def na_back_pipeline(directory=None, glob_include='Jupiter*', calibration=None, photometry=None, n_back_boxes=N_BACK_BOXES, num_processes=None, outdir=None, create_outdir=True, **kwargs): outdir = outdir or reduced_dir(directory, create=False) collection = ImageFileCollection(directory, glob_include=glob_include) if collection is None: return [] summary_table = collection.summary #print(summary_table['raoff']) try: raoffs = collection.values('raoff', unique=True) decoffs = collection.values('decoff', unique=True) except Exception as e: log.error(f'Problem with RAOFF/DECOFF in {directory}: {e}') return [] f_pairs = [] for raoff in raoffs: for decoff in decoffs: try: subc = collection.filter(raoff=raoff, decoff=decoff) except: log.debug(f'No match for RAOFF = {raoff} DECOFF = {decoff}') continue fp = closest_in_time(subc, ('Na_on', 'Na_off'), valid_long_exposure, directory=directory) f_pairs.extend(fp) if len(f_pairs) == 0: log.warning(f'No matching set of Na background files found ' f'in {directory}') return [] if calibration is None: calibration = Calibration(reduce=True) if photometry is None: photometry = Photometry(precalc=True, n_back_boxes=n_back_boxes, **kwargs) # Eventually put back in cmp = CorMultiPipe(auto=True, calibration=calibration, photometry=photometry, create_outdir=create_outdir, post_process_list=[ multi_filter_proc, combine_masks, na_back_process, no_outfile ], num_processes=num_processes, process_expand_factor=15, **kwargs) # but get ready to write to reduced directory if necessary #pout = cmp.pipeline([f_pairs[0]], outdir=outdir, overwrite=True) pout = cmp.pipeline(f_pairs, outdir=outdir, overwrite=True) pout, _ = prune_pout(pout, f_pairs) return pout
def process_fits(fitspath, *, obstype=None, object=None, exposure_times=None, percentile=None, percentile_min=None, percentile_max=None, window=None, darks=None, cosmic_ray=False, cosmic_ray_kwargs={}, gain=None, readnoise=None, normalise=False,, combine_type=None, sigma_clip=False, low_thresh=3, high_thresh=3): """Combine all FITS images of a given type and exposure time from a given directory. Parameters ---------- fitspath: str Path to the FITS images to process. Can be a path to a single file, or a path to a directory. If the latter the directory will be searched for FITS files and checked against criteria from obstype, object, exposure_times critera. obstype: str, optional Observation type, an 'OBSTYPE' FITS header value e.g. 'DARK', 'OBJ'. If given only files with matching OBSTYPE will be processed. object: str, optional Object name, i.e. 'OBJECT' FITS header value. If given only files with matching OBJECT will be processed. exposure_times: float or sequence, optional Exposure time(s), i.e 'TOTALEXP' FITS header value(s). If given only files with matching TOTALEXP will be processed. percentile: float, optional If given will only images whose percentile value fall between percentile_min and percentile_max will be processed, e.g. set to 50.0 to select images by median value, set to 99.5 to select images by their 99.5th percentile value. percentile_min: float, optional Minimum percentile value. percentile_max: float, optional Maximum percentil value. window: (int, int, int, int), optional If given will trim images to the window defined as (x0, y0, x1, y1), where (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) are the coordinates of the bottom left and top right corners. darks: str or sequence, optional Filename(s) of dark frame(s) to subtract from the image(s). If given a dark frame with matching TOTALEXP will be subtracted from each image during processing. cosmic_ray: bool, optional Whether to perform single image cosmic ray removal, using the lacosmic algorithm, default False. Requires both gain and readnoise to be set. cosmic_ray_kwargs: dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic function. gain: str or astropy.units.Quantity, optional Either a string indicating the FITS keyword corresponding to the (inverse gain), or a Quantity containing the gain value to use. If both gain and read noise are given an uncertainty frame will be created. readnoise: str or astropy.units.Quantity, optional Either a string indicating the FITS keyword corresponding to read noise, or a Quantity containing the read noise value to use. If both read noise and gain are given then an uncertainty frame will be created. normalise: bool, optional If True each image will be normalised. Default False. normalise_func: callable, optional Function to use for normalisation. Each image will be divided by normalise_func(image). Default combine_type: str, optional Type of image combination to use, 'MEAN' or 'MEDIAN'. If None the individual images will be processed but not combined and the return value will be a list of CCDData objects. Default None. sigma_clip: bool, optional If True will perform sigma clipping on the image stack before combining, default=False. low_thresh: float, optional Lower threshold to use for sigma clipping, in standard deviations. Default is 3.0. high_thresh: float, optional Upper threshold to use for sigma clipping, in standard deviations. Default is 3.0. Returns ------- master: ccdproc.CCDData Combined image. """ if exposure_times: try: # Should work for any sequence or iterable type exposure_times = set(exposure_times) except TypeError: # Not a sequence or iterable, try using as a single value. exposure_times = { float(exposure_times), } if darks: try: dark_filenames = set(darks) except TypeError: dark_filenames = { darks, } dark_dict = {} for filename in dark_filenames: try: dark_data = except ValueError: # Might be no units in FITS header. Assume ADU. dark_data =, unit='adu') dark_dict[dark_data.header['totalexp']] = dark_data if combine_type and combine_type not in ('MEAN', 'MEDIAN'): raise ValueError( "combine_type must be 'MEAN' or 'MEDIAN', got '{}''".format( combine_type)) fitspath = Path(fitspath) if fitspath.is_file(): # FITS path points to a single file, turn into a list. filenames = [ fitspath, ] elif fitspath.is_dir(): # FITS path is a directory. Find FITS file and collect values of selected FITS headers ifc = ImageFileCollection(fitspath, keywords='*') if len(ifc.files) == 0: raise RuntimeError("No FITS files found in {}".format(fitspath)) # Filter by observation type. if obstype: try: ifc = ifc.filter(obstype=obstype) except FileNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError( "No FITS files with OBSTYPE={}.".format(obstype)) # Filter by object name. if object: try: ifc = ifc.filter(object=object) except FileNotFoundError: raise RuntimeError( "No FITS files with OBJECT={}.".format(object)) filenames = [ Path(ifc.location).joinpath(filename) for filename in ifc.files ] else: raise ValueError( "fitspath '{}' is not an accessible file or directory.".format( fitspath)) # Load image(s) and process them. images = [] for filename in filenames: try: ccddata = except ValueError: # Might be no units in FITS header. Assume ADU. ccddata =, unit='adu') # Filtering by exposure times here because it's hard filter ImageFileCollection # with an indeterminate number of possible values. if not exposure_times or ccddata.header['totalexp'] in exposure_times: if window: ccddata = ccdproc.trim_image(ccddata[window[1]:window[3] + 1, window[0]:window[2] + 1]) if percentile: # Check percentile value is within specified range, otherwise skip to next image. percentile_value = np.percentile(, percentile) if percentile_value < percentile_min or percentile_value > percentile_max: continue if darks: try: ccddata = ccdproc.subtract_dark( ccddata, dark_dict[ccddata.header['totalexp']], exposure_time='totalexp', exposure_unit=u.second) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "No dark with matching totalexp for {}.".format( filename)) if gain: if isinstance(gain, str): egain = ccddata.header[gain] egain = egain * u.electron / u.adu elif isinstance(gain, u.Quantity): try: egain = / u.adu) except u.UnitsError: egain = (1 / gain).to(u.electron / u.adu) else: raise ValueError( f"gain must be a string or Quantity, got {gain}.") if readnoise: if isinstance(readnoise, str): rn = ccddata.header[readnoise] rn = rn * u.electron elif isinstance(readnoise, u.Quantity): try: rn = / u.pixel) except u.UnitsError: rn = (readnoise * u.pixel).to(u.electron) else: raise ValueError( f"readnoise must be a string or Quantity, got {readnoise}." ) if gain and readnoise: ccddata = ccdproc.create_deviation(ccddata, gain=egain, readnoise=rn, disregard_nan=True) if gain: ccddata = ccdproc.gain_correct(ccddata, gain=egain) if cosmic_ray: if not gain and readnoise: raise ValueError( "Cosmic ray removal required both gain & readnoise.") ccddata = ccdproc.cosmicray_lacosmic( ccddata, gain=1.0, # ccddata already gain corrected readnoise=rn, **cosmic_ray_kwargs) if normalise: ccddata = ccddata.divide(normalise_func( images.append(ccddata) n_images = len(images) if n_images == 0: msg = "No FITS files match exposure time criteria" raise RuntimeError(msg) if n_images == 1 and combine_type: warn( "Combine type '{}' selected but only 1 matching image, skipping image combination.'" ) combine_type = None if combine_type: combiner = Combiner(images) # Sigma clip data if sigma_clip: if combine_type == 'MEAN': central_func = else: # If not MEAN has to be MEDIAN, checked earlier that it was one or the other. central_func = combiner.sigma_clipping(low_thresh=low_thresh, high_thresh=high_thresh, func=central_func) # Stack images. if combine_type == 'MEAN': master = combiner.average_combine() else: master = combiner.median_combine() # Populate header of combined image with metadata about the processing. master.header['fitspath'] = str(fitspath) if obstype: master.header['obstype'] = obstype if exposure_times: if len(exposure_times) == 1: master.header['totalexp'] = float(exposure_times.pop()) else: master.header['totalexp'] = tuple(exposure_times) master.header['nimages'] = n_images master.header['combtype'] = combine_type master.header['sigclip'] = sigma_clip if sigma_clip: master.header['lowclip'] = low_thresh master.header['highclip'] = high_thresh else: # No image combination, just processing indivudal image(s) if n_images == 1: master = images[0] else: master = images return master