def set_doctypes(self, doctype1, doctype2): if doctype1 == doctype2: raise ValueError("Please enter two different doctypes") d = Db().get_doctype_counts() if doctype1 not in d.keys(): raise ValueError("Unknown doctype: " + doctype1) if doctype2 not in d.keys(): raise ValueError("Unknown doctype: " + doctype2) self.doctype1 = doctype1 self.doctype2 = doctype2
def execute(self): import os db = Db() result = {} count = 0 positive = 0 d = db.get_doctype_counts() self.doctype1_count = d.get(self.doctype1) self.doctype2_count = d.get(self.doctype2) self.doctype1_word_count = db.get_words_count(self.doctype1) self.doctype2_word_count = db.get_words_count(self.doctype2) names = os.listdir(self.path_name) fout = open(self.path_name.strip("/").split("/")[-1] + "_score.txt", "w") n = len(names) for name in names: f = os.path.join(self.path_name, name) self.set_file_name(f) pl = [] for word in self.words: pw = self.p_for_word(db, word) pl.append(pw) p = self.p_from_list(pl) fout.write("%s %1.4f\n" % (name, p)) count += 1 tag = "F" if p > self.THRESHOLD: positive += 1 tag = "T" # if abs(p - self.THRESHOLD) < 0.1: # print '[ %5d / %5d ] %s %16s : %1.4f' %(count, n, tag, name, p) fout.write("\nRESULT: [ %d / %d ] %1.2f%%\n" % (positive, count, 100 * positive / count)) fout.close() result["count"] = count result["positive"] = positive return result
def execute(self): result = {} self.db = Db() try: nword = 0 ndoc = 0 if os.path.isdir(self.path_name): names = os.listdir(self.path_name) for name in names: f = os.path.join(self.path_name, name) nword += self.learn_file(f, 1) ndoc += 1 if ndoc >= self.count: break if os.path.isfile(self.path_name): nword += self.learn_file(self.path_name, self.count) ndoc += self.count except: print 'learning unexception' result['ndoc'] = ndoc result['nword'] = nword return result
def __init__(self): self.db = Db()
class Tfidf(Mode): MIN_WORD_COUNT = 5 RARE_WORD_PROB = 0.5 EXCLUSIVE_WORD_PROB = 0.99 def __init__(self): self.db = Db() def set_text(self, text): words = text_to_list(text) if not len(words): raise ValueError('Text did not contain any valid words') self.words = words return self def set_path(self, path): self.path_name = path return self.path_name def set_file_name(self, file_name): try: self.file_name = file_name f = open(file_name, 'r') file_contents = f.close() return self.set_text(file_contents) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to read specified file "%s", the error message was: %s' % (file_name, e)) def set_doctypes(self, doctype1, doctype2): if doctype1 == doctype2: raise ValueError('Please enter two different doctypes') d = self.db.get_doctype_counts() if doctype1 not in d.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown doctype: ' + doctype1) if doctype2 not in d.keys(): raise ValueError('Unknown doctype: ' + doctype2) self.doctype1 = doctype1 self.doctype2 = doctype2 def validate(self, args): if len(args) != 5: raise ValueError('Usage: %s classify <file> <doctype> <doctype>' % args[0]) self.set_path(args[2]) self.set_doctypes(args[3], args[4]) def tf_for_word(self, words, word, num_in_spam, num_in_ham): # words_set = set(words) db = self.db word_in_spam = db.get_word_count('spam', word) word_in_ham = db.get_word_count('ham', word) tf = math.log(float(word_in_spam) / num_in_spam + 1) - math.log(float(word_in_ham) / num_in_ham + 1) return abs(tf) def idf_for_word(self, word): db = self.db dc = db.get_doctype_counts() num_docs_spam = dc.get('spam') num_docs_ham = dc.get('ham') term_num_docs_spam = db.get_word_doc_count('spam', word) term_num_docs_ham = db.get_word_doc_count('ham', word) return abs(math.log(float(1 + num_docs_spam) / (1 + term_num_docs_spam)) - \ math.log(float(1 + num_docs_ham) / (1 + term_num_docs_ham))) def execute(self): import os db = self.db result = [] count = 0 positive = 0 d = db.get_doctype_counts() self.doctype1_count = d.get(self.doctype1) self.doctype2_count = d.get(self.doctype2) self.doctype1_word_count = db.get_words_count(self.doctype1) self.doctype2_word_count = db.get_words_count(self.doctype2) names = os.listdir(self.path_name) fout = open(self.path_name.strip('/').split('/')[-1] + '_tfidf.txt', 'w') num_in_spam = db.get_words_count('spam') num_in_ham = db.get_words_count('ham') for name in names: fin = os.path.join(self.path_name, name) self.set_file_name(fin) f = open(self.path_name.strip('/').split('/')[-1] + '_' + name + '.tfidf', 'w') tfidf = {} for word in self.words: tf = self.tf_for_word(self.words, word, num_in_spam, num_in_ham) idf = self.idf_for_word(word) tfidf[word] = tf * idf result = sorted(tfidf.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) n = int(math.log(len(result) + 1)) * 10 # fout.write("%s %s\n\n" % (name, str(result[:n])) ) for kw, v in result[:n]: f.write("%s " % (kw) ) f.close() fout.close() return result def output(self, result): #print '\nRESULT: True %d, False %d\n' % (result['positive'], result['count'] - result['positive']) pass
class Chi(Mode): MIN_WORD_COUNT = 5 RARE_WORD_PROB = 0.5 EXCLUSIVE_WORD_PROB = 0.99 def __init__(self): self.db = Db() def set_text(self, text): words = text_to_list(text) if not len(words): raise ValueError("Text did not contain any valid words") self.words = words return self def set_path(self, path): self.path_name = path return self.path_name def set_file_name(self, file_name): try: self.file_name = file_name f = open(file_name, "r") file_contents = f.close() return self.set_text(file_contents) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to read specified file "%s", the error message was: %s' % (file_name, e)) def set_doctypes(self, doctype1, doctype2): if doctype1 == doctype2: raise ValueError("Please enter two different doctypes") d = self.db.get_doctype_counts() if doctype1 not in d.keys(): raise ValueError("Unknown doctype: " + doctype1) if doctype2 not in d.keys(): raise ValueError("Unknown doctype: " + doctype2) self.doctype1 = doctype1 self.doctype2 = doctype2 def validate(self, args): if len(args) != 5: raise ValueError("Usage: %s classify <file> <doctype> <doctype>" % args[0]) self.set_path(args[2]) self.set_doctypes(args[3], args[4]) def chi(self, word, num_spam, num_ham): A = self.db.get_word_doc_count("spam", word) B = self.db.get_word_doc_count("ham", word) C = num_spam - A D = num_ham - B if A * B == 0: chi = 0 else: chi = float(pow((A * D - B * C), 2)) / ((A + B) * (C + D)) return chi def execute(self): import os db = self.db result = [] count = 0 positive = 0 d = db.get_doctype_counts() num_spam = d["spam"] num_ham = d["ham"] names = os.listdir(self.path_name) fout = open(self.path_name.strip("/").split("/")[-1] + "_chi.txt", "w") for name in names: fin = os.path.join(self.path_name, name) self.set_file_name(fin) f = open(self.path_name.strip("/").split("/")[-1] + "_" + name + ".chi", "w") chi = {} for word in self.words: chi[word] = self.chi(word, num_spam, num_ham) result = sorted(chi.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) n = int(math.log(len(result) + 1)) * 10 # fout.write("%s %s\n\n" % (name, str(result[:n])) ) for kw, v in result[:n]: f.write("%s " % (kw)) f.close() fout.close() return result def output(self, result): # print '\nRESULT: True %d, False %d\n' % (result['positive'], result['count'] - result['positive']) pass
class Learn(Mode): def validate(self, args): valid_args = False usage = 'Usage: %s learn <doc type> <dir> <count>' % args[0] if len(args) == 5: doc_type = args[2] self.doc_type = doc_type self.path_name = args[3] try: self.count = int(args[4]) except: raise ValueError(usage + '\nEnter an integer value for the "count" parameter') else: raise ValueError(usage) def learn_file(self, name, count): file_contents = None words_count = 0 db = self.db try: f = open(name, 'r') file_contents = f.close() l = text_to_list(file_contents) d = list_to_dict(l) words_count = db.update_word_counts(d, self.doc_type) db.update_doctype_count(count, self.doc_type) print '>> TRAINING [ %s ]: %5d words learned from "%s"' % (self.doc_type, words_count, name) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(usage + '\nUnable to read specified file "%s", the error message was: %s' % (args[3], e)) return words_count def execute(self): result = {} self.db = Db() try: nword = 0 ndoc = 0 if os.path.isdir(self.path_name): names = os.listdir(self.path_name) for name in names: f = os.path.join(self.path_name, name) nword += self.learn_file(f, 1) ndoc += 1 if ndoc >= self.count: break if os.path.isfile(self.path_name): nword += self.learn_file(self.path_name, self.count) ndoc += self.count except: print 'learning unexception' result['ndoc'] = ndoc result['nword'] = nword return result def output(self, result): print '>> TRAINING [ %s ]: %5d document(s), %5d words learned from "%s"' % (self.doc_type, result['ndoc'], result['nword'], self.path_name)