Example #1
    def test_FISTA_Denoising(self):
        print ("FISTA Denoising Poisson Noise Tikhonov")
        # adapted from demo FISTA_Tikhonov_Poisson_Denoising.py in CIL-Demos repository
        #loader = TestData(data_dir=os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share','ccpi'))
        loader = TestData()
        data = loader.load(TestData.SHAPES)
        ig = data.geometry
        ag = ig
        # Create Noisy data with Poisson noise
        scale = 5
        n1 = TestData.random_noise( data.as_array()/scale, mode = 'poisson', seed = 10)*scale
        noisy_data = ImageData(n1)

        # Regularisation Parameter
        alpha = 10

        # Setup and run the FISTA algorithm
        operator = Gradient(ig)
        fid = KullbackLeibler(b=noisy_data)
        reg = FunctionOperatorComposition(alpha * L2NormSquared(), operator)

        x_init = ig.allocate()
        fista = FISTA(x_init=x_init , f=reg, g=fid)
        fista.max_iteration = 3000
        fista.update_objective_interval = 500
        rmse = (fista.get_output() - data).norm() / data.as_array().size
        print ("RMSE", rmse)
        self.assertLess(rmse, 4.2e-4)
x_init = A3D.volume_geometry.allocate()

# Allocate space for the channel-wise reconstruction
fista_sol_TV_channel_wise = A3D_chan.volume_geometry.allocate()

for i in range(ag.channels):

    # Setup L2NormSquarred fidelity term, for each channel
    f = FunctionOperatorComposition(
        0.5 * L2NormSquared(b=data.subset(channel=i)), A3D)

    # Run FISTA
    fista = FISTA(x_init=x_init, f=f, g=g)
    fista.max_iteration = 100
    fista.update_objective_interval = 50
    fista.run(400, verbose=True, callback=show_data_3D)
    np.copyto(fista_sol_TV_channel_wise.array[i], fista.get_output().array)

#%% show reconstruction

show_4D_channel_slice(fista_sol_TV_channel_wise, 5,
                      'FISTA TV channel-wise reconstruction')
show_4D_channel_slice(fista_sol_TV_channel_wise, 10,
                      'FISTA TV channel-wise reconstruction')
show_4D_channel_slice(fista_sol_TV_channel_wise, 15,
                      'FISTA TV channel-wise reconstruction')

#%% Coupling Total variation reconstruction in 4D volume. For this case there is no GPU implementation
# But we can use another algorithm called PDHG ( primal - dual hybrid gradient)
Example #3

plt.title('CGLS criterion')

# Create least squares object instance with projector and data.
print ("Create least squares object instance with projector and data.")
f = Norm2Sq(Cop,padded_data,c=0.5)

# Run FISTA for least squares without constraints
FISTA_alg.set_up(x_init=x_init, f=f)
FISTA_alg.max_iteration = 2000
FISTA_alg.update_objective_interval = 10
x_FISTA = FISTA_alg.get_output()

# Display ortho slices of reconstruction
# Display all reconstructions and decay of objective function

fig = plt.figure()

current = 1
imgplot = plt.imshow(x_FISTA.subset(horizontal_x=hx).as_array(),vmin=v1,vmax=v2)

current = current + 1
Example #4
noisy_data = ImageData(n1)

# Regularisation Parameter
alpha = 5

# Setup and run the FISTA algorithm
operator = Gradient(ig)
fidelity = L1Norm(b=noisy_data)
regulariser = FunctionOperatorComposition(alpha * L2NormSquared(), operator)

x_init = ig.allocate()
opt = {'memopt': True}
fista = FISTA(x_init=x_init, f=regulariser, g=fidelity, opt=opt)
fista.max_iteration = 2000
fista.update_objective_interval = 50
fista.run(2000, verbose=False)

# Setup and run the PDHG algorithm
op1 = Gradient(ig)
op2 = Identity(ig, ag)

operator = BlockOperator(op1, op2, shape=(2, 1))
f = BlockFunction(alpha * L2NormSquared(), fidelity)
g = ZeroFunction()

normK = operator.norm()

sigma = 1
Example #5
Aop = AstraProjectorSimple(ig, ag, dev)
sin = Aop.direct(data)
eta = 0
noisy_data = AcquisitionData(sin.as_array() + np.random.normal(0, 1, ag.shape))
back_proj = Aop.adjoint(noisy_data)

# Define Least Squares
f = FunctionOperatorComposition(L2NormSquared(b=noisy_data), Aop)

# Allocate solution
x_init = ig.allocate()

# Run FISTA for least squares
fista = FISTA(x_init=x_init, f=f, g=ZeroFunction())
fista.max_iteration = 10
fista.update_objective_interval = 2
fista.run(100, verbose=True)

# Run FISTA for least squares with lower/upper bound
fista0 = FISTA(x_init=x_init, f=f, g=IndicatorBox(lower=0, upper=1))
fista0.max_iteration = 10
fista0.update_objective_interval = 2
fista0.run(100, verbose=True)

# Run FISTA for Regularised least squares, with Squared norm of Gradient
alpha = 20
Grad = Gradient(ig)
block_op = BlockOperator(Aop, alpha * Grad, shape=(2, 1))
block_data = BlockDataContainer(noisy_data, Grad.range_geometry().allocate())
f1 = FunctionOperatorComposition(L2NormSquared(b=block_data), block_op)