Example #1
def check_bugzilla_directory(config):
    dir = config.bugzilla_directory
    if dir is None:
        config.bugmail_command = None
    # strip any trailing / character
    if (len(dir) > 1
        and (dir[-1:] == '/' or
             dir[-1:] == '\\')):
        dir = dir[:-1]
    if not os.path.isdir(dir):
        # "Configuration parameter 'bugzilla_directory' does not
        # name a directory."
        raise error, catalog.msg(303)
    config.bugzilla_directory = dir
    # Check processmail
    if os.name == 'posix':
        processmail = 'processmail'
    elif os.name == 'nt':
        # processmail name is different on Windows
        processmail = 'processmail.pl'
    if os.access(os.path.join(dir, processmail), os.X_OK):
        config.bugmail_command = processmail
        bugmail = os.path.join('contrib', 'sendbugmail.pl')
        if os.access(os.path.join(dir, bugmail), os.R_OK):
            config.bugmail_command = bugmail
            # "Configuration parameter 'bugzilla_directory' does not
            # name a directory containing a mail-processing script."
            raise error, catalog.msg(304)
Example #2
def check_list_of(config, name, type, typename):
    check_list(config, name)
    param = getattr(config, name)
    for item in param:
        if not isinstance(item, type):
            # "Configuration parameter '%s' must be a list of %s."
            raise error, catalog.msg(206, (name, typename))
Example #3
 def extend_jobspec(self, description, force = 0):
     current_jobspec = self.get_jobspec()
     comment, field_list = current_jobspec
     _, new_fields = description
     current_fields = self.jobspec_map(current_jobspec, 1)
     new_field_names = map(lambda x: x[1], new_fields)
     field_numbers = map(lambda x: x[0], field_list)
     # counters for finding a free field number.
     free_number_p4dti = 194
     free_number = 106
     for field_spec in new_fields:
         field = field_spec[1]
         if current_fields.has_key(field):
             current_spec = current_fields[field]
             if (current_spec[2] != field_spec[2] or
                 current_spec[3] != field_spec[3] or
                 current_spec[4] != field_spec[4] or
                 current_spec[5] != field_spec[5] or
                 current_spec[6] != field_spec[6]):
                 if force:
                     # "Forcing replacement of field '%s' in jobspec."
                     self.log(727, field)
                     current_fields[field] = ((current_spec[0],) +
                                              field_spec[1:7] +
                     # "Retaining field '%s' in jobspec despite change."
                     self.log(728, field)
                 # "No change to field '%s' in jobspec."
                 self.log(733, field)
             if field_spec[0] in field_numbers:
                 # Field numbering clashes; find a free field number.
                 if field[0:6] == 'P4DTI-':
                     while free_number_p4dti in field_numbers:
                         free_number_p4dti = free_number_p4dti - 1
                     number = free_number_p4dti
                     while free_number in field_numbers:
                         free_number = free_number + 1
                     number = free_number
                 if free_number >= free_number_p4dti:
                     # "Too many fields in jobspec."
                     raise error, catalog.msg(730)
                 field_spec = (number, ) + field_spec[1:]
             # "Adding field '%s' to jobspec."
             self.log(729, field)
             current_fields[field] = field_spec
     # Also report jobspec names fields not touched.
     for field in current_fields.keys():
         if field not in new_field_names:
             # "Retaining unknown field '%s' in jobspec."
             self.log(732, field)
     self.install_jobspec((comment, current_fields.values()))
Example #4
 def SvcDoRun(self):
     # "The P4DTI service has started."
         # "The P4DTI service has halted."
Example #5
def check_function(config, name):
    param = getattr(config, name)
    if (type(param) not in [types.FunctionType,
        and not hasattr(param, '__call__')):
        # "Configuration parameter '%s' must be a function."
        raise error, catalog.msg(203, name)
Example #6
 def failure_context(self):
     if self.file is sys.stdout:
         # "An attempt to write a log message to standard output
         # failed."
         return catalog.msg(1017)
         destination = getattr(self.file, 'name', str(self.file))
         # "An attempt to write a log message to %s failed."
         return catalog.msg(1018, destination)
Example #7
 def compare_field_by_number(self, x, y):
     if x[0] < y[0]:
         return -1
     elif x[0] > y[0]:
         return 1
         # "Jobspec fields '%s' and '%s' have the same
         # number %d."
         raise error, catalog.msg(710, (x[1], y[1], x[0]))
Example #8
def check_identifier(config, name):
    param = getattr(config, name)
    check_string(config, name)
    if (len(param) < 1 or len(param) > 32
        or not re.match('^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$', param)):
        # "Configuration parameter '%s' (value '%s') must be from 1 to
        # 32 characters long, start with a letter or number, and consist
        # of letters, numbers and underscores only."
        raise error, catalog.msg(209, (name, param))
Example #9
def check_list_of_string_pairs(config, name):
    check_list(config, name)
    param = getattr(config, name)
    for item in param:
        if not (isinstance(item, types.TupleType) and
                len(item) == 2 and
                isinstance(item[0], types.StringType) and
                isinstance(item[1], types.StringType)):
            # "Configuration parameter '%s' must be a list of pairs of strings."
            raise error, catalog.msg(212, name)
Example #10
def check_email(config, name):
    param = getattr(config, name)
    check_string(config, name)
    atom_re = "[!#$%&'*+\\-/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+"
    email_re = "^%s(\\.%s)*@%s(\\.%s)*$" % (atom_re, atom_re,
                                            atom_re, atom_re)
    if not re.match(email_re, param):
        # "Configuration parameter '%s' (value '%s') is not a valid
        # e-mail address."
        raise error, catalog.msg(202, (name, param))
Example #11
def popen_read_binary(command):
    if os.name == 'nt':
        mode = 'rb'
    elif os.name == 'posix':
        mode = 'r'
        # "The P4DTI does not support the operating
        # system '%s'."
        raise error, catalog.msg(1021, os.name)
    return os.popen(command, mode)
Example #12
def make_state_pairs(states, closed_state):
    state_pairs = []
    state_p4_to_dt = {}
    found_closed_state = 0
    if closed_state != None:
        p4_closed_state = keyword_translator.translate_0_to_1(

    # Perforce jobs can't have state "new" (this indicates a fresh job
    # and Perforce changes the state to "open").  Nor can they have
    # state "ignore", because that is used in the submit form to
    # indicate that a job shouldn't be fixed by the change.
    # Unfortunately, "new" and "ignore" are common names for states in
    # defect trackers (the former is in the Bugzilla workflow and in
    # the default workflow in TeamTrack), so we don't disallow them,
    # but prefix them with 'bugzilla_'.  Then we quit if two Bugzilla
    # states map to the same state in Perforce, ruling out the
    # unlikely situation that someone has a Bugzilla status of
    # 'BUGZILLA_CLOSED'.  See job000141.

    prohibited_states = ['new', 'ignore']
    prohibited_state_prefix = 'bugzilla_'

    for dt_state in states:
        p4_state = keyword_translator.translate_0_to_1(

        if closed_state != None:
            if p4_state == p4_closed_state:
                p4_state = 'closed'
                found_closed_state = 1
            elif p4_state == 'closed':
                p4_state = prohibited_state_prefix + p4_state

        if p4_state in prohibited_states:
            p4_state = prohibited_state_prefix + p4_state
        if (state_p4_to_dt.has_key(p4_state)
            and state_p4_to_dt[p4_state] != dt_state):
            # "Two Bugzilla states '%s' and '%s' map to the same
            # Perforce state '%s'."
            raise error, catalog.msg(300, (dt_state,
        state_p4_to_dt[p4_state] = dt_state
        pair = (dt_state, p4_state)
        if pair not in state_pairs:

    if closed_state != None and not found_closed_state:
        # "You specified the closed_state '%s', but there's no such
        # Bugzilla state."
        raise error, catalog.msg(301, closed_state)
    return state_pairs
Example #13
def translate_enum(column, bz_type):
    if not bz_type['type'] == 'enum':
        # "The '%s' column of Bugzilla's 'bugs' table is not an enum
        # type."
        raise error, catalog.msg(302, column)
    values = bz_type['values']
    values = map(enum_translator.translate_0_to_1, values)
    default = bz_type['default']
    if default != None:
        default = enum_translator.translate_0_to_1(default)
    values = string.join(values,'/')
    return values, default
Example #14
def get_user_name_length(config):
    # Get the types of the 'profiles' table from Bugzilla.  In
    # particular we need to know the size of the 'login_name' column.
    profiles_types = config.bugzilla.get_types('profiles')
    if not profiles_types.has_key('login_name'):
        # "Bugzilla's table 'profiles' does not have a 'login_name'
        # column."
        raise error, catalog.msg(305)
    if profiles_types['login_name']['type'] != 'text':
        # "The 'login_name' column of Bugzilla's 'profiles' table does
        # not have a 'text' type."
        raise error, catalog.msg(306)
    return profiles_types['login_name']['length']
Example #15
def check_date(config, name):
    param = getattr(config, name)
    check_string(config, name)
    date_re = "^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)$"
    match = re.match(date_re, param)
    if match:
        year,month,date,hour,minute,second = map(int, match.groups())
        if (1 <= month and month <= 12 and 1 <= date and date <= 31
            and hour <= 23 and minute <= 59 and second <= 59):
    # "Configuration parameter '%s' (value '%s') is not a valid date.
    # The right format is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'."
    raise error, catalog.msg(201, (name, param))
Example #16
 def log_fatal_error(self, type, value):
     if value is not None:
         err = '%s: %s' % (type, value)
         err = str(type)
     # "Fatal error in P4DTI service: %s."
     self.log(catalog.msg(1010, err))
Example #17
    def check_changelevels(self):
        # client changelevel first.
        self.client_changelevel = 0
        supported_client = 16895
        (command, result, status) = self.run_p4_command('-V')
        match = re.search('Rev\\. [^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/([0-9]+)', result)
        if match:
            self.client_changelevel = int(match.group(1))
            if self.client_changelevel < supported_client:
                # "Perforce client changelevel %d is not supported
                # by P4DTI.  Client must be at changelevel %d or
                # above."
                raise error, catalog.msg(704, (self.client_changelevel,
            # "The command '%s' didn't report a recognizable version
            # number.  Check your setting for the 'p4_client_executable'
            # parameter."
            raise error, catalog.msg(705, command)

        # now server changelevel.
        self.server_changelevel = 0
        if self.port:
            command = '-p %s info' % self.port
            command = 'info'
        (command, result, status) = self.run_p4_command(command)
        if status:
            # "The Perforce client exited with error code %d.  The
            # server might be down; the server address might be
            # incorrect; or your Perforce license might have expired."
            raise error, catalog.msg(707, status)
        match = re.search('Server version: '
                          '[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/([0-9]+)', result)
        if match:
            self.server_changelevel = int(match.group(1))
            # "The Perforce command 'p4 info' didn't report a
            # recognisable version."
            raise error, catalog.msg(835)
        if not self.supports('p4dti'):
            # "The Perforce server changelevel %d is not supported by
            # the P4DTI.  See the P4DTI release notes for Perforce
            # server versions supported by the P4DTI."
            raise error, catalog.msg(834, self.server_changelevel)
Example #18
def check_job_url(config, name):
    param = getattr(config, name)
    if param == None:
    check_string(config, name)
    i = 0
    found = 0
    while i < len(param):
        if param[i] == '%':
            i = i + 1
            if i >= len(param) or param[i] not in "%s":
                found = 0
            if param[i] == 's':
                found = found + 1
        i = i + 1
    if found != 1:
        # "Configuration parameter '%s' (value '%s') must contain
        # exactly one %%s format specifier, any number of doubled
        # percents, but no other format specifiers."
        raise error, catalog.msg(211, (name, param))
Example #19
def check_jobs():
    p4i = p4.p4(port = config.p4_port,
                client_executable = config.p4_client_executable,
                user = config.p4_user,
                password = config.p4_password)
    jobs = p4i.run('jobs')
    failures = 0
    for j in jobs:
            p4i.run('job -o %s' % j['Job'])
        except p4.error, msg:
            # "Job '%s' doesn't match the jobspec:"
            print str(catalog.msg(1008, j['Job']))
            print str(msg)
            failures = failures + 1
Example #20
def get_fields_bz_to_p4(config, bugs_types):
    fields_bz_to_p4 = {}
    fields_p4_to_bz = {}
    # particular requested mappings
    field_names_bz_to_p4 = {}

    bz_fields = default_fields + config.replicated_fields
    for f in config.omitted_fields:
    for (bz_field, p4_field) in config.field_names:
        field_names_bz_to_p4[bz_field] = p4_field
    for bz_field in bz_fields:
        if not bugs_types.has_key(bz_field):
            # "Bugzilla's table 'bugs' does not have a '%s' column."
            raise error, catalog.msg(307, bz_field)

        if field_names_bz_to_p4.has_key(bz_field):
            p4_field = field_names_bz_to_p4[bz_field]
        elif bz_field_map.has_key(bz_field):
            p4_field = bz_field_map[bz_field][0]
            desc = config.bugzilla.field_description(bz_field)
            if desc is None:
                desc = "bugzilla_" + bz_field
            p4_field = keyword_translator.translate_0_to_1(desc)

        if fields_p4_to_bz.has_key(p4_field):
            # "Bugzilla fields '%s' and '%s' both map to Perforce field '%s'."
            raise error, catalog.msg(324, (bz_field,
        fields_bz_to_p4[bz_field] = p4_field
        fields_p4_to_bz[p4_field] = bz_field
    return fields_bz_to_p4
Example #21
def main(argv):
    # Things to do before an install.
    if len(argv) <= 1:
        # "Installing service to start automatically..."
        print catalog.msg(1013)
        argv = argv + '--startup auto install'.split()
    if argv[-1] == 'install':
        service_exe = win32serviceutil.LocatePythonServiceExe()
        cmd = '"%s" /register' % service_exe

    # Start a service.  Construct a command line and pass it into
    # start_service.

    if argv[1] == 'start':
	arguments = []
        controls = (('P4DTI_CONFIG',    '--p4dti-config'),
                    ('P4DTI_EVTLOG',    '--p4dti-evtlog'),
                    ('P4DTI_LOGLEVEL',  '--p4dti-loglevel'),
                    ('P4DTI_ADMINADDR', '--p4dti-adminaddr'),
        for key, arg in controls:
            if os.environ.has_key(key):
                arguments = arguments + [arg, os.environ[key]]
	return start_service(arguments)

    # Things to do before a remove.
    if argv[1] == 'remove':
        # "Ensuring service is stopped first..."
        print catalog.msg(1014)
        rc = action([argv[0]] + ['stop'])
        if rc == 0:
        elif rc == 1062:
            # "OK (can ignore that error). Proceed with the remove..."
            print catalog.msg(1015)
            return rc

    # Now proceed with the action.
    rc = action(argv)
    return rc
Example #22
    def check_jobspec(self, description):
        satisfactory = 1
        _, wanted_fields = description
        actual_jobspec = self.get_jobspec()
        actual_fields = self.jobspec_map(actual_jobspec, 1)
        wanted_fields = self.jobspec_map(description, 1)
        # remove P4DTI fields, which are checked by validate_jobspec()
        for field in self.p4dti_fields.keys():
            if actual_fields.has_key(field):
                del actual_fields[field]
            if wanted_fields.has_key(field):
                del wanted_fields[field]
        shared_fields = []
        # check that all wanted fields are present.
        for field in wanted_fields.keys():
            if actual_fields.has_key(field):
            else: # field is absent.
                # "Jobspec does not have field '%s'."
                self.log(716, field)
                satisfactory = 0
        for field in shared_fields:
            # field is present
            actual_spec = actual_fields[field]
            wanted_spec = wanted_fields[field]
            del actual_fields[field]
            # check datatype
            actual_type = actual_spec[2]
            wanted_type = wanted_spec[2]
            if actual_type == wanted_type:
                # matching datatypes
                if actual_type == 'select':
                    # select fields should have matching values.
                    actual_values = string.split(actual_spec[6], '/')
                    wanted_values = string.split(wanted_spec[6], '/')
                    shared_values = []
                    for value in wanted_values:
                        if value in actual_values:
                    for value in shared_values:
                    if wanted_values:
                        if len(wanted_values) > 1:
                            # "The jobspec does not allow values '%s'
                            # in field '%s', so these values cannot be
                            # replicated from the defect tracker."
                            self.log(718, (string.join(wanted_values, '/'), field))
                            # "The jobspec does not allow value '%s'
                            # in field '%s', so this value cannot be
                            # replicated from the defect tracker."
                            self.log(719, (wanted_values[0], field))
                    if actual_values:
                        if len(actual_values) > 1:
                            # "Field '%s' in the jobspec allows values
                            # '%s', which cannot be replicated to the
                            # defect tracker."
                            self.log(720, (field, string.join(actual_values, '/')))
                            # "Field '%s' in the jobspec allows value
                            # '%s', which cannot be replicated to the
                            # defect tracker."
                            self.log(721, (field, actual_values[0]))
            elif ((wanted_type == 'date' and (actual_type == 'word' or
                                              actual_type == 'select')) or
                  (actual_type == 'date' and (wanted_type == 'word' or
                                              wanted_type == 'select'))):
                # "Field '%s' in the jobspec should be a '%s' field,
                # not '%s'.  This field cannot be replicated to or
                # from the defect tracker."
                self.log(724, (field, wanted_type, actual_type))
                satisfactory = 0
                wanted_order = self.restriction_order[wanted_type]
                actual_order = self.restriction_order.get(actual_type, None)
                if actual_order is None:
                    # "Jobspec field '%s' has unknown datatype '%s'
                    # which may cause problems when replicating this
                    # field."
                    self.log(731, (field, actual_type))
                elif wanted_order > actual_order:
                    # "Jobspec field '%s' has a less restrictive
                    # datatype ('%s' not '%s') which may cause
                    # problems replicating this field to the defect
                    # tracker."
                    self.log(723, (field, actual_type, wanted_type))
                    # "Jobspec field '%s' has a more restrictive
                    # datatype ('%s' not '%s') which may cause
                    # problems replicating this field from the defect
                    # tracker."
                    self.log(722, (field, actual_type, wanted_type))
            # check persistence
            if actual_spec[4] != wanted_spec[4]:
                # "Field '%s' in the jobspec should have persistence
                # '%s', not '%s'.  There may be problems replicating
                # this field to or from the defect tracker."
                self.log(725, (field, wanted_spec[4], actual_spec[4]))
        if actual_fields:
            for field in actual_fields.keys():
                # "Perforce job field '%s' will not be replicated to the
                # defect tracker."
                self.log(726, field)

        # Possibly should also check that some of the
        # Perforce-required fields are present.  See the lengthy
        # comment below (under "jobspec_has_p4_fields").

        if not satisfactory:
            # "Current jobspec cannot be used for replication."
            raise error, catalog.msg(717)
Example #23
 def validate_jobspec(self, jobspec):
     if not self.jobspec_has_p4dti_fields(jobspec):
         # "Jobspec does not support P4DTI."
         raise error, catalog.msg(715)
Example #24
 def log(self, id, args = ()):
     if self.logger:
         msg = catalog.msg(id, args)
Example #25
    def run(self, arguments, input = None, repeat = False):
        assert isinstance(arguments, basestring)
        assert input is None or isinstance(input, types.DictType)

        # Build a command line suitable for use with CMD.EXE on Windows
        # NT, or /bin/sh on POSIX.  Make sure to quote the Perforce
        # command if it contains spaces.  See job000049.
        if ' ' in self.client_executable:
            command_words = ['"%s"' % self.client_executable]
            command_words = [self.client_executable]
        if self.port:
            command_words.extend(['-p', self.port])
        if self.user:
            command_words.extend(['-u', self.user])
        if self.password and not self.config_file:
            command_words.extend(['-P', self.password])
        if self.client:
            command_words.extend(['-c', self.client])
        if self.unicode:
            command_words.extend(['-C', 'utf8'])

        # Pass the input dictionary (if any) to Perforce.
        temp_filename = None
        if input:
            input = self.encode_dict(input)
            tempfile.template = 'p4dti_data'
            temp_filename = tempfile.mktemp()
            # Python marshalled dictionaries are binary, so use mode
            # 'wb'.
            temp_file = open(temp_filename, 'wb')
            self.marshal_dump_0(input, temp_file)
            command_words.extend(['<', temp_filename])
            # "Perforce input: '%s'."
            self.log(700, input)
        command = string.join(command_words, ' ')
        # "Perforce command: '%s'."
        self.log(701, command)

        stream = portable.popen_read_binary(command)
        # Read the results of the Perforce command.
        results = []
            while 1:
        except EOFError:
            if temp_filename:

        for r in results:
            if isinstance(r,dict):
                for (k,v) in r.items():
                    if isinstance(v, str):
                        r[k] = v.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')

        # Check the exit status of the Perforce command, rather than
        # simply returning empty output when the command didn't run for
        # some reason (such as the Perforce server being down).  This
        # code was inserted to resolve job job000158.  RB 2000-12-14
        exit_status = stream.close()
        if exit_status != None:
            # "Perforce status: '%s'."
            self.log(702, exit_status)
        # "Perforce results: '%s'."
        self.log(703, results)

        # Check for errors from Perforce (either errors returned in the
        # data, or errors signalled by the exit status, or both) and
        # raise a Python exception.
        # Perforce signals an error by the presence of a 'code' key in
        # the dictionary output.  (This isn't a totally reliable way to
        # spot an error in a Perforce command, because jobs can have
        # 'code' fields too.  See job000003.  However, the P4DTI makes
        # sure that its jobs don't have such a field.)
        if (len(results) == 1 and results[0].has_key('code')
            and results[0]['code'] == 'error'):
            msg = results[0]['data'].strip()
            if exit_status:
                if msg.find('Unicode') != -1:
                    self.unicode = not(self.unicode)
                    unicode_switch = (self.unicode and 'on') or 'off'
                    if (not repeat):
                        # "Perforce message '%s'.  Switching Unicode
                        # mode %s to retry."
                        self.log(734, (msg, unicode_switch))
                        return self.run(arguments, input, repeat = True)
                        # "Perforce message '%s'.  Is P4CHARSET set with a
                        # non-Unicode server? Reverting to Unicode mode %s."
                        raise error, catalog.msg(736, (msg, unicode_switch))
                    # "%s  The Perforce client exited with error code %d."
                    raise error, catalog.msg(706, (msg, exit_status))
                # "%s"
                raise error, catalog.msg(708, msg)
        elif exit_status:
            # "The Perforce client exited with error code %d.  The
            # server might be down; the server address might be
            # incorrect; or your Perforce license might have expired."
            raise error, catalog.msg(707, exit_status)
            return results
Example #26
# It should be used according to the instructions in section 9.2,
# "Refreshing jobs in Perforce" of the P4DTI Administrator's Guide [RB
# 2000-08-10].
# The intended readership of this document is project developers.
# This document is not confidential.

import catalog
import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # "WARNING!  This script will update all jobs in Perforce.  Please
    # use it according to the instructions in section 9.2 of the P4DTI
    # Administrator's Guide.  Are you sure you want to go ahead?"
    sys.stdout.write(' ')
    if sys.stdin.readline()[0] in 'yY':
        from init import r

# [RB 2000-08-10] "Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Administrator's
# Guide"; Richard Brooksby; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-08-10;
# <http://www.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/version/2.4/manual/ag/>.
Example #27
def broken(version, release, config):
    # "MySQLdb version '%s' (release '%s') detected.
    # This release is incompatible with the P4DTI."
    raise error, catalog.msg(1005, (version, release))
Example #28
def unsupported_old(version, release, config):
    # "MySQLdb version '%s' (release '%s') detected.
    # This old release is not supported by the P4DTI, and may not
    # provide functions on which the P4DTI relies."
    config.logger.log(catalog.msg(1023, (version, release)))
Example #29
def unsupported(version, release, config):
    # "MySQLdb version '%s' (release '%s') detected.
    # This release is not supported by the P4DTI, but may work."
    msg = catalog.msg(1006, (version, release))
Example #30
def deprecated_unicode(version, release, config):
    # "MySQLdb version '%s' (release '%s') detected.
    # This release is supported by the P4DTI, but deprecated.
    # Operation with Unicode text may be incorrect.
    # Future versions of the P4DTI may not support this release."
    config.logger.log(catalog.msg(1024, (version, release)))