def onMarginClick(self, _pos, _modifier, _margin): dbgMsg("_pos:", _pos, " modifier:", _modifier, " _margin:", _margin) lineClick = self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, _pos) dbgMsg("lineClick=", lineClick) levelClick = self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL, lineClick) dbgMsg("levelClick=", levelClick) if levelClick & QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG: dbgMsg("Clicked Fold Header") self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, lineClick)
def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor @param parent reference to the parent widget (QWidget) - here it is EditorWindow class """ self.editorWindow = parent self.playerMainWidget = None QsciScintilla.__init__(self, parent) # # self.setFolding(5) self.setFolding(QsciScintilla.BoxedTreeFoldStyle) # self.setMarginSensitivity(3,True) lexer = QsciLexerPython() dbgMsg(lexer.keywords(1), "\n\n\n\n") syntaxErrorLexer = SyntaxErrorLexer(self) self.setLexer(syntaxErrorLexer) self.setReadOnly(True) # self.setReadOnly(False) self.setCaretLineVisible(True) # font=self.font() font = QFont("Courier New", 10) if sys.platform.startswith('da'): font = QFont("Courier New", 12) # font.setFixedPitch(True) self.setFont(font) self.setCaretLineBackgroundColor( QtGui.QColor('#E0E0F8')) # current line has this color self.setSelectionBackgroundColor( QtGui.QColor('#E0E0F8') ) # any selection in the current line due to double click has the same color too # connecting SCN_DOUBLECLICK(int,int,int) to editor double-click # notice QsciScintilla.SCN_DOUBLECLICK(int,int,int) is not the right name # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("SCN_DOUBLECLICK(int,int,int)"), self.onDoubleClick) GETFOLDLEVEL = QsciScintilla.SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL SETFOLDLEVEL = QsciScintilla.SCI_SETFOLDLEVEL HEADERFLAG = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG LEVELBASE = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELBASE NUMBERMASK = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK WHITEFLAG = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG headerLevel = LEVELBASE | HEADERFLAG lineStart = 1 lineEnd = 3 # self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETCARETSTYLE, QsciScintilla.CARETSTYLE_INVISIBLE) # make caret invisible self.lineNumberExtractRegex = re.compile( '^[\s\S]*[L|l]ine:[\s]*([0-9]*)') self.colNumberExtractRegex = re.compile( '^[\s\S]*[C|c]ol:[\s]*([0-9]*)') self.fileNameExtractRegex = re.compile('^[\s]*File:[\s]*([\S][\s\S]*)') # self.zoomRange=self.editorWindow.configuration.setting("ZoomRangeFindDisplayWidget") # self.zoomTo(self.zoomRange) dbgMsg("marginSensitivity=", self.marginSensitivity(0)) self.cc3dSender = CC3DSender.CC3DSender(self)
def styleText(self, start, end): editor = self.editor() if editor is None: return # scintilla works with encoded bytes, not decoded characters. # this matters if the source contains non-ascii characters and # a multi-byte encoding is used (e.g. utf-8) source = '' if end > editor.length(): end = editor.length() if end > start: if sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000: # faster when styling big files, but needs python 2.6 source = bytearray(end - start) editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETTEXTRANGE, start, end, source) else: # source = unicode(editor.text() # ).encode('utf-8')[start:end] source = str(editor.text()).encode( 'utf-8' ) # scanning entire text is way more efficient that doing it on demand especially when folding top level text (Search) if not source: return # the line index will also be needed to implement folding index = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, start) if index > 0: # the previous state may be needed for multi-line styling pos = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, index - 1) state = editor.SendScintilla(editor.SCI_GETSTYLEAT, pos) else: state = self.Default set_style = self.setStyling self.startStyling(start, 0x1f) # SCI = self.SendScintilla SCI = self.editorWidget.SendScintilla GETFOLDLEVEL = QsciScintilla.SCI_GETFOLDLEVEL SETFOLDLEVEL = QsciScintilla.SCI_SETFOLDLEVEL HEADERFLAG = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELHEADERFLAG LEVELBASE = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELBASE NUMBERMASK = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELNUMBERMASK WHITEFLAG = QsciScintilla.SC_FOLDLEVELWHITEFLAG # scintilla always asks to style whole lines for line in source.splitlines(True): # todo - make sure this decoding is enought to convert bytearray to str line = line.decode('utf-8') length = len(line) # dbgMsg("line=",line) # dbgMsg(line) if line.startswith('\n'): style = self.Default dbgMsg("GOT EMPTY LINE") # sys.exit() else: if line.startswith('Error'): state = self.ErrorInfo # searchGroups'"([\s\S]*)"', line) # we have to use search instead of match - match matches onle beginning of the string , search searches through entire string # # dbgMsg("searchGroups=",searchGroups) # try: # if searchGroups: # # dbgMsg( # # # dbgMsg("self.searchText=",self.searchText) # except IndexError,e: # self.searchText="" # dbgMsg("COULD NOT EXTRACT TEXT") # elif line.startswith(' File'): elif line.startswith(' F'): state = self.FileInfo # elif line.startswith(' Line'): elif line.startswith(' '): if self.searchText != "": # dbgMsg("self.searchText=",self.searchText) searchTextLength = len(self.searchText) # pos = line.find(self.searchText) # set_style(pos, self.LineInfo) # styling begining of the line # set_style(searchTextLength, self.TextToFind) # styling searchText of the line # length = length - pos - searchTextLength # Default styling is applied to RHS # state = self.ErrorInfo # dbgMsg("LENGTH=",length) # length = length - pos # dbgMsg("line=",line) startPos = 0 # string line is not use to output to the screen it is local to this fcn therefore it is safe to use lower pos = line.lower().find(self.searchText.lower()) while pos != -1: set_style( pos - startPos, self.LineInfo) # styling begining of the line set_style(searchTextLength, self.TextToFind ) # styling searchText of the line startPos = pos + searchTextLength pos = line.find(self.searchText, startPos) state = self.LineInfo state = self.LineInfo length = length - startPos # last value startPos if startPos point to the location right after last found searchText - to continue styling we tell lexer to style reminder of the line (length-startPos) with LineInfo style else: dbgMsg("DID NOT FIND SEARCH TEXT") # state = self.Default state = self.LineInfo # # the following will style lines like "x = 0" # pos = line.find('\tFile') # if pos > 0: # set_style(pos, self.ErrorInfo) #styling LHS pos is the length of styled text # set_style(1, self.FileInfo)#styling = 1 is the length of styled text # length = length - pos - 1 # state = self.ErrorInfo # else: # state = self.Default else: # state = self.Default state = self.LineInfo set_style(length, state) # folding implementation goes here headerLevel = LEVELBASE | HEADERFLAG # dbgMsg("HEADER LEVEL",headerLevel) # if index==0: if state == self.ErrorInfo: SCI(SETFOLDLEVEL, index, headerLevel) elif state == self.FileInfo: SCI( SETFOLDLEVEL, index, headerLevel + 1 ) # this subheader - inside header for ErrorInfo style - have to add +1 to folding level elif state == self.LineInfo: SCI( SETFOLDLEVEL, index, LEVELBASE + 2 ) # this is non-header fold line - since it is inside header level and headerLevel +1 i had to add +3 to the LEVELBASE+2 else: SCI( SETFOLDLEVEL, index, LEVELBASE + 2 ) # this is non-header fold line - since it is inside header level and headerLevel +1 i had to add +3 to the LEVELBASE+2 index += 1
def onDoubleClick(self, _position, _line, _modifiers): dbgMsg("position=", _position, " line=", _line, " modifiers=", _modifiers) lineText = str(self.text(_line)) dbgMsg("line text=", lineText) lineNumberGroups = lineNumber = -1 colNumber = -1 lineNumberWithFileName = -1 fileName = "" try: if lineNumberGroups: lineNumber = int( dbgMsg("Error at line=", lineNumber) lineNumberWithFileName = self.SendScintilla( QsciScintilla.SCI_GETFOLDPARENT, _line) except IndexError as e: dbgMsg("Line number not found") colNumberGroups = try: if colNumberGroups: colNumber = int( dbgMsg("Error at column=", colNumber) except IndexError as e: dbgMsg("Col number not found") if lineNumberWithFileName >= 0: dbgMsg("THIS IS LINE WITH FILE NAME:") lineWithFileName = str(self.text(lineNumberWithFileName)) dbgMsg(lineWithFileName) fileNameGroups = print("fileNameGroups=", fileNameGroups) if fileNameGroups: try: fileName = fileName = fileName.strip( ) # removing trailing white spaces fileNameOrig = fileName # store original file name as found by regex - it is used to locate unsaved files # "normalizing" file name to make sure \ and / are used in a consistent manner fileName1 = os.path.abspath(fileNameOrig) # dbgMsg("FILE NAME :",fileName) print("*******fileNameOrig=", fileNameOrig) print("*******fileName=", fileName1) # first we check if file exists and is readable: except IndexError as e: dbgMsg("Could not extract file name") if fileName != "": self.cc3dSender.issueOpenFileRequest(fileName, int(lineNumber), int(colNumber))