def test_dice(): """ Tests for catalyst.metrics.dice metric. """ size = 4 half_size = size // 2 shape = (1, 1, size, size) # check 0: one empty empty = torch.zeros(shape) full = torch.ones(shape) assert dice(empty, full).item() == 0 # check 0: no overlap left = torch.ones(shape) left[:, :, :, half_size:] = 0 right = torch.ones(shape) right[:, :, :, :half_size] = 0 assert dice(left, right).item() == 0 # check 1: both empty, both full, complete overlap assert dice(empty, empty) == 1 assert dice(full, full) == 1 assert dice(left, left) == 1
def find_dice_threshold(model: nn.Module, loader: DataLoader, device: str = "cuda"): dice_th_range = np.arange(0.1, 0.7, 0.01) masks = [] preds = [] dices = [] for batch in tqdm(loader): preds.append(model(batch["image"].to(device)).cpu()) masks.append(batch["mask"]) masks =, dim=0) preds =, dim=0) for th in tqdm(dice_th_range): dices.append(dice(preds, masks, threshold=th).item()) # dices.append( # np.mean([dice(p, m, threshold=th).item() for p, m in zip(preds, masks)]) # ) best_th = dice_th_range[np.argmax(dices)] return best_th, (dice_th_range, dices)
def test_dice(): """ Tests for catalyst.metrics.dice metric. """ size = 4 half_size = size // 2 shape = (1, 1, size, size) # check 0: one empty empty = torch.zeros(shape) full = torch.ones(shape) assert dice(empty, full, class_dim=1).item() == 0 # check 0: no overlap left = torch.ones(shape) left[:, :, :, half_size:] = 0 right = torch.ones(shape) right[:, :, :, :half_size] = 0 assert dice(left, right, class_dim=1).item() == 0 # check 1: both empty, both full, complete overlap assert dice(empty, empty, class_dim=1).item() == 1 assert dice(full, full, class_dim=1).item() == 1 assert dice(left, left, class_dim=1).item() == 1 # check 0.5: half overlap top_left = torch.zeros(shape) top_left[:, :, :half_size, :half_size] = 1 assert torch.isclose(dice(top_left, left, class_dim=1), torch.Tensor([[0.66666]])) # check multiclass: 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.5 a =[empty, left, empty, full, left, top_left], dim=1) b =[full, right, empty, full, left, left], dim=1) ans = torch.Tensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0.66666]) assert torch.allclose(dice(a, b, class_dim=1), ans) aaa =[a, a, a], dim=0) bbb =[b, b, b], dim=0) assert torch.allclose(dice(aaa, bbb, class_dim=1), ans)
def main(cfg: DictConfig): cwd = Path(get_original_cwd()) # overwrite config if continue training from checkpoint resume_cfg = None if "resume" in cfg: cfg_path = cwd / cfg.resume / ".hydra/config.yaml" print(f"Continue from: {cfg.resume}") # Overwrite everything except device # TODO config merger (perhaps continue training with the same optimizer but other lrs?) resume_cfg = OmegaConf.load(cfg_path) cfg.model = resume_cfg.model if cfg.train.num_epochs == 0: =, ".hydra/config.yaml") print(OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg)) device = set_device_id(cfg.device) set_seed(cfg.seed, device=device) # Augmentations if == "auto": transforms = albu.load(cwd / "autoalbument/autoconfig.json") else: transforms = D.get_training_augmentations() if OmegaConf.is_missing(cfg.model, "convert_bottleneck"): cfg.model.convert_bottleneck = (0, 0, 0) # Model print(f"Setup model {cfg.model.arch} {cfg.model.encoder_name} " f"convert_bn={cfg.model.convert_bn} " f"convert_bottleneck={cfg.model.convert_bottleneck} ") model = get_segmentation_model( arch=cfg.model.arch, encoder_name=cfg.model.encoder_name, encoder_weights=cfg.model.encoder_weights, classes=1, convert_bn=cfg.model.convert_bn, convert_bottleneck=cfg.model.convert_bottleneck, # decoder_attention_type="scse", # TODO to config ) model = model.train() print(model) # Optimization # Reduce LR for pretrained encoder layerwise_params = { "encoder*": dict(lr=cfg.optim.lr_encoder, weight_decay=cfg.optim.wd_encoder) } model_params = cutils.process_model_params( model, layerwise_params=layerwise_params) # Select optimizer optimizer = get_optimizer(, model_params=model_params,, wd=cfg.optim.wd, lookahead=cfg.optim.lookahead, ) criterion = { "dice": DiceLoss(), # "dice": SoftDiceLoss(mode="binary", smooth=1e-7), "iou": IoULoss(), "bce": nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(), "lovasz": LovaszLossBinary(), "focal_tversky": FocalTverskyLoss(eps=1e-7, alpha=0.7, gamma=0.75), } # Load states if resuming training if "resume" in cfg: checkpoint_path = (cwd / cfg.resume / cfg.train.logdir / "checkpoints/best_full.pth") if checkpoint_path.exists(): print(f"\nLoading checkpoint {str(checkpoint_path)}") checkpoint = cutils.load_checkpoint(checkpoint_path) cutils.unpack_checkpoint( checkpoint=checkpoint, model=model, optimizer=optimizer if == else None, criterion=criterion, ) else: raise ValueError("Nothing to resume, checkpoint missing") # We could only want to validate resume, in this case skip training routine best_th = 0.5 stats = None if print(f"Use statistics from file: {}") stats = cwd / if cfg.train.num_epochs is not None: callbacks = [ # Each criterion is calculated separately. CriterionCallback(input_key="mask", prefix="loss_dice", criterion_key="dice"), CriterionCallback(input_key="mask", prefix="loss_iou", criterion_key="iou"), CriterionCallback(input_key="mask", prefix="loss_bce", criterion_key="bce"), CriterionCallback(input_key="mask", prefix="loss_lovasz", criterion_key="lovasz"), CriterionCallback( input_key="mask", prefix="loss_focal_tversky", criterion_key="focal_tversky", ), # And only then we aggregate everything into one loss. MetricAggregationCallback( prefix="loss", mode="weighted_sum", # can be "sum", "weighted_sum" or "mean" # because we want weighted sum, we need to add scale for each loss metrics={ "loss_dice": cfg.loss.dice, "loss_iou": cfg.loss.iou, "loss_bce": cfg.loss.bce, "loss_lovasz": cfg.loss.lovasz, "loss_focal_tversky": cfg.loss.focal_tversky, }, ), # metrics DiceCallback(input_key="mask"), IouCallback(input_key="mask"), # gradient accumulation OptimizerCallback(accumulation_steps=cfg.optim.accumulate), # early stopping SchedulerCallback(reduced_metric="loss_dice", mode=cfg.scheduler.mode), EarlyStoppingCallback(**cfg.scheduler.early_stopping, minimize=False), # TODO WandbLogger works poorly with multistage right now WandbLogger(project=cfg.project, config=dict(cfg)), # CheckpointCallback(save_n_best=cfg.checkpoint.save_n_best), ] # Training runner = SupervisedRunner(device=device, input_key="image", input_target_key="mask") # TODO Scheduler does not work now, every stage restarts from base lr scheduler_warm_restart = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=[1, 2], gamma=10, ) for i, (size, num_epochs) in enumerate( zip(, cfg.train.num_epochs)): scale = size / 1024 print( f"Training stage {i}, scale {scale}, size {size}, epochs {num_epochs}" ) # Datasets ( train_ds, valid_ds, train_images, val_images, ) = D.get_train_valid_datasets_from_path( # path=(cwd /, path=(cwd / f"data/hubmap-{size}x{size}/"),,, seed=cfg.seed,,,, transforms=transforms, stats=stats, ) train_bs = int(cfg.loader.train_bs / (scale**2)) valid_bs = int(cfg.loader.valid_bs / (scale**2)) print( f"train: {len(train_ds)}; bs {train_bs}", f"valid: {len(valid_ds)}, bs {valid_bs}", ) # Data loaders data_loaders = D.get_data_loaders( train_ds=train_ds, valid_ds=valid_ds, train_bs=train_bs, valid_bs=valid_bs, num_workers=cfg.loader.num_workers, ) # Select scheduler scheduler = get_scheduler( name=cfg.scheduler.type, optimizer=optimizer, num_epochs=num_epochs * (len(data_loaders["train"]) if cfg.scheduler.mode == "batch" else 1), eta_min=scheduler_warm_restart.get_last_lr()[0] / cfg.scheduler.eta_min_factor, plateau=cfg.scheduler.plateau, ) runner.train( model=model, criterion=criterion, optimizer=optimizer, scheduler=scheduler, callbacks=callbacks, logdir=cfg.train.logdir, loaders=data_loaders, num_epochs=num_epochs, verbose=True, main_metric=cfg.train.main_metric, load_best_on_end=True, minimize_metric=False, check=cfg.check, fp16=dict(amp=cfg.amp), ) # Set new initial LR for optimizer after restart scheduler_warm_restart.step() print( f"New LR for warm restart {scheduler_warm_restart.get_last_lr()[0]}" ) # Find optimal threshold for dice score model.eval() best_th, dices = find_dice_threshold(model, data_loaders["valid"]) print("Best dice threshold", best_th, np.max(dices[1]))"dices_{size}.npy", dices) else: print("Validation only") # Datasets size =[-1] train_ds, valid_ds = D.get_train_valid_datasets_from_path( # path=(cwd /, path=(cwd / f"data/hubmap-{size}x{size}/"),,, seed=cfg.seed,,,, transforms=transforms, stats=stats, ) train_bs = int(cfg.loader.train_bs / (**2)) valid_bs = int(cfg.loader.valid_bs / (**2)) print( f"train: {len(train_ds)}; bs {train_bs}", f"valid: {len(valid_ds)}, bs {valid_bs}", ) # Data loaders data_loaders = D.get_data_loaders( train_ds=train_ds, valid_ds=valid_ds, train_bs=train_bs, valid_bs=valid_bs, num_workers=cfg.loader.num_workers, ) # Find optimal threshold for dice score model.eval() best_th, dices = find_dice_threshold(model, data_loaders["valid"]) print("Best dice threshold", best_th, np.max(dices[1]))"dices_val.npy", dices) # # # Load best checkpoint # checkpoint_path = Path(cfg.train.logdir) / "checkpoints/best.pth" # if checkpoint_path.exists(): # print(f"\nLoading checkpoint {str(checkpoint_path)}") # state_dict = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))[ # "model_state_dict" # ] # model.load_state_dict(state_dict) # del state_dict # model = # Load config for updating with threshold and metric # (otherwise loading do not work) cfg = OmegaConf.load(".hydra/config.yaml") cfg.threshold = float(best_th) # Evaluate on full-size image if valid_ids is non-empty df_train = pd.read_csv(cwd / "data/train.csv") df_train = { r["id"]: r["encoding"] for r in df_train.to_dict(orient="record") } dices = [] unique_ids = sorted( set( str(p).split("/")[-1].split("_")[0] for p in (cwd / / "train").iterdir())) size =[-1] scale = size / 1024 for image_id in image_name = unique_ids[image_id] print(f"\nValidate for {image_name}") rle_pred, shape = inference_one( image_path=(cwd / f"data/train/{image_name}.tiff"), target_path=Path("."), cfg=cfg, model=model, scale_factor=scale,,, threshold=best_th, save_raw=False, tta_mode=None, weight="pyramid", device=device, filter_crops="tissue", stats=stats, ) print("Predict", shape) pred = rle_decode(rle_pred["predicted"], shape) mask = rle_decode(df_train[image_name], shape) assert pred.shape == mask.shape, f"pred {pred.shape}, mask {mask.shape}" assert pred.shape == shape, f"pred {pred.shape}, expected {shape}" dices.append( dice( torch.from_numpy(pred).type(torch.uint8), torch.from_numpy(mask).type(torch.uint8), threshold=None, activation="none", )) print("Full image dice:", np.mean(dices)), ".hydra/config.yaml") return