Example #1
def test_write_file():
    """Tests writing XML data as file."""

    # check path and correct if necessary
    working_dir = Path.cwd()
    xml_read_path = working_dir.joinpath(xml_file_paths.get("OEMv2"))
    if not working_dir.joinpath(xml_read_path).exists():
        working_dir = working_dir.joinpath(extra_path)

    xml_read_path = working_dir.joinpath(xml_file_paths.get("OEMv2"))

    xml_write_path = working_dir.joinpath(Path("data", "xml",

    # read XML file as text
    xml_text = _text_to_list(xml_read_path.read_text())

    # read XML file into object and write to file
    ndm = NdmIo().from_path(xml_read_path)

    # read written XML file as text
    xml_text_out = _text_to_list(xml_write_path.read_text())

    # compare strings
    assert xml_text[4:] == xml_text_out[2:]
Example #2
def test_write_multi_ndm_kvn():
    """Combi-NDM for KVN fail test."""
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        # this should throw an NotImplementedError exception

        # check path and correct if necessary
        kvn_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(file_paths.get("NDMv2"))
        if not Path.cwd().joinpath(kvn_path).exists():
            kvn_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(

        ndm = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path)
        NdmIo().to_file(ndm, NDMFileFormats.KVN, Path("new.kvn"))
Example #3
def test_read_string_and_bytes(ndm_key):
    """Tests reading XML data as string and bytes."""

    # check path and correct if necessary
    xml_path_ndm = Path.cwd().joinpath(xml_file_paths.get(ndm_key))
    if not Path.cwd().joinpath(xml_path_ndm).exists():
        xml_path_ndm = (Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(

    # read XML file as text

    # read XML file as bytes

    # read XML file as bytes from top level interface
Example #4
def test_read_file_against_xml(ndm_key, path):
    # *** read KVN files ***
    working_dir = Path.cwd()

    if path is not None:
        kvn_path = process_paths(working_dir, path)

        # read KVN file
        ndm = NdmKvnIo().from_path(kvn_path)

        # read equivalent XML file
        ndm_truth = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path.with_suffix(".xml"))

        # export both files to xml and compare
        xml_text = NdmIo().to_string(ndm, NDMFileFormats.XML)
        xml_text_truth = NdmIo().to_string(ndm_truth, NDMFileFormats.XML)

        # compare strings
        assert xml_text == xml_text_truth
Example #5
def test_write_kvn_string():
    """Tests writing KVN data as string."""
    # check path and correct if necessary
    kvn_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(file_paths.get("OMMv2_1"))
    if not Path.cwd().joinpath(kvn_path).exists():
        kvn_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(

    # read KVN file
    ndm = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path)

    # read equivalent XML file
    ndm_truth = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path.with_suffix(".xml"))

    # export both files to KVN and compare
    kvn_text = NdmIo().to_string(ndm, NDMFileFormats.KVN)
    kvn_text_truth = NdmIo().to_string(ndm_truth, NDMFileFormats.KVN)

    # compare strings
    assert kvn_text_truth == kvn_text
Example #6
def test_read_json_file(ndm_key, path):
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):

        # *** read files ***
        # *** should raise an error in case something goes wrong ***
        if path is not None:
            json_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(path)
            if not Path.cwd().joinpath(json_path).exists():
                json_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(path)

            # this should throw an NotImplementedError exception
Example #7
def test_read_files(ndm_key, path):
    """Tests reading NDM files."""

    # *** read files ***
    # *** should raise an error in case something goes wrong ***
    if path is not None:
        xml_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(path)
        if not Path.cwd().joinpath(xml_path).exists():
            xml_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(path)

        # try a string rather than a path
Example #8
def test_write_json_string():
    """Tests writing JSON data as string."""
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        # check path and correct if necessary
        kvn_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(file_paths.get("OMMv2_1"))
        if not Path.cwd().joinpath(kvn_path).exists():
            kvn_path = (Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(

        # read KVN file
        ndm = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path)

        # read equivalent JSON file
        ndm_truth = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path.with_suffix(".xml"))

        # export both files to JSON and compare
        kvn_text = NdmIo().to_string(ndm, NDMFileFormats.JSON)
        kvn_text_truth = NdmIo().to_string(ndm_truth, NDMFileFormats.JSON)

        # compare strings
        assert kvn_text_truth == kvn_text
Example #9
def test_strip_ndm_combi():
    """Tests stripping the single instantiation from the NDM
    Combined Instantiation file."""

    # *** read XML file ***
    path = xml_file_paths.get("NDMv2_strip")
    xml_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(path)
    if not Path.cwd().joinpath(xml_path).exists():
        xml_path = Path.cwd().joinpath(extra_path).joinpath(path)

    omm = NdmIo().from_path(xml_path)

    # End result should be an OMM file, not NDM
    assert isinstance(omm, Omm)
Example #10
def test_write_string():
    """Tests writing XML data as string."""

    # check path and correct if necessary
    working_dir = Path.cwd()
    xml_path = working_dir.joinpath(xml_file_paths.get("OEMv2"))
    if not working_dir.joinpath(xml_path).exists():
        working_dir = working_dir.joinpath(extra_path)

    xml_path = working_dir.joinpath(xml_file_paths.get("OEMv2"))

    # read XML file as text
    xml_text = xml_path.read_text()

    # read XML file into object and write to string
    ndm = NdmIo().from_path(xml_path)
    xml_text_out = NdmIo().to_string(ndm, NDMFileFormats.XML)

    # Prepare texts for comparison (convert lines to list, delete empty items)
    xml_text = _text_to_list(xml_text)
    xml_text_out = _text_to_list(xml_text_out)

    # compare strings
    assert xml_text[4:] == xml_text_out[2:]
Example #11
def test_write_data(ndm_key):
    path = kvn_xml_file_paths[ndm_key]

    working_dir = Path.cwd()

    if path is not None:
        kvn_path = process_paths(working_dir, path)

        # read KVN file
        ndm = NdmIo().from_path(kvn_path)

        # export file to KVN and compare
        kvn_string = NdmKvnIo().to_string(ndm)

        kvn_text = _text_to_list(kvn_string)
        kvn_text_truth = _text_to_list(kvn_path.read_text())

        # write to file
        # kvn_path.with_suffix(".txt").write_text(kvn_string)

        using_nominal_tests = True
        if using_nominal_tests:
            # compare strings - check whether each line matches (delete spaces)
            match_status = [
                " ".join(kvn_text[i]).replace(
                    " ", "") == " ".join(text_truth).replace(" ", "")
                for i, text_truth in enumerate(kvn_text_truth)

            # Find the non-matching ones
            no_match_list = [
                i for i, match in enumerate(match_status) if not match
            match_decimals_list = _check_detailed_match(
                no_match_list, kvn_text, kvn_text_truth)

            # either no_match_list should be empty or try_to_match_list should be
            # all True. This means that all initial mismatches are checked OK
            assert not no_match_list or all(match_decimals_list)

            # This enables us to see the differences easily, but will fail for string
            # differences (e.g "0.000"  is not equal to "0.0E-1")
            assert kvn_text == kvn_text_truth
Example #12
def test_read_errs(source_data):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # this should throw an ValueError exception