def bimlpa(g_original: object, theta: float = 0.3, lambd: int = 7) -> BiNodeClustering: """ BiMLPA is designed to detect the many-to-many correspondence community in bipartite networks using multi-label propagation algorithm. **Supported Graph Types** ========== ======== ======== ========= Undirected Directed Weighted Bipartite ========== ======== ======== ========= Yes No No Yes ========== ======== ======== ========= :param g_original: a networkx/igraph object :param theta: Label weights threshold. Default 0.3. :param lambd: The max number of labels. Default 7. :return: BiNodeClustering object :Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.algorithms.bipartite.generators.random_graph(100, 20, 0.1) >>> coms = algorithms.bimlpa(G) :References: Taguchi, Hibiki, Tsuyoshi Murata, and Xin Liu. "BiMLPA: Community Detection in Bipartite Networks by Multi-Label Propagation." International Conference on Network Science. Springer, Cham, 2020. .. note:: Reference implementation: """ from BiMLPA import BiMLPA_SqrtDeg, relabeling, output_community g = convert_graph_formats(g_original, nx.Graph) if not nx.algorithms.bipartite.is_bipartite(g): raise ValueError("The graph is not bipartite") bimlpa = BiMLPA_SqrtDeg(g, theta, lambd) bimlpa.start() relabeling(g) top_coms, bottom_coms = output_community(g) return BiNodeClustering( top_coms, bottom_coms, g_original, "BiMLPA", method_parameters={ "theta": theta, "lambd": lambd }, )
def CPM_Bipartite(g_original, resolution_parameter_01, resolution_parameter_0=0, resolution_parameter_1=0, degree_as_node_size=False, seed=0): """ CPM_Bipartite is the extension of CPM to bipartite graphs :param g_original: a networkx/igraph object :param resolution_parameter_01: Resolution parameter for in between two classes. :param resolution_parameter_0: Resolution parameter for class 0. :param resolution_parameter_1: Resolution parameter for class 1. :param degree_as_node_size: If ``True`` use degree as node size instead of 1, to mimic modularity :param seed: the random seed to be used in CPM method to keep results/partitions replicable :return: BiNodeClustering object :Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.algorithms.bipartite.generators.random_graph(100, 20, 0.5) >>> coms = algorithms.CPM_Bipartite(G, 1) :References: Barber, M. J. (2007). Modularity and community detection in bipartite networks. Physical Review E, 76(6), 066102. 10.1103/PhysRevE.76.066102 .. note:: Reference implementation: """ if ig is None or leidenalg is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Optional dependency not satisfied: install igraph and leidenalg to use the " "selected feature.") g = convert_graph_formats(g_original, ig.Graph) try: g.vs['name'] except: g.vs['name'] = [v.index for v in g.vs] optimiser = leidenalg.Optimiser() leidenalg.Optimiser.set_rng_seed(self=optimiser, value=seed) p_01, p_0, p_1 = leidenalg.CPMVertexPartition.Bipartite(g, resolution_parameter_01=resolution_parameter_01, resolution_parameter_0=resolution_parameter_0, resolution_parameter_1=resolution_parameter_1, degree_as_node_size=degree_as_node_size) optimiser.optimise_partition_multiplex([p_01, p_0, p_1], layer_weights=[1, -1, -1]) coms = defaultdict(list) for n in g.vs: coms[p_01.membership[n.index]].append(n.index) return BiNodeClustering(list(coms.values()), [], g_original, "CPM_Bipartite", method_parameters={"resolution_parameter_0": resolution_parameter_01, "resolution_parameter_0": resolution_parameter_0, "resolution_parameter_1": resolution_parameter_1, "degree_as_node_size": degree_as_node_size, "seed": seed})
def condor(g_original: object) -> BiNodeClustering: """ BRIM algorithm for bipartite community structure detection. Works on weighted and unweighted graphs. :param g_original: a networkx/igraph object :return: BiNodeClustering object :Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> coms = algorithms.condor(G) :References: Platig, J., Castaldi, P. J., DeMeo, D., & Quackenbush, J. (2016). Bipartite community structure of eQTLs. PLoS computational biology, 12(9), e1005033. .. note:: Reference implementation: """ g = convert_graph_formats(g_original, nx.Graph) net = nx.to_pandas_edgelist(g) co = condor_object(net) co = initial_community(co) co = brim(co) left = co["tar_memb"] right = co["reg_memb"] lefts = defaultdict(list) for index, row in left.iterrows(): if isinstance(row["tar"], str): lefts[row["com"]].append(row["tar"]) else: lefts[row["com"]].append(int(row["tar"])) rights = defaultdict(list) for index, row in right.iterrows(): if isinstance(row["reg"], str): rights[row["com"]].append(row["reg"]) else: rights[row["com"]].append(int(row["reg"])) return BiNodeClustering( list(lefts.values()), list(rights.values()), g_original, "Condor", method_parameters={}, )
def bimlpa(g, theta=0.3, lambd=7): """ BiMLPA is designed to detect the many-to-many correspondence community in bipartite networks using multi-label propagation algorithm. :param g: a networkx/igraph object :param theta: Label weights threshold. Default 0.3. :param lambd: The max number of labels. Default 7. :return: BiNodeClustering object :Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> coms = algorithms.bimlpa(G) :References: Taguchi, Hibiki, Tsuyoshi Murata, and Xin Liu. "BiMLPA: Community Detection in Bipartite Networks by Multi-Label Propagation." International Conference on Network Science. Springer, Cham, 2020. .. note:: Reference implementation: """ from BiMLPA import BiMLPA_SqrtDeg, relabeling, output_community g = convert_graph_formats(g, nx.Graph) bimlpa = BiMLPA_SqrtDeg(g, theta, lambd) bimlpa.start() relabeling(g) top_coms, bottom_coms = output_community(g) return BiNodeClustering(top_coms, bottom_coms, g, "BiMLPA", method_parameters={ "theta": theta, "lambd": lambd })
def infomap_bipartite(g_original): """ Infomap is based on ideas of information theory. The algorithm uses the probability flow of random walks on a bipartite network as a proxy for information flows in the real system and it decomposes the network into modules by compressing a description of the probability flow. :param g_original: a networkx/igraph object :return: BiNodeClustering object :Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> coms = algorithms.infomap_bipartite(G) :References: Rosvall M, Bergstrom CT (2008) `Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure. <>`_ Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 105(4):1118–1123 .. note:: Reference implementation: """ if imp is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Optional dependency not satisfied: install infomap to use the selected feature." ) if pipes is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Optional dependency not satisfied: install package wurlitzer to use infomap." ) g = convert_graph_formats(g_original, nx.Graph) g.is_directed() g1 = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(g, label_attribute="name") name_map = nx.get_node_attributes(g1, 'name') if not nx.algorithms.bipartite.is_bipartite(g1): raise ValueError("The graph is not bipartite") X, Y = nx.algorithms.bipartite.sets(g1) X = {x: n for n, x in enumerate(X)} Y = {y: n + max(X.values()) + 1 for n, y in enumerate(Y)} Z = {**X, **Y} g1 = nx.relabel_nodes(g1, Z) inv_Z = {v: k for k, v in Z.items()} coms_to_node = defaultdict(list) with pipes(): im = imp.Infomap() im.bipartite_start_id = min(Y.keys()) for e in g1.edges(data=True): if len(e) == 3 and 'weight' in e[2]: im.addLink(e[0], e[1], e[2]['weight']) else: im.addLink(e[0], e[1]) for node in im.iterTree(): if node.isLeaf(): nid = node.physicalId module = node.moduleIndex() nm = name_map[inv_Z[nid]] coms_to_node[module].append(nm) coms_infomap = [list(c) for c in coms_to_node.values()] return BiNodeClustering(coms_infomap, [], g_original, "Infomap Bipartite", method_parameters={"": ""})
def infomap_bipartite(g_original: object, flags: str = "") -> BiNodeClustering: """ Infomap is based on ideas of information theory. The algorithm uses the probability flow of random walks on a bipartite network as a proxy for information flows in the real system and it decomposes the network into modules by compressing a description of the probability flow. :param g_original: a networkx/igraph object :param flags: str flags for Infomap :return: BiNodeClustering object :Example: >>> from cdlib import algorithms >>> import networkx as nx >>> G = nx.karate_club_graph() >>> coms = algorithms.infomap_bipartite(G) :References: Rosvall M, Bergstrom CT (2008) `Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure. <>`_ Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 105(4):1118–1123 .. note:: Reference implementation: .. note:: Infomap Python API documentation: """ if imp is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Optional dependency not satisfied: install infomap to use the selected feature." ) if pipes is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Optional dependency not satisfied: install package wurlitzer to use infomap." ) g = convert_graph_formats(g_original, nx.Graph) g1 = nx.convert_node_labels_to_integers(g, label_attribute="name") name_map = nx.get_node_attributes(g1, "name") if not nx.algorithms.bipartite.is_bipartite(g1): raise ValueError("The graph is not bipartite") X, Y = nx.algorithms.bipartite.sets(g1) X = {x: n for n, x in enumerate(X)} Y = {y: n + max(X.values()) + 1 for n, y in enumerate(Y)} Z = {**X, **Y} g1 = nx.relabel_nodes(g1, Z) inv_Z = {v: k for k, v in Z.items()} coms_to_node = defaultdict(list) with pipes(): im = imp.Infomap(flags) im.bipartite_start_id = min(Y.keys()) im.add_nodes(g1.nodes) for source, target, data in g1.edges(data=True): if "weight" in data: im.add_link(source, target, data["weight"]) else: im.add_link(source, target) for node_id, module_id in im.modules: node_name = name_map[inv_Z[node_id]] coms_to_node[module_id].append(node_name) coms_infomap = [list(c) for c in coms_to_node.values()] return BiNodeClustering( coms_infomap, [], g_original, "Infomap Bipartite", method_parameters={"flags": flags}, )