Example #1
def combineFlats(flatlist, dark=None, bias=None):
    """Combine all flat files into a flat master. Subtract dark or bias if provided."""
    ccdflatlist = [
        ccdproc.CCDData.read(aflat, unit="adu") for aflat in flatlist
    if dark is not None and bias is None:
        flat_sub = [
            for aflat in ccdflatlist
    elif dark is None and bias is not None:
        flat_sub = [
            ccdproc.subtract_bias(aflat, bias) for aflat in ccdflatlist
        flat_sub = ccdflatlist

    flatComb = ccdproc.Combiner(flat_sub)
    flatComb.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3, func=np.ma.median)
    flatComb.scaling = lambda arr: 1. / np.ma.average(arr)
    flatmaster = flatComb.average_combine()
    return flatmaster
Example #2
def create_masterbias(image_list):
    """Create a master bias frame from a list of images

    image_list: list
        List contain the file names to be processed

    masterbias: ccddata.CCDData
        Combine master bias from the biases supplied in image_list

    # determine whether they are red or blue
    if os.path.basename(image_list[0]).startswith('H'):
        func = blue_process
    elif os.path.basename(image_list[0]).startswith('R'):
        func = red_process
        raise TypeError('These are not standard HRS frames')

    # reduce the files
    ccd_list = []
    for image_name in image_list:
        ccd = func(image_name, masterbias=None, error=False)

    # combine the files
    cb = ccdproc.Combiner(ccd_list)
    nccd = cb.median_combine(median_func=np.median)

    return nccd
Example #3
def combineBias(biaslist):
    """Combine all the bias files into a master bias"""
    ccdlist = [ccdproc.CCDData.read(abias, unit="adu") for abias in biaslist]
    biasComb = ccdproc.Combiner(ccdlist)
    biasComb.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3, func=np.ma.median)
    biasmaster = biasComb.average_combine()
    return biasmaster
Example #4
def combineDarks(darklist):
    """Combine all the dark files into a master dark"""
    darkComb = ccdproc.Combiner(
        [ccdproc.CCDData.read(adark, unit="adu") for adark in darklist])
    darkComb.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3, func=np.ma.median)
    darkmaster = darkComb.average_combine()
    darkmaster.header['exptime'] = fits.getval(darklist[0], 'exptime')
    return darkmaster
Example #5
def overscan_trim_and_sigma_clip_median(image_list, clip_baseline_func=med_over_images):
    Combine a list of images using median
    This function does several steps:
    1. Subtract overscan
    2. Trim image
    3. sigma clip image using a median of the unclipped stack as the baseline
    4. combine the images on the list using median
    ** It modifies the images in the input list. **
    combo = ccdproc.Combiner(image_list)
    return combo
Example #6
def combine_files(filelist, outputfile, directory=None):
    # take a list of input files
    if os.path.exists(filelist):
        # load the files
        infiles = np.loadtxt(filelist, dtype=str)
        inputccd = []
        for i in xrange(len(infiles)):
            if directory is not None:
                filename = os.path.join(directory, infiles[i])
                filename = infiles[i]

            hdu = fits.open(filename, ignore_missing_end=True)
            ccd = CCDData(np.copy(hdu[0].data), unit=u.adu)
        combo = ccdproc.Combiner(inputccd)
        output = combo.average_combine()
        fits.writeto(outputfile, output.data)
Example #7
    def _action_for_one_group(self, filter_dict=None):
        combined_dict = self.apply_to.copy()
        if filter_dict is not None:

        images = []

        for hdu in self.image_source.hdus(**combined_dict):
                unit = hdu.header['BUNIT']
            except KeyError:
                unit = DEFAULT_IMAGE_UNIT
                ccdproc.CCDData(data=hdu.data, meta=hdu.header, unit=unit))
        combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(images, dtype=images[0].dtype)
        if self._clipping_widget.toggle.value:
            if self._clipping_widget.min_max:
            if self._clipping_widget.sigma_clip:
        if self._combine_method.scaling_func:
            combiner.scaling = self._combine_method.scaling_func
        if self._combine_method.method == 'Average':
            combined = combiner.average_combine()
        elif self._combine_method.method == 'Median':
            combined = combiner.median_combine()
        combined.header = images[0].header
        combined.header['master'] = True
        if combined.data.dtype != images[0].dtype:
            combined.data = np.array(combined.data, dtype=images[0].dtype)
        return combined
Example #8
def clean_the_images(path, filename):
    #ast.api_key= 'iqmqwvazpvolmjmn'
    dir = path
    gain = 2 * u.electron / u.adu
    readnoise = 7.5 * u.electron
    ra = input('Enter the RA of the source:   ')
    dec = input('Enter the DEC of the source: ')
    file_name = os.path.join(dir, filename)
    image = ccdproc.CCDData.read(file_name, unit='adu')
    header = fits.getheader(file_name, 0)

    time = header['DATE']
    t = Time(time, format='isot', scale='utc')
    print(t.jd, t.mjd)
    header.insert(15, ('RA', ra))
    header.insert(16, ('DEC', dec))

    a = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir, 'bias*.fits')))
    biaslist = []
    for i in range(0, len(a)):
        data = ccdproc.CCDData.read(a[i], unit='adu')
        #data = ccdproc.create_deviation(data, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise)
        #data= data-(data.uncertainty.array)
    combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(biaslist)
    masterbias = combiner.median_combine()
    masterbias.write('masterbias.fit', overwrite=True)
    mbias = ccdproc.CCDData.read('masterbias.fit', unit='adu')
    print('master bias generated')
    print(np.mean(masterbias), np.median(masterbias))

    c = sorted(glob(os.path.join(dir, 'flat*.fits')))
    flatlist = []
    for j in range(0, len(c)):
        flat = ccdproc.CCDData.read(c[j], unit='adu')
        #flat= ccdproc.create_deviation(flat, gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise)
        flat = ccdproc.subtract_bias(flat, masterbias)
    combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(flatlist)
    masterflat = combiner.median_combine()
    masterflat.write('masterflat.fits', overwrite=True)
    mflat = ccdproc.CCDData.read('masterflat.fits', unit='adu')
    print('master flat generated')
    print(np.mean(masterflat), np.median(masterflat))


    bias_subtracted = ccdproc.subtract_bias(image, masterbias)
    flat_corrected = ccdproc.flat_correct(bias_subtracted, masterflat)
    cr_cleaned = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(flat_corrected,
    print('cosmic ray removed')

    fits.writeto(dir + 'j_0947_i_1_clean.fits',

    print('image cleaned')
Example #9
def combine_list_to_file(listname,
    if read_from_file == True:
        listfile = open(listname, 'r')
        flist = listfile.read().splitlines()
        flist = listname
    if len(flist) == 0:
        mylog('Failed write, trying to overwrite: {0}'.format(listname))
    # combine_list will be a list of lists of data objects
    combine_list = []
    ifirst = True
    for line in flist:
        fname = line.strip()
    hdulist = fits.open(fname)
    if ifirst == True:
            # This should propagate header and any HDUs that don't
            # get combined (ie are not in datahdus list) to the output.
            mylog('Failed write, trying to overwrite: {0}'.format(outname))
            hdulist.writeto(outname, overwrite=True)
        ifirst = False
        nhdus = len(hdulist)
        # Data of this image will be listed in a single entry in combine_list
        tmplist = []
        if nhdus > 1:
            istart = 1
            istart = 0
        hduindexes = list(range(nhdus))[istart:]
        if datahdus != 0:
            hduindexes = datahdus
        for i in hduindexes:
            data1 = ccdproc.CCDData(hdulist[i].data, unit="adu")
            head1 = hdulist[i].header
            head1['filename'] = fname
            data1.header = head1
            # combine_list.append(ccdproc.CCDData(data=data1, meta=head1, unit="adu"))

    for i in hduindexes:
        # Take the i-1'th data extension (0-based) from each image and
        # put these into a list to combine
        tmplist = [elem[i - 1] for elem in combine_list]
        combo = ccdproc.Combiner(tmplist)
        if combine == 'average':
            output1 = combo.average_combine()
            output1 = combo.median_combine()
        # Header output by combine is minimal and causes failure
        # fits.update(outname, output1.data, header=output1.header, ext=i)
        # but outputting without header field leaves only 6 line header
        # fits.update(outname, output1.data, ext=i)
        # copying header from the first input image works.
        fits.update(outname, output1.data, header=tmplist[0].header, ext=i)
    mylog("Combined to output file {0}".format(outname))
Example #10
def reduce_image(
        bads: Iterable[str],
        flats: Iterable[str],
        images: Iterable[str],
        band_id: Band = Band.J,  # TODO: allow 'all'
        combine: str = 'median',
        skyscale_method: str = 'subtract',
        single_thread: bool = False) -> CCDData:
    Take a list of files for badPixel, flatfield and exposures + a bunch of processing parameters and reduce them
    to write an output filec
    :param bads: list of paths to bad pixel frames
    :param flats: list of paths to flat frames
    :param images: list of paths to images
    :param band_id: which spectral band to look at, enum
    :param combine: either 'median' or 'average'
    :param skyscale_method: either 'subtract' or 'divide'
    :param single_thread: if false, don't use multiprocessing pool
    :return: (combined_output, scamp_output, sextractor_output)
    assert band_id

    # you can't just reasign the outer scope variable without weirdness...
    _Pool = PoolDummy if single_thread else Pool

    # use pool as a context manager so that terminate() gets called automatically
    with _Pool(n_cpu) as pool:
        read_files = read_and_sort(bads, flats, images, pool)[band_id]

        if not (len(read_files.flat) > 0 and len(read_files.images) > 0):
            raise ValueError(
                'cannot continue, not enough data left after filtering data by available spectral band'
        dimensions = read_files.flat[0].shape
        for image in itertools.chain(read_files.bad, read_files.flat,
            if not image.shape == dimensions:
                raise ValueError('image dimension mismatch', image)

        # TODO distortion correct here

        # Perform basic reduction operations
        processed = standard_process(read_files.bad, read_files.flat[0],
                                     read_files.images, pool)
        skyscaled = skyscale(processed, skyscale_method, pool)

        # does only make sense when we have bad pixels
        fixed = pool.map(fix_pix, skyscaled) if bads else skyscaled

        # Reproject everything to the world-coordinate system of the first image
        wcs = fixed[0].wcs

        reprojected = pool.starmap(ccdproc.wcs_project,
                                   zip(fixed, itertools.repeat(wcs)))

        # TODO option to align with cross correlation (see image_registration)

        # overlay images
        combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(reprojected)
        output_image = combiner.median_combine(
        ) if combine == 'median' else combiner.average_combine()
        # WTF. ccdproc.Combiner is not giving back good metadata.
        # need to set WCS manually again and convert header to astropy.fits.io.Header object from an ordered dict
        # not replacing this can cause weird errors during file writing/wcs conversion
        output_image.wcs = wcs
        output_image.header = astropy.io.fits.header.Header(

        return output_image
Example #11
def stacking_procedure(images: [Image]):
    """stacks images in list into single one and writes file
    header will be from middle image in the list.
    Time will be between start of first and end of last exposure with exposure length of this difference.

    :param images list of Image list objects to stack

    # go through images and collect info
    names = []
    i = 0
    half = len(images) // 2

    tfirst = images[0].get_time_jd()
    tlast = images[-1].get_time_jd() + images[-1].get_exposure() / 86000
    timejd_mid = (tfirst + tlast) / 2
    timecoverage = (tlast - tfirst) * 86000  # s

    for image in images:  # get stack names
        if "stack" in image.processing_parameters:
            for name in image.get_stack():
        i += 1
        if i == half:
            header = fits.getheader(image.get_path())

    midpoint_WCS = WCS(header)

    reprojected = []
    # reproject all images onto the middle one
    for image in images:
        data = fits.getdata(image.get_path())
        header_wcs = fits.getheader(image.get_path())
        ccddata = ccdproc.CCDData(data, wcs=WCS(header_wcs), unit="adu")
        reprojected.append(wcs_project(ccddata, midpoint_WCS))

    combiner = ccdproc.Combiner(reprojected)
    final_image_data = combiner.average_combine()
    final_image_data.wcs = WCS(header)
    header["EXPTIME"] = timecoverage
    header["EXPOSURE"] = timecoverage
    header["JD"] = tfirst

    filename = "stack-" + str(timejd_mid) + "-e" + "{:.0f}".format(
        timecoverage) + ".fits"

    path = Path("/tmp")
    path = path / filename

    if os.path.exists(path):
    fits.writeto(path, final_image_data, header)

    stacked_image = Image(fixed_parameters={
        "path": path,
        "exposure": timecoverage,
        "time_jd": tfirst,
        "type": "data",
        "id": filename
                              "flat": True,
                              "dark": True,
                              "stack": names
    return stacked_image
Example #12
def make_mflat(file_list,
    Given a list of flat image files, combine then into master flat using
    sigma clipping algorithm, on the images after normalizing by the median. It
    is expected that the files are already pre-processed (overscan, trim, ...).
        file_list : list of str
            Paths for the files.
        mbias_path : str
            Path to the master bias
        out_path : pathlib.Path 
            Location to put new image
        filter : str
            Name of filter (used to generate out filename)

        scaling_func : function or list of values
            Function or values to scale individual images. Default is
            _center_inv_median, which is defined on this module.
    File transformations
        Re-write FITS files, with overscan correction and updated header.
        out_pathname : str
            Path to the generated file.

    out_pathname = out_path / f"master_flat_{filter}.fits"

    if out_pathname.exists():
            f"File: {str(out_pathname)} already exists.  Exiting the function."
        return {filter: out_pathname}
        out_pathname = str(out_pathname)

    #  Checking first HDUList for the image extensions
    with fits.open(file_list[0]) as hdus:
        image_indices = _check_image_extensions(hdus)

    #  Generating dummy file using the first image
    mflat = fits.open(file_list[0])

    #  Looping over extensions
    for i in image_indices:

        master_bias = CCDData.read(mbias_path, hdu=i,
                                   unit="adu")  #  Master bias
        #  Loading images of an extension
        ccd_list = [
            CCDData.read(image_file, hdu=i, unit="adu")
            for image_file in file_list

        for image in ccd_list:
            image = ccdproc.subtract_bias(image, master_bias)

        if not ('BIASSEC' in ccd_list[0].header):
                f".Skipping flat overscan correction on: index [{i:1.0f}] - BIASSEC keyword not found"
            for im in ccd_list:
                im = _correct_overscan_hdu(im)

        #  Combining images
        comb = ccdproc.Combiner(ccd_list)
        comb.scaling = scaling_func  #  Scalling using custom function
        comb.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3, func=np.ma.median)
        comb_image = comb.average_combine()

        #  Writing changes to the master bias file
            ('NCOMBINE', len(ccd_list), '# images combined'))

    print(f"Processed master flat on {filter} :  {out_pathname}")

    return {filter: out_pathname}
Example #13
def make_mbias(file_list, out_path):
    Given a list of bias image files, combine then into master bias using
    sigma clipping algorithm.  It is expected that the files are already
    pre-processed (overscan, trim, ...).
        file_list : list of str
            Paths for the files.
        out_path : pathlib.Path 
            Location to put new image
    File transformations
       Write master bias FITS on out_pathname
        out_pathname : str
            Path to the generated file.

    out_pathname = out_path / "master_bias.fits"

    if out_pathname.exists():
            f"File: {str(out_pathname)} already exists.  Exiting the function."
        return str(out_pathname)
        out_pathname = str(out_pathname)

    #  Checking HDU for the image extensions
    with fits.open(file_list[0]) as hdus:
        image_indices = _check_image_extensions(hdus)

    #  Generating dummy file using the first bias image
    mbias = fits.open(file_list[0])

    #  Looping over extensions
    for i in image_indices:

        #  Loading images of an extension
        ccd_list = [
            CCDData.read(image_file, hdu=i, unit="adu")
            for image_file in file_list

        #  Correct overscan
        if not ('BIASSEC' in ccd_list[0].header):
                f".Skipping bias overscan correction on: index [{i:1.0f}] - BIASSEC keyword not found"
            for im in ccd_list:
                im = _correct_overscan_hdu(im)

        #  Combining images
        comb = ccdproc.Combiner(ccd_list)
        comb.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3, func=np.ma.median)
        comb_bias = comb.average_combine()

        #  Writing changes to the master bias file
            ('NCOMBINE', len(ccd_list), '# images combined'))

    print(f"Processed master bias:  {out_pathname}")

    return out_pathname
Example #14
def reduce_night(science_collection, dark_collection, flat_collection, config, config_arguments):
    This function reduce science data of one night and save the results to a folder named "reduced". The reduction
    is performed as follows:

        - Create a list of masterdarks (each masterdark has a different value of the exposure time) ^1
        - Create a list of masterflats (each masterflat has a different value of the filter) ^1

        - Reduce the science data as follows:

            *For each filter:
                *For each exposure time with that filter:

                    -- Look for the masterdark with the nearest exposure time
                    -- Look for the masterflat with the current filter.
                    -- Substract masterdark
                    -- Flat field correct the data
                    -- Clean cosmic rays (if requested)
                    -- Save image to ./Calibrated folder

    (1) The master(flat/dark)s are created using mean combine.

    :param science_collection: Numpy array - A numpy array with the science collection data produced by FitsLookup.
    :param dark_collection: Numpy array - A numpy array with the dark collection data produced by FitsLookup.
    :param flat_collection: Numpy array - A numpy array with the flat collection data produced by FitsLookup.
    :param config_values: Dictionary - Dictionary - A dictionary provided by the function get_config_dict that
                            contains the config of the fits files ( readed from conf.INI ).
    :param config_arguments: Dictionary - A dictionary provided by argparse initialization that contain the current flags.
    :return: Integer - 0 if no errors raised 1 if errors raised.

    # Supress astropy warnings


    # Renaming some config_arguments for easy acess

    work_dir = config_arguments.dir[0]

    # Get the filter and exposure collection of science and flat images

    science_filter_collection = set(science_collection['filter'])
    science_exposures_collection = set(science_collection['exptime'])
    dark_exposures_collection = set(dark_collection['exptime'])
    flat_filter_collection = set(flat_collection['filter'])

    # Inform the user of the filter / exptime found.
    science_exp_times_as_string = ", ".join(
        [str(x) for x in science_exposures_collection])
    dark_exp_times_as_string = ", ".join(
        [str(x) for x in dark_exposures_collection])
    module_logger.info("We have found {0} filters in the science images: {1}".format(
        len(science_filter_collection), ", ".join(science_filter_collection)))
    module_logger.info("We have found {0} exposure times science images: {1}".format(
        len(science_exposures_collection), science_exp_times_as_string))
    module_logger.info("We have found {0} exposure times dark calibrators: {1}".format(
        len(dark_exposures_collection), dark_exp_times_as_string))
    module_logger.info("We have found {0} filters in the flat calibrators {1}".format(
        len(flat_filter_collection), ", ".join(flat_filter_collection)))

    # Check if we have the same filters in flats and science, if not, get the
    # intersection

    if not science_filter_collection.issubset(flat_filter_collection):

            "There are more filters in the science images than in the flat calibrators")

        science_filter_collection = science_filter_collection.intersection(

        module_logger.warning("Triying to work with common filters.")
        module_logger.info("We have found {0} common filters in the science images: {1}".format(
            len(science_filter_collection), ", ".join(science_filter_collection)))

        if not science_filter_collection:
                "There are no common filters between science images and flat calibrators")
            module_logger.warning("This night will be skiped.")
            return 1

    # Warn the user if we found science images of 0 seconds

    if 0 in science_exposures_collection:
        number_of_null_images = len(filter_collection(
            science_collection, [('exptime', 0)]))
            "We have found {0} science images with 0 seconds of exposure time.".format(number_of_null_images))
            "Discarding images with 0 seconds of exposure time for this night: {0} exposure(s) remain.".format(

    # ------- MASTER DARK CREATION --------

    module_logger.info("Starting the creation of the master dark")
    module_logger.info("{0} different exposures for masterdarks were found.".format(

    master_dark_collection = dict()

    # Loop over each exposure time.
    for dark_exposure_item in dark_exposures_collection:
        module_logger.info("Creating masterdark with exposure of {0}s".format(dark_exposure_item))
        # Initializate dark list for current collection.
        exposure_dark_list = list()

        for dark_image_data in filter_collection(dark_collection, [('exptime', dark_exposure_item)]):
            # Open the images and append to the dark list
            dark_image = dark_image_data['filename']
            ccd = CCDData.read(dark_image, unit=config.image_units)
            # If we have overscan, subtract and trim.
            if config.subtract_overscan:
                if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                    module_logger.info("Subtracting overscan of {0}".format(dark_image))
                ccd = subtract_and_trim_overscan(ccd, config)

        # median combine the data
        cb = ccdproc.Combiner(exposure_dark_list)
        master_dark = cb.median_combine(median_func=np.median)

        # Add the masterdark to the master_flat collection
        master_dark_collection.update({dark_exposure_item: master_dark})

        # Save the masterdark if needed.
        if config.save_masterdark:
            # Filename to save
            aux = '{0}/masterdark_{1}.fits'.format(config_arguments.save_path, dark_exposure_item)
            module_logger.info('Saving master dark to {0}'.format(aux))

    # ------- MASTER FLAT CREATION --------

    module_logger.info("Starting the creation of the master flats")
    module_logger.info("{0} different filters for masterflats were found".format(

    master_flat_collection = dict()

    # Go thought the different filters in the collection

    for flat_filter in flat_filter_collection:

            "Creating masterflat with filter {0}".format(flat_filter))

        # Initializate the list that will carry the flat images of the actual
        # filter

        filter_flat_list = list()

        for flat_image_data in filter_collection(flat_collection, [('filter', flat_filter)]):

            # Open the images and append to the filter's flat list
            flat_image = flat_image_data['filename']
            ccd = CCDData.read(flat_image, unit=config.image_units)
            # Subtract and trim overscan
            if config.subtract_overscan:
                if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                    module_logger.info("Subtracting overscan of {0}".format(flat_image))
                ccd = subtract_and_trim_overscan(ccd, config)

        # median combine the flats after scaling each by its mean
        cb = ccdproc.Combiner(filter_flat_list)
        cb.scaling = lambda x: 1.0 / np.mean(x)
        master_flat = cb.median_combine(median_func=np.median)

        # Add the masterflat to the master_flat collection

        master_flat_collection.update({flat_filter: master_flat})

        # Save the masterflat if needed.
        if config.save_masterflat:
            aux = '{0}/masterflat_{1}.fits'.format(config_arguments.save_path, flat_filter)
            module_logger.info('Saving master flat to {0}'.format(aux))

    # ------- REDUCE SCIENCE DATA --------

    module_logger.info("Starting the calibration of the science images")

    # Go thought the different files in the collection

    for image_filter in science_filter_collection:

        module_logger.info("Now calibrating filter: {0}".format(image_filter))

        # Iterate thought each different exposure. This is because the dark files
        # can have different exposures and the calibration must be performed with
        # the masterdark with the nearest exposure time.
        for science_exposure in science_exposures_collection:

            # Important!! If you have more classifiers in the numpy dtype and you want
            # to use them, you must modify the code here. For example, if you want to
            # use a 'temp' value as classifier, after modify the dtype following the
            # instructions in FitsLookup, you must add a loop here and modify the sub_collection.
            # Once you have the 'temp' in the dtype, you must add a loop here as:
            # >>>for temp_value in  set(science_collection['temp']):
            #        module_logger.info("Now calibrating temp: {0}".format(temp_value))
            # After this, you MUST indent all the following code (of this function) four spaces to
            # the right, of course. Then, you only have to modify the science_subcollection as follows:
            # >>> science_subcollection = filter_collection(
            #    science_collection, [('filter', image_filter),
            #                            ('exptime', science_exposure),
            #                             ('temp', temp_value) ])
            # Follow this steps for every classifier you want to add. Yay!
            # --------------------------------------------------------------

            # Science subcollection is a really bad name, but is descriptive. Remember that this subcollection
            # are the images with the current filter that has the current
            # exposure time. E.g. ('r' and 20', 'r' and 30).
            science_subcollection = filter_collection(
                science_collection, [('filter', image_filter),
                                     ('exptime', science_exposure)])

            # Continue if we have files to process. This will check if for some filter
            # there are not enought images with the actual exposure time.
            if science_subcollection.size:

                    "Now calibrating exposure: {0}".format(science_exposure))

                # Determine if we have a masterdark with the science exposure file.
                #   - If we have a exposure matching masterdark, use it.
                #   - If we do not have a exposure matching masterdark, use the nearest.
                    selected_masterdark = master_dark_collection[science_exposure]
                    nearest_exposure = 0, science_exposure
                except KeyError:
                    # Get the nearest exoposure in the dark collection.
                    nearest_exposure = min(enumerate(master_dark_collection.keys()),
                                           key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - science_exposure))
                    # Notice that nearest_exposure is a tuple of the form
                    # (index,exposure).
                    selected_masterdark = master_dark_collection[

                # Initialize the progress bar variables

                total_len = len(science_subcollection)
                meantime = []

                # Loop for each image with current (filter,exptime).
                for contador, science_image_data_with_current_exposure in enumerate(science_subcollection):

                    # To supress astropy warnings.
                    devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
                    sys.stdout = devnull

                    # Notice that until sys stdout is reasigned, no printing
                    # will be allowed in the following lines.

                    # Start timing
                    start = time.time()
                    # Extract the filename from the image data
                    science_image = science_image_data_with_current_exposure['filename']
                    # Read the image
                    ccd = CCDData.read(science_image, unit=config.image_units, wcs=None)
                    # Subtract overscan
                    if config.subtract_overscan:
                        if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                            module_logger.info("Subtracting overscan of {0}".format(science_image))
                        ccd = subtract_and_trim_overscan(ccd, config)
                    # Master dark substraction
                    if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Restart stdout printing
                        module_logger.info("Subtracting dark of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len))
                        sys.stdout = devnull
                        module_logger.debug("Subtracting dark of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len))

                    selected_masterdark._wcs = ccd._wcs  # FIXME: currently needed due to bug
                    ccd = ccdproc.subtract_dark(ccd, selected_masterdark, dark_exposure=nearest_exposure[1] * u.second,
                                                data_exposure=science_exposure * u.second)

                    # flat-field correct the data
                    if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Restart stdout printing
                        module_logger.info("Flat-field correcting image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len))
                        sys.stdout = devnull
                        module_logger.debug("Flat-field correcting image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len))

                    current_master_flat = master_flat_collection[image_filter]
                    current_master_flat._wcs = ccd._wcs  # FIXME: currently needed due to bug
                    ccd = ccdproc.flat_correct(ccd, current_master_flat)

                    # If we need to clean cosmic rays, do it.

                    if config_arguments.cosmic_flag:

                        if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Restart stdout printing
                                "Cosmic ray cleaning of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len))
                            sys.stdout = devnull
                                "Cosmic ray cleaning of image {0} of {1}".format(contador + 1, total_len))

                        ccd = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic(ccd, error_image=None, thresh=5, mbox=11, rbox=11, gbox=5)

                    # Save the calibrated image to a file
                    output_filename = os.path.join(config_arguments.save_path, os.path.basename(science_image))

                    if config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:
                        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Restart stdout printing
                            "Saving image {0} of {1} to {2}".format(contador + 1, total_len, output_filename))
                        sys.stdout = devnull
                            "Saving image {0} of {1} to {2}".format(contador + 1, total_len, output_filename))

                    ccd.write(output_filename, clobber=True)

                    end = time.time()
                    meantime.append(end - start)

                    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__  # Restart stdout printing

                    # Progressbar in case that we have not activated the no_interaction flag nor the advance
                    # verbose flag.
                    if not config_arguments.no_interaction and not config_arguments.verbose_flag_2:

                        if config_arguments.verbose_flag:
                            update_progress(float(contador + 1) / total_len,
                                            np.mean(meantime) * (total_len - (contador + 1)))

    return 0
Example #15
import ccdproc
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
import image_registration

read = ir_reduce.read_and_sort(glob.glob('../testdata/bad*.fits'),

processed = ir_reduce.tiled_process(read['J'].bad, read['J'].flat[0],
#processed = ir_reduce.standard_process(read['J'].bad, read['J'].flat[0], read['J'].images)

skyscaled = ir_reduce.skyscale(processed, 'subtract')

interpolated = [
    ir_reduce.interpolate(image, dofixpix=True) for image in skyscaled

wcs = interpolated[0].wcs
reprojected = [ccdproc.wcs_project(img, wcs) for img in interpolated]
combined = ccdproc.Combiner(reprojected).median_combine()
# first_hdu = output_image.to_hdu()[0]
# scamp_input = CCDData(first_hdu.data, header=first_hdu.header, unit=first_hdu.header['bunit'])
# scamp_input = CCDData(first_hdu.data, header=first_hdu.header, unit=first_hdu.header['bunit'])

combined.wcs = wcs
combined.write('foo.fits', overwrite=True)