def generate_csrf_token(): ''' Generate a random string as csrf_token ''' if '_csrf_token' not in login_session: login_session['_csrf_token'] = utils.random_string() return login_session['_csrf_token']
import requests import urllib import traceback from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets from oauth2client.client import FlowExchangeError import catalog.utils from view import view from test_api import test_api from oauth_api import oauth_api from data_api import data_api from catalog import models from catalog.models.database_setup import Catalog, Base, Item app = Flask(__name__) app.secret_key = utils.random_string() app.config.from_pyfile("") # CSRF Protection @app.before_request def csrf_protect(): ''' Check csrf_token for every coming post request. Csrf_token could be in url arguments or inside the post form data. ''' if request.method == "POST": token = request.form.get('_csrf_token') if token is None: token = request.args.get('_csrf_token') stored_token = login_session.pop('_csrf_token', None) if not stored_token or stored_token != token: