def run_detail(show_plot, save_plot): P = Profiler("0. Read data") import sys file_name = sys.argv[1] from xfel.clustering.singleframe import CellOnlyFrame cells = [] for line in open(file_name, "r").xreadlines(): tokens = line.strip().split() cells.append(CellOnlyFrame(args=tokens, path=None)) MM = [ for c in cells] # get all metrical matrices MM_double = flex.double() for i in xrange(len(MM)): Tup = MM[i] for j in xrange(6): MM_double.append(Tup[j]) print("There are %d cells X" % (len(MM))) CX = 0 CY = 3 coord_x = flex.double([c.uc[CX] for c in cells]) coord_y = flex.double([c.uc[CY] for c in cells]) if show_plot or save_plot: import matplotlib if not show_plot: # matplotlib.use('Agg') # use a non-interactive backend from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(coord_x, coord_y, "k.", markersize=3.) #plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") if save_plot: plt.savefig(plot_name, size_inches=(10, 10), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if show_plot: print "Now constructing a Dij matrix." P = Profiler("1. compute Dij matrix") NN = len(MM) from cctbx.uctbx.determine_unit_cell import NCDist_matrix, NCDist_flatten #Dij = NCDist_matrix(MM_double) Dij = NCDist_flatten(MM_double) #from cctbx.uctbx.determine_unit_cell import NCDist # can this be refactored with MPI? #Dij = flex.double(flex.grid(NN,NN)) #for i in xrange(NN): # for j in xrange(i+1,NN): # Dij[i,j] = NCDist(MM[i], MM[j]) del P d_c = 10000 # the distance cutoff, such that average item neighbors 1-2% of all items CM = clustering_manager(Dij=Dij, d_c=d_c) # Summarize the results here n_cluster = 1 + flex.max(CM.cluster_id_final) print len(cells), "have been analyzed" print("# ------------ %d CLUSTERS ----------------" % (n_cluster)) for i in xrange(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) print "Cluster %d. Central unit cell: item %d" % (i, item) cells[item].crystal_symmetry.show_summary() print "Cluster has %d items, or %d after trimming borders" % ( (CM.cluster_id_full == i).count(True), (CM.cluster_id_final == i).count(True)) print appcolors = [ 'b', 'r', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf' ] if show_plot: #Decision graph from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(CM.rho,, "r.", markersize=3.) for x in xrange(NN): if CM.cluster_id_maxima[x] >= 0: plt.plot([CM.rho[x]], [[x]], "ro") #No-halo plot from matplotlib import pyplot as plt colors = [appcolors[i % 10] for i in CM.cluster_id_full] plt.scatter(coord_x, coord_y, marker='o', color=colors, linewidths=0.4, edgecolor='k') for i in xrange(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) plt.plot([cells[item].uc[CX]], [cells[item].uc[CY]], 'y.') #plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") #Final plot halo = (CM.cluster_id_final == -1) core = ~halo plt.plot(,, "k.") colors = [appcolors[i % 10] for i in] plt.scatter(,, marker="o", color=colors, linewidths=0.4, edgecolor='k') for i in xrange(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) plt.plot([cells[item].uc[CX]], [cells[item].uc[CY]], 'y.') #plt.axes().set_aspect("equal")
def run_detail(show_plot, save_plot, use_dummy_data=False): file_name = sys.argv[1] from xfel.clustering.singleframe import CellOnlyFrame from cctbx import crystal cells = [] for line in open(file_name, "r").xreadlines(): tokens = line.strip().split() unit_cell = tuple(float(x) for x in tokens[0:6]) space_group_symbol = tokens[6] crystal_symmetry = crystal.symmetry( unit_cell=unit_cell, space_group_symbol=space_group_symbol) cells.append(CellOnlyFrame(crystal_symmetry, path=None)) MM = [ for c in cells] # get all metrical matrices from scitbx.array_family import flex MM_double = flex.double() for i in range(len(MM)): Tup = MM[i] for j in range(6): MM_double.append(Tup[j]) print("There are %d cells" % (len(MM))) if show_plot or save_plot: import matplotlib if not show_plot: # matplotlib.use('Agg') # use a non-interactive backend from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.figure(1) plt.plot([c.uc[0] for c in cells], [c.uc[1] for c in cells], "k.", markersize=3.) plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") if save_plot: plt.savefig(plot_name, size_inches=(10, 10), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if show_plot: print("Now constructing a Dij matrix.") NN = len(MM) import omptbx omptbx.omp_set_num_threads(64) from cctbx.uctbx.determine_unit_cell import NCDist_flatten if use_dummy_data: ''' Generate blob data using sklearn. See example here. ''' try: from sklearn import datasets except ImportError: print( "Module sklearn not available. Needed to generate dummy data.") import numpy as np NN = 100 blobs = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=NN, random_state=22) xx = [] yy = [] Dij = np.zeros([NN, NN]) Dij = flex.double(Dij) for x, y in blobs[0]: xx.append(x) yy.append(y) # Get Dij matrix for i in range(len(xx)): for j in range(len(xx)): dij2 = (xx[i] - xx[j]) * (xx[i] - xx[j]) + (yy[i] - yy[j]) * ( yy[i] - yy[j]) dij = np.sqrt(dij2) Dij[i * len(xx) + j] = dij if show_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plt.figure() plt.scatter(xx, yy) else: Dij = NCDist_flatten(MM_double) # loop is flattened plot_with_dimensional_embedding(Dij / flex.max(Dij), show_plot=show_plot)
def get_uc_consensus(experiments_list, show_plot=False, save_plot=False, return_only_first_indexed_model=False, finalize_method='reindex_with_known_crystal_models', clustering_params=None): ''' Uses the Rodriguez Laio 2014 method to do a hierarchical clustering of the crystal models and then vote for the highest consensus crystal mode. Input needs to be a list of experiments object. Clustering code taken from Clustering is first done first based on unit cell dimensions. Then for each of the clusters identified, a further clustering is done based on orientational matrix A ''' if return_only_first_indexed_model: return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], None cells = [] from xfel.clustering.singleframe import CellOnlyFrame # Flag for testing Lysozyme data from NKS.Make sure cluster_regression repository is present and configured # Program will exit after plots are displayed if this flag is true test_nks = False if clustering_params is None: clustering_params = clustering_iota_scope if test_nks: from cctbx import crystal import libtbx.load_env cluster_regression = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories( relative_path="cluster_regression", test=os.path.isdir) file_name = os.path.join(cluster_regression, 'examples', 'lysozyme1341.txt') for line in open(file_name, "r").xreadlines(): tokens = line.strip().split() unit_cell = tuple(float(x) for x in tokens[0:6]) space_group_symbol = tokens[6] crystal_symmetry = crystal.symmetry( unit_cell=unit_cell, space_group_symbol=space_group_symbol) cells.append(CellOnlyFrame(crystal_symmetry)) else: clustered_experiments_list = for experiment in experiments_list: if len(experiment.crystals()) > 1: print('IOTA:Should have only one crystal model') crystal_symmetry = experiment.crystals()[0].get_crystal_symmetry() cells.append(CellOnlyFrame(crystal_symmetry)) # Maintain a list which is meaningless right now that will finally contain the # final clustering results clustered_experiments_list.append(-1) MM = [ for c in cells] # metrical matrices MM_double = flex.double() for i in range(len(MM)): Tup = MM[i] for j in range(6): MM_double.append(Tup[j]) print('There are %d cells' % len(MM)) coord_x = flex.double([c.uc[0] for c in cells]) coord_y = flex.double([c.uc[1] for c in cells]) if show_plot or save_plot: import matplotlib if not show_plot: matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([c.uc[0] for c in cells], [c.uc[1] for c in cells], "k.", markersize=3.) plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") if save_plot: plot_name = 'uc_cluster.png' plt.savefig(plot_name, size_inches=(10, 10), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if show_plot: print('Now constructing a Dij matrix: Starting Unit Cell clustering') NN = len(MM) from cctbx.uctbx.determine_unit_cell import NCDist_flatten Dij = NCDist_flatten(MM_double) from scitbx.math import five_number_summary d_c = clustering_params.d_c #five_number_summary(list(Dij))[1] d_c = estimate_d_c(Dij) #d_c = flex.mean_and_variance(Dij.as_1d()).unweighted_sample_standard_deviation() print('d_c = ', d_c) if len(cells) < 5: return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], None CM = clustering_manager( Dij=Dij, d_c=d_c, max_percentile_rho=clustering_params.max_percentile_rho_uc, Z_delta=clustering_params.Z_delta, strategy='strategy_3') n_cluster = 1 + flex.max(CM.cluster_id_final) print(len(cells), ' datapoints have been analyzed') print('%d CLUSTERS' % n_cluster) for i in range(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) print('Cluster %d central Unit cell = %d' % (i, item)) cells[item].crystal_symmetry.show_summary() # More plots for debugging appcolors = [ 'b', 'r', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf' ] if show_plot: # Decision graph import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(CM.rho,, "r.", markersize=3.) for x in range(NN): if CM.cluster_id_maxima[x] >= 0: plt.plot([CM.rho[x]], [[x]], "ro") if show_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt colors = [appcolors[i % 10] for i in CM.cluster_id_full] plt.scatter(coord_x, coord_y, marker='o', color=colors, linewidth=0.4, edgecolor='k') for i in range(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) plt.plot([cells[item].uc[0]], cells[item].uc[1], 'y.') plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") if test_nks: exit() # Now look at each unit cell cluster for orientational clustering # idea is to cluster the orientational component in each of the unit cell clusters # do_orientational_clustering = not return_only_first_indexed_model # temporary. dxtbx_crystal_models = [] if do_orientational_clustering: print('IOTA: Starting orientational clustering') Dij_ori = {} # dictionary to store Dij for each cluster uc_experiments_list = { } # dictionary to store experiments_lists for each cluster from collections import Counter uc_cluster_count = Counter(list(CM.cluster_id_final)) # instantiate the Dij_ori flat 1-d array # Put all experiments list from same uc cluster together if True: from scitbx.matrix import sqr from cctbx_orientation_ext import crystal_orientation crystal_orientation_list = [] all_A = [] for i in range(len(experiments_list)): crystal_orientation_list.append( crystal_orientation( experiments_list[i].crystals()[0].get_A(), True)) #exit() A_direct = sqr(crystal_orientation_list[i].reciprocal_matrix() ).transpose().inverse() all_A.append(A_direct[0]) #print ("Direct A matrix 1st element = %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f"%(A_direct[0], A_direct[1], A_direct[2])) # exit() CM_mapping = {} for i in range(len(experiments_list)): if CM.cluster_id_full[i] not in uc_experiments_list: uc_experiments_list[CM.cluster_id_full[i]] = [] CM_mapping[CM.cluster_id_full[i]] = [] uc_experiments_list[CM.cluster_id_full[i]].append( experiments_list[i]) # Maintain mapping between original experiments_list and uc_exeriments_list # Mapping: key> index_in_experiments_list | value> cluster_id, index_in_uc_cluster CM_mapping[CM.cluster_id_full[i]].append( (i, len(uc_experiments_list[CM.cluster_id_full[i]]) - 1)) for cluster in uc_cluster_count: # Make sure there are atleast a minimum number of samples in the cluster if uc_cluster_count[cluster] < clustering_params.min_datapts: continue Dij_ori[cluster] = flex.double( [[0.0] * uc_cluster_count[cluster]] * uc_cluster_count[cluster]) # Now populate the Dij_ori array N_samples_in_cluster = len(uc_experiments_list[cluster]) for i in range(N_samples_in_cluster - 1): for j in range(i + 1, N_samples_in_cluster): dij_ori = get_dij_ori( uc_experiments_list[cluster][i].crystals()[0], uc_experiments_list[cluster][j].crystals()[0]) A_direct_i = sqr( uc_experiments_list[cluster][i].crystals() [0].get_A()).transpose().inverse() A_direct_j = sqr( uc_experiments_list[cluster][j].crystals() [0].get_A()).transpose().inverse() #print ("Direct A matrix 1st element = %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f %12.6f"%(dij_ori, A_direct_i[0], A_direct_j[0], A_direct_i[1],A_direct_j[1], A_direct_i[2], A_direct_j[2] )) Dij_ori[cluster][N_samples_in_cluster * i + j] = dij_ori Dij_ori[cluster][N_samples_in_cluster * j + i] = dij_ori # Now do the orientational cluster analysis d_c_ori = clustering_params.d_c_ori # 0.13 from exafel_project.ADSE13_25.clustering.plot_with_dimensional_embedding import plot_with_dimensional_embedding #plot_with_dimensional_embedding(1-Dij_ori[1]/flex.max(Dij_ori[1]), show_plot=True) A_matrices = [] for cluster in Dij_ori: #if cluster == 2: # CM_ori = clustering_manager(Dij=Dij_ori[cluster], d_c=d_c_ori, max_percentile_rho=0.85, debug=True) d_c_ori = estimate_d_c(Dij_ori[cluster]) #else: #d_c_ori=flex.mean_and_variance(Dij_ori[cluster].as_1d()).unweighted_sample_standard_deviation() print('d_c_ori=', d_c_ori) CM_ori = clustering_manager( Dij=Dij_ori[cluster], d_c=d_c_ori, max_percentile_rho=clustering_params.max_percentile_rho_ori, Z_delta=clustering_params.Z_delta, strategy='strategy_3') n_cluster_ori = 1 + flex.max(CM_ori.cluster_id_final) #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() for i in range(n_cluster_ori): if len([zz for zz in CM_ori.cluster_id_final if zz == i ]) < clustering_params.min_datapts: continue item = flex.first_index(CM_ori.cluster_id_maxima, i) dxtbx_crystal_model = uc_experiments_list[cluster][ item].crystals()[0] dxtbx_crystal_models.append(dxtbx_crystal_model) # Map the orientational clusters to the original experiments_list indices # This should be the final list of clusters! for j, ori_cluster_id in enumerate(CM_ori.cluster_id_final): if ori_cluster_id == i: xx, yy = CM_mapping[cluster][j] clustered_experiments_list[xx] = len( dxtbx_crystal_models) - 1 from scitbx.matrix import sqr from cctbx_orientation_ext import crystal_orientation crystal_orientation = crystal_orientation( dxtbx_crystal_model.get_A(), True) A_direct = sqr(crystal_orientation.reciprocal_matrix() ).transpose().inverse() A_matrices.append(A_direct) print( "IOTA: Direct A matrix 1st element of orientational cluster %d = %12.6f" % (i, A_direct[0])) print(A_direct) if show_plot: # Decision graph stretch_plot_factor = 1.05 # (1+fraction of limits by which xlim,ylim should be set) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(CM_ori.rho,, "r.", markersize=3.) for x in range(len(list(CM_ori.cluster_id_final))): if CM_ori.cluster_id_maxima[x] >= 0: plt.plot([CM_ori.rho[x]], [[x]], "ro") #exit() plt.xlim([-10, stretch_plot_factor * flex.max(CM_ori.rho)]) plt.ylim([-10, stretch_plot_factor * flex.max(]) # FIXME Still to be worked out what exactly should be returned #if return_only_first_indexed_model: # return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], clustered_experiments_list # Make sure the crystal models are not too close to each other # FIXME should be a PHIL #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() min_angle = 5.0 # taken from close_models_list = [] # Not used really; other fixes have been made to code to figure out outliers # Still keeping this in case it it useful later on. if len(dxtbx_crystal_models) > 10000: from dials.algorithms.indexing.compare_orientation_matrices import difference_rotation_matrix_axis_angle from cctbx_orientation_ext import crystal_orientation from dxtbx.model import Crystal for i_a in range(0, len(dxtbx_crystal_models) - 1): for i_b in range(i_a + 1, len(dxtbx_crystal_models)): cryst_a = dxtbx_crystal_models[i_a] cryst_b = dxtbx_crystal_models[i_b] cryst_a_ori = crystal_orientation(cryst_a.get_A(), True) cryst_b_ori = crystal_orientation(cryst_b.get_A(), True) try: best_similarity_transform = cryst_b_ori.best_similarity_transformation( other=cryst_a_ori, fractional_length_tolerance=20.00, unimodular_generator_range=1) cryst_b_ori_best = cryst_b_ori.change_basis( best_similarity_transform) except Exception as e: cryst_b_ori_best = cryst_b_ori # FIXME hardcoded space group for myoglobin LS49 cryst_b_best = Crystal(cryst_b_ori_best.direct_matrix()[0:3], cryst_b_ori_best.direct_matrix()[3:6], cryst_b_ori_best.direct_matrix()[6:9], 'P 1 21 1') R_ab, axis, angle, cb_op_ab = difference_rotation_matrix_axis_angle( cryst_a, cryst_b_best) # FIXME if abs(angle) < min_angle: # degrees close_models_list.append((i_a, i_b)) # Now prune the dxtbx_crystal_models list unique_experiments_list = for close_models in close_models_list: i_a, i_b = close_models if dxtbx_crystal_models[i_a] is not None and dxtbx_crystal_models[ i_b] is not None: dxtbx_crystal_models[i_b] = None unique_experiments_list[i_b] = i_a clustered_experiments_list.set_selected( clustered_experiments_list == i_b, i_a) counter = -1 for ii, model in enumerate(dxtbx_crystal_models): if model is not None: counter += 1 clustered_experiments_list.set_selected( clustered_experiments_list == unique_experiments_list[ii], counter) dxtbx_crystal_models = [ x for x in dxtbx_crystal_models if x is not None ] #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() if len(dxtbx_crystal_models) > 0: return dxtbx_crystal_models, list(clustered_experiments_list) else: # If nothing works, atleast return the 1st crystal model that was found return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], None
def get_uc_consensus(experiments_list, show_plot=False, return_only_first_indexed_model=False, finalize_method=None, clustering_params=None): ''' Uses the Rodriguez Laio 2014 method to do a clustering of the unit cells and then vote for the highest consensus unit cell. Input needs to be a list of experiments object. Clustering code taken from Returns an experiment object with crystal unit cell from the cluster with the most points ''' if return_only_first_indexed_model: return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], None cells = [] from xfel.clustering.singleframe import CellOnlyFrame save_plot = False # Flag for testing Lysozyme data from NKS.Make sure cluster_regression repository is present and configured # Program will exit after plots are displayed if this flag is true test_nks = False if test_nks: from cctbx import crystal import libtbx.load_env cluster_regression = libtbx.env.find_in_repositories( relative_path="cluster_regression", test=os.path.isdir) file_name = os.path.join(cluster_regression, 'examples', 'lysozyme1341.txt') for line in open(file_name, "r").xreadlines(): tokens = line.strip().split() unit_cell = tuple(float(x) for x in tokens[0:6]) space_group_symbol = tokens[6] crystal_symmetry = crystal.symmetry( unit_cell=unit_cell, space_group_symbol=space_group_symbol) cells.append(CellOnlyFrame(crystal_symmetry)) else: for experiment in experiments_list: if len(experiment.crystals()) > 1: print('IOTA:Should have only one crystal model') crystal_symmetry = experiment.crystals()[0].get_crystal_symmetry() cells.append(CellOnlyFrame(crystal_symmetry)) MM = [ for c in cells] # metrical matrices MM_double = flex.double() for i in range(len(MM)): Tup = MM[i] for j in range(6): MM_double.append(Tup[j]) print('There are %d cells' % len(MM)) coord_x = flex.double([c.uc[0] for c in cells]) coord_y = flex.double([c.uc[1] for c in cells]) if show_plot or save_plot: import matplotlib if not show_plot: matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() plt.plot([c.uc[0] for c in cells], [c.uc[1] for c in cells], "k.", markersize=3.) plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") if save_plot: plot_name = 'uc_cluster.png' plt.savefig(plot_name, size_inches=(10, 10), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') if show_plot: print('Now constructing a Dij matrix: Starting Unit Cell clustering') NN = len(MM) from cctbx.uctbx.determine_unit_cell import NCDist_flatten Dij = NCDist_flatten(MM_double) d_c = flex.mean_and_variance( Dij.as_1d()).unweighted_sample_standard_deviation() #6.13 #FIXME should be a PHIL param if len(cells) < 5: return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], None CM = clustering_manager(Dij=Dij, d_c=d_c, max_percentile_rho=0.95) n_cluster = 1 + flex.max(CM.cluster_id_final) print(len(cells), ' datapoints have been analyzed') print('%d CLUSTERS' % n_cluster) for i in range(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) print('Cluster %d central Unit cell = %d' % (i, item)) cells[item].crystal_symmetry.show_summary() # More plots for debugging appcolors = [ 'b', 'r', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf' ] if show_plot: # Decision graph import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(CM.rho,, "r.", markersize=3.) for x in range(NN): if CM.cluster_id_maxima[x] >= 0: plt.plot([CM.rho[x]], [[x]], "ro") if show_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt colors = [appcolors[i % 10] for i in CM.cluster_id_full] plt.scatter(coord_x, coord_y, marker='o', color=colors, linewidth=0.4, edgecolor='k') for i in range(n_cluster): item = flex.first_index(CM.cluster_id_maxima, i) plt.plot([cells[item].uc[0]], cells[item].uc[1], 'y.') plt.axes().set_aspect("equal") if test_nks: exit() # Now look at each unit cell cluster for orientational clustering # idea is to cluster the orientational component in each of the unit cell clusters # do_orientational_clustering = not return_only_first_indexed_model # temporary. dxtbx_crystal_models = [] if do_orientational_clustering: print('IOTA: Starting orientational clustering') Dij_ori = {} # dictionary to store Dij for each cluster uc_experiments_list = { } # dictionary to store experiments_lists for each cluster from collections import Counter uc_cluster_count = Counter(list(CM.cluster_id_final)) # instantiate the Dij_ori flat 1-d array # Put all experiments list from same uc cluster together if True: from scitbx.matrix import sqr from cctbx_orientation_ext import crystal_orientation #crystal_orientation_list = [] #for i in range(len(experiments_list)): # crystal_orientation_list.append(crystal_orientation(experiments_list[i].crystals()[0].get_A(), True)) #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() #A_direct = sqr(crystal_orientation_list[i].reciprocal_matrix()).transpose().inverse() #print ("Direct A matrix 1st element = %12.6f"%A_direct[0]) for i in range(len(experiments_list)): if CM.cluster_id_full[i] not in uc_experiments_list: uc_experiments_list[CM.cluster_id_full[i]] = [] uc_experiments_list[CM.cluster_id_full[i]].append( experiments_list[i]) for cluster in uc_cluster_count: # Make sure there are atleast a minimum number of samples in the cluster if uc_cluster_count[cluster] < 5: continue Dij_ori[cluster] = flex.double( [[0.0] * uc_cluster_count[cluster]] * uc_cluster_count[cluster]) # Now populate the Dij_ori array N_samples_in_cluster = len(uc_experiments_list[cluster]) for i in range(N_samples_in_cluster - 1): for j in range(i + 1, N_samples_in_cluster): dij_ori = get_dij_ori( uc_experiments_list[cluster][i].crystals()[0], uc_experiments_list[cluster][j].crystals()[0]) Dij_ori[cluster][N_samples_in_cluster * i + j] = dij_ori Dij_ori[cluster][N_samples_in_cluster * j + i] = dij_ori # Now do the orientational cluster analysis #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() d_c_ori = 0.13 from exafel_project.ADSE13_25.clustering.plot_with_dimensional_embedding import plot_with_dimensional_embedding #plot_with_dimensional_embedding(1-Dij_ori[1]/flex.max(Dij_ori[1]), show_plot=True) for cluster in Dij_ori: d_c_ori = flex.mean_and_variance(Dij_ori[cluster].as_1d( )).unweighted_sample_standard_deviation() CM_ori = clustering_manager(Dij=Dij_ori[cluster], d_c=d_c_ori, max_percentile_rho=0.85) n_cluster_ori = 1 + flex.max(CM_ori.cluster_id_final) #from IPython import embed; embed() #FIXME should be a PHIL param for i in range(n_cluster_ori): if len([zz for zz in CM_ori.cluster_id_final if zz == i]) < 5: continue item = flex.first_index(CM_ori.cluster_id_maxima, i) dxtbx_crystal_model = uc_experiments_list[cluster][ item].crystals()[0] dxtbx_crystal_models.append(dxtbx_crystal_model) from scitbx.matrix import sqr from cctbx_orientation_ext import crystal_orientation crystal_orientation = crystal_orientation( dxtbx_crystal_model.get_A(), True) A_direct = sqr(crystal_orientation.reciprocal_matrix() ).transpose().inverse() print( "IOTA: Direct A matrix 1st element of orientational cluster %d = %12.6f" % (i, A_direct[0])) if show_plot: # Decision graph stretch_plot_factor = 1.05 # (1+fraction of limits by which xlim,ylim should be set) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(CM_ori.rho,, "r.", markersize=3.) for x in range(len(list(CM_ori.cluster_id_final))): if CM_ori.cluster_id_maxima[x] >= 0: plt.plot([CM_ori.rho[x]], [[x]], "ro") #from IPython import embed; embed(); exit() plt.xlim([-10, stretch_plot_factor * flex.max(CM_ori.rho)]) plt.ylim([-10, stretch_plot_factor * flex.max(]) # Make sure the crystal models are not too close to each other # FIXME should be a PHIL min_angle = 5.0 # taken from close_models_list = [] if len(dxtbx_crystal_models) > 1: from dials.algorithms.indexing.compare_orientation_matrices import difference_rotation_matrix_axis_angle for i_a in range(0, len(dxtbx_crystal_models) - 1): for i_b in range(i_a, len(dxtbx_crystal_models)): cryst_a = dxtbx_crystal_models[i_a] cryst_b = dxtbx_crystal_models[i_b] R_ab, axis, angle, cb_op_ab = difference_rotation_matrix_axis_angle( cryst_a, cryst_b) # FIXME if abs(angle) < min_angle: # degrees close_models_list.append((i_a, i_b)) # Now prune the dxtbx_crystal_models list for close_models in close_models_list: i_a, i_b = close_models if dxtbx_crystal_models[i_a] is not None and dxtbx_crystal_models[ i_b] is not None: dxtbx_crystal_models[i_a] = None dxtbx_crystal_models = [x for x in dxtbx_crystal_models if x is not None] if len(dxtbx_crystal_models) > 0: return dxtbx_crystal_models, None else: # If nothing works, atleast return the 1st crystal model that was found return [experiments_list[0].crystals()[0]], None