Example #1
 def test_loft(self):
     w1 = cm.Wire([cm.circle(1.0)])
     w2 = cm.Wire([cm.circle(2.0)])
     w2.translate((0.0, 0.0, 5.0))
     w3 = cm.Wire([cm.circle(1.5)])
     w3.translate((0.0, 0.0, 10.0))
     s1 = cm.loft([w1, w2, w3])
     # empirical
     self.assert_(close(98.407, s1.volume(), 0.001))
Example #2
 def query(self):
     """Reports the properties of a selection
     Should do something other than print (popup?) ***
     if self.selected is not None:
         if self.selection_type == 'Vertex':
             s = _cm.Vertex(self.selected)
             retval = 'center: ' + str(s.center()) + \
                 '\ntolerance: ' + str(s.tolerance())
         elif self.selection_type == 'Edge':
             s = _cm.Edge(self.selected)
             retval = 'center: ' + str(s.center()) + \
                 '\nlength: ' + str(s.length()) + \
                 '\ntolerance: ' + str(s.tolerance())
         elif self.selection_type == 'Wire':
             s = _cm.Wire(self.selected)
             retval = 'center: ' + str(s.center()) + \
                 '\nlength: ' + str(s.length())
         elif self.selection_type == 'Face':
             s = _cm.Face(self.selected)
             retval = 'center: ' + str(s.center()) + \
                 '\ntype: ' + str(s.type()) + \
                 '\narea: ' + str(s.area()) + \
                 '\ntolerance: ' + str(s.tolerance())
             retval = 'No properties for type ' + self.selection_type
Example #3
 def test_pipe(self):
     profile = cm.ngon(2.0, 6)
     e1 = cm.arc(8.0, 0.0, math.pi / 2)
     e2 = cm.segment((0.0, 8.0, 0.0), (-8.0, 8.0, 0.0))
     spine = cm.Wire([e1, e2])
     spine.translate((-8.0, 0.0, 0.0))
     spine.rotatex(math.pi / 2)
     s1 = cm.pipe(profile, spine)
     # empirical
     self.assert_(close(213.732, s1.volume(), 0.001))
Example #4
def triedre(U):
    O = (0., 0.0, 0.0)
    X = U[:, 0]
    Y = U[:, 1]
    Z = U[:, 2]
    x = cm.segment(O, X)
    y = cm.segment(O, Y)
    z = cm.segment(O, Z)
    t = cm.Wire([x, y, z])
    return (t)
Example #5
 def test_filling(self):
     e1 = cm.spline([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.2, 0.3), (1.5, 0.8, 1.0),
                     (0.8, 1.2, 0.2), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
     e2 = cm.spline([(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (-1.0, 0.2, 0.3), (-1.5, 0.8, 1.0),
                     (-0.8, 1.2, 0.2), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)])
     w1 = cm.Wire([e1, e2])
     f1 = cm.filling(w1)
     # empirical
     # Can vary considerably given the spline nature
     # self.assert_(close(5.479, f1.area(), 0.01))
     self.assert_(close(5.44100168973, f1.area(), 0.01))
Example #6
 def _build_hashes(self, htype):
     if htype == 'Face':
         ex_type = _TopAbs.TopAbs_FACE
     elif htype == 'Wire':
         ex_type = _TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE
     elif htype == 'Edge':
         ex_type = _TopAbs.TopAbs_EDGE
     elif htype == 'Vertex':
         ex_type = _TopAbs.TopAbs_VERTEX
         print('Error: Unknown hash type', htype)
     if (self.selected_shape.ShapeType == _TopAbs.TopAbs_WIRE
             and htype == 'Edge'):
         ex = _BRepTools_WireExplorer(
             self.selected_shape)  # Ordered this way
         ex = _TopExp_Explorer(self.selected_shape, ex_type)
     self.hashes = []
     self.positions = []
     while ex.More():
         s1 = ex.Current()
         # Calculate hash
         s1_hash = s1.__hash__()
         if s1_hash not in self.hashes:
             # Calculate position
             if htype == 'Face':
                 f = _cm.Face(s1)
                 c = (' type ' + f.type(), f.center())
             elif htype == 'Wire':
                 w = _cm.Wire(s1)
                 c = ('', w.center())
             elif htype == 'Edge':
                 e = _cm.Edge(s1)
                 c = ('', e.center())
             elif htype == 'Vertex':
                 c = ('', _cm.Vertex(s1).center())