Example #1
def fft_save(frames_iter, path_out, size, count=None, kmax=None):
    if not kmax:
        # Ignore features of size smaller than 32 pixels
        # (My avi file has JPEG artifact of size 8 pixels)
        kmax = size // 32

    # These codes are copied from the examples in cddm package

    #: create window for multiplication...
    # window = blackman(SHAPE)

    #: we must create a video of windows for multiplication
    # window_video = ((window,),)*NFRAMES

    #: perform the actual multiplication
    # video = multiply(video_simulator.video, window_video)
    video = frames_iter

    #: if the intesity of light source flickers you can normalize each frame to the intensity of the frame
    # video = normalize_video(video)

    #: perform rfft2 and crop results, to take only first kimax and first kjmax wavenumbers.
    fft = rfft2(video, kimax=kmax, kjmax=kmax)

    #: you can also normalize each frame with respect to the [0,0] component of the fft
    #: this it therefore equivalent to  normalize_video
    # fft = normalize_fft(fft)

    #: load in numpy array
    # fft_array, = asarrays(fft, count)
    # np.save(fft_array, path_out)

    # save into disk
    asmemmaps(path_out, fft, count=count)

    return {
        'kmax': kmax
Example #2
#obtain frames iterator
video = fromarrays((vid, ))
##apply blackman window
window = blackman(SHAPE)
video = apply_window(video, (window, ))
#perform rfft2 and crop data
video = rfft2(video, kisize=64, kjsize=64)
#load all frames into numpy array
#video, = asmemmaps("brownian_single_camera_fft", video, nframes)

#compute and create numpy array
video, = asarrays(video, nframes)
np.save("simple_brownian_ddm_fft.npy", video)

v1 = np.load("simple_brownian_cddm_video_0.npy")
v2 = np.load("simple_brownian_cddm_video_1.npy")
nframes = len(v1)

#obtain frames iterator
video = fromarrays((v1, v2))
##apply blackman window
window = blackman(SHAPE)
video = apply_window(video, (window, window))
#perform rfft2 and crop data
video = rfft2(video, kisize=64, kjsize=64)
#load all frames into numpy array
#video, = asmemmaps("brownian_single_camera_fft", video, nframes)

#compute and create numpy array
asmemmaps("simple_brownian_cddm_fft", video, nframes)
Example #3
    #return ((frame1+frame2,frame1+frame2) for frame1,frame2 in zip(vid1,vid2))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    print("Computing ddm video...")
    vid = get_video(seed=0)
    vid, = video.asarrays(vid, NFRAMES_SINGLE)
    print("Writing to HD ...")
    np.save("simple_brownian_ddm_video.npy", vid)

    print("Computing cddm video...")
    vid = get_dual_video(seed=0)

    #we can write directly to HD by creating and writing to numpy memmap
    v1, v2 = video.asmemmaps("simple_brownian_cddm_video", vid, NFRAMES_DUAL)

    np.save("simple_brownian_cddm_t1.npy", t1)
    np.save("simple_brownian_cddm_t2.npy", t2)
    #print("Writing to HD ...")

    #v1 = viewer.VideoViewer(get_dual_video(), n = 1024)

    v = viewer.VideoViewer(v1)

    v = viewer.VideoViewer(v2)
Example #4
 def test_memmaps(self):
     video = fromarrays((vid, ))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         video = asmemmaps("deleteme", video)
     video = asmemmaps("deleteme", video, 128)