def __setDcopfData(self,msg,dispatchNo,destination,\ fname=dirName+'/data/multiperiod_dcopf_res.json',maxSolar=95348.0): """Reads dcopf data from matpower in .json format and packs the data in a format that is understood by PFLOW (contained in msg) for a given dispatch.""" try: data = json.load(open(fname)) if destination.lower() == 'pflow': dispatchData = data['dispatch_' + str(dispatchNo)] msg['mpc']['set']['Pg'] = dispatchData['Pg'] elif destination.lower() == 'gld': #data['loadShape'][dispatchNo-1] is total load seen at T side i.e. # load-solar. data['dispatch_'+str(dispatchNo)]['solar'] is # solar power. msg['mpc']['set']['loadShape']=data['loadShape'][dispatchNo-1]+\ data['solarShape'][dispatchNo-1] ind=np.where(self.solarData[:,1]>=data['solarShape']\ [dispatchNo-1]*(1/max(data['solarShape']))*maxSolar)[0][0] msg['mpc']['set']['solarShape'] = self.solarData[ind, 0] except: PrintException()
def run(self, Vpu, tol=10**-8, ID=5, monitor=False, iterMax=20): """Gets the complex power injection at PCC for a given PCC voltage setpoint.""" try: Sinj = [0, 1] iteration = 0 while abs(Sinj[0] - Sinj[1]) > tol and iteration < iterMax: convergence_flg = self.setV(Vpu, ID=ID) iteration += 1 if convergence_flg == 1: temp, status = self.getS(Vpu, ID=ID) if status == 1: Sinj[1] = Sinj[0] Sinj[0] = temp if monitor == True: res = self.monitor(ID) else: res = {} return Sinj[0], res, convergence_flg except: PrintException()
def setQvCurve(self, pcc_volt, inv_volt, inv_Q, sensitivity_info, minV=0.95, maxV=1.05, tol=0.01): try: # check current voltage levels setPoint = {} setPoint['flg'] = 0 # TODO: json.encoder.FLOAT_REPR did not work. need a better workaround. float_repr = lambda x: [round(entry, 2) for entry in x] for ID in pcc_volt: if pcc_volt[ID] < minV: violation_lower = minV - pcc_volt[ID] Q = inv_Q[ID] # current Q. All phases produce same Q if Q < 1: # if current Q gen is already at max inverter rating nothing more can be done Vreq = inv_volt[ID] + ( sensitivity_info['inv'][ID] / sensitivity_info['pcc'][ID]) * violation_lower V1, V2, V3, V4 = inv_volt[ ID] - tol, Vreq + tol, Vreq + tol, 1.1 Qsetpoint = min( 1.0, (violation_lower / sensitivity_info['pcc'][ID]) + Q) Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 = Qsetpoint, Qsetpoint, Qsetpoint, -0.25 setPoint[ID]=[float_repr([V1,Q1]),float_repr([V2,Q2]),\ float_repr([V3,Q3]),float_repr([V4,Q4])] setPoint['flg'] = 1 return setPoint except: PrintException()
def setup(self, fedName='pyGld', portNum=12000, ID=5): try: fedName += '_' + str(ID) self.fedName = fedName # setup helics = fi = h.helicsFederateInfoCreate() # create info obj status = h.helicsFederateInfoSetFederateName(fi, fedName) status = h.helicsFederateInfoSetCoreTypeFromString(fi, "zmq") status = h.helicsFederateInfoSetCoreInitString(fi, "--federates=1") status = h.helicsFederateInfoSetTimeDelta( fi, 300) # 5 min dispatch interval self.vf = vf = h.helicsCreateValueFederate(fi) = h.helicsFederateRegisterGlobalPublication( vf, fedName, "string", "") self.sub = h.helicsFederateRegisterSubscription( vf, "adaptive_volt_var", "string", "") status = h.helicsFederateEnterExecutionMode(vf) # setup worker self.pyGldWorker.setup(portNum=portNum, ID=ID) except: PrintException()
def abc2seq(self, x_abc): try: x_seq = # T*x_abc return x_seq # seq except: PrintException()
def run(self,dt=300.0,ID=5,\ scale={5:0.0000009, 7:0.000001, 9:0.00000125},monitor=False,\ inv_nominalV={5:480.0, 7:480.0, 9:480.0},msgSize=1024): try: Res = [] res = {} simTime = 0.0 comm_end = 0 while comm_end == 0: grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(self.vf, simTime) status, msg = h.helicsSubscriptionGetString( self.sub) # receive from pyPflow simTime += dt if 'setpoint' in msg: msg = eval(msg) if ID in msg['setpoint']: propVal = [] for entry in msg['setpoint'][ID]: propVal.append(entry[0]) propVal.append(entry[1]) objName = ['solar_inv'] * 8 propName = [ 'V1', 'Q1', 'V2', 'Q2', 'V3', 'Q3', 'V4', 'Q4' ] self.pyGldWorker.objVal(ID, objName, propName, propVal, flg='send') # set new QV curve self.pyGldWorker.objVal(ID, objName, propName, ['none'] * len(propVal), flg='recv') # set new QV curve status = h.helicsPublicationPublishString(, 'Received QV curve') grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime( self.vf, simTime) # sync at this point simTime += dt else: msg = eval(msg) if 'comm_end' in msg: if msg['comm_end'] == 1: comm_end = 1 if len(res) > 0: Res.append(res) if comm_end == 0: # set load if requested if 'set' in msg['mpc'].keys(): if 'loadShape' in msg['mpc']['set'].keys(): self.pyGldWorker.setLoad( msg['mpc']['set']['loadShape'], ID=ID) self.pyGldWorker.setSolar( msg['mpc']['set']['solarShape'], ID=ID) if len(res) > 0: Res.append(res) Vpu = 0 for entry in msg['mpc']['get']['V']: if entry[0] == ID: Vpu = entry[1] Pd = 0 Qd = 0 if Vpu != 0: Sinj, res, convergence_flg = Vpu, ID=ID, monitor=monitor) # will call gridlabd server if convergence_flg == 1: Pd = Sinj.real * scale[ID] Qd = Sinj.imag * scale[ID] msg = {} msg['mpc'] = {} msg['mpc']['set'] = {} msg['mpc']['get'] = {} if Pd != 0 and Qd != 0: msg['mpc']['set']['Pd'] = [[ ID, 1, math.ceil(Pd * 10**6) * 10**-6 ]] msg['mpc']['set']['Qd'] = [[ ID, 1, math.ceil(Qd * 10**6) * 10**-6 ]] msg['mpc']['get']['V'] = [[ID, 0, 0]] msg['mpc']['set']['solar_V']=math.ceil(min([\ res[ID]['solar_meter']['measured_voltage_A_mag']/inv_nominalV[ID]*math.sqrt(3),\ res[ID]['solar_meter']['measured_voltage_B_mag']/inv_nominalV[ID]*math.sqrt(3),\ res[ID]['solar_meter']['measured_voltage_C_mag']/inv_nominalV[ID]*math.sqrt(3)\ ])*10**4)*10**-4 msg['mpc']['set']['solar_Q']=\ math.ceil(-res[ID]['solar_meter']['measured_reactive_power']/\ (res[ID]['solar_inv']['rated_power']*3)*10**2)*10**-2 # rated power is per phase # send status = h.helicsPublicationPublishString(, str(msg)) # publish Sinj as fedName grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime( self.vf, simTime) # sync at this point simTime += dt if monitor == True: json.dump( Res, open(dirName + '/results/res_' + str(ID) + '.json', 'w')) except: PrintException()
def init(self, host='', portNum=10500): try: self.pyGldWorker.init(host=host, portNum=portNum) except: PrintException()
h.helicsFederateFree(self.vf) h.helicsCloseLibrary() self.pyGldWorker.close(ID=ID) except: PrintException() #========================RUN AS SCRIPT======================= if __name__ == "__main__": """Sample call: python ID=5 client_portNum=10500 server_portNum=12000""" try: options = {} options['ID'] = 5 options['client_portNum'] = 10500 options['server_portNum'] = 12000 for n in range(1, len(sys.argv)): arg, val = sys.argv[n].split('=') if arg in options: options[arg] = int(val) ID, client_portNum, server_portNum = options['ID'], options[ 'client_portNum'], options['server_portNum'] gld = PyGld() gld.init(portNum=client_portNum) gld.setup(portNum=server_portNum, ID=ID), monitor=True) gld.close(ID=ID) except: PrintException()
def run(self,dt=300.0,nDis=5,tol=10**-3,\ pflowFname=dirName+'/results/pflowRes.json',adaptive=False,iterMax=10,\ msgSize=1024): try: simTime = 0.0 comm_end = 0 pflowRes = [] setPoint = {} sensitivity_info = {} sensitivity_info['inv'] = {5: 0.025, 7: 0.025, 9: 0.025} sensitivity_info['pcc'] = {5: 0.01, 7: 0.01, 9: 0.01} iteration = 0 dispatchNo = 1 while comm_end == 0: #send (set V at distribution side) self.msgFromPflow['mpc'].pop('set') self.msgFromPflow['mpc']['set'] = {} if iteration == 0: #set load at iteration 0 self.__setDcopfData(self.msgFromPflow, dispatchNo, 'gld') boundaryConditionCheck = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.ID), 2)) if adaptive and 'flg' in setPoint and setPoint[ 'flg'] == 1: # change QV curve if needed setPoint.pop('flg') temp_setpoint = {} temp_setpoint['setpoint'] = setPoint temp_setpoint = str(temp_setpoint).replace(' ', '') setPoint = {} status = h.helicsPublicationPublishString(, temp_setpoint) grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(self.vf, simTime) simTime += dt grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(self.vf, simTime) for ID in self.ID: # receive from GLD errFlg, temp = h.helicsSubscriptionGetString( self.sub['pyGld_' + str(ID)]) temp = eval(temp) simTime += dt else: status = h.helicsPublicationPublishString(, str(self.msgFromPflow) ) # will send msg i.e. Vpcc to all # distribution feeders that are subscribers of publisher called pyPflow grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(self.vf, simTime) simTime += dt #recv (getS from distribution side) grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime(self.vf, simTime) msgFromGld = {} msgFromGld['mpc'] = {} msgFromGld['mpc']['set'] = {} msgFromGld['mpc']['get'] = {} setData = msgFromGld['mpc']['set'] getData = msgFromGld['mpc']['get'] setData['Pd'] = [] setData['Qd'] = [] getData['V'] = [] inv_volt = {} inv_Q = {} for ID in self.ID: errFlg, temp = h.helicsSubscriptionGetString( self.sub['pyGld_' + str(ID)]) temp = eval(temp) setData['Pd'].append(temp['mpc']['set']['Pd'][0]) setData['Qd'].append(temp['mpc']['set']['Qd'][0]) getData['V'].append(temp['mpc']['get']['V'][0]) inv_volt[ID] = temp['mpc']['set']['solar_V'] inv_Q[ID] = temp['mpc']['set']['solar_Q'] simTime += dt # run PFLOW (setS and getV from transmission side) if iteration == 0: #set load at iteration 0 self.__setDcopfData(msgFromGld, dispatchNo, 'pflow') self.socket.send_string( json.dumps(msgFromGld)) # send instructions to pflow self.msgFromPflow = eval( self.socket.recv()) # receive data from pflow iteration += 1 # check boundary condition V = np.array(self.msgFromPflow['mpc']['get']['V']) pcc_volt = {} for ID in self.ID: pcc_volt[ID] = V[V[:, 0] == ID, 1][0] count = 0 for ID in self.ID: boundaryConditionCheck[ count, 1] = boundaryConditionCheck[count, 0] boundaryConditionCheck[count, 0] = V[V[:, 0] == ID, 1][0] count += 1 if np.all( abs(boundaryConditionCheck[:, 0] - boundaryConditionCheck[:, 1]) < tol): # check for QV setting if adaptive: setPoint = self.setQvCurve(pcc_volt, inv_volt, inv_Q, sensitivity_info) else: setPoint = {} setPoint['flg'] = 0 # implies no adaptive changes are required or max iterations have been exceeded if setPoint['flg'] == 0 or iteration > iterMax: six.print_("Completed Dispath Number: ", dispatchNo) pflowRes.append([self.msgFromPflow, msgFromGld]) # store pflow result iteration = 0 # reset iteration for the new dispatch if dispatchNo == nDis: comm_end = 1 commEndMsg = {} commEndMsg['comm_end'] = 1 status = h.helicsPublicationPublishString(, str(commEndMsg)) # send shutdown signal grantedTime = h.helicsFederateRequestTime( self.vf, simTime) self.socket.send_string("COMM_END") msgFromPflow = self.socket.recv() else: dispatchNo += 1 # save results json.dump(pflowRes, open(pflowFname, 'w')) except: PrintException()
def close(self): try: h.helicsFederateFree(self.vf) h.helicsCloseLibrary() except: PrintException()