def get_feature_ref(self):
     return FeatureReference.from_hdf5(self.h5[h5_constants.H5_FEATURE_REF_ATTR])
Example #2
 def load_feature_ref_from_h5_group(group):
     '''Load just the FeatureRef from an h5py.Group.'''
     feature_group = group[h5_constants.H5_FEATURE_REF_ATTR]
     return FeatureReference.from_hdf5(feature_group)
    def open(filename, mode, feature_ref=None, barcodes=None, library_info=None,
        """Open a molecule info object.

          filename (str): Filename to open or create
          mode (str): 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing.
          feature_ref (FeatureReference): Required when mode is 'w'.
          barcodes (list of str): All possible barcode sequences. Required when mode is 'w'.
          library_info (list of dict): Library metadata. Required when mode is 'w'.
          barcode_info (BarcodeInfo): Per-barcode metadata.
          MoleculeInfo: A new object
        assert mode == 'r' or mode == 'w'

        mc = MoleculeCounter()

        if mode == 'w':
            if feature_ref is None:
                raise ValueError('Feature reference must be specified when opening a molecule info object for writing')
            if barcodes is None:
                raise ValueError('Barcodes must be specified when opening a molecule info object for writing')
            if library_info is None:
                raise ValueError('Library info must be specified when opening a molecule info object for writing')
            if barcode_info is None:
                raise ValueError('Barcode info must be specified when opening a molecule info object for writing')

            mc.h5 = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
            cr_io.set_hdf5_attr(mc.h5, FILE_VERSION_KEY, CURR_FILE_VERSION)
            cr_io.set_hdf5_attr(mc.h5, h5_constants.H5_FILETYPE_KEY, MOLECULE_H5_FILETYPE)
            cr_io.set_hdf5_attr(mc.h5, FILE_VERSION_KEY, CURR_FILE_VERSION)


            # Write feature reference
            fref_group = mc.h5.create_group(h5_constants.H5_FEATURE_REF_ATTR)

            # Write barcodes
            # If there are multiple barcode lengths, use the largest for the numpy dtype.
            max_barcode_len = np.max(map(len, barcodes))
            barcode_dtype = np.dtype('S%d' % max_barcode_len)
            mc.h5.create_dataset('barcodes', data=np.fromiter(barcodes, barcode_dtype, count=len(barcodes)), compression=HDF5_COMPRESSION)

            # Write library info
            lib_info_json = json.dumps(library_info, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
            cr_io.create_hdf5_string_dataset(mc.h5, 'library_info', [lib_info_json])

            # Write barcode info
            g = mc.h5.create_group(BARCODE_INFO_GROUP_NAME)
            MoleculeCounter.save_barcode_info(barcode_info, g)

            # Create empty per-molecule datasets
            for name, col_type in MOLECULE_INFO_COLUMNS.iteritems():
                mc.columns[name] = mc.h5.create_dataset(name, (0,),

        elif mode == 'r':
            mc.h5 = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

                mc.file_version = mc.h5.attrs[FILE_VERSION_KEY]
            except AttributeError:
                mc.file_version = 1 # V1 doesn't have version field

            if mc.file_version < CURR_FILE_VERSION:
                raise ValueError('The molecule info HDF5 file (format version %d) was produced by an older version of Cell Ranger. Reading these files is unsupported.' % mc.file_version)
            if mc.file_version > CURR_FILE_VERSION:
                raise ValueError('The molecule info HDF5 file (format version %d) was produced by an newer version of Cell Ranger. Reading these files is unsupported.' % mc.file_version)

            for key in mc.h5.keys():
                if key in MOLECULE_INFO_COLUMNS:
                    mc.columns[key] = mc.h5[key]
                elif key in MOLECULE_REF_COLUMNS:
                    mc.ref_columns[key] = mc.h5[key]
                elif key == h5_constants.H5_FEATURE_REF_ATTR:
                    mc.feature_reference = FeatureReference.from_hdf5(mc.h5[key])
                elif key == METRICS_GROUP_NAME \
                     or key == BARCODE_INFO_GROUP_NAME:
                    raise AttributeError("Unrecognized dataset key: %s" % key)

            # Load library info
            mc.library_info = json.loads(cr_io.read_hdf5_string_dataset(mc.h5['library_info'])[0])

        return mc