts[0, :], np.ones_like(wpts[0, :]), 'o', markersize=12)

    plt.plot(x, np.ones_like(x), '+', markersize=20)

Example #2
def example2D():
    pathpoints = 30
    ref_path = {}
    ref_path['x'] = 5*np.sin(np.linspace(0,2*np.pi, pathpoints+1))
    ref_path['y'] = np.linspace(1,2, pathpoints+1)**2*10
    wp = ca.horzcat(ref_path['x'], ref_path['y']).T

    N = 30
    N1 = N-1

    wpts = np.array(wp[:, 0:N])

    ocp = Ocp(N)

    x = ocp.state('x')
    y = ocp.state('y')
    x_dot = ocp.control('x_dot')
    y_dot = ocp.control('y_dot')
    dt = ocp.get_time()

    ocp.set_der(x, x_dot)
    ocp.set_der(y, y_dot)

    ocp.set_objective(x, wpts[0, :])
    ocp.set_objective(y, wpts[1, :])
    ocp.set_objective(dt, ca.GenMX_zeros(N1), 0.01)

    ocp.set_constraints(x, wpts[0, 0])
    ocp.set_constraints(y, wpts[1, 0])

    max_speed = 1
    ocp.set_lims(x, 0, ca.inf)
    ocp.set_lims(y, 0, ca.inf)
    ocp.set_lims(x_dot, -max_speed, max_speed)
    ocp.set_lims(y_dot, -max_speed, max_speed)

    T = 5
    dt00 = [T/N1] * N1
    ocp.set_inital(dt, dt00)
    x00 = wpts[0, :]
    y00 = wpts[1, :]
    xd00 = (x00[1:] - x00[:-1]) / dt00
    ocp.set_inital(x, x00)
    ocp.set_inital(x_dot, xd00)
    yd00 = (y00[1:] - y00[:-1]) / dt00
    ocp.set_inital(y, y00)
    ocp.set_inital(y_dot, yd00)

    states, controls, times = ocp.solve()

    x = states[:N]
    y = states[N:]
    x_dots = controls[:N1]
    y_dots = controls[N1:]
    total_time = np.sum(times)

    print(f"Times: {times}")
    print(f"Total Time: {total_time}")
    print(f"xs: {x.T}")
    print(f"ys: {y.T}")
    print(f"X dots: {x_dots.T}")
    print(f"Y dots: {y_dots.T}")

    plt.plot(wpts[0, :], wpts[1, :], 'o', markersize=12)

    plt.plot(x, y, '+', markersize=20)

Example #3
def example_loop():
    pathpoints = 30
    ref_path = {}
    ref_path['x'] = 5 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, pathpoints + 1))
    ref_path['y'] = np.linspace(1, 2, pathpoints + 1)**2 * 10
    wp = ca.horzcat(ref_path['x'], ref_path['y']).T

    N = 10
    N1 = N - 1

    ocp = MPC(N)

    x = ocp.state('x')
    y = ocp.state('y')
    x_dot = ocp.control('x_dot')
    y_dot = ocp.control('y_dot')
    dt = ocp.get_time()

    ocp.set_der(x, x_dot)
    ocp.set_der(y, y_dot)

    ocp.set_objective(dt, ca.GenMX_zeros(N1), 0.01)

    max_speed = 1
    ocp.set_lims(x, -ca.inf, ca.inf)
    ocp.set_lims(y, -ca.inf, ca.inf)
    ocp.set_lims(x_dot, -max_speed, max_speed)
    ocp.set_lims(y_dot, -max_speed, max_speed)

    wpts = np.array(wp[:, 0:N])

    T = 5
    dt00 = [T / N1] * N1
    ocp.set_inital(dt, dt00)
    x00 = wpts[0, :]
    y00 = wpts[1, :]
    xd00 = (x00[1:] - x00[:-1]) / dt00
    ocp.set_inital(x, x00)
    ocp.set_inital(x_dot, xd00)
    yd00 = (y00[1:] - y00[:-1]) / dt00
    ocp.set_inital(y, y00)
    ocp.set_inital(y_dot, yd00)


    for i in range(20):
        wpts = np.array(wp[:, i:i + N])
        x0 = [wpts[0, 0], wpts[1, 0]]

        ocp.set_objective(x, wpts[0, :])
        ocp.set_objective(y, wpts[1, :])

        states, controls, times = ocp.solve(x0)

        xs = states[:N]
        ys = states[N:]
        x_dots = controls[:N1]
        y_dots = controls[N1:]
        total_time = np.sum(times)

        print(f"Times: {times}")
        print(f"Total Time: {total_time}")
        print(f"xs: {xs.T}")
        print(f"ys: {ys.T}")
        print(f"X dots: {x_dots.T}")
        print(f"Y dots: {y_dots.T}")

        plt.plot(wpts[0, :], wpts[1, :], 'o', markersize=12)

        plt.plot(xs, ys, '+', markersize=20)

Example #4
def example_loop_v_th():
    pathpoints = 30
    ref_path = {}
    ref_path['x'] = 5 * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, pathpoints + 1))
    ref_path['y'] = np.linspace(1, 2, pathpoints + 1)**2 * 10
    wp = ca.horzcat(ref_path['x'], ref_path['y']).T

    N = 10
    N1 = N - 1

    ocp = MPC(N)

    x = ocp.state('x')
    y = ocp.state('y')

    th = ocp.control('th')
    v = ocp.control('v')

    dt = ocp.get_time()

    ocp.set_der(x, v * ca.cos(th))
    ocp.set_der(y, v * ca.sin(th))

    ocp.set_objective(dt, ca.GenMX_zeros(N1), 0.01)

    # set limits
    max_speed = 10
    ocp.set_lims(x, -ca.inf, ca.inf)
    ocp.set_lims(y, -ca.inf, ca.inf)
    ocp.set_lims(v, 0, max_speed)
    ocp.set_lims(th, -ca.pi, ca.pi)

    wpts = np.array(wp[:, 0:N])

    # find starting vals
    T = 5
    dt00 = np.array([T / N1] * N1)
    ocp.set_inital(dt, dt00)
    x00 = wpts[0, :]
    ocp.set_inital(x, x00)
    y00 = wpts[1, :]
    ocp.set_inital(y, y00)
    th00 = [lib.get_bearing(wpts[:, i], wpts[:, i + 1]) for i in range(N1)]
    ocp.set_inital(th, th00)
    v00 = np.array(
        [lib.get_distance(wpts[:, i], wpts[:, i + 1])
         for i in range(N1)]) / dt00
    ocp.set_inital(v, v00)


    for i in range(20):
        wpts = np.array(wp[:, i:i + N])
        x0 = [wpts[0, 0], wpts[1, 0]]

        ocp.set_objective(x, wpts[0, :])
        ocp.set_objective(y, wpts[1, :])

        states, controls, times = ocp.solve(x0)

        xs = states[:N]
        ys = states[N:]
        ths = controls[:N1]
        vs = controls[N1:]
        total_time = np.sum(times)

        print(f"Times: {times}")
        print(f"Total Time: {total_time}")
        print(f"xs: {xs.T}")
        print(f"ys: {ys.T}")
        print(f"Thetas: {ths.T}")
        print(f"Velocities: {vs.T}")

        plt.plot(wpts[0, :], wpts[1, :], 'o', markersize=12)

        plt.plot(xs, ys, '+', markersize=20)

Example #5
    def setup(self,
        Sets up the problem. Run this last.
        :return: None (in-place)
        ### Discretize and assign loads

        # Discretize
        point_load_locations = [load["location"] for load in self.point_loads]
        point_load_locations.insert(0, 0)
        self.x = cas.vertcat(*[
                point_load_locations[i + 1],
            for i in range(len(point_load_locations) - 1)

        # Post-process the discretization
        self.n = self.x.shape[0]
        dx = cas.diff(self.x)

        # Add point forces
        self.point_forces = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n - 1)
        for i in range(len(self.point_loads)):
            load = self.point_loads[i]
            self.point_forces[self.points_per_point_load * (i + 1) - 1] = load["force"]

        # Add distributed loads
        self.force_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        self.moment_per_unit_length = cas.GenMX_zeros(self.n)
        for load in self.distributed_loads:
            if load["type"] == "uniform":
                self.force_per_unit_length += load["force"] / self.length
            elif load["type"] == "elliptical":
                load_to_add = load["force"] / self.length * (
                        4 / cas.pi * cas.sqrt(1 - (self.x / self.length) ** 2)
                self.force_per_unit_length += load_to_add
                raise ValueError("Bad value of \"type\" for a load within beam.distributed_loads!")

        # Initialize optimization variables
        log_nominal_diameter = self.opti.variable(self.n)
        self.opti.set_initial(log_nominal_diameter, cas.log(self.diameter_guess))
        self.nominal_diameter = cas.exp(log_nominal_diameter)

            log_nominal_diameter > cas.log(self.thickness)

        def trapz(x):
            out = (x[:-1] + x[1:]) / 2
            # out[0] += x[0] / 2
            # out[-1] += x[-1] / 2
            return out

        # Mass
        self.volume = cas.sum1(
            cas.pi / 4 * trapz(
                (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) ** 2 -
                (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness) ** 2
            ) * dx
        self.mass = self.volume * self.density

        # Mass proxy
        self.volume_proxy = cas.sum1(
            cas.pi * trapz(
            ) * dx * self.thickness
        self.mass_proxy = self.volume_proxy * self.density

        # Find moments of inertia
        self.I = cas.pi / 64 * (  # bending
                (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) ** 4 -
                (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness) ** 4
        self.J = cas.pi / 32 * (  # torsion
                (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) ** 4 -
                (self.nominal_diameter - self.thickness) ** 4

        if self.bending:
            # Set up derivatives
            self.u = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.du = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.ddu = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.dEIddu = 1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.u, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.du, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.ddu, 0)
            self.opti.set_initial(self.dEIddu, 0)

            # Define derivatives
                cas.diff(self.u) == trapz(self.du) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.du) == trapz(self.ddu) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.E * self.I * self.ddu) == trapz(self.dEIddu) * dx,
                cas.diff(self.dEIddu) == trapz(self.force_per_unit_length) * dx + self.point_forces,

            # Add BCs
            if bending_BC_type == "cantilevered":
                    self.u[0] == 0,
                    self.du[0] == 0,
                    self.ddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip moment
                    self.dEIddu[-1] == 0,  # No tip higher order stuff
                raise ValueError("Bad value of bending_BC_type!")

            # Stress
            self.stress_axial = (self.nominal_diameter + self.thickness) / 2 * self.E * self.ddu

        if self.torsion:

            # Set up derivatives
            phi = 0.1 * self.opti.variable(self.n)
            dphi = 0.01 * self.opti.variable(self.n)

            # Add forcing term
            ddphi = -self.moment_per_unit_length / (self.G * self.J)

        self.stress = self.stress_axial
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress < 1,
            self.stress / self.max_allowable_stress > -1,