def plot_aminoacid_distribution(alignment_file, aln_format, plot_file): protein = os.path.basename(alignment_file).split(".")[0] #read alignment try: alignment = io.read_msa(alignment_file, aln_format) except OSError as e: print("Problems reading alignment file {0}: {1}!".format(alignment_file, e)) sys.exit(0) N = alignment.shape[0] L = alignment.shape[1] diversity = np.sqrt(N) / L # compute sequence weights weights = ccmpred.weighting.weights_simple(alignment, 0.8, False) # compute frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(alignment, weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( 'uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False ) #plot plot.plot_alignment( pseudocounts.counts[0], "Amino Acid Distribution in Alignment for {0} (N={1}, L={2}, diversity={3})".format( protein, N, L, np.round(diversity, decimals=3)), plot_file )
def evaluate(self, x, persistent=False): #setup sequences for sampling self.msa_sampled, self.msa_sampled_weights = self.init_sample_alignment(persistent) #Gibbs Sampling of sequences (each position of each sequence will be sampled this often: GIBBS_STEPS) self.msa_sampled = ccmpred.sampling.gibbs_sample_sequences(x, self.msa_sampled, self.gibbs_steps) if persistent: self.msa_persistent[self.sample_seq_id] = self.msa_sampled # compute amino acid frequencies from sampled alignment # add pseudocounts for stability pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(self.msa_sampled, self.msa_sampled_weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( self.pseudocount_type, self.pseudocount_n_single, self.pseudocount_n_pair, remove_gaps=False) #compute frequencies excluding gap counts sampled_freq_single = pseudocounts.degap(pseudocounts.freqs[0], True) sampled_freq_pair = pseudocounts.degap(pseudocounts.freqs[1], True) #compute counts and scale them accordingly to size of original MSA sample_counts_single = sampled_freq_single * self.Ni[:, np.newaxis] sample_counts_pair = sampled_freq_pair * self.Nij[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] #actually compute the gradients g_single = sample_counts_single - self.msa_counts_single g_pair = sample_counts_pair - self.msa_counts_pair #sanity check if(np.abs(np.sum(sample_counts_single[1,:20]) - np.sum(self.msa_counts_single[1,:20])) > 1e-5): print("Warning: sample aa counts ({0}) do not equal input msa aa counts ({1})!".format( np.sum(sample_counts_single[1,:20]), np.sum(self.msa_counts_single[1,:20])) ) # set gradients for gap states to 0 g_single[:, 20] = 0 g_pair[:, :, :, 20] = 0 g_pair[:, :, 20, :] = 0 # set diagonal elements to 0 for i in range(self.ncol): g_pair[i, i, :, :] = 0 #compute regularization x_single, x_pair = self.linear_to_structured(x) #x_single has dim L x 20 _, g_single_reg, g_pair_reg = self.regularization(x_single, x_pair) #g_single_reg has dim L x 20 #gradient for x_single only L x 20 g = self.structured_to_linear(g_single[:, :20], g_pair) g_reg = self.structured_to_linear(g_single_reg[:, :20], g_pair_reg) return -1, g, g_reg
def plot_percentage_gaps_per_position(alignment, plot_file=None): N = float(len(alignment)) L = len(alignment[0]) weighting = SequenceWeights(False, 0.8) weights = weighting.weights_simple(alignment) #compute counts and frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(alignment, weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( 'uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False ) #compute percentage of gaps gaps = pseudocounts.counts[0][:, 20] / pseudocounts.counts[0].sum(1) #normalized entropy entropy_per_position = scipy.stats.entropy(pseudocounts.counts[0].transpose(),base=2) entropy_per_position /= np.max(entropy_per_position) #create plot data = [] data.append( go.Scatter( x=[x for x in range(1,L+1)], y=gaps, name = "percentage of gaps", mode="Lines", line=dict(width=3) ) ) data.append( go.Scatter( x=[x for x in range(1,L+1)], y=entropy_per_position, name = "relative Entropy", mode="Lines", line=dict(width=3) ) ) layout = { 'title':"Percentage of gaps and Entropy in alignment <br> N="+str(N) + ", L="+str(L), 'xaxis':{'title':"Alignment Position"}, 'yaxis':{'title':"Percentage of Gaps/Entropy"}, 'font':{'size':18} } plot = {'data': data, 'layout': layout} if plot_file is None: return plot else: plotly_plot(plot, filename=plot_file, auto_open=False)
def compute_frequencies(self, pseudocount_type, pseudocount_n_single=1, pseudocount_n_pair=1): self.pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(self.msa, self.weights) self.pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( pseudocount_type, pseudocount_n_single, pseudocount_n_pair, remove_gaps=False ) print("Calculating AA Frequencies with {0} percent pseudocounts ({1} {2} {3})".format( np.round(self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_ratio_single, decimals=5), self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_type, self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_n_single, self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_n_pair) )
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plotting a contact map.') group_append = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group_append.add_argument('-m', '--mat-file', dest='mat_file', type=str, help='path to mat file') group_append.add_argument('-b', '--braw-file', dest='braw_file', type=str,help='path to binary raw coupling file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--plot-out', dest='plot_out', type=str, help='Output directory for plot') parser.add_argument('--seq-sep', dest='seqsep', type=int, default=6, help='Minimal sequence separation') parser.add_argument('--contact-threshold', dest='contact_threshold', type=int, default=8, help='Contact definition as maximal C_beta distance between residue pairs.') parser.add_argument('--pdb-file', dest='pdb_file', type=str, help='Optional PDB file (renumbered starting from 1) for distance matrix.') parser.add_argument('--alignment-file', dest='alignment_file', type=str, help='Optional alignment file for gap percentage and entropy subplot.') parser.add_argument("--aln-format", dest="aln_format", default="psicov", help="File format for MSAs [default: \"%(default)s\"]") parser.add_argument("--apc", action="store_true", default=False, help="Apply average product correction") parser.add_argument("--entropy-correction", dest='entropy_correction', action="store_true", default=False, help="Apply entropy correction") args = parser.parse_args() if args.mat_file is None and args.braw_file is None: print("Either mat_file or braw_file need to be set.") mat_file = args.mat_file braw_file = args.braw_file alignment_file = args.alignment_file aln_format = args.aln_format pdb_file = args.pdb_file plot_out = args.plot_out seqsep = args.seqsep contact_threshold = args.contact_threshold apc = args.apc entropy_correction = args.entropy_correction alignment=None if alignment_file is not None: alignment = read_msa(alignment_file, aln_format) #compute sequence weights weighting = SequenceWeights(False, 0.8) weights = weighting.weights_simple(alignment) #compute frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(alignment, weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( 'uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False ) if braw_file is not None: braw = raw.parse_msgpack(braw_file) meta_info = braw.meta #compute frobenius score from couplings mat = io.frobenius_score(braw.x_pair) if entropy_correction: if alignment is None: print("Alignment file is necessary to compute entropy correction!") else: scaling_factor_eta, mat = io.compute_local_correction( pseudocounts.freqs[0], braw.x_pair, meta_info['workflow'][0]['msafile']['neff'], meta_info['workflow'][0]['regularization']['lambda_pair'], mat, squared=False, entropy=True ) elif apc: mat = io.apc(mat) if mat_file is not None: mat, meta_info = io.read_matrix(mat_file) if entropy_correction: print("Binary Raw file is necessary to compute entropy correction!") elif apc: mat = io.apc(mat) plot_file = plot_out + "/contact_map_seqsep{0}_contacthr{1}.html".format(seqsep, contact_threshold) plot_contact_map(mat, seqsep, contact_threshold, plot_file, "", alignment=alignment, pdb_file=pdb_file)
class CCMpred(): """ CCMpred is a fast python implementation of the maximum pseudo-likelihood class of contact prediction methods. From an alignment given as alnfile, it will maximize the likelihood of the pseudo-likelihood of a Potts model with 21 states for amino acids and gaps. The L2 norms of the pairwise coupling potentials will be written to the output matfile. """ def __init__(self): self.alignment_file = None self.mat_file = None self.pdb_file = None self.init_raw_file = None self.protein = None self.contact_threshold = 8 self.non_contact_indices = None self.msa = None self.gapped_positions = None self.max_gap_pos = 100 self.max_gap_seq = 100 self.N = None self.L = None self.neff = None self.neff_entropy = None self.diversity = None #sequence weighting self.weighting_type = None self.weights = None self.wt_cutoff = None #counts and frequencies in class ccmpred.pseudocounts.PseudoCounts self.pseudocounts = None #regularization and parameter initialisation self.regularization = None self.reg_type = None self.reg_scaling = None self.single_prior = None self.single_potential_init = None self.pair_potential_init = None #variables self.x_single = None self.x_pair = None self.g_x_single = None self.g_x_pair = None #objective function (pLL, CD, PCD) self.f = None #optimization algorithm (CG, LBFGS, GD, ADAM) self.alg = None #optimization progress logger self.progress = None #results of optimization self.fx = None self.x = None self.algret = None self.mats = {} self.meta = {} #write files self.sample_alnfile = None self.out_binary_raw_file = None def __repr__(self): def walk_dict(d, depth=24, repr_str=""): for k, v in d.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, list): for item in v: if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, dict): repr_str += walk_dict(item, depth, "") else: repr_str += "{0:>{1}}: {2:>8}\n".format( k, depth, v) elif isinstance(v, dict): repr_str += "\n{0:>{1}}\n".format(k, depth) repr_str += walk_dict(v, depth, "") else: repr_str += "{0:>{1}}: {2:>8}\n".format(k, depth, v) return repr_str repr_str = walk_dict(self.create_meta_data()) return repr_str def create_meta_data(self, mat_name=None): meta = {} meta['version'] = __version__ meta['method'] = 'CCMpredPy' meta['workflow'] = [] meta['workflow'].append({}) meta['workflow'][0]['timestamp'] = str( meta['workflow'][0]['msafile'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['msafile']['neff'] = self.neff meta['workflow'][0]['msafile']['nrow'] = self.N meta['workflow'][0]['msafile']['ncol'] = self.L meta['workflow'][0]['msafile']['file'] = self.alignment_file meta['workflow'][0]['msafile']['max_gap_pos'] = self.max_gap_pos meta['workflow'][0]['msafile']['max_gap_seq'] = self.max_gap_seq meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'][ 'pseudocount_type'] = self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_type meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'][ 'pseudocount_n_single'] = self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_n_single meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'][ 'pseudocount_n_pair'] = self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_n_pair meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'][ 'remove_gaps'] = self.pseudocounts.remove_gaps meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'][ 'pseudocount_ratio_single'] = self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_ratio_single meta['workflow'][0]['pseudocounts'][ 'pseudocount_ratio_pair'] = self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_ratio_pair meta['workflow'][0]['weighting'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['weighting']['type'] = self.weighting_type meta['workflow'][0]['weighting']['cutoff'] = self.wt_cutoff if mat_name is not None: meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map']['correction'] = self.mats[ mat_name]['correction'] meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map']['score'] = self.mats[mat_name][ 'score'] meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map']['matfile'] = self.mats[ mat_name]['mat_file'] if 'scaling_factor' in self.mats[mat_name].keys(): meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map'][ 'scaling_factor'] = self.mats[mat_name]['scaling_factor'] if 'nr_states' in self.mats[mat_name].keys(): meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map']['nr_states'] = self.mats[ mat_name]['nr_states'] if 'log' in self.mats[mat_name].keys(): meta['workflow'][0]['contact_map']['log'] = self.mats[ mat_name]['log'] meta['workflow'][0]['results'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['results']['opt_code'] = 0 #default meta['workflow'][0]['initialisation'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['initialisation'][ 'single_potential_init'] = self.single_potential_init meta['workflow'][0]['initialisation'][ 'pair_potential_init'] = self.pair_potential_init meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'][ 'regularization_type'] = self.reg_type meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'][ 'regularization_scaling'] = self.reg_scaling meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'][ 'single_prior'] = self.single_prior if self.regularization is not None: meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'][ 'lambda_single'] = self.regularization.lambda_single meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'][ 'lambda_pair'] = self.regularization.lambda_pair meta['workflow'][0]['regularization'][ 'lambda_pair_factor'] = self.regularization.lambda_pair_factor if self.alg is not None: meta['workflow'][0]['optimization'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['optimization'][ 'method'] = self.alg.__class__.__name__ meta['workflow'][0]['optimization'].update( self.alg.get_parameters()) meta['workflow'][0]['progress'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['progress'][ 'plotfile'] = self.alg.progress.plotfile meta['workflow'][0]['results']['opt_message'] = self.algret[ 'message'] meta['workflow'][0]['results']['opt_code'] = self.algret['code'] meta['workflow'][0]['results']['num_iterations'] = self.algret[ 'num_iterations'] meta['workflow'][0]['results']['runtime'] = self.algret['runtime'] meta['workflow'][0]['results']['fx_final'] = self.fx if self.f is not None: meta['workflow'][0]['obj_function'] = {} meta['workflow'][0]['obj_function'][ 'name'] = self.f.__class__.__name__ meta['workflow'][0]['obj_function'].update(self.f.get_parameters()) if self.sample_alnfile: meta['workflow'][0]['results'][ 'sample_alignment_file'] = self.sample_alnfile if self.out_binary_raw_file: meta['workflow'][0]['results'][ 'out_binary_raw_file'] = self.out_binary_raw_file return meta def set_alignment_file(self, alnfile=None): if alnfile is not None: if os.path.exists(alnfile): self.alignment_file = alnfile else: print("Alignment file {0} does not exist!".format(alnfile)) sys.exit(0) self.protein = os.path.basename(alnfile).split(".")[0] def set_matfile(self, matfile=None): if matfile is not None: self.mat_file = matfile def set_pdb_file(self, pdbfile=None): if pdbfile is not None: if os.path.exists(pdbfile): self.pdb_file = pdbfile else: print("PDB file {0} does not exist!".format(pdbfile)) sys.exit(0) def set_initraw_file(self, initrawfile=None): if initrawfile is not None: if os.path.exists(initrawfile): self.init_raw_file = initrawfile else: print("Binary raw coupling file {0} does not exist!".format( initrawfile)) sys.exit(0) def read_alignment(self, aln_format="psicov", max_gap_pos=100, max_gap_seq=100): self.msa = io.read_msa(self.alignment_file, aln_format) if max_gap_seq < 100: self.msa = gaps.remove_gapped_sequences(self.msa, max_gap_seq) self.max_gap_seq = max_gap_seq if max_gap_pos < 100: self.msa, self.gapped_positions = gaps.remove_gapped_positions( self.msa, max_gap_pos) self.max_gap_pos = max_gap_pos self.N = self.msa.shape[0] self.L = self.msa.shape[1] self.diversity = np.sqrt(self.N) / self.L self.neff_entropy = ccmpred.weighting.get_HHsuite_neff(self.msa) print( "{0} is of length L={1} and there are {2} sequences in the alignment." .format(self.protein, self.L, self.N)) print( "Alignment has diversity [sqrt(N)/L]={0} and Neff(HHsuite-like)={1}." .format(np.round(self.diversity, decimals=3), np.round(self.neff_entropy, decimals=3))) def read_pdb(self, contact_threshold=8): self.contact_threshold = contact_threshold if self.max_gap_pos < 100: L = self.L + len(self.gapped_positions) distance_map = io.distance_map(self.pdb_file, L=L) indices = [i for i in range(L) if i not in self.gapped_positions] distance_map = distance_map[indices, :] distance_map = distance_map[:, indices] else: distance_map = io.distance_map(self.pdb_file, L=self.L) self.non_contact_indices = np.where(distance_map > contact_threshold) def compute_sequence_weights(self, weighting_type, cutoff=0.8): self.weights = ccmpred.weighting.WEIGHTING_TYPE[weighting_type]( self.msa, cutoff) self.weighting_type = weighting_type self.wt_cutoff = cutoff self.neff = np.sum(self.weights) print( "Number of effective sequences after {0} reweighting (id-threshold={1}): {2:g}." .format(weighting_type, cutoff, self.neff)) def compute_frequencies(self, pseudocount_type, pseudocount_n_single=1, pseudocount_n_pair=1): self.pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(self.msa, self.weights) self.pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies(pseudocount_type, pseudocount_n_single, pseudocount_n_pair, remove_gaps=False) print( "Calculating AA Frequencies with {0} percent pseudocounts ({1} {2} {3})" .format( np.round(self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_ratio_single, decimals=5), self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_type, self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_n_single, self.pseudocounts.pseudocount_n_pair)) def compute_omes(self, omes_fodoraldrich=False): """ Compute OMES score (chi-square statistic) according to Kass and Horovitz 2002 :param omes_fodoraldrich: modified version according to Fodor & Aldrich 2004 :return: """ mat_path, mat_name = os.path.split(self.mat_file) if omes_fodoraldrich: print( "Will compute Observed Minus Expected Squared (OMES) Covariance score (acc to Fodor & Aldrich)." ) self.mats["omes_fodoraldrich"] = { 'mat': locmeth.compute_omes_freq(self.pseudocounts.counts, self.pseudocounts.freqs, True), 'mat_file': mat_path + "/" + ".".join(mat_name.split(".")[:-1]) + ".omes_fa." + mat_name.split(".")[-1], 'score': "omes_fodoraldrich", 'correction': "no" } else: print( "Will compute Observed Minus Expected Squared (OMES) Covariance score (acc to Kass & Horovitz)." ) self.mats["omes"] = { 'mat': locmeth.compute_omes_freq(self.pseudocounts.counts, self.pseudocounts.freqs, False), 'mat_file': mat_path + "/" + ".".join(mat_name.split(".")[:-1]) + ".omes." + mat_name.split(".")[-1], 'score': "omes", 'correction': "no" } def compute_mutual_info(self, mi_normalized=False, mi_pseudocounts=False): """ Compute mutual information and variations thereof :param mi_normalized: compute the normalized mutual information :param mi_pseudocounts: compute mutual information using pseudo counts :return: """ mat_path, mat_name = os.path.split(self.mat_file) if mi_pseudocounts: print("\nComputing mutual information score with pseudocounts") self.mats["mutual information (pseudo counts)"] = { 'mat': locmeth.compute_mi_pseudocounts(self.pseudocounts.freqs), 'mat_file': mat_path + "/" + ".".join(mat_name.split(".")[:-1]) + ".mi_pc." + mat_name.split(".")[-1], 'score': "mutual information with pseudo counts", 'correction': "no" } if mi_normalized: print("\nComputing normalized mutual information score") self.mats["normalized mutual information"] = { 'mat': locmeth.compute_mi(self.pseudocounts.counts, normalized=True), 'mat_file': mat_path + "/" + ".".join(mat_name.split(".")[:-1]) + ".nmi." + mat_name.split(".")[-1], 'score': "normalized mutual information", 'correction': "no" } print("\nComputing mutual information score") self.mats["mutual information"] = { 'mat': locmeth.compute_mi(self.pseudocounts.counts), 'mat_file': mat_path + "/" + ".".join(mat_name.split(".")[:-1]) + ".mi." + mat_name.split(".")[-1], 'score': "mutual information", 'correction': "no" } def specify_regularization(self, lambda_single, lambda_pair_factor, reg_type="L2", scaling="L", single_prior="v-center"): """ use L2 regularization for single potentials and pair potentials :param lambda_single: regularization coefficient for single potentials :param lambda_pair_factor: regularization factor for pair potentials (scaled by reg-type) :param reg_type: defines location of regularizer for single potentials :param scaling: multiplier to define regularization coefficient for pair potentials :return: """ #save setting for meta data self.reg_type = reg_type self.reg_scaling = scaling self.single_prior = scaling if single_prior == "v-center": prior_v_mu = centering.center_v(self.pseudocounts.freqs) else: prior_v_mu = centering.center_zero(self.pseudocounts.freqs) if scaling == "L": multiplier = self.L - 1 else: multiplier = 1 if reg_type == "L2": self.regularization = L2(lambda_single, lambda_pair_factor, multiplier, prior_v_mu) else: self.regularization = L1(lambda_single, lambda_pair_factor, multiplier, prior_v_mu) print(self.regularization) def intialise_potentials(self): if self.init_raw_file is not None: try: raw_potentials = raw.parse_msgpack(self.init_raw_file) except: print("Unexpected error whil reading binary raw file {0}: {1}". format(self.init_raw_file, sys.exc_info()[0])) sys.exit(0) print("\nSuccessfully loaded model parameters from {0}.".format( self.init_raw_file)) self.x_single, self.x_pair = raw_potentials.x_single, raw_potentials.x_pair #in case positions with many gaps should be removed if self.gapped_positions is not None: indices = [ i for i in range(raw_potentials.ncol) if i not in self.gapped_positions ] self.x_single = self.x_single[indices, :] self.x_pair = self.x_pair[indices, :, :, :] self.x_pair = self.x_pair[:, indices, :, :] print( "Removed parameters for positions with >{0}% gaps.".format( self.max_gap_pos)) #save setting for meta data self.single_potential_init = self.init_raw_file self.pair_potential_init = self.init_raw_file else: # default initialisation of parameters: # initialise single potentials from regularization prior self.x_single = self.regularization.center_x_single # initialise pair potnetials at zero self.x_pair = np.zeros((self.L, self.L, 21, 21)) # save settting for meta data self.single_potential_init = self.reg_type self.pair_potential_init = "zero" def initiate_logging(self, plot_file=None): # setup progress logging self.progress = pr.Progress() if plot_file is not None: plot_title = "L={0} N={1} Neff={2} Diversity={3}<br>".format( self.L, self.N, np.round(self.neff, decimals=3), np.round(self.diversity, decimals=3)) self.progress.set_plot_title(plot_title) if plot_file.split(".")[-1] != "html": plot_file += ".html" print("Plot with optimization statistics will be written to {0}". format(plot_file)) self.progress.set_plot_file(plot_file) def minimize(self, opt, plotfile=None): OBJ_FUNC = { "pll": lambda opt: pll. PseudoLikelihood(self.msa, self.weights, self.regularization, self. pseudocounts, self.x_single, self.x_pair), "cd": lambda opt: cd.ContrastiveDivergence( self.msa, self.weights, self.regularization, self.pseudocounts, self.x_single, self.x_pair, gibbs_steps=opt.cd_gibbs_steps, nr_seq_sample=opt.nr_seq_sample, persistent=opt.cd_persistent) } ALGORITHMS = { "pll": lambda opt: lbfgs.LBFGS(self.progress, maxit=opt.maxit, ftol=opt.ftol, max_linesearch=opt.max_linesearch, maxcor=opt.max_cor, non_contact_indices=self. non_contact_indices), "cd": lambda opt: gd.gradientDescent( self.progress, self.neff, maxit=opt.maxit, alpha0=opt.alpha0, decay=opt.decay, decay_start=opt.decay_start, decay_rate=opt.decay_rate, decay_type=opt.decay_type, epsilon=opt.epsilon, convergence_prev=opt.convergence_prev, early_stopping=opt.early_stopping, non_contact_indices=self.non_contact_indices, ) } #initialize objective function self.f = OBJ_FUNC[opt.objfun](opt) #initialise optimizer self.alg = ALGORITHMS[opt.objfun](opt) print("\nWill optimize {0} {1} variables wrt {2} \nand {3}".format( self.f.x.size, self.f.x.dtype, self.f, self.regularization)) print("Optimizer: {0}".format(self.alg)) if plotfile: print("The optimization log file will be written to {0}".format( plotfile)) start = self.fx, self.x, self.algret = self.alg.minimize(self.f, self.f.x) self.algret['runtime'] = ( - start).total_seconds() / 60 self.x_single, self.x_pair = self.f.finalize(self.x) condition = "Finished" if self.algret['code'] >= 0 else "Exited" print("\n{0} with code {code} -- {message}\n".format( condition, **self.algret)) def recenter_potentials(self): """ Enforce Gauge: - 0 = sum_a,b w_ij(a,b) - 0 = sum_a v_i(a) :return: """ #perform checks on potentials: do v_i and w_ij sum to 0? check_x_single = sanity_check.check_single_potentials(self.x_single, verbose=1, epsilon=1e-2) check_x_pair = sanity_check.check_pair_potentials(self.x_pair, verbose=1, epsilon=1e-2) #enforce sum(wij)=0 and sum(v_i)=0 if not check_x_single or not check_x_pair: print( "Enforce sum(v_i)=0 and sum(w_ij)=0 by centering potentials at zero." ) self.x_single, self.x_pair = sanity_check.centering_potentials( self.x_single, self.x_pair) def compute_contact_matrix(self, recenter_potentials=False, frob=True): """ Compute contact scores and save in dictionary self.mats :param recenter_potentials: Ensure sum(v_i)=0 and sum(w_ij)=0 :param frob: compute frobenius norm of couplings :return: """ if recenter_potentials: self.recenter_potentials() if frob: print("\nCompute contact map using frobenius norm of couplings.\n") self.mats["frobenius"] = { 'mat': io.contactmatrix.frobenius_score(self.x_pair), 'mat_file': self.mat_file, 'score': "frobenius", 'correction': "no correction" } def compute_correction(self, apc_file=None, entropy_correction_file=None): """ Compute bias correction for raw contact maps :param apc: apply average product correction :param entropy_correction: apply entropy correction :param joint_entropy: use joint entropy instead of geometric mean of marginal entropies :param sergeys_jec: scale couplings with a joint entropy correction :return: """ #iterate over all raw contact matrices for score_mat in list(self.mats.keys()): mat_dict = self.mats[score_mat] score = mat_dict['score'] score_matrix = mat_dict['mat'] if apc_file is not None: self.mats[score_mat + "-apc"] = { 'mat': io.contactmatrix.apc(score_matrix), 'mat_file': apc_file, 'score': score, 'correction': "apc" } if entropy_correction_file is not None and score == "frobenius": nr_states = 20 log = np.log2 # use amino acid frequencies including gap states and with pseudo-counts single_freq = self.pseudocounts.freqs[0] scaling_factor, mat_corrected = io.contactmatrix.compute_local_correction( single_freq, self.x_pair, self.neff, self.regularization.lambda_pair, squared=False, entropy=True, nr_states=nr_states, log=log) self.mats[score_mat + "-ec." + str(nr_states) + "." + str(log.__name__)] = { 'mat': mat_corrected, 'mat_file': entropy_correction_file, 'score': score, 'correction': "entropy_correction", 'scaling_factor': scaling_factor, 'nr_states': nr_states, 'log': log.__name__ } def write_matrix(self): """ Write (corrected) contact maps to text file including meta data :return: """ print("\nWriting contact matrices to: ") for mat_name, mat_dict in self.mats.items(): mat = mat_dict['mat'] if self.max_gap_pos < 100: mat = gaps.backinsert_gapped_positions_mat( mat, self.gapped_positions) self.L = mat.shape[0] meta = self.create_meta_data(mat_name) io.contactmatrix.write_matrix(mat_dict['mat_file'], mat, meta) print("\t" + mat_dict['mat_file']) def write_binary_raw(self, out_binary_raw_file): """ Write single and pair potentials including meta data to msgpack-formatted binary raw file :param out_binary_raw_file: path to out file :return: """ if self.max_gap_pos < 100: self.x_single, self.x_pair = gaps.backinsert_gapped_positions( self.x_single, self.x_pair, self.gapped_positions) self.L = self.x_single.shape[0] self.out_binary_raw_file = out_binary_raw_file meta = self.create_meta_data() raw_out = raw.CCMRaw(self.L, self.x_single[:, :20], self.x_pair[:, :, :21, :21], meta) print("\nWriting msgpack-formatted potentials to {0}".format( out_binary_raw_file)) raw.write_msgpack(out_binary_raw_file, raw_out)
def plot_alignment_statistics(alignment_file, sample_aln_file, aln_format, max_gap_pos, plot_file): #read alignment try: alignment = io.read_msa(alignment_file, aln_format) except OSError as e: print("Problems reading alignment file {0}: {1}!".format(alignment_file, e)) sys.exit(0) try: sampled_alignment = io.read_msa(sample_aln_file, aln_format) except OSError as e: print("Problems reading alignment file {0}: {1}!".format(sample_aln_file, e)) sys.exit(0) #Remove positions with > MAX_GAP_POS % gaps if max_gap_pos < 100: alignment, gapped_positions = gaps.remove_gapped_positions(alignment, max_gap_pos) non_gapped_positions = [i for i in range(sampled_alignment.shape[1]) if i not in gapped_positions] sampled_alignment = np.ascontiguousarray(sampled_alignment[:, non_gapped_positions]) # compute sequence weights for observed sequences weights = ccmpred.weighting.weights_simple(alignment, 0.8) # compute observed amino acid frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(alignment, weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( 'uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False ) single_freq_observed, pairwise_freq_observed = pseudocounts.freqs # compute sequence weights for sampled sequences (usually all sampled sequences obtain weight = 1 ) weights_sampled = ccmpred.weighting.weights_simple(sampled_alignment, 0.8) # compute sampled amino acid frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(sampled_alignment, weights_sampled) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( 'uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False ) single_freq_sampled, pairwise_freq_sampled = pseudocounts.freqs # degap the frequencies (ignore gap frequencies) single_freq_observed = pseudocounts.degap(single_freq_observed, False) single_freq_sampled = pseudocounts.degap(single_freq_sampled, False) pairwise_freq_observed = pseudocounts.degap(pairwise_freq_observed, False) pairwise_freq_sampled = pseudocounts.degap(pairwise_freq_sampled, False) # plot plot.plot_empirical_vs_model_statistics( single_freq_observed, single_freq_sampled, pairwise_freq_observed, pairwise_freq_sampled, plot_file)
def plot_contact_map(alignment_file, aln_format, braw_file, mat_file, pdb_file, plot_file, entropy_correction, apc, seqsep, contact_threshold): pseudocounts = None mat = None gaps_percentage_plot = None protein = None if entropy_correction and (alignment_file is None or braw_file is None): print("Entropy correction requires specification of alignment file and binary raw couplign file!") sys.exit(1) if alignment_file is not None: protein = os.path.basename(alignment_file).split(".")[0] alignment = io.read_msa(alignment_file, aln_format) # compute sequence weights weights = ccmpred.weighting.weights_simple(alignment, 0.8) # compute frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(alignment, weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies( 'uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False ) gaps_percentage_plot = plot.plot_percentage_gaps_per_position(pseudocounts.counts[0], plot_file=None) if braw_file is not None: protein = os.path.basename(braw_file).split(".")[0] braw = raw.parse_msgpack(braw_file) meta_info = braw.meta # compute frobenius score from couplings mat = io_cm.frobenius_score(braw.x_pair) if entropy_correction: scaling_factor_eta, mat = io_cm.compute_local_correction( pseudocounts.freqs[0], braw.x_pair, meta_info['workflow'][0]['msafile']['neff'], meta_info['workflow'][0]['regularization']['lambda_pair'], mat, entropy=True ) elif apc: mat = io_cm.apc(mat) if mat_file is not None: protein = os.path.basename(mat_file).split(".")[0] mat, meta_info = io_cm.read_matrix(mat_file) if apc: mat = io_cm.apc(mat) L = len(mat) indices_upper_tri_i, indices_upper_tri_j = np.triu_indices(L, seqsep) plot_matrix = pd.DataFrame() plot_matrix['residue_i'] = indices_upper_tri_i + 1 plot_matrix['residue_j'] = indices_upper_tri_j + 1 plot_matrix['confidence'] = mat[indices_upper_tri_i, indices_upper_tri_j] if pdb_file is not None: # compute distance map from pdb file observed_distances = io.distance_map(pdb_file, L) plot_matrix['distance'] = observed_distances[indices_upper_tri_i, indices_upper_tri_j] plot_matrix['contact'] = ((plot_matrix.distance < contact_threshold) * 1).tolist() plot_title="Contact Map for protein {0}".format(protein) # Plot Contact Map plot.plot_contact_map_someScore_plotly(plot_matrix, plot_title, seqsep, gaps_percentage_plot, plot_file)
def plot_alignment_statistics(alignment_file, sample_aln_file, aln_format, plot_file): protein = os.path.basename(alignment_file).split(".")[0] #read alignment try: alignment = io.read_msa(alignment_file, aln_format) except OSError as e: print("Problems reading alignment file {0}: {1}!".format( alignment_file, e)) sys.exit(0) try: sampled_alignment = io.read_msa(sample_aln_file, aln_format) except OSError as e: print("Problems reading alignment file {0}: {1}!".format( sampled_alignment, e)) sys.exit(0) #get alignment statistics N_o = alignment.shape[0] N_s = sampled_alignment.shape[0] L = alignment.shape[1] div = np.round(np.sqrt(N_o) / L, decimals=3) ### alignment # compute sequence weights weights = ccmpred.weighting.weights_simple(alignment, 0.8, False) neff_weights_o = np.round(np.sum(weights), decimals=3) neff_entropy_o = np.round(ccmpred.weighting.get_HHsuite_neff(alignment), decimals=3) # compute frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(alignment, weights) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies('uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False) # get original amino acid frequencies single_freq_observed, pairwise_freq_observed = pseudocounts.freqs ### sampled alignment # compute sequence weights weights_sampled = ccmpred.weighting.weights_simple(sampled_alignment, 0.8, False) neff_weights_s = np.round(np.sum(weights_sampled), decimals=3) neff_entropy_s = np.round( ccmpred.weighting.get_HHsuite_neff(sampled_alignment), decimals=3) # compute frequencies pseudocounts = PseudoCounts(sampled_alignment, weights_sampled) pseudocounts.calculate_frequencies('uniform_pseudocounts', 1, 1, remove_gaps=False) # get amino acid frequencies single_freq_sampled, pairwise_freq_sampled = pseudocounts.freqs # degap the frequencies (ignore gap frequencies) single_freq_observed = pseudocounts.degap(single_freq_observed, False) single_freq_sampled = pseudocounts.degap(single_freq_sampled, False) pairwise_freq_observed = pseudocounts.degap(pairwise_freq_observed, False) pairwise_freq_sampled = pseudocounts.degap(pairwise_freq_sampled, False) # Define plot title title = "Observed and model alignment statistics for {0}".format(protein) title += "<br>original: N={0}, L={1}, div={2}, neff(weights)={3}, neff(entropy)={4}".format( N_o, L, div, neff_weights_o, neff_entropy_o) title += "<br>sampled: N={0}, L={1}, neff(weights)={2}, neff(entropy)={3}".format( N_s, L, neff_weights_s, neff_entropy_s) # plot plot.plot_empirical_vs_model_statistics(single_freq_observed, single_freq_sampled, pairwise_freq_observed, pairwise_freq_sampled, title, plot_file, log=False)