Example #1
    def test_can_insert_udts_with_nulls(self):
        Test the insertion of UDTs with null and empty string fields

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)

        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)])

        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b)

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b)

        # also test empty strings
        s.execute(insert, [User('', None, None, six.binary_type())])
        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(('', None, None, six.binary_type()), results[0].b)

Example #2
    def test_can_register_udt_before_connecting(self):
        Test the registration of UDTs before session creation

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_register_before_connecting
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_register_before_connecting2
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (state text, is_cool boolean)")
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        # now that types are defined, shutdown and re-create Cluster
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)

        User1 = namedtuple("user", ("age", "name"))
        User2 = namedtuple("user", ("state", "is_cool"))

        c.register_user_type("udt_test_register_before_connecting", "user", User1)
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_register_before_connecting2", "user", User2)

        s = c.connect()

        s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (%s, %s)", (0, User1(42, "bob")))
        result = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(42, row.b.age)
        self.assertEqual("bob", row.b.name)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User1)

        # use the same UDT name in a different keyspace
        s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (%s, %s)", (0, User2("Texas", True)))
        result = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual("Texas", row.b.state)
        self.assertEqual(True, row.b.is_cool)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User2)

def main():
    print("--- %s seconds --- START" % (time.time() - start_time))
    cluster = Cluster([''], port=30054)
    session = cluster.connect()
    print("--- %s seconds ---CONNECTED" % (time.time() - start_time))
        session.execute(""" CREATE KEYSPACE mykeyspace
		   'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 
		   'replication_factor' : 1 

# session.execute("CREATE TYPE  address (street text, zipcode int)")
# session.execute("CREATE TABLE  users (id int PRIMARY KEY, location address)")
    cluster.register_user_type('mykeyspace', 'address', Address)
    # insert a row using an instance of Address
    for item in range(10):
        ADDRR = "".join([random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(10)])
            "INSERT INTO users (id, location) VALUES (%s, %s)",
            (item, Address("123 Main St." + ADDRR, random.randint(1, 99999))))

# results will include Address instances
    print("--- %s seconds ---INSERTED" % (time.time() - start_time))
    results = session.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
    for row in sorted(results, key=lambda person: person[0]):
        print row.id, row.location.street, row.location.zipcode
Example #4
    def test_can_insert_nested_registered_udts(self):
        Test for ensuring nested registered udts are properly inserted

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16

        # create the schema
        self.nested_udt_schema_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH)

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udts = []
        udt = namedtuple('depth_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('depth_{0}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
            c.register_user_type("udttests", "depth_{0}".format(i + 1),
                                 udts[i + 1])

        # insert udts and verify inserts with reads
        self.nested_udt_verification_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, udts)

Example #5
    def test_can_insert_udts_with_nulls(self):
        Test the insertion of UDTs with null and empty string fields

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)

        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)])

        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b)

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b)

        # also test empty strings
        s.execute(insert, [User('', None, None, six.binary_type())])
        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(('', None, None, six.binary_type()), results[0].b)

Example #6
    def test_can_insert_udts_with_nulls(self):
        Test the insertion of UDTs with null and empty string fields

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")

        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)")
        User = namedtuple("user", ("a", "b", "c", "d"))
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)])

        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b)

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b)

        # also test empty strings
        s.execute(insert, [User("", None, None, "")])
        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(("", None, None, ""), results[0].b)
        self.assertEqual(("", None, None, ""), s.execute(select)[0].b)

Example #7
    def test_can_insert_nested_registered_udts(self):
        Test for ensuring nested registered udts are properly inserted

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16

        # create the schema
        self.nested_udt_schema_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH)

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udts = []
        udt = namedtuple("depth_0", ("age", "name"))
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple("depth_{}".format(i + 1), ("value"))
            c.register_user_type("udttests", "depth_{}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1])

        # insert udts and verify inserts with reads
        self.nested_udt_verification_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, udts)

Example #8
    def connect(self):
        if self.initialized is False:
            raise Exception(
                'Please initialize the connection parameters first with SessionManager.save_credentials'

        if self._session is None:
            # This is how you use the Astra secure connect bundle to connect to an Astra database
            # note that the database username and password required.
            # note that no contact points or any other driver customization is required.
            astra_config = {
                'secure_connect_bundle': self.secure_connect_bundle_path

            cluster = Cluster(cloud=astra_config,
                                  self.username, self.password))
            self._session = cluster.connect(keyspace=self.keyspace)

            # have the driver return results as dict
            self._session.row_factory = dict_factory

            # have the driver return LocationUDT as a dict
            cluster.register_user_type(self.keyspace, 'location_udt', dict)

        return self._session
    def test_udts_with_nulls(self):
        Test UDTs with null and empty string fields.
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

            CREATE KEYSPACE test_udts_with_nulls
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
        c.register_user_type("test_udts_with_nulls", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)])

        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b)

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b)

        # also test empty strings
        s.execute(insert, [User('', None, None, '')])
        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(('', None, None, ''), results[0].b)
        self.assertEqual(('', None, None, ''), s.execute(select)[0].b)

Example #10
    def test_can_insert_nested_registered_udts_with_different_namedtuples(self):
        Test for ensuring nested udts are inserted correctly when the
        created namedtuples are use names that are different the cql type.

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16

        # create the schema
        self.nested_udt_schema_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH)

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udts = []
        udt = namedtuple('level_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('level_{0}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
            c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_{0}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1])

        # insert udts and verify inserts with reads
        self.nested_udt_verification_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, udts)

Example #11
    def test_can_insert_nested_registered_udts_with_different_namedtuples(
        Test for ensuring nested udts are inserted correctly when the
        created namedtuples are use names that are different the cql type.

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16

        # create the schema
        self.nested_udt_schema_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH)

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udts = []
        udt = namedtuple('level_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('level_{0}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
            c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "depth_{0}".format(i + 1),
                                 udts[i + 1])

        # insert udts and verify inserts with reads
        self.nested_udt_verification_helper(s, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH, udts)

Example #12
    def test_can_register_udt_before_connecting(self):
        Test the registration of UDTs before session creation

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_register_before_connecting
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_register_before_connecting2
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (state text, is_cool boolean)")
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        # now that types are defined, shutdown and re-create Cluster
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)

        User1 = namedtuple('user', ('age', 'name'))
        User2 = namedtuple('user', ('state', 'is_cool'))

        c.register_user_type("udt_test_register_before_connecting", "user",
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_register_before_connecting2", "user",

        s = c.connect()

        s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                  (0, User1(42, 'bob')))
        result = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(42, row.b.age)
        self.assertEqual('bob', row.b.name)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User1)

        # use the same UDT name in a different keyspace
        s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                  (0, User2('Texas', True)))
        result = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual('Texas', row.b.state)
        self.assertEqual(True, row.b.is_cool)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User2)

    def connect(self):

        if self.initialized is False:
            raise Exception('Please initialize the connection parameters first with SessionManager.save_credentials')

        if self._session is None:
            # This is how you use the Astra secure connect bundle to connect to an Astra database
            # note that the database username and password required.
            # note that no contact points or any other driver customization is required.
            if os.getenv('USE_ASTRA') == 'true':
                astra_config = {
                    'secure_connect_bundle': self.secure_connect_bundle_path

                cluster = Cluster(cloud=astra_config, auth_provider=PlainTextAuthProvider(self.username, self.password))

            elif os.getenv('USE_ASTRA') == false:
                cluster = Cluster([os.getenv('CONNECTION_POINTS')],auth_provider=PlainTextAuthProvider(os.getenv('USERNAME'), os.getenv('PASSWORD')))
                self.keyspace = os.getenv('KEYSPACE')
                self.initialized = True
                logger.info("Missing env value for USE_ASTRA")

            self._session = cluster.connect(keyspace=self.keyspace)

            # have the driver return results as dict
            self._session.row_factory = dict_factory

            # have the driver return LocationUDT as a dict
            cluster.register_user_type(self.keyspace, 'location_udt', dict)

        return self._session
Example #14
    def test_udts_with_nulls(self):
        Test UDTs with null and empty string fields.
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

            CREATE KEYSPACE test_udts_with_nulls
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (a text, b int, c uuid, d blob)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
        c.register_user_type("test_udts_with_nulls", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b user)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (0, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, [User(None, None, None, None)])

        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), results[0].b)

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual((None, None, None, None), s.execute(select)[0].b)

        # also test empty strings
        s.execute(insert, [User('', None, None, '')])
        results = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        self.assertEqual(('', None, None, ''), results[0].b)
        self.assertEqual(('', None, None, ''), s.execute(select)[0].b)

    def test_can_insert_udt_all_collection_datatypes(self):
        Test for inserting various types of COLLECTION_TYPES into UDT's

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")

        # create UDT
        alpha_type_list = []
        start_index = ord('a')
        for i, collection_type in enumerate(COLLECTION_TYPES):
            for j, datatype in enumerate(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES):
                if collection_type == "map":
                    type_string = "{0}_{1} {2}<{3}, {3}>".format(chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j),
                                                                 collection_type, datatype)
                elif collection_type == "tuple":
                    type_string = "{0}_{1} frozen<{2}<{3}>>".format(chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j),
                                                            collection_type, datatype)
                    type_string = "{0}_{1} {2}<{3}>".format(chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j),
                                                            collection_type, datatype)

            CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0})
        """.format(', '.join(alpha_type_list))

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)")

        # register UDT
        alphabet_list = []
        for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(COLLECTION_TYPES)):
            for j in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)):
                alphabet_list.append('{0}_{1}'.format(chr(i), chr(j)))

        Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list)
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "alldatatypes", Alldatatypes)

        # insert UDT data
        params = []
        for collection_type in COLLECTION_TYPES:
            for datatype in PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES:
                params.append((get_collection_sample(collection_type, datatype)))

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params)))

        # retrieve and verify data
        results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(results))

        row = results[0].b
        for expected, actual in zip(params, row):
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

Example #16
    def test_udt_sizes(self):
        Test for ensuring extra-lengthy udts are handled correctly.

        if self._cass_version < (2, 1, 0):
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                "The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1")

        MAX_TEST_LENGTH = 16384

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        s.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE test_udt_sizes
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}"""

        # create the seed udt, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE lengthy_udt ({})".format(', '.join(
            ['v_{} int'.format(i) for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)])),

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
            "CREATE TABLE mytable ("
            "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
            "v frozen<lengthy_udt>)",

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple(
            tuple(['v_{}'.format(i) for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)]))
        c.register_user_type("test_udt_sizes", "lengthy_udt", udt)

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_TEST_LENGTH):
            # create udt
            params = [j for j in range(i)
                      ] + [None for j in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH - i)]
            created_udt = udt(*params)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v) VALUES (0, %s)",
                      (created_udt, ))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
            result = s.execute("SELECT v FROM mytable WHERE k=0",
            self.assertEqual(created_udt, result.v)

Example #17
    def test_prepared_registered_udts(self):
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_prepared_registered
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
        User = namedtuple("user", ("age", "name"))
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_prepared_registered", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b user)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, User(42, "bob")))

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=?")
        result = s.execute(select, (0,))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(42, row.b.age)
        self.assertEqual("bob", row.b.name)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

        # use the same UDT name in a different keyspace
            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_prepared_registered2
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (state text, is_cool boolean)")
        User = namedtuple("user", ("state", "is_cool"))
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_prepared_registered2", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b user)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, User("Texas", True)))

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=?")
        result = s.execute(select, (0,))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual("Texas", row.b.state)
        self.assertEqual(True, row.b.is_cool)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

Example #18
    def test_primitive_datatypes(self):
        Test for inserting various types of DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES into UDT's
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        # create keyspace
            CREATE KEYSPACE test_primitive_datatypes
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }

        # create UDT
        alpha_type_list = []
        start_index = ord('a')
        for i, datatype in enumerate(DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES):
            alpha_type_list.append("{0} {1}".format(chr(start_index + i),

            CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0})
        """.format(', '.join(alpha_type_list)))

            "CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)")

        # register UDT
        alphabet_list = []
        for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES)):
        Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list)
        c.register_user_type("test_primitive_datatypes", "alldatatypes",

        # insert UDT data
        params = []
        for datatype in DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES:

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params)))

        # retrieve and verify data
        results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(results))

        row = results[0].b
        for expected, actual in zip(params, row):
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

Example #19
    def test_can_insert_prepared_registered_udts(self):
        Test the insertion of prepared, registered UDTs

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")

        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, User(42, 'bob')))

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=?")
        result = s.execute(select, (0,))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(42, row.b.age)
        self.assertEqual('bob', row.b.name)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

        # use the same UDT name in a different keyspace
            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_prepared_registered2
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (state text, is_cool boolean)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('state', 'is_cool'))
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_prepared_registered2", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, User('Texas', True)))

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=?")
        result = s.execute(select, (0,))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual('Texas', row.b.state)
        self.assertEqual(True, row.b.is_cool)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

        s.execute("DROP KEYSPACE udt_test_prepared_registered2")

    def test_primitive_datatypes(self):
        Test for inserting various types of DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES into UDT's
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        # create keyspace
            CREATE KEYSPACE test_primitive_datatypes
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }

        # create UDT
        alpha_type_list = []
        start_index = ord('a')
        for i, datatype in enumerate(DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES):
            alpha_type_list.append("{0} {1}".format(chr(start_index + i), datatype))

            CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0})
        """.format(', '.join(alpha_type_list))

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)")

        # register UDT
        alphabet_list = []
        for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES)):
        Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list)
        c.register_user_type("test_primitive_datatypes", "alldatatypes", Alldatatypes)

        # insert UDT data
        params = []
        for datatype in DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES:

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params)))

        # retrieve and verify data
        results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(results))

        row = results[0].b
        for expected, actual in zip(params, row):
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

Example #21
    def test_prepared_registered_udts(self):
        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_prepared_registered
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_prepared_registered", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b user)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, User(42, 'bob')))

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=?")
        result = s.execute(select, (0, ))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(42, row.b.age)
        self.assertEqual('bob', row.b.name)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

        # use the same UDT name in a different keyspace
            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_prepared_registered2
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (state text, is_cool boolean)")
        User = namedtuple('user', ('state', 'is_cool'))
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_prepared_registered2", "user", User)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b user)")

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, User('Texas', True)))

        select = s.prepare("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=?")
        result = s.execute(select, (0, ))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual('Texas', row.b.state)
        self.assertEqual(True, row.b.is_cool)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

Example #22
    def test_can_insert_udt_all_datatypes(self):
        Test for inserting various types of PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES into UDT's

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")

        # create UDT
        alpha_type_list = []
        start_index = ord("a")
        for i, datatype in enumerate(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES):
            alpha_type_list.append("{0} {1}".format(chr(start_index + i), datatype))

            CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0})
                ", ".join(alpha_type_list)

        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)")

        # register UDT
        alphabet_list = []
        for i in range(ord("a"), ord("a") + len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)):
        Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list)
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "alldatatypes", Alldatatypes)

        # insert UDT data
        params = []
        for datatype in PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES:

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params)))

        # retrieve and verify data
        results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(results))

        row = results[0].b
        for expected, actual in zip(params, row):
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_udt_sizes(self):
        Test for ensuring extra-lengthy udts are handled correctly.

        if self._cass_version < (2, 1, 0):
            raise unittest.SkipTest("The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1")

        MAX_TEST_LENGTH = 16384

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        s.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE test_udt_sizes
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}""")

        # create the seed udt, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE lengthy_udt ({})"
                  .format(', '.join(['v_{} int'.format(i)
                                    for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)])), timeout=EXTENDED_QUERY_TIMEOUT)

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable ("
                  "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
                  "v frozen<lengthy_udt>)", timeout=EXTENDED_QUERY_TIMEOUT)

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple('lengthy_udt', tuple(['v_{}'.format(i) for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)]))
        c.register_user_type("test_udt_sizes", "lengthy_udt", udt)

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_TEST_LENGTH):
            # create udt
            params = [j for j in range(i)] + [None for j in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH - i)]
            created_udt = udt(*params)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v) VALUES (0, %s)", (created_udt,))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
            result = s.execute("SELECT v FROM mytable WHERE k=0", timeout=EXTENDED_QUERY_TIMEOUT)[0]
            self.assertEqual(created_udt, result.v)

Example #24
    def test_can_insert_unprepared_registered_udts(self):
        Test the insertion of unprepared, registered UDTs

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)

        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (age int, name text)")
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        User = namedtuple('user', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "user", User)

        s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                  (0, User(42, 'bob')))
        result = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual(42, row.b.age)
        self.assertEqual('bob', row.b.name)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

        # use the same UDT name in a different keyspace
            CREATE KEYSPACE udt_test_unprepared_registered2
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1' }
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE user (state text, is_cool boolean)")
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

        User = namedtuple('user', ('state', 'is_cool'))
        c.register_user_type("udt_test_unprepared_registered2", "user", User)

        s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                  (0, User('Texas', True)))
        result = s.execute("SELECT b FROM mytable WHERE a=0")
        row = result[0]
        self.assertEqual('Texas', row.b.state)
        self.assertEqual(True, row.b.is_cool)
        self.assertTrue(type(row.b) is User)

        s.execute("DROP KEYSPACE udt_test_unprepared_registered2")

Example #25
    def test_can_insert_udt_all_datatypes(self):
        Test for inserting various types of PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES into UDT's

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)

        # create UDT
        alpha_type_list = []
        start_index = ord('a')
        for i, datatype in enumerate(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES):
            alpha_type_list.append("{0} {1}".format(chr(start_index + i),

            CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0})
        """.format(', '.join(alpha_type_list)))

            "CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)")

        # register UDT
        alphabet_list = []
        for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)):
        Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list)
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "alldatatypes", Alldatatypes)

        # insert UDT data
        params = []
        for datatype in PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES:

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params)))

        # retrieve and verify data
        results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")

        row = results[0].b
        for expected, actual in zip(params, row):
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

Example #26
def cassandra_connect():

    cluster = Cluster([''], protocol_version=3)
    cluster.register_user_type('ensembl', 'xref_record', xref_record)
    cluster.register_user_type('ensembl', 'exon', base_udt)
    cluster.register_user_type('ensembl', 'translation', base_udt)
    cluster.register_user_type('ensembl', 'transcript', base_udt)
    session = cluster.connect('ensembl')
    session.row_factory = cassandra.query.ordered_dict_factory

    return session
Example #27
class Connect(object):

    global session
    global cluster

    def __init__(self, keyspace, ipaddress):
        self.keyspace = keyspace
        addressList = []
        self.cluster = Cluster(addressList)
        self.session = self.cluster.connect(keyspace)
        self.cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, 'address', Address)

    def getSession(self):
        return self.session

    def close(self):
Example #28
    def test_raise_error_on_nonexisting_udts(self):
        Test for ensuring that an error is raised for operating on a nonexisting udt or an invalid keyspace

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)
        User = namedtuple('user', ('age', 'name'))

        with self.assertRaises(UserTypeDoesNotExist):
            c.register_user_type("some_bad_keyspace", "user", User)

        with self.assertRaises(UserTypeDoesNotExist):
            c.register_user_type("system", "user", User)

        with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest):
            s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

Example #29
    def test_can_insert_udts_with_varying_lengths(self):
        Test for ensuring extra-lengthy udts are properly inserted

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)

        MAX_TEST_LENGTH = 254

        # create the seed udt, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE lengthy_udt ({0})".format(', '.join(
            ['v_{0} int'.format(i) for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)])))

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable ("
                  "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
                  "v frozen<lengthy_udt>)")

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple(
            tuple(['v_{0}'.format(i) for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)]))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "lengthy_udt", udt)

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_TEST_LENGTH):
            # create udt
            params = [j for j in range(i)
                      ] + [None for j in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH - i)]
            created_udt = udt(*params)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v) VALUES (0, %s)",
                      (created_udt, ))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
            result = s.execute("SELECT v FROM mytable WHERE k=0")[0]
            self.assertEqual(created_udt, result.v)

def cassandra_connect():
    global cluster, session

    log.info("Initializing Cassandra cluster")

    cluster = Cluster(app.config['HOSTS'], app.config['PORT'])
    session = cluster.connect(app.config['KEYSPACE'])
    session.row_factory = dict_factory
    session.default_consistency_level = 4

    cluster.register_user_type(app.config['KEYSPACE'], 'averages', Averages)
    cluster.register_user_type(app.config['KEYSPACE'], 'description',
    cluster.register_user_type(app.config['KEYSPACE'], 'name', Name)
    cluster.register_user_type(app.config['KEYSPACE'], 'position', Position)
    cluster.register_user_type(app.config['KEYSPACE'], 'thumbnails',

    return "Done"
Example #31
    def test_raise_error_on_nonexisting_udts(self):
        Test for ensuring that an error is raised for operating on a nonexisting udt or an invalid keyspace

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)
        User = namedtuple('user', ('age', 'name'))

        with self.assertRaises(UserTypeDoesNotExist):
            c.register_user_type("some_bad_keyspace", "user", User)

        with self.assertRaises(UserTypeDoesNotExist):
            c.register_user_type("system", "user", User)

        with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest):
                "CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<user>)")

Example #32
    def test_can_insert_udts_with_varying_lengths(self):
        Test for ensuring extra-lengthy udts are properly inserted

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect(self.keyspace_name, wait_for_all_pools=True)

        MAX_TEST_LENGTH = 254

        # create the seed udt, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE lengthy_udt ({0})"
                  .format(', '.join(['v_{0} int'.format(i)
                                    for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)])))

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable ("
                  "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
                  "v frozen<lengthy_udt>)")

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple('lengthy_udt', tuple(['v_{0}'.format(i) for i in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH)]))
        c.register_user_type(self.keyspace_name, "lengthy_udt", udt)

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_TEST_LENGTH):
            # create udt
            params = [j for j in range(i)] + [None for j in range(MAX_TEST_LENGTH - i)]
            created_udt = udt(*params)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v) VALUES (0, %s)", (created_udt,))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly, increase timeout to avoid the query failure on slow systems
            result = s.execute("SELECT v FROM mytable WHERE k=0")[0]
            self.assertEqual(created_udt, result.v)

Example #33
    def connect(self):
        if self.initialized is False:
            raise Exception(
                'Please initialize the connection parameters first with SessionManager.save_credentials'

        if self._session is None:
            if os.getenv('USE_ASTRA') == 'false':
                graph_name = os.getenv('KEYSPACE')
                ep_graphson3 = GraphExecutionProfile(
                connectionPoint = [os.getenv('CONNECTION_POINTS')]

                cluster = Cluster(contact_points=connectionPoint,
                                  execution_profiles={'core': ep_graphson3})
                self._session = cluster.connect()
                # This is how you use the Astra secure connect bundle to connect to an Astra database
                # note that the database username and password required.
                # note that no contact points or any other driver customization is required.
                astra_config = {
                    'secure_connect_bundle': self.secure_connect_bundle_path
                cluster = Cluster(cloud=astra_config,
                                      self.username, self.password))
                self._session = cluster.connect(keyspace=self.keyspace)
                # have the driver return results as dict
                self._session.row_factory = dict_factory

            # have the driver return LocationUDT as a dict
            cluster.register_user_type(self.keyspace, 'location_udt', dict)

        return self._session
Example #34
def _execute(input_file):
    if not os.path.exists(input_file):
        print '%s not exists...' % input_file

    keys = []
    with open(input_file, 'rb') as f:
        contents = f.read()
        keys_str = contents.split('\n')
        keys.extend([key.split(' ') for key in keys_str])

    if len(keys) == 0:
        print 'No keys to execute...'

    cluster = Cluster(seeds)
    session = cluster.connect()
    session.row_factory = dict_factory
    session.default_fetch_size = 100
    session.default_timeout = 120

    cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, 'object_md', object_md)
    cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, 'location', location)
    cluster.register_user_type(keyspace, 'object_md_extra', object_md_extra)

    keys_bk = keys[0:-1]
    for key in keys:
        if len(key) <= 1:
        _check_and_fix(session, key[0], key[1])

    print '$' * 30
    for key in keys_bk:
        if len(key) <= 1:
        stat = "select version from %s.object_versions where bucket = '%s' and key = '%s';" % (
            keyspace, key[0], key[1])
        print stat
    print '$' * 30
Example #35
    def test_nested_registered_udts_with_different_namedtuples(self):
        Test for ensuring nested udts are handled correctly when the
        created namedtuples are use names that are different the cql type.

        Future improvement: optimize these three related tests using a single
        helper method to cut down on code reuse.

        if self._cass_version < (2, 1, 0):
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                "The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1")

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 128

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        # set the row_factory to dict_factory for programmatically accessing values
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        s.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE different_namedtuples
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}"""

        # create the seed udt
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE depth_0 (age int, name text)")

        # create the nested udts
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            s.execute("CREATE TYPE depth_{} (value depth_{})".format(i + 1, i))

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable ("
                  "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
                  "v_0 depth_0, "
                  "v_1 depth_1, "
                  "v_2 depth_2, "
                  "v_3 depth_3, "
                  "v_{0} depth_{0})".format(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH))

        # create the udt container
        udts = []

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple('level_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type("different_namedtuples", "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('level_{}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
                                 "depth_{}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1])

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            # create udt
            udt = self.nested_udt_helper(udts, i)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v_%s) VALUES (0, %s)", (i, udt))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly
            result = s.execute("SELECT v_%s FROM mytable WHERE k=0", (i, ))[0]
            self.assertEqual(udt, result['v_%s' % i])
Example #36
    def test_can_insert_udt_all_collection_datatypes(self):
        Test for inserting various types of COLLECTION_TYPES into UDT's

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect("udttests")

        # create UDT
        alpha_type_list = []
        start_index = ord('a')
        for i, collection_type in enumerate(COLLECTION_TYPES):
            for j, datatype in enumerate(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES):
                if collection_type == "map":
                    type_string = "{0}_{1} {2}<{3}, {3}>".format(
                        chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j),
                        collection_type, datatype)
                elif collection_type == "tuple":
                    type_string = "{0}_{1} frozen<{2}<{3}>>".format(
                        chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j),
                        collection_type, datatype)
                    type_string = "{0}_{1} {2}<{3}>".format(
                        chr(start_index + i), chr(start_index + j),
                        collection_type, datatype)

            CREATE TYPE alldatatypes ({0})
        """.format(', '.join(alpha_type_list)))

            "CREATE TABLE mytable (a int PRIMARY KEY, b frozen<alldatatypes>)")

        # register UDT
        alphabet_list = []
        for i in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(COLLECTION_TYPES)):
            for j in range(ord('a'), ord('a') + len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)):
                alphabet_list.append('{0}_{1}'.format(chr(i), chr(j)))

        Alldatatypes = namedtuple("alldatatypes", alphabet_list)
        c.register_user_type("udttests", "alldatatypes", Alldatatypes)

        # insert UDT data
        params = []
        for collection_type in COLLECTION_TYPES:
            for datatype in PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES:

        insert = s.prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (a, b) VALUES (?, ?)")
        s.execute(insert, (0, Alldatatypes(*params)))

        # retrieve and verify data
        results = s.execute("SELECT * FROM mytable")
        self.assertEqual(1, len(results))

        row = results[0].b
        for expected, actual in zip(params, row):
            self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

Example #37
import logging
import typing

from cassandra.cluster import Cluster

cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=3)
session = cluster.connect()
session.execute("CREATE TYPE address (street text, zipcode int)")
    "CREATE TABLE users (id int PRIMARY KEY, location frozen<address>)")

# create a class to map to the "address" UDT
class Address(object):
    def __init__(self, street, zipcode):
        self.street = street
        self.zipcode = zipcode

cluster.register_user_type('mykeyspace', 'address', Address)

# insert a row using an instance of Address
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (id, location) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                (0, Address("123 Main St.", 78723)))

# results will include Address instances
results = session.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
row = results[0]
print(row.id, row.location.street, row.location.zipcode)
class query:
    cluster = None
    session = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.cluster = Cluster()
        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
        self.session.execute("USE infoscheme")

    def select_all(self):
        d_quer = "select scheme_id, scheme_name, dept_name, s_constraints,s_details from schemes"
        schemes = self.session.execute(d_quer)
        return schemes

    def get_departments(self):
        d_query = self.session.execute("select * from departments")
        return d_query

    def get_constraints(self):
        c_query = self.session.execute("select * from constraints")
        return c_query

    def get_scheme_size(self):
        s_query = self.session.execute("select scheme_id from schemes")
        mx = 0
        for x in s_query:
            if x[0] > mx:
                mx = x[0]
        return mx

    def add_into_schemes(self, s_data, master_data):
        c_list = []
        self.cluster.register_user_type('infoscheme', 'construct', Construct)
        s_query = "insert into schemes (scheme_id,scheme_name,dept_name,start_date,end_date,s_details,s_constraints)values(?,?,?,?,?,?,["
        if 'constraints' in master_data.keys():
            tlen = len(master_data['constraints'])
            i = 0
            for c_tuple in master_data['constraints']:
                temp = []
                i = i + 1
                s_query += "{ c_data : ['"
                s_query += c_tuple['constraint_name']
                s_query += "','"
                s_query += c_tuple['answer_type']
                s_query += "'"
                temp_list = c_tuple['fields'].split(';')
                for foo in temp_list:
                    s_query += ",'"
                    s_query += foo
                    s_query += "'"
                s_query += ']}'
                if i == tlen:
                    s_query += ','
                print "hello",
                print s_query
        s_query += "]"
        s_query += ")"
        print s_query
        print s_data
            s_query = self.session.prepare(s_query)
            self.session.execute(s_query, s_data)
            return 0
        return 1

    # def add_scheme(self, scheme):
    # 	if(scheme.dept_flag):
    # 		add_dept(scheme.dept_name)
    # 		scheme.dept_id=get_deptid(dept_name)

    # def add_dept(self, dept_name):				#Add department in the db if it doesnt exist
    # 	siz=get_size("departments")
    # 	d_quer="insert into departments (dept_id, dept_name) values (?,?)"
    # 	session.execute(d_quer,(siz,dept_name))

    # def is_num(self, num):
    # 	for i in range(len(num)):
    # 		if num[i]>'9' || num[i]<'0':
    # 			return False
    # 	return True

    # def get_size(self, table_name):
    # 	t_quer=[]
    # 	t_quer=session.execute("select * from %s",table_name)
    # 	return len(t_quer)

    # def is_alpha(self, var):
    # 	for i in range(len(var)):
    # 		temp=var[i]
    # 		if var[i]>'a':
    # 			temp=var[i]-'a'
    # 		else if var[i]>'A':
    # 			temp=var[i]-'A'
    # 		if (temp<0 || temp>26):
    # 			return False
    # 	return True
    def test_nested_registered_udts_with_different_namedtuples(self):
        Test for ensuring nested udts are handled correctly when the
        created namedtuples are use names that are different the cql type.

        Future improvement: optimize these three related tests using a single
        helper method to cut down on code repetition.

        if self._cass_version < (2, 1, 0):
            raise unittest.SkipTest("The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1")

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 16

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        # set the row_factory to dict_factory for programmatically accessing values
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        s.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE different_namedtuples
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}""")

        # create the seed udt
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE depth_0 (age int, name text)")

        # create the nested udts
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            s.execute("CREATE TYPE depth_{} (value frozen<depth_{}>)".format(i + 1, i))

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable ("
                  "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
                  "v_0 frozen<depth_0>, "
                  "v_1 frozen<depth_1>, "
                  "v_2 frozen<depth_2>, "
                  "v_3 frozen<depth_3>, "
                  "v_{0} frozen<depth_{0}>)".format(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH))

        # create the udt container
        udts = []

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple('level_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type("different_namedtuples", "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('level_{}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
            c.register_user_type("different_namedtuples", "depth_{}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1])

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            # create udt
            udt = self.nested_udt_helper(udts, i)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v_%s) VALUES (0, %s)", (i, udt))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly
            result = s.execute("SELECT v_%s FROM mytable WHERE k=0", (i,))[0]
            self.assertEqual(udt, result['v_%s' % i])

#example 12.11
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=3)
session = cluster.connect()
session.execute("CREATE TYPE contact (email text, phone text)")
session.execute("CREATE TABLE users (userid int PRIMARY KEY, name text, contact frozen<contact>)")
class ContactInfo:

    def __init__(self, email, phone):
        self.email = email
        self.phone = phone

cluster.register_user_type('mykeyspace', 'contact', ContactInfo)

# insert a row using an instance of ContctInfo
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (userid, name, contact) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
                (1, 'Admin', ContactInfo("*****@*****.**", '9988776655')))
Example #41
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster

cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=3)
session = cluster.connect()
session.execute("CREATE TYPE address (street text, zipcode int)")
    "CREATE TABLE users (id int PRIMARY KEY, location frozen<address>)")

# create a class to map to the "address" UDT
class Address(object):
    def __init__(self, street, zipcode):
        self.street = street
        self.zipcode = zipcode

cluster.register_user_type('office', 'address', Address)

# insert a row using an instance of Address
session.execute("INSERT INTO users (id, location) VALUES (%s, %s)",
                (0, Address("123 Main St.", 78723)))

# results will include Address instances
results = session.execute("SELECT * FROM users")
row = results[0]
print(row.id, row.location.street, row.location.zipcode)
Example #42
    def test_nested_registered_udts(self):
        Test for ensuring nested udts are handled correctly.

        if self._cass_version < (2, 1, 0):
            raise unittest.SkipTest("The tuple type was introduced in Cassandra 2.1")

        MAX_NESTING_DEPTH = 4  # TODO: Move to 128, or similar

        c = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        s = c.connect()

        # set the row_factory to dict_factory for programmatically accessing values
        s.row_factory = dict_factory

        s.execute("""CREATE KEYSPACE test_nested_unregistered_udts
            WITH replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}""")

        # create the seed udt
        s.execute("CREATE TYPE depth_0 (age int, name text)")

        # create the nested udts
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            s.execute("CREATE TYPE depth_{} (value depth_{})".format(i + 1, i))

        # create a table with multiple sizes of nested udts
        # no need for all nested types, only a spot checked few and the largest one
        s.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable ("
                  "k int PRIMARY KEY, "
                  "v_0 depth_0, "
                  "v_1 depth_1, "
                  "v_2 depth_2, "
                  "v_3 depth_3, "
                  "v_{0} depth_{0})".format(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH))

        # create the udt container
        udts = []

        # create and register the seed udt type
        udt = namedtuple('depth_0', ('age', 'name'))
        c.register_user_type("test_nested_unregistered_udts", "depth_0", udts[0])

        # create and register the nested udt types
        for i in range(MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            udt = namedtuple('depth_{}'.format(i + 1), ('value'))
            c.register_user_type("test_nested_unregistered_udts", "depth_{}".format(i + 1), udts[i + 1])

        # verify inserts and reads
        for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, MAX_NESTING_DEPTH):
            # create udt
            udt = self.nested_udt_helper(udts, i)

            # write udt
            s.execute("INSERT INTO mytable (k, v_%s) VALUES (0, %s)", (i, udt))

            # verify udt was written and read correctly
            result = s.execute("SELECT v_%s FROM mytable WHERE k=0", (i,))[0]
            self.assertEqual(udt, result['v_%s' % i])
Example #43
                self._session = cluster.connect(keyspace=os.getenv('KEYSPACE'))
                logger.info("Missing env value for USE_ASTRA")

                cluster = Cluster([os.getenv('CONNECTION_POINTS')])
                self._session = cluster.connect(keyspace='killrvideo')
                self.initialized = True
                self.keyspace = 'killrvideo'
>>>>>>> 3ce7c423dd19e11ba6e2daa1b2f1a5df1f38d4a2

            # have the driver return results as dict
            self._session.row_factory = dict_factory

            # have the driver return LocationUDT as a dict
            cluster.register_user_type(self.keyspace, 'location_udt', dict)

        return self._session

    def check_connection(self):
            result = self.connect().execute(self.ping_query)
            return True
        except (Unauthorized, Unavailable, AuthenticationFailed, OperationTimedOut, ReadTimeout) as e:
            return False

    def close(self):
        if self.initialized and self._session is not None:
        self.name = name
        self.type = type
        self.is_null = is_null,
        self.primary_key = primary_key

class EntityModel:
    def __init__(self, id, name):
        self.id = id
        self.name = name

cluster = Cluster([''])
session = cluster.connect('dbbuilder')

cluster.register_user_type('dbbuilder', 'entity_column', Column)
cluster.register_user_type('dbbuilder', 'file_column', Column)
cluster.register_user_type('dbbuilder', 'entity_model', EntityModel)
""" DATA INSERT  """

insert_user_command = SimpleStatement(
    "INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (%s, %s)")

Example #45
class DBWorker(object):
    def __init__(self, address, db):
        self.cluster = Cluster([address])
        self.session = self.cluster.connect(db)
        self.cluster.register_user_type('market', 'market_order', Order)

    def insert_trade(self, trade, timestamp):

        query = '''INSERT INTO market.trades (id, ticker, price, size, bid, ask, time) 
                  VALUES (%(id)s,%(ticker)s, %(price)s, %(size)s, %(bid)s, %(ask)s, %(time)s);'''
        params = {
            'id': trade.id,
            'ticker': trade.ticker,
            'price': trade.price,
            'size': trade.size,
            'bid': trade.bid,
            'ask': trade.ask,
            'time': timestamp

        self.session.execute(query, params)

    def insert_order_book_snapshot(self, ticker, bids, asks, time):
        query = '''INSERT INTO market.order_book (ticker, bids, asks,  time) 
                  VALUES (%(ticker)s, %(bids)s, %(asks)s, %(time)s);'''

        params = {'ticker': ticker, 'bids': bids, 'asks': asks, 'time': time}

        self.session.execute(query, params)

    def get_trades(self, ticker, limit):

        query = '''SELECT * FROM trades    
                   WHERE ticker = %(ticker)s order by time desc limit %(limit)s;'''

        params = {'ticker': ticker, 'limit': limit}

        rows = self.session.execute(query, params)

        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Price'])

        for row in rows:
            df.loc[row.time] = row.price

        df = df.sort_index()

        return df

    def get_trades_for_fake_trading(self, ticker, start_time, limit_num):
        query = '''SELECT * FROM trades    
                   WHERE ticker = %(ticker)s AND time>= %(start_date)s order by time asc limit %(limit_num)s;'''

        params = {
            'ticker': ticker,
            'start_date': start_time,
            'limit_num': limit_num

        rows = self.session.execute(query, params)

        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Price', 'Volume'])

        for row in rows:
            df.loc[row.time] = [row.price, row.size]
            # df.loc[row.time]['Volume'] = row.size

        df = df.sort_index()

        return df.ix[-1]

    def get_trades_for_period(self, ticker, start_date, end_date=None):

        if end_date == None:
            end_date = dt.today()

        query = '''SELECT * FROM trades    
                   WHERE ticker = %(ticker)s AND time>= %(start_date)s and time <= %(end_date)s;'''

        params = {
            'ticker': ticker,
            'start_date': start_date,
            'end_date': end_date

        rows = self.session.execute(query, params)

        df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Price', 'Volume'])

        for row in rows:
            df.loc[row.time] = [row.price, row.size]
            # df.loc[row.time]['Volume'] = row.size

        df = df.sort_index()
        return df

    def get_latest_order_book(self, ticker):
        query = '''SELECT bids, asks FROM order_book    
                   WHERE ticker = %(ticker)s ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1;'''

        params = {
            'ticker': ticker,

        rows = self.session.execute(query, params)

        [(bids, asks)] = [(row.bids, row.asks) for row in rows]

        return bids, asks
class query:
	def __init__(self):
		self.session.execute("USE infoscheme")

	def select_all(self):
		d_quer="select scheme_id, scheme_name, dept_name, s_constraints,s_details from schemes"
		schemes = self.session.execute(d_quer)
		return schemes

	def get_departments(self):
		d_query=self.session.execute("select * from departments")
		return d_query

	def get_constraints(self):
		c_query=self.session.execute("select * from constraints")
		return c_query

	def get_scheme_size(self):
		s_query=self.session.execute("select scheme_id from schemes")
		for x in s_query:
			if x[0]>mx:
		return mx
	def add_into_schemes(self,s_data,master_data):
		self.cluster.register_user_type('infoscheme', 'construct',Construct)
		s_query="insert into schemes (scheme_id,scheme_name,dept_name,start_date,end_date,s_details,s_constraints)values(?,?,?,?,?,?,["
		if 'constraints' in master_data.keys():
			for c_tuple in master_data['constraints']:
				s_query+="{ c_data : ['"
				for foo in temp_list:
				if i==tlen:
				print "hello",
				print s_query
		print s_query
		print s_data
			return 0
		return 1

	# def add_scheme(self, scheme):
	# 	if(scheme.dept_flag):
	# 		add_dept(scheme.dept_name)
	# 		scheme.dept_id=get_deptid(dept_name)

	# def add_dept(self, dept_name):				#Add department in the db if it doesnt exist
	# 	siz=get_size("departments")
	# 	d_quer="insert into departments (dept_id, dept_name) values (?,?)"
	# 	session.execute(d_quer,(siz,dept_name))

	# def is_num(self, num):
	# 	for i in range(len(num)):
	# 		if num[i]>'9' || num[i]<'0':
	# 			return False
	# 	return True

	# def get_size(self, table_name):
	# 	t_quer=[]
	# 	t_quer=session.execute("select * from %s",table_name)
	# 	return len(t_quer)

	# def is_alpha(self, var):
	# 	for i in range(len(var)):
	# 		temp=var[i]
	# 		if var[i]>'a':
	# 			temp=var[i]-'a'
	# 		else if var[i]>'A':
	# 			temp=var[i]-'A'
	# 		if (temp<0 || temp>26):
	# 			return False
	# 	return True
Example #47
        self.state = state
        self.zip = zip

def getdata(filename):
    with open(filename, "rb") as csvfile:
        datareader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        for row in datareader:
            yield row

#  Start of program
ipAddr = []
cluster = Cluster(ipAddr);
session = cluster.connect('team10')

cluster.register_user_type('team10', 'address', Address)

insert_statement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO district (d_w_id, d_id, d_name, d_address, d_tax, d_ytd, d_next_o_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")

print("Inserting District data ... ")
for row in getdata('../data-files/district.csv'):
    d_w_id = int(row[0])
    d_id = int(row[1])
    d_tax = Decimal(row[8])
    d_ytd = Decimal(row[9])
    d_next_o_id = int(row[10])
    session.execute(insert_statement, [d_w_id, d_id, row[2], Address(row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7]), d_tax, d_ytd, d_next_o_id])

print("Inserting Done ... ")
Example #48
# result = session.execute("select * from users where lastname='Jones' ")[0]
# print result.firstname, result.age

# create a class to map to the "address" UDT
# class Address:
#     def __init__(self, lat, lon):
#         self.lon = lon
#         self.lat = lat

class Address(object):
    def __init__(self, lat, lon):
        self.lat = lat
        self.lon = lon

cluster.register_user_type('demo', 'lat_lon', Address)
geohash = Geocode.encode(19.128634, 72.928142)

# print Geocode.encode(19.112407, 72.928255)
# print Geocode.encode(19.142371, 72.937739)

# insert a row using an instance of Address
# cql = "INSERT INTO station_details (station_code, lat, lon, station_name, connecting_stations, number_of_tracks," \
#       " station_radius, track1, track2) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
# session.execute(cql, (
#     geohash, 19.128634, 72.928142, 'Kanjurmarg', {'te7uex29zdbk9knh': 1, 'te7ugsz8ks84f7pz': 2}, 2, 0.2,
#     [Address(19.126593, 72.927815), Address(19.126249, 72.927836), Address(19.125924, 72.927836)],
#     [Address(19.131175, 72.929360), Address(19.132006, 72.929832), Address(19.132959, 72.930368)]))
# cql = "insert into fare_charts (station_from_name, station_from_code, station_from_lat_lon, station_to_name," \