Example #1
def one_iteration():
    Compute the objective function.

    Function 'one_iteration' will exectute in order all the module contained
    in '...' and extract the ... value from the last CPACS file, this value will
    be returned to the optimizer CPACSUpdater....

    global counter
    counter += 1

    # Create the parameter in CPACS with 'CPACSUpdater' module
    cpacs_path = mi.get_toolinput_file_path('CPACSUpdater')
    cpacs_out_path = mi.get_tooloutput_file_path('CPACSUpdater')

    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_path)
    wkdir_path = ceaf.create_new_wkdir(Rt.date)
    WKDIR_XPATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath'
    tixi.updateTextElement(WKDIR_XPATH, wkdir_path)

    # TODO: improve this part! (maybe move somewhere else)
    # To delete coef from previous iter
    if opf.get_aeromap_path(Rt.modules) != 'None':
        xpath = opf.get_aeromap_path(Rt.modules)
        aeromap_uid = cpsf.get_value(tixi, xpath + '/aeroMapUID')
        Coef = apmf.get_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
        apmf.delete_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
        apmf.create_empty_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid, 'test_optim')
        apmf.save_parameters(tixi, aeromap_uid, Coef)
        cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_path)

    # Update the CPACS file with the parameters contained in design_var_dict
    update_cpacs_file(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path, design_var_dict)

    # Save the CPACS file
    if counter % 1 == 0:
        file_copy_from = mi.get_tooloutput_file_path('CPACSUpdater')
            optim_dir_path + '/Geometry/' + 'iter_{}.xml'.format(counter))

    # Run optimisation sub workflow
    wkf.copy_module_to_module('CPACSUpdater', 'out', Rt.modules[0], 'in')
    wkf.copy_module_to_module(Rt.modules[-1], 'out', 'CPACSUpdater', 'in')

    # Extract results  TODO: improve this part
    cpacs_results_path = mi.get_tooloutput_file_path(Rt.modules[-1])
    log.info('Results will be extracted from:' + cpacs_results_path)
    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_results_path)

    # Update the constraints values
    return compute_obj()
Example #2
 def _delete(self, event=None):
     firstIndex = self.listBox.curselection()[0]
     self.selected_list = [self.listBox.get(i) for i in self.listBox.curselection()]
     aeromap_uid = self.selected_list[0]
Example #3
def aeromap_case_gen(modules):
    Generate a CSV file containing a dataset generated with aeromap parameters

        modules (lst) : list of modules to execute.

        file (str) : Path to CSV file.

    file = MODULE_DIR + '/Aeromap_generated.csv'
    infile = mi.get_toolinput_file_path('PredictiveTool')
    outfile = mi.get_tooloutput_file_path('PredictiveTool')

    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(infile)

    # Inputs
    alt = [0, 0]
    mach = [0.5, 0.5]
    aoa = [-10, 10]
    aos = [0, 0]
    nt = 100
    bounds = np.array([alt, mach, aoa, aos])
    # Sort criterion : ‘center’, ‘maximin’, ‘centermaximin’, ‘correlation’
    crit = 'corr'

    # Generate sample points, LHS or FullFactorial
    sampling = smp.LHS(xlimits=bounds, criterion=crit)
    xd = sampling(nt)
    xd = xd.transpose()
    # Delete the other aeromaps... maybe conserve them ?
    for uid in apmf.get_aeromap_uid_list(tixi):
        apmf.delete_aeromap(tixi, uid)

    # Create new aeromap
    aeromap_uid = 'DoE_Aeromap'
    am_xpath = tls.get_aeromap_path(modules)
    apmf.create_empty_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
    cpsf.add_string_vector(tixi, am_xpath + '/aeroMapUID', [aeromap_uid])

    # Add parameters to aeromap
    Param = apmf.AeroCoefficient()
    for i in range(0, xd.shape[1]):
        Param.add_param_point(xd[0][i], xd[1][i], xd[2][i], xd[3][i])
    apmf.save_parameters(tixi, aeromap_uid, Param)
    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, infile)

    wkf.run_subworkflow(modules, cpacs_path_in=infile, cpacs_path_out=outfile)

    # Get Aerocoefficient
    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(outfile)
    am_xpath = tls.get_aeromap_path(modules)
    aeromap_uid = cpsf.get_value(tixi, am_xpath + '/aeroMapUID')
    AeroCoefficient = apmf.get_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, outfile)

    dct = AeroCoefficient.to_dict()

    # Write to CSV
    df = pd.DataFrame(dct)
    df = df.transpose()
    var_type = [
        'obj' if i in objectives else
        'des' if i in ['alt', 'mach', 'aoa', 'aos'] else 'const'
        for i in df.index
    df.insert(0, 'type', var_type)
    df.to_csv(file, index=True)
    return file
Example #4
def one_optim_iter():
    """Function to evaluate the value to optimize.

    Function 'one_optim_iter' will exectute in order all the module contained
    in '...' and extract the ... value from the last CPACS file, this value will
    be returned to the optimizer


    # Create the parameter in CPACS with 'CPACSUpdater' module
    cpacs_path = mi.get_toolinput_file_path('CPACSUpdater')
    cpacs_out_path = mi.get_tooloutput_file_path('CPACSUpdater')

    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_path)
    wkdir_path = ceaf.create_new_wkdir()
    WKDIR_XPATH = '/cpacs/toolspecific/CEASIOMpy/filesPath/wkdirPath'
    tixi.updateTextElement(WKDIR_XPATH, wkdir_path)

    # TODO: improve this part! (maybe move somewhere else)
    # To delete coef from previous iter
    aeromap_uid = cpsf.get_value(tixi, SU2_XPATH + '/aeroMapUID')
    Coef = apmf.get_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
    apmf.delete_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)
    apmf.create_empty_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid, 'test_optim')
    apmf.save_parameters(tixi, aeromap_uid, Coef)
    cpsf.close_tixi(tixi, cpacs_path)

    # Update the CPACS file with the parameters contained in optim_var_dict
    update_cpacs_file(cpacs_path, cpacs_out_path, optim_var_dict)

    # Run optimisation sub workflow
    wkf.copy_module_to_module('CPACSUpdater', 'out', module_optim[0], 'in')
    wkf.copy_module_to_module(module_optim[-1], 'out', 'CPACSUpdater', 'in')

    # Extract results  TODO: improve this part
    cpacs_results_path = mi.get_tooloutput_file_path(module_optim[-1])
    log.info('Results will be extracted from:' + cpacs_results_path)
    tixi = cpsf.open_tixi(cpacs_results_path)

    mtom = cpsf.get_value(

    aeromap_uid = cpsf.get_value(tixi, SU2_XPATH + '/aeroMapUID')
    Coef = apmf.get_aeromap(tixi, aeromap_uid)

    cl = Coef.cl[0]
    cd = Coef.cd[0]
    cm = Coef.cms[0]

    for key, (name, listval, minval, maxval,
              command) in optim_var_dict.items():
        log.info(name, ': ', listval[-1])

    log.info('Cl/Cd: ' + str(cl / cd))
    log.info('Cl: ' + str(cl))
    log.info('Cd: ' + str(cd))
    log.info('Cd: ' + str(cm))
    log.info('MTOM:' + str(mtom))
    log.info('(Cl)/MTOM:' + str(cl / mtom))

    # TODO: add option to choose what will be returned
    # return -mtom
    # return -cl
    # return cd
    # return -cl/cd
    return -cl / cd / mtom