Example #1
def create_homemonitoring_alert(num_alerts, careteam):
    alerts = [
("Patient weight has dropped over 10 lbs","Please contact patient immediately for dietary assessment", 1),
("Patient has been vomiting more than 48 hours after treatment","Please contact patient immediately - if non responsive, call for an ambulance",1),
("Patient has shortness of breath/chest pain","Contact patient immediately and recommend checking in to ED",1),
("Patient has pain in a new place","Call patient for pain assessment",4),
("Patient has severe nausea", "Contact patient immediately",3),
("Patient is experiencing hearing loss","Check for other neuro side effects",4),
("Patient has not submitted daily measurements","Contact patient and caregiver immediately",1),
("Patient daily measurements incomplete", "Advise patient to retest full results",4)              
    for n in range(0, num_alerts):
        newcase = Case()
        newcase.description = "%s" % alerts[n][0]
        newcase.body = alerts[n][1]
        print "\tNew Alert: %s" % alerts[n][0]
        newcase.category = Category.objects.get(category='HomeMonitoring')
        newcase.opened_by = User.objects.get(id=2) # the hard coded ashand system messages
        newcase.last_edit_by = User.objects.get(id=2) # the hard coded ashand system messages
        newcase.assigned_to = careteam.primary_provider.user
        newcase.status = Status.objects.all().filter(category=newcase.category).filter(state_class=constants.CASE_STATE_OPEN)[0]
        td = timedelta(hours=alerts[n][2])
        newcase.next_action_date = datetime.utcnow() + td
        newcase.priority= Priority.objects.all()[0]