Example #1
def load_colony(colony, initial_file, config):
    """Loads the initial colony of cells."""
    with open(initial_file, newline='') as fp:
        reader = csv.DictReader(fp, skipinitialspace=True)
        for row in reader:
            name = row['name']
            celltype = config['global.cellType'].lower()
            if celltype == 'bacilli':
                x = float(row['x'])
                y = float(row['y'])
                width = float(row['width'])
                length = float(row['length'])
                rotation = float(row['rotation'])
                if config["simulation"]["image.type"] == "graySynthetic":
                    opacity = config["simulation"]["cell.opacity"]
                    cell = Bacilli(name,
                    cell = Bacilli(name, x, y, width, length, rotation)
def perturb_bacilli(node, config, imageshape):
    """Create a new perturbed bacilli cell."""
    global badcount  # DEBUG
    cell = node.cell
    prior = node.prior.cell

    if node.split:
        p1, p2 = node.prior.cell.split(node.alpha)
        if p1.name == node.cell.name:
            prior = p1
        elif p2.name == node.cell.name:
            prior = p2
            AssertionError('Names not matching')

    max_displacement = config['bacilli.maxSpeed'] / config[
    max_rotation = config['bacilli.maxSpin'] / config['global.framesPerSecond']
    min_growth = config['bacilli.minGrowth']
    max_growth = config['bacilli.maxGrowth']
    min_width = config['bacilli.minWidth']
    max_width = config['bacilli.maxWidth']
    min_length = config['bacilli.minLength']
    max_length = config['bacilli.maxLength']

    perturb_conf = config["perturbation"]
    p_x = perturb_conf["prob.x"]
    p_y = perturb_conf["prob.y"]
    p_width = perturb_conf["prob.width"]
    p_length = perturb_conf["prob.length"]
    p_rotation = perturb_conf["prob.rotation"]

    x_mu = perturb_conf["modification.x.mu"]
    y_mu = perturb_conf["modification.y.mu"]
    width_mu = perturb_conf["modification.width.mu"]
    length_mu = perturb_conf["modification.length.mu"]
    rotation_mu = perturb_conf["modification.rotation.mu"]

    x_sigma = perturb_conf["modification.x.sigma"]
    y_sigma = perturb_conf["modification.y.sigma"]
    width_sigma = perturb_conf["modification.width.sigma"]
    length_sigma = perturb_conf["modification.length.sigma"]
    rotation_sigma = perturb_conf["modification.rotation.sigma"]

    simulation_config = config["simulation"]
    if simulation_config["image.type"] == "graySynthetic":
        p_opacity = perturb_conf["prob.opacity"]
        opacity_mu = perturb_conf["modification.opacity.mu"]
        opacity_sigma = perturb_conf["modification.opacity.sigma"]

    while True:
        # set starting properties
        x = cell.x
        y = cell.y
        width = cell.width
        length = cell.length
        rotation = cell.rotation
        cell_opacity = cell.opacity

        if simulation_config["image.type"] == "graySynthetic":
            p_decision = np.array(
                [p_x, p_y, p_width, p_length, p_rotation, p_opacity])
            p_decision = np.array([p_x, p_y, p_width, p_length, p_rotation])

        p = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=p_decision.size)

        # generate a sequence such that at least an attribute must be modified
        while (p > p_decision).all():
            p = np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=p_decision.size)

        if p[0] < p_decision[0]:  # perturb x
            x = cell.x + random.gauss(mu=x_mu, sigma=x_sigma)

        if p[1] < p_decision[1]:  # perturb y
            y = cell.y + random.gauss(mu=y_mu, sigma=y_sigma)

        if p[2] < p_decision[2]:  # perturb width
            width = cell.width + random.gauss(mu=width_mu, sigma=width_sigma)

        if p[3] < p_decision[3]:  # perturb length
            length = cell.length + random.gauss(mu=length_mu,

        if p[4] < p_decision[4]:  # perturb rotation
            rotation = cell.rotation + random.gauss(mu=rotation_mu,
        # if simulation_config["image.type"] == "graySynthetic" and p[5] < p_decision[5]:
        # cell_opacity = cell.opacity + (random.gauss(mu=opacity_mu, sigma=opacity_sigma))

        displacement = sqrt(np.sum((np.array([x, y, 0] - prior.position))**2))

        if not (0 <= x < imageshape[1] and 0 <= y < imageshape[0]) or (displacement > max_displacement) \
                or width < min_width or width > max_width or (abs(rotation - prior.rotation) > max_rotation) or \
                not (min_length < length < max_length) or not (min_growth < length - prior.length < max_growth):
            badcount += 1
        elif simulation_config[
                "image.type"] == "graySynthetic" and cell_opacity < 0:
            badcount += 1

    # push the new cell over the previous in the node
        Bacilli(cell.name, x, y, width, length, rotation, cell.split_alpha,
Example #3
def perturb_bacilli(node, config, imageshape):
    """Create a new perturbed bacilli cell."""
    global badcount  # DEBUG
    cell = node.cell
    prior = node.prior.cell

    if node.split:
        p1, p2 = node.prior.cell.split(node.alpha)
        if p1.name == node.cell.name:
            prior = p1
        elif p2.name == node.cell.name:
            prior = p2
            AssertionError('Names not matching')

    max_displacement = config['bacilli.maxSpeed'] / config[
    max_rotation = config['bacilli.maxSpin'] / config['global.framesPerSecond']
    min_growth = config['bacilli.minGrowth']
    max_growth = config['bacilli.maxGrowth']
    min_width = config['bacilli.minWidth']
    max_width = config['bacilli.maxWidth']
    min_length = config['bacilli.minLength']
    max_length = config['bacilli.maxLength']

    # set starting properties
    x = cell.x
    y = cell.y
    width = cell.width
    length = cell.length
    rotation = cell.rotation

    modified = False
    wasbad = False  # DEBUG
    while not modified:

        # randomly make changes
        if random.random() < 0.35:
            x = cell.x + random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=0.5)
            modified = True

        if random.random() < 0.35:
            y = cell.y + random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=0.5)
            modified = True

        if random.random() < 0.1:
            width = cell.width + random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=0.1)
            modified = True

        if random.random() < 0.2:
            length = cell.length + random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=1)
            modified = True

        if random.random() < 0.2:
            rotation = cell.rotation + random.gauss(mu=0, sigma=0.2)
            modified = True

        # ensure that those changes fall within constraints
        if modified:
            displacement = sqrt(
                np.sum((np.array([x, y, 0] - prior.position))**2))
            bad = False
            if not (0 <= x < imageshape[1] and 0 <= y < imageshape[0]):
                bad = True
            elif displacement > max_displacement:
                bad = True
            elif width < min_width or width > max_width:
                bad = True
            elif abs(rotation - prior.rotation) > max_rotation:
                bad = True
            elif not (min_length < length < max_length):
                bad = True
            elif not (min_growth < length - prior.length < max_growth):
                bad = True
            if bad:
                wasbad = True  # DEBUG
                x = cell.x
                y = cell.y
                width = cell.width
                length = cell.length
                rotation = cell.rotation
                modified = False

    if wasbad:  # DEBUG
        badcount += 1

    # push the new cell over the previous in the node
    node.push(Bacilli(cell.name, x, y, width, length, rotation))