def add_channelfn(self, can_remove=True):
		'''Add another image channel
		can_remove - true if we are allowed to remove this channel
		group = cps.SettingsGroup()
		#Check which cellprofiler image we are in the group
		#(each channel translates to a single cellprofiler image)
		cpimg_index = 0
		for channel in self.channels:
			if id(channel) == id(group):
			cpimg_index += 1
		group.append("divider", cps.Divider(line=True))
		group.append("cpimage_name", cps.ImageNameProvider(
			'Image name', default_cpimage_name(cpimg_index)))
		channel_numbers = [
			str(x) for x in range(0, max(10, len(self.channels)+2)) ]
		group.append("channel_number", cps.Choice(
			"Channel number:", channel_numbers, channel_numbers[len(self.channels)-1],
			doc = """(Used only for multichannel images)
			The channels of a multichannel image are numbered starting from 0 (zero).
			Each channel is a greyscale image, acquired using different
			illumination sources and/or optics. Use this setting to pick
			the channel to associate with the image or images you load from
		group.can_remove = can_remove
		if can_remove:
			group.append("remover", cps.RemoveSettingButton(
				"Remove this channel", "Remove channel", self.channels, group))
    def add_channelfn(self, can_remove=True):
        '''Add another image channel

        can_remove - true if we are allowed to remove this channel
        group = cps.SettingsGroup()

        # Check which cellprofiler image we are in the group
        # (each channel translates to a single cellprofiler image)
        cpimg_index = 0
        for channel in self.channels:
            if id(channel) == id(group):
            cpimg_index += 1

        group.append("divider", cps.Divider(line=True))
        group.append("cpimage_name", cps.ImageNameProvider(
                'Image name', default_cpimage_name(cpimg_index)))
        channel_numbers = [
            str(x) for x in range(0, max(10, len(self.channels) + 2))]
        group.append("channel_number", cps.Choice(
                "Channel number:", channel_numbers, channel_numbers[len(self.channels) - 1],
                doc="""(Used only for multichannel images)
			The channels of a multichannel image are numbered starting from 0 (zero).

			Each channel is a greyscale image, acquired using different
			illumination sources and/or optics. Use this setting to pick
			the channel to associate with the image or images you load from
        group.can_remove = can_remove
        if can_remove:
            group.append("remover", cps.RemoveSettingButton(
                    "Remove this channel", "Remove channel", self.channels, group))
    def load_channels(self):
        '''Add and set channels based on an image from omero '''
            id = int(self.omero_object_id.value)

            if self.omero_object == MS_IMAGE:
                omero_image = self.omero_gateway.getImage(id)
            elif self.omero_object == MS_DATASET:
                images_from_dataset = self.get_images_from_dataset(id, 1)
                if len(images_from_dataset) == 0:
                    omero_image = None
                    omero_image = images_from_dataset[0]
            elif self.omero_object == MS_PLATE:
                wells_from_plate = self.get_wells_from_plate(id, 1)
                if len(wells_from_plate) == 0:
                    omero_image = None
                    omero_well = wells_from_plate[0]
                    omero_image = omero_well.getWellSample(0).getImage()

            if omero_image is None:
                # Don't say plate or dataset not found as they might still exist but do not have
                # images attached to them. Another reason for not being able to find images is
                # because the omero account used does not have permissions to retrieve the image
                # or images.
                raise RuntimeError("No image found for %s with id %d" %
                                   (self.omero_object, id))

            omero_image_id = omero_image.getId().getValue()
            pixels = self.omero_gateway.getPixelsFromImage(omero_image_id)[0]
            #The pixels doesn't have all the (logical) channels
            #because of lazy loading. So the pixels is requested
            #again, but in a way to get the channels as well.
            pixels = self.omero_gateway.getPixels(pixels.getId().getValue())

            #repopulate channels based on the retrieved pixels.
            #note: cannot say self.channels=[] because the channel_count
            #is associated with the object self.channels refers to.
            for channel in self.channels[:]:
            omero_channels = [channel for channel in pixels.iterateChannels()]
            number_of_channels = pixels.getSizeC().getValue()
            for channel_number in range(0, number_of_channels):
                omero_channel = omero_channels[
                #load default cpimage name in case the logical channel name
                # cannot be retrieved. e.g. when the logical channel name is null
                    omero_channel_name = omero_channel.getName().getValue(
                    omero_channel_name = default_cpimage_name(channel_number)
                self.add_channelfn(channel_number != 0)

            #Close the session just in case the user decides not to run
            #the pipeline.
            self.omero_client = None
                "Retrieved %d channel(s) from OMERO" % number_of_channels, "",
            wx.MessageBox(traceback.format_exc(limit=0), "Exception",
	def load_channels(self):
		'''Add and set channels based on an image from omero '''
			id = int(self.omero_object_id.value)
			if self.omero_object == MS_IMAGE:
				omero_image = self.omero_gateway.getImage(id)
			elif self.omero_object == MS_DATASET:
				images_from_dataset = self.get_images_from_dataset(id, 1)
				if len(images_from_dataset) == 0:
					omero_image = None
					omero_image = images_from_dataset[0]
			elif self.omero_object == MS_PLATE:
				wells_from_plate = self.get_wells_from_plate(id, 1)
				if len(wells_from_plate) == 0:
					omero_image = None
					omero_well = wells_from_plate[0]
					omero_image = omero_well.getWellSample(0).getImage()

			if omero_image is None:
				# Don't say plate or dataset not found as they might still exist but do not have
				# images attached to them. Another reason for not being able to find images is
				# because the omero account used does not have permissions to retrieve the image
				# or images.
				raise RuntimeError("No image found for %s with id %d"%(self.omero_object,id))
			omero_image_id = omero_image.getId().getValue()			
			pixels = self.omero_gateway.getPixelsFromImage(omero_image_id)[0]
			#The pixels doesn't have all the (logical) channels
			#because of lazy loading. So the pixels is requested
			#again, but in a way to get the channels as well.
			pixels = self.omero_gateway.getPixels(pixels.getId().getValue())
			#repopulate channels based on the retrieved pixels.
			#note: cannot say self.channels=[] because the channel_count
			#is associated with the object self.channels refers to.
			for channel in self.channels[:]:
			omero_channels = [channel for channel in pixels.iterateChannels()]
			number_of_channels = pixels.getSizeC().getValue()
			for channel_number in range(0, number_of_channels):
				omero_channel = omero_channels[channel_number].getLogicalChannel()
				#load default cpimage name in case the logical channel name
				# cannot be retrieved. e.g. when the logical channel name is null
					omero_channel_name = omero_channel.getName().getValue().strip()
					omero_channel_name = default_cpimage_name(channel_number)
				self.add_channelfn(channel_number != 0)
			#Close the session just in case the user decides not to run
			#the pipeline.
			self.omero_client = None
			wx.MessageBox("Retrieved %d channel(s) from OMERO"%number_of_channels, "", wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
			wx.MessageBox(traceback.format_exc(limit=0), "Exception", wx.ICON_ERROR);