Example #1
def get_consumer_set(connection, queues=None, **options):
    """Get the :class:`carrot.messaging.ConsumerSet`` for a queue

    Defaults to the queues in ``CELERY_QUEUES``.

    queues = queues or conf.get_queues()
    cset = ConsumerSet(connection)
    for queue_name, queue_options in queues.items():
        queue_options = dict(queue_options)
        queue_options["routing_key"] = queue_options.pop("binding_key", None)
        consumer = Consumer(connection, queue=queue_name, backend=cset.backend, **queue_options)
    return cset
Example #2
def get_consumer_set(connection, queues=None, **options):
    """Get the :class:`carrot.messaging.ConsumerSet`` for a queue

    Defaults to the queues in :const:`CELERY_QUEUES`.

    queues = queues or conf.get_queues()
    cset = ConsumerSet(connection)
    for queue_name, queue_options in queues.items():
        queue_options = dict(queue_options)
        queue_options["routing_key"] = queue_options.pop("binding_key", None)
        consumer = Consumer(connection,
    return cset
Example #3
    def startup_info(self):
        tasklist = ""
        if self.loglevel <= logging.INFO:
            include_builtins = self.loglevel <= logging.DEBUG
            tasklist = self.tasklist(include_builtins=include_builtins)

        queues = conf.get_queues()

        return STARTUP_INFO_FMT % {
            "conninfo": info.format_broker_info(),
            "queues": info.format_queues(queues, indent=8),
            "concurrency": self.concurrency,
            "loglevel": conf.LOG_LEVELS[self.loglevel],
            "logfile": self.logfile or "[stderr]",
            "celerybeat": self.run_clockservice and "ON" or "OFF",
            "events": self.events and "ON" or "OFF",
            "tasks": tasklist,
            "loader": get_full_cls_name(self.loader.__class__),
Example #4
    def startup_info(self):
        tasklist = ""
        if self.loglevel <= logging.INFO:
            include_builtins = self.loglevel <= logging.DEBUG
            tasklist = self.tasklist(include_builtins=include_builtins)

        queues = conf.get_queues()

        return STARTUP_INFO_FMT % {
            "conninfo": info.format_broker_info(),
            "queues": info.format_queues(queues, indent=8),
            "concurrency": self.concurrency,
            "loglevel": conf.LOG_LEVELS[self.loglevel],
            "logfile": self.logfile or "[stderr]",
            "celerybeat": self.run_clockservice and "ON" or "OFF",
            "events": self.events and "ON" or "OFF",
            "tasks": tasklist,
            "loader": get_full_cls_name(self.loader.__class__),
Example #5
def apply_async(task,
    """Run a task asynchronously by the celery daemon(s).

    :param task: The :class:`~celery.task.base.Task` to run.

    :keyword args: The positional arguments to pass on to the
      task (a :class:`list` or :class:`tuple`).

    :keyword kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass on to the
      task (a :class:`dict`)

    :keyword countdown: Number of seconds into the future that the task should
      execute. Defaults to immediate delivery (Do not confuse that with
      the ``immediate`` setting, they are unrelated).

    :keyword eta: A :class:`~datetime.datetime` object that describes the
      absolute time and date of when the task should execute. May not be
      specified if ``countdown`` is also supplied. (Do not confuse this
      with the ``immediate`` setting, they are unrelated).

    :keyword expires: Either a :class:`int`, describing the number of seconds,
      or a :class:`~datetime.datetime` object that describes the absolute time
      and date of when the task should expire.
      The task will not be executed after the expiration time.

    :keyword connection: Re-use existing broker connection instead
      of establishing a new one. The ``connect_timeout`` argument is
      not respected if this is set.

    :keyword connect_timeout: The timeout in seconds, before we give up
      on establishing a connection to the AMQP server.

    :keyword routing_key: The routing key used to route the task to a worker
      server. Defaults to the tasks :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.exchange`

    :keyword exchange: The named exchange to send the task to. Defaults to
      the tasks :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.exchange` attribute.

    :keyword exchange_type: The exchange type to initalize the exchange as
      if not already declared. Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.exchange_type` attribute.

    :keyword immediate: Request immediate delivery. Will raise an exception
      if the task cannot be routed to a worker immediately.
      (Do not confuse this parameter with the ``countdown`` and ``eta``
      settings, as they are unrelated). Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.immediate` attribute.

    :keyword mandatory: Mandatory routing. Raises an exception if there's
      no running workers able to take on this task. Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.mandatory` attribute.

    :keyword priority: The task priority, a number between ``0`` and ``9``.
      Defaults to the tasks :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.priority` attribute.

    :keyword serializer: A string identifying the default serialization
      method to use. Defaults to the :setting:`CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER` setting.
      Can be ``pickle`` ``json``, ``yaml``, or any custom serialization
      methods that have been registered with
      :mod:`carrot.serialization.registry`. Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.serializer` attribute.

    **Note**: If the :setting:`CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER` setting is set, it will be
    replaced by a local :func:`apply` call instead.

    router = router or Router(conf.ROUTES, conf.get_queues(),

    if conf.ALWAYS_EAGER:
        return apply(task, args, kwargs, task_id=task_id)

    task = tasks[task.name]  # get instance from registry

    options = dict(extract_exec_options(task), **options)
    options = router.route(options, task.name, args, kwargs)
    exchange = options.get("exchange")
    exchange_type = options.get("exchange_type")
    expires = expires or task.expires

    publish = publisher or task.get_publisher(
        connection, exchange=exchange, exchange_type=exchange_type)
        task_id = publish.delay_task(task.name,
        publisher or publish.close()

    return task.AsyncResult(task_id)
Example #6
def apply_async(task, args=None, kwargs=None, countdown=None, eta=None,
        task_id=None, publisher=None, connection=None, connect_timeout=None,
        router=None, **options):
    """Run a task asynchronously by the celery daemon(s).

    :param task: The :class:`~celery.task.base.Task` to run.

    :keyword args: The positional arguments to pass on to the
      task (a :class:`list` or :class:`tuple`).

    :keyword kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass on to the
      task (a :class:`dict`)

    :keyword countdown: Number of seconds into the future that the task should
      execute. Defaults to immediate delivery (Do not confuse that with
      the ``immediate`` setting, they are unrelated).

    :keyword eta: A :class:`~datetime.datetime` object that describes the
      absolute time when the task should execute. May not be specified
      if ``countdown`` is also supplied. (Do not confuse this with the
      ``immediate`` setting, they are unrelated).

    :keyword connection: Re-use existing broker connection instead
      of establishing a new one. The ``connect_timeout`` argument is
      not respected if this is set.

    :keyword connect_timeout: The timeout in seconds, before we give up
      on establishing a connection to the AMQP server.

    :keyword routing_key: The routing key used to route the task to a worker
      server. Defaults to the tasks :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.exchange`

    :keyword exchange: The named exchange to send the task to. Defaults to
      the tasks :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.exchange` attribute.

    :keyword exchange_type: The exchange type to initalize the exchange as
      if not already declared. Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.exchange_type` attribute.

    :keyword immediate: Request immediate delivery. Will raise an exception
      if the task cannot be routed to a worker immediately.
      (Do not confuse this parameter with the ``countdown`` and ``eta``
      settings, as they are unrelated). Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.immediate` attribute.

    :keyword mandatory: Mandatory routing. Raises an exception if there's
      no running workers able to take on this task. Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.mandatory` attribute.

    :keyword priority: The task priority, a number between ``0`` and ``9``.
      Defaults to the tasks :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.priority` attribute.

    :keyword serializer: A string identifying the default serialization
      method to use. Defaults to the ``CELERY_TASK_SERIALIZER`` setting.
      Can be ``pickle`` ``json``, ``yaml``, or any custom serialization
      methods that have been registered with
      :mod:`carrot.serialization.registry`. Defaults to the tasks
      :attr:`~celery.task.base.Task.serializer` attribute.

    **Note**: If the ``CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER`` setting is set, it will be
    replaced by a local :func:`apply` call instead.

    router = router or Router(conf.ROUTES, conf.get_queues())

    if conf.ALWAYS_EAGER:
        return apply(task, args, kwargs, task_id=task_id)

    task = tasks[task.name] # get instance from registry

    options = dict(extract_exec_options(task), **options)
    options = router.route(options, task.name, args, kwargs)
    exchange = options.get("exchange")
    exchange_type = options.get("exchange_type")

    publish = publisher or task.get_publisher(connection, exchange=exchange,
        task_id = publish.delay_task(task.name, args, kwargs, task_id=task_id,
                                     countdown=countdown, eta=eta, **options)
        publisher or publish.close()

    return task.AsyncResult(task_id)
Example #7
from itertools import count

from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection
from carrot.messaging import Publisher, Consumer, ConsumerSet as _ConsumerSet

from celery import conf
from celery import signals
from celery.utils import gen_unique_id, mitemgetter, noop
from celery.utils.functional import wraps

MSG_OPTIONS = ("mandatory", "priority", "immediate", "routing_key", "serializer", "delivery_mode")

get_msg_options = mitemgetter(*MSG_OPTIONS)
extract_msg_options = lambda d: dict(zip(MSG_OPTIONS, get_msg_options(d)))
default_queue = conf.get_queues()[conf.DEFAULT_QUEUE]

_queues_declared = False
_exchanges_declared = set()

class TaskPublisher(Publisher):
    """Publish tasks."""

    exchange = default_queue["exchange"]
    exchange_type = default_queue["exchange_type"]
    routing_key = conf.DEFAULT_ROUTING_KEY
    serializer = conf.TASK_SERIALIZER
    auto_declare = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Example #8
from itertools import count

from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection
from carrot.messaging import Publisher, Consumer, ConsumerSet as _ConsumerSet

from celery import conf
from celery import signals
from celery.utils import gen_unique_id, mitemgetter, noop
from celery.utils.functional import wraps

MSG_OPTIONS = ("mandatory", "priority", "immediate", "routing_key",
               "serializer", "delivery_mode")

get_msg_options = mitemgetter(*MSG_OPTIONS)
extract_msg_options = lambda d: dict(zip(MSG_OPTIONS, get_msg_options(d)))
default_queue = conf.get_queues()[conf.DEFAULT_QUEUE]

_queues_declared = False
_exchanges_declared = set()

class TaskPublisher(Publisher):
    """Publish tasks."""
    exchange = default_queue["exchange"]
    exchange_type = default_queue["exchange_type"]
    routing_key = conf.DEFAULT_ROUTING_KEY
    serializer = conf.TASK_SERIALIZER
    auto_declare = False

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TaskPublisher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)