def start_script( library_view = "oldway" ):
    messy_exit = False
    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Library_view: %s" % library_view, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
    # turn off autorefresh
    early_exit = False
    autorefresh_movie = False
    movie_next = False
    prev_trigger = None
    auto_refresh( autorefresh, "disable" )
    if library_view != "oldway":
        xbmc.executebuiltin( "ActivateWindow(videolibrary,%s,return)" % library_view )
        # wait until Video Library shows
        while not xbmc.getCondVisibility( "Container.Content(movies)" ):
        if _S_( "enable_notification" ) == "true":
            xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification( %s, %s, %d, %s)" % (header, _L_( 32546 ), 300000, image) )
        # wait until playlist is full to the required number of features
        xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Waiting for queue to be filled with %s Feature films" % number_of_features, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
        count = 0
        while playlist.size() < number_of_features:
            if playlist.size() > count:
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - User queued %s of %s Feature films" % (playlist.size(), number_of_features), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                header1 = header + " - Feature " + "%d" % playlist.size()
                message = _L_( 32543 ) + playlist[playlist.size() -1].getdescription()
                if _S_( "enable_notification" ) == "true":
                    xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification( %s, %s, %d, %s)" % (header1, message, time_delay, image) )
                count = playlist.size()
            if not xbmc.getCondVisibility( "Container.Content(movies)" ):
                early_exit = True
        xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - User queued %s Feature films" % playlist.size(), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
        if not early_exit:
            header1 = header + " - Feature " + "%d" % playlist.size()
            message = _L_( 32543 ) + playlist[playlist.size() -1].getdescription()
            if _S_( "enable_notification" ) == "true":
                xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification( %s, %s, %d, %s)" % (header1, message, time_delay, image) )
            early_exit = False
        # If for some reason the limit does not get reached and the window changed, cancel script
    if playlist.size() < number_of_features and library_view != "oldway":
        if _S_( "enable_notification" ) == "true":
            xbmc.executebuiltin("Notification( %s, %s, %d, %s)" % (header, _L_( 32544 ), time_delay, image) )
        mpaa, audio, genre, movie, equivalent_mpaa = _get_queued_video_info( feature = 0 )
        plist = _store_playlist() # need to store movie playlist
        _play_trivia( mpaa, genre, plist, equivalent_mpaa )
        _clear_playlists( "music" )
        trigger_list = _load_trigger_list()
        count = -1
        stop_check = 0
        paused = False
        # prelim programming for adding - Activate script and other additions
        while not playlist.getposition() == ( playlist.size() - 1 ):
                pauseCheck = xbmc.Player().getTime()
                xbmc.sleep( int( ce_pause_time * 1000 ) )
                if xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo():
                    stop_check = 0
                    if ( xbmc.Player().getTime() == pauseCheck ) and not paused:
                        prev_trigger = activate_ha( _L_( 32618 ), prev_trigger )
                        paused = True
                    elif not ( xbmc.Player().getTime() == pauseCheck ) and paused:
                        prev_trigger = activate_ha( _L_( 32619 ), prev_trigger )
                        paused = False
                elif not xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo():
                    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Video may have stopped", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                if xbmc.getCondVisibility( "Container.Content(movies)" ):
                    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Video Definitely Stopped", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                    messy_exit = True
                #if stop_check == 60:
                #    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Video Definitely Stopped", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                #    messy_exit = True
                #    break
                #     xbmc.sleep( 1000 )
                #     stop_check += 1 
            if playlist.getposition() > count:
                    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Item From Trigger List: %s" % trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ], level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Problem With Trigger List", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Playlist Position: %s  Playlist Size: %s " % ( ( playlist.getposition() + 1 ), ( playlist.size() ) ), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                if not playlist.getposition() == ( playlist.size() - 1 ):
                    prev_trigger = activate_ha( trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ], prev_trigger )
                    if trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ] == "Movie":
                        if _S_( "autorefresh" ) == "true" and _S_( "autorefresh_movie" ) == "true":
                            auto_refresh( autorefresh, "enable" )
                            autorefresh_movie = True
                        if autorefresh_movie:
                            auto_refresh( autorefresh, "disable" )
                            autorefresh_movie = False
                    xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - autorefresh_movie: %s" % autorefresh_movie, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                    count = playlist.getposition()
                    break  # Reached the last item in the playlist
        if not playlist.size() < 1 and not messy_exit: # To catch an already running script when a new instance started
            xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Playlist Position: %s  Playlist Size: %s " % ( playlist.getposition() + 1, ( playlist.size() ) ), level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            prev_trigger = activate_ha( trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ], prev_trigger, "normal" )
            if trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ] == "Movie":
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Item From Trigger List: %s" % trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ], level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                if _S_( "autorefresh" ) == "true" and _S_( "autorefresh_movie" ) == "true":
                    auto_refresh( autorefresh, "enable" )
                    autorefresh_movie = True
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Item From Trigger List: %s" % trigger_list[ playlist.getposition() ], level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                if autorefresh_movie:
                    auto_refresh( autorefresh, "disable" )
                    autorefresh_movie == False
            messy_exit = False
            xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - User might have pressed stop", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Stopping Script", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            messy_exit = False
    return messy_exit
def _play_trivia( mpaa, genre, plist, equivalent_mpaa ):
    activate_ha( _L_( 32613 ) ) # Script Start - Or where it seems to be
    # if trivia path and time to play the trivia slides
    pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
    pDialog.create( __script__, _L_( 32520 )  )
    pDialog.update( 0 )
    if int( _S_( "trivia_mode" ) ) == 2: # Start Movie Quiz Script
        xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Starting script.moviequiz", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
        start_downloader( mpaa, genre, equivalent_mpaa )
            _MA_= xbmcaddon.Addon( "script.moviequiz" )
            BASE_MOVIEQUIZ_PATH = xbmc.translatePath( _MA_.getAddonInfo('path') )
            sys.path.append( BASE_MOVIEQUIZ_PATH )
                import quizlib.question as question
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Loaded question module", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            except ImportError:
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Failed to Load question module", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                import quizlib.mq_ce_play as moviequiz
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Loaded mq_ce_play module", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            except ImportError:
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Failed to Load mq_ce_play module", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            activate_ha( _L_( 32613 ) ) # Script Start - Or where it seems to be
            if playlist.size() > 0:
            xbmc.sleep(500) # wait .5 seconds
            path = _MA_.getAddonInfo('path')
            question_type = 1
            mode = ( True, False )[int( _S_( "trivia_moviequiz_mode" ) ) ]
            mpaa = (  _S_( "trivia_rating" ), equivalent_mpaa, )[ _S_( "trivia_limit_query" ) == "true" ]
            question_limit = int( float( _S_( "trivia_moviequiz_qlimit" ) ) )
            completion = moviequiz.runCinemaExperience( question_type, mode, mpaa, genre, question_limit )
            if completion:
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Completed script.moviequiz", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
                xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Failed in script.moviequiz", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
            xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Failed to start script.moviequiz", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
        _rebuild_playlist( plist )
        import xbmcscript_player as script
        xbmc.sleep(500) # wait .5 seconds
        xbmc.Player().play( playlist )
    elif _S_( "trivia_folder" ) and int( _S_( "trivia_mode" ) ) == 1:  # Start Slide Show
        start_downloader( mpaa, genre, equivalent_mpaa )
        ## update dialog with new message
        pDialog.update( -1, _L_( 32510 ) )        
        # trivia settings, grab them here so we don't need another _S_() object
        if not int( _S_( "trivia_music" ) )== 0:
            pDialog.update( -1, _L_( 32511 )  )
        # set the proper mpaa rating user preference
        mpaa = (  _S_( "trivia_rating" ), equivalent_mpaa, )[ _S_( "trivia_limit_query" ) == "true" ]
        xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Slide MPAA Rating: %s" % equivalent_mpaa, level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
        # import trivia module and execute the gui
        pDialog.update( 50 )
        slide_playlist = _fetch_slides( equivalent_mpaa )
        if playlist.size() > 0:
            activate_ha( _L_( 32609 ) ) # Trivia Intro
        xbmc.sleep(1500) # wait 1.5 seconds 
        from xbmcscript_trivia import Trivia
        xbmc.log( "[ script.cinema.experience ] - Starting Trivia script", level=xbmc.LOGNOTICE )
        activate_ha( _L_( 32615 ) ) # Trivia Start
        __builtin__.plist = plist
        __builtin__.slide_playlist = slide_playlist
        __builtin__.movie_mpaa = mpaa
        __builtin__.movie_genre = genre
        ui = Trivia( "script-CExperience-trivia.xml", _A_.getAddonInfo('path'), "default", "720p" )
        del ui
        # we need to activate the video window
        xbmc.sleep(500) # wait .5 seconds
        xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.ActivateWindow(2005)" )
        xbmc.Player().play( playlist )
    elif int( _S_( "trivia_mode" ) ) == 0: # No Trivia
        # no trivia slide show so play the video
        start_downloader( mpaa, genre, equivalent_mpaa )
        _rebuild_playlist( plist )
        # play the video playlist
        import xbmcscript_player as script
        activate_ha( _L_( 32613 ) ) # Script Start - Or where it seems to be
        xbmc.sleep(500) # wait .5 seconds
        xbmc.Player().play( playlist )