Example #1
def chapter(url):
    db = get_db()
    # Whoops, target_user is basically the return of get_chapter. We can clean that up later
    target_user = db.execute('SELECT username from user where url = ?',
                             (url, )).fetchone()
    # Retrieve all the actions authored by this chapter
    actions = db.execute('SELECT * from action where author_id = ?',
    # Retrieve the chapter with get_chapter
    chapter = get_chapter(url)
    # Rave values for community building, policy change, and training and education
    raw_cb = chapter['cb']
    raw_pc = chapter['pc']
    raw_te = chapter['te']
    # We're going to use these percentages to fill up the progress bars with CSS
    cb_percent = math.floor((raw_cb / 75) * 100)
    pc_percent = math.floor((raw_pc / 75) * 100)
    te_percent = math.floor((raw_te / 50) * 100)
    # No need to fill a progress bar more than 100%
    if cb_percent > 100:
        cb_percent = 100

    if pc_percent > 100:
        pc_percent = 100

    if te_percent > 100:
        te_percent = 100
    # A dictionary of those percentages to pass to the page template
    points = {'cb': cb_percent, 'pc': pc_percent, 'te': te_percent}

    return render_template('chapters/chapter.html',
Example #2
def userEdit(url):
    db = get_db()
    user = db.execute(
        "SELECT username, email, password, permissions"
        " FROM user where url = ?", (url, )
    # If we POST to the page, update the user
    if request.method =='POST':
        username = request.form['username']
        email = request.form['email']
        # In the template, we don't actually spit out the password
        # This is ostensibly because of security reasons
        # But the honest truth is I didn't want to figure out the hashing and rehashing logic at the moment
        # Check if password was left blank. If it's blank, just use the same password. If not, hash it and insert.
        if request.form['password'] != "":
            password = generate_password_hash(request.form['password'])
            password = user['password']
        # This could be a dropdown in the future, but for now I trust myself (mostly) not to make fatal typos
        # You can tell it's the end of the week as I write this because of what I... just said
        permissions = request.form['permissions']
            'UPDATE user SET username = ?, email = ?, password = ?, permissions = ?'
            ' WHERE username = ?',
            (username, email, password, permissions, user['username'])
        # Redirect to the chapter page we just updated
        return redirect(url_for('chapters.chapter', url=url))

    return render_template('admin/user-edit.html', user=user)
Example #3
def create():
    # If we POST to the page, grabe the activity, points, and note.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        title = request.form['activity']
        points = request.form['points']
        note = request.form['note']
        # This error handling stuff is from the tutorial, and I didn't do a great job implementing it elswhere
        # I haven't taken the time to fully understand what's going on here, but I will eventually.
        error = None

        if not title:
            error = 'Title is required.'

        if error is not None:
            # Insert the action info into the database
            db = get_db()
                'INSERT INTO action (title, points, note, author_id)'
                ' Values (?, ?, ?, ?)', (title, points, note, g.user['id']))
            # Update Chapter Building, Policy Change, or Training and Education Points on the Chapter profiles.
            if title == 'policy':
                db.execute('UPDATE user SET pc = pc + ? Where id = ?',
                           (int(points), g.user['id']))
            elif title == 'community':
                db.execute('UPDATE user SET cb = ? Where id = ?',
                           (int(points), g.user['id']))
            elif title == 'education':
                db.execute('UPDATE user SET te = ? Where id = ?',
                           (int(points), g.user['id']))
            return redirect(url_for('blog.index'))
    return render_template('blog/create.html')
Example #4
def index():
    db = get_db()
    # Retrieve all the chapters, some of their data, and order by username alphabetically
    chapters = db.execute('SELECT username, cb, pc, te, permissions, url'
                          ' FROM user'
                          ' ORDER BY username ASC').fetchall()
    return render_template('chapters/index.html', chapters=chapters)
Example #5
def register():
    """Register a new user.
    Validates that the username is not already taken. Hashes the
    password for security.
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['password']
        db = get_db()
        error = None

        if not username:
            error = 'Username is required.'
        elif not password:
            error = 'Password is required.'
        elif db.execute('SELECT id FROM user WHERE username = ?',
                        (username, )).fetchone() is not None:
            error = 'User {0} is already registered.'.format(username)

        if error is None:
            # the name is available, store it in the database and go to
            # the login page
            db.execute('INSERT INTO user (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)',
                       (username, generate_password_hash(password)))
            return redirect(url_for('auth.login'))


    return render_template('auth/register.html')
Example #6
def spending():
    db = get_db()
    # Retrieve the full chapters list to send as dropdown
    chapters = db.execute(
    'SELECT username FROM user WHERE permissions LIKE "Chapter"'
    # Retrieve the full list of spending items to represent as dropdown
    items = db.execute(
    'SELECT title FROM spending_list'
    # Retrieve the list of chapters from the database
    chapters = db.execute('SELECT username FROM user WHERE permissions LIKE "Chapter"')
    # Init an empty list for the chapter listing
    chapter_list = []
    # Push the usernames into the chapter list for ease of use in search bar on page
    for x in chapters.fetchall():
    # If we POST to the page, update the database
    if request.method == 'POST':
        item = request.form['item']
        cost = request.form['cost']
        if g.user['permissions'] == 'Admin' or g.user['permissions'] == 'Staffer':
            chapter = request.form['chapter']
        # If the user is a chapter, they can only log points for themselves, so we default to their username
            chapter = g.user['username']
        db = get_db()
        # Get the chapter we're creating spending for
        # May have to do some conditional logic in the chapter variable to account for students creating spending for themselves, like we do in the points logging
        chapter_id = db.execute(
        'SELECT id FROM user WHERE username LIKE ?',
        # Update the balance by subtracting the cost from the balance
        'UPDATE user SET balance = balance - ? Where username = ?',
        (int(cost), chapter,)
        # Add this spending item to the spending table in db
        'INSERT INTO spending (title, points, author_id)'
        ' Values (?, ?, ?)',
        (item, int(cost), int(chapter_id),)
        # Not sure where this should redirect to
    return render_template('admin/spending.html', chapters=chapters, items=items, chapter_list=chapter_list)
Example #7
def availableActivities():
    db = get_db()
    # Retrive the activities list
    activities = db.execute(
        'SELECT title, description, type, point_value, spanish_translation'
        ' FROM action_list').fetchall()
    return render_template('blog/available-activities.html',
Example #8
def leaderboard():
    db = get_db()
    # Get chapter data for users with Chapter permissions, order by the sum of cb + pc + te
    # Ordering by balance won't work well, since balance is more for spending and won't be clean
    chapters = db.execute(
        "SELECT username, cb, pc, te, balance, permissions, url"
        " FROM user WHERE permissions LIKE 'Chapter'"
        " ORDER BY cb + pc + te DESC").fetchall()
    return render_template('blog/leaderboard.html', chapters=chapters)
Example #9
def get_action(id):
    # Returns an action based on the id
    post = get_db().execute('SELECT * from action WHERE id = ?',
                            (id, )).fetchone()

    if post is None:
        abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id))

    return post
Example #10
def get_chapter(url):
    # Return a specific chapter
    chapter = get_db().execute(
        'SELECT username, cb, pc, te, balance, url'
        ' FROM user WHERE url = ?', (url, )).fetchone()

    if chapter is None:
        abort(404, "Post id {0} doesn't exist.".format(id))

    return chapter
Example #11
def userList():
    db = get_db()
    # Retrieve all the users, get most of their fields, and order by username ascending
    chapter_list = db.execute(
        "SELECT username, cb, pc, te, balance, permissions, url"
        " FROM user"
        " ORDER BY username ASC"
    # Pass that chapter list in to the template.
    return render_template('admin/user-list.html', chapter_list=chapter_list)
Example #12
def load_logged_in_user():
    """If a user id is stored in the session, load the user object from
    the database into ``g.user``."""
    user_id = session.get('user_id')

    if user_id is None:
        g.user = None
        g.user = get_db().execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?',
                                  (user_id, )).fetchone()
Example #13
def index():
    db = get_db()
    # Retrieve all the actions in the database
    # Eventually, we'll only want to display them for this year (maybe)
    actions = db.execute('SELECT title, author_id, points, note, id'
                         ' FROM action'
                         ' ORDER BY created DESC').fetchall()
    # Retreive list of all users
    chapters = db.execute('SELECT * from user').fetchall()
    return render_template('blog/index.html',
Example #14
def activity(id):
    db = get_db()
    # Get the title of the activity, searching by id
    activity = db.execute('SELECT title FROM action_list WHERE id = ?',
                          (id, )).fetchone()
    # Get the chapter names from each action where the title matches the given activity
    chapters = db.execute(
        'SELECT author_id, created FROM action WHERE title = ?',
        (activity['title'], )).fetchall()
    return render_template('blog/activity.html',
Example #15
def delete(id):
    # Get the action with the id supplied
    target_action = get_action(id)
    db = get_db()
    # Find the author of this specific activity
    author = db.execute('SELECT author_id from action WHERE id = ?',
                        (id, )).fetchone()['author_id']
    # Get the point value of the action, to be subtracted later
    action_value = db.execute('SELECT points from action where id = ?',
                              (id, )).fetchone()['points']
    # Get the type of the action so we can subtract points from the correct place
    type = db.execute('SELECT * from action_list WHERE title = ?',
                      (target_action['title'], )).fetchone()['type']
    # Delete it
    db.execute('DELETE FROM action WHERE id = ?', (id, ))
    # Change the balance for the author
    db.execute('UPDATE user SET balance = balance - ? where username = ?', (
    #If type = policy change, update that field for the user
    if type == "Policy Change":
        #Update the policy change poins with differential.
        db.execute('UPDATE user SET pc = pc - ? WHERE username = ?', (
    #If type = community building, update that field for the user
    elif type == "Community Building":
        #Update the community building points with differential
        db.execute('UPDATE user SET cb = cb - ? WHERE username = ?', (
    #If type = training and education, update that field for the user
    elif type == "Training and Education":
        #Update the T&E points with differential
        db.execute('UPDATE user SET te = te - ? WHERE username = ?', (
    # Return to home page
    return redirect(url_for('blog.index'))
Example #16
def categories():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # When someone POSTs to the page, grab the info from the form
        title = request.form['title']
        description = request.form['description']
        type = request.form['type']
        db = get_db()
        # Add to the database
        'INSERT INTO action_list (title, description, type)'
        ' Values (?, ?, ?)',
        (title, description, type)
        # Redirect to the available Activities page
        return redirect(url_for('blog.availableActivities'))
    return render_template('admin/categories.html')
Example #17
def command(cmd=None):
    db = get_db()
    # If we hit the reset button, we're updating all the user stats to 0
    # This doesn't update the balance, because we want to roll points over
    # It also doesn't actually touch the actions in the database
    # What we'll have to do, eventually, is only display a certain time window of actions
    # But I actually want to keep all the actions in one database completely, forever
    if cmd == RESET:
       db.execute('UPDATE user SET cb = 0')
       db.execute('UPDATE user SET pc = 0')
       db.execute('UPDATE user SET te = 0')

       response = "Reset point counts"
       # Right now, this 'else' works because we only have two options. It might need to be elif or something else
        # I also followed a tutorial for this, copy/pasted some code from StackOverflow
        # It works great, though, so I'm not complaining, and neither should you
        # Important to note, you must create a "backup" folder in the root directory
        # If there is not backup folder in the root directory, you'll get a bunch of errors
        # In the future, I want to set a way to route this to say, a dropbox folder or something else
        # For better storage. But for now we'll do it manually
        backupdir = os.getcwd() + '/backups'
        dbfile = os.getcwd() + '/instance/flaskr.sqlite'
        # Create a timestamped database copy
        if not os.path.isdir(backupdir):
            raise Exception("Backup directory does not exist: {}".format(backupdir))

        backup_file = os.path.join(backupdir, os.path.basename(dbfile) +
                                   time.strftime("-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '.sqlite')

        connection = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        # Lock database before making a backup
        cursor.execute('begin immediate')
        # Make new backup file
        shutil.copyfile(dbfile, backup_file)
        print ("\nCreating {}...".format(backup_file))
        # Unlock database
        response = "Backed up database"
    return response, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}
Example #18
def users():
    # When someone POSTs to the page, grab the info from the form
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.form['username']
        email = request.form['email']
        password = request.form['password']
        permissions = request.form['permissions']
        # makeURL is defined at the top of this file right now
        # It takes a username and gives us a nicer slug format for the url
        url = makeURL(username)
        db = get_db()
        # Add to the database, with a hashed password and values at 0
        'INSERT INTO user (username, password, email, permissions, cb, pc, te, balance, url)'
        ' Values (?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 0, 0, 0, ?)',
        (username, generate_password_hash(password), email, permissions, url)
        # Redirect to the new chapter page
        return redirect(url_for('chapters.chapter', url=url))
    return render_template('admin/users.html')
Example #19
def login():
    """Log in a registered user by adding the user id to the session."""
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['password']
        db = get_db()
        error = None
        user = db.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?',
                          (username, )).fetchone()

        if user is None:
            error = 'Incorrect username.'
        elif not check_password_hash(user['password'], password):
            error = 'Incorrect password.'

        if error is None:
            # store the user id in a new session and return to the index
            session['user_id'] = user['id']
            return redirect(url_for('index'))


    return render_template('auth/login.html')
Example #20
def update(id):
    # get the action, from get_action
    post = get_action(id)
    # old point value of the action
    old_points = post['points']
    # Author of the action
    author = post['author_id']
    # Get title from selected action
    title = post['title']
    # Get type from action_list where title == title
    db = get_db()
    url = db.execute('SELECT * from user WHERE username = ?',
                     (author, )).fetchone()['url']
    type = db.execute('SELECT * from action_list WHERE title = ?',
                      (title, )).fetchone()['type']
    if request.method == 'POST':
        points = request.form['points']
        note = request.form['note']
        error = None
        #Calculate the differential between the new point count and the old points
        points_delta = int(points) - int(old_points)
        if error is not None:
            db = get_db()
            # Update the action
                'UPDATE action SET points = ?, note = ?'
                ' WHERE id = ?', (points, note, id))
            # Set the balance to the delta of the new value
                'UPDATE user SET balance = balance + ? WHERE username = ?', (
            #If type = policy change, update that field for the user
            if type == "Policy Change":
                #Update the policy change poins with differential.
                db.execute('UPDATE user SET pc = pc + ? WHERE username = ?', (
            #If type = community building, update that field for the user
            elif type == "Community Building":
                #Update the community building points with differential
                db.execute('UPDATE user SET cb = cb + ? WHERE username = ?', (
            #If type = training and education, update that field for the user
            elif type == "Training and Education":
                #Update the T&E points with differential
                db.execute('UPDATE user SET te = te + ? WHERE username = ?', (
            return redirect(url_for('chapters.chapter', url=url))

    return render_template('blog/update.html', post=post)
Example #21
def activities():
    db = get_db()
    # Retrieve the list of Movement Building activities from database
    mb_activities = db.execute('SELECT title FROM action_list WHERE type LIKE "Community Building"')
    # Retrieve the list of Policy Change activities from database
    pc_activities = db.execute('SELECT title FROM action_list WHERE type LIKE "Policy Change"')
    # Retrive the list of Training and Education activities from database
    te_activities = db.execute('SELECT title FROM action_list WHERE type LIKE "Training and Education"')
    # Retrieve the list of chapters from the database
    chapters = db.execute('SELECT username FROM user WHERE permissions LIKE "Chapter"')
    # Init an empty list for the chapter listing
    chapter_list = []
    # Push the usernames into the chapter list for ease of use in search bar on page
    for x in chapters.fetchall():

    if request.method == 'POST':
        # If we post to the page, add the activity to the action table
        activity = request.form['activity']
        points = request.form['points']
        note = request.form['note']
        # If the user is an Administrator or Staffer, they can use the select chapter form, so we pull from it
        if g.user['permissions'] == 'Admin' or g.user['permissions'] == 'Staffer':
            logged_chapter = request.form['chapter']
        # If the user is a chapter, they can only log points for themselves, so we default to their username
            logged_chapter = g.user['username']
        # This returns the type of activity, by searching by title
        type = db.execute(
        'SELECT type FROM action_list WHERE title LIKE ?', (activity,)
        'INSERT INTO action (title, points, note, author_id)'
        ' Values (?, ?, ?, ?)',
        (activity, points, note, logged_chapter)
        # We also add to the balance of the logged chapter
        'UPDATE user SET balance = balance + ? Where username = ?',
        (int(points), logged_chapter)
        # Update Chapter Building, Policy Change, or Training and Education
        # This is based on type, which we get above.
        if type == "Policy Change":
            'UPDATE user SET pc = pc + ? Where username = ?',
            (int(points), logged_chapter)
        elif type == "Community Building":
            'UPDATE user SET cb = cb + ? Where username = ?',
            (int(points), logged_chapter)

        elif type == "Training and Education":
            'UPDATE user SET te = cb + ? Where username = ?',
            (int(points), logged_chapter)
    return render_template('admin/activities.html', mb_activities=mb_activities, pc_activities=pc_activities, te_activities=te_activities, chapters=chapters, chapter_list=chapter_list)
Example #22
def stats():
    db = get_db()
    # Sums up how many community building points are in the database.
    cb = db.execute(
    'select sum(action.points)'
    ' FROM action'
    ' INNER JOIN action_list ON action.title=action_list.title'
    ' where action_list.type="Community Building"'
    # Sums up how many policy change points are in the database.
    pc = db.execute(
    'select sum(action.points)'
    ' FROM action'
    ' INNER JOIN action_list ON action.title=action_list.title'
    ' where action_list.type="Policy Change"'
    # Sums up how many training and education points are in the database.
    te = db.execute(
    'select sum(action.points)'
    ' FROM action'
    ' INNER JOIN action_list ON action.title=action_list.title'
    ' where action_list.type="Training and Education"'
    # Sums up total points in the database
    total = db.execute(
    ' select sum(action.points)'
    ' FROM action'
    ' INNER JOIN action_list ON action.title=action_list.title'
    # Counts how many chapters have over 75 community building points
    hqcb = db.execute('select count(*) from user where cb > 75').fetchone()[0]
    # Counts how many chapters have over 75 policy change points
    hqpc = db.execute('select count(*) from user where pc > 75').fetchone()[0]
    # Counts how many chapters have over 50 training and education points
    hqte = db.execute('select count(*) from user where te > 50').fetchone()[0]
    # A rockstar, or high quality chapter has the following criteria
    # Either 200+ total points (cb + pc + te)
    # Or they've filled up 2 out of 3 of the buckets
    # The rockstars query searches for those criteria in the line below
    # We can change it if we change the high quality criteria, which happens
    rockstars = db.execute('select count(*) from user where((cb + pc + te) >= 200 ) or (cb >= 75 and pc >= 75) or (cb >= 75 and te >= 50) or (pc >= 75 and te >= 50)').fetchone()[0]
    # We want to know how many total chapters there are.
    # We may supplement this with an "active" flag or something to denote DEF
    total_chapters = db.execute('select count(*) from user').fetchone()[0]
    # Calculates the percentage of high quality chapters total
    hqpercent = math.floor((rockstars / total_chapters ) * 100)
    # How many points have been spent
    spending = db.execute('select sum(points) from spending').fetchone()[0]
    # In the page template, we'll be listing out all the available activities
    # So this query gives us that list
    activities = db.execute('SELECT title, id FROM action_list')
    # This gives us the count of how many of each activity have been done
    raw_activity_count = db.execute('select title, count(*) from action group by title')
    # Initialize an empty dictionary
    activity_count = {}
    # Create a dictionary with the key/value pair of "Activity" : Count
    for row in raw_activity_count.fetchall():
        activity_count[row[0]] = row[1]
    # Create a dictionary with the overall points stats
    points = {'cb': cb, 'pc': pc, 'te': te, 'total': total, 'spending':spending}
    # Create a dictionary with the high quality stats
    hq = {'cb': hqcb, 'pc': hqpc, 'te': hqte, 'hq':rockstars, 'percent':hqpercent}
    # Render page, pass in the dictionaries for processing
    return render_template('admin/stats.html', points=points, hq=hq, activities=activities, activity_count=activity_count)