Example #1
def ansible_main():

    # Define the fields needs to create/map rbd's the the host(s)
    # NB. features and state are reserved/unused
    fields = {
        "pool": {"required": False, "default": "rbd", "type": "str"},
        "image": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
        "size": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
        "host": {"required": True, "type": "str"},
        "features": {"required": False, "type": "str"},
        "state": {
            "required": False,
            "default": "present",
            "choices": ['present', 'absent'],
            "type": "str"

    # not supporting check mode currently
    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=fields,

    pool = module.params["pool"]
    image = module.params['image']
    size = module.params['size']
    allocating_host = module.params['host']
    desired_state = module.params['state']

    # Validate the parameters passed from Ansible  #
    if not valid_size(size):
        logger.critical("image '{}' has an invalid size specification '{}' in the ansible configuration".format(image,
        module.fail_json(msg="(main) Unable to use the size parameter '{}' for image '{}' from the playbook - "
                             "must be a number suffixed by M, G or T".format(size, image))

    # define a lun object and perform some initial parameter validation
    lun = LUN(logger, pool, image, size, allocating_host)
    if lun.error:

    logger.info("START - LUN configuration started for {}/{}".format(pool, image))

    # attempt to create/allocate the LUN for LIO
    if lun.error:

    if lun.num_changes == 0:
        logger.info("END   - No changes needed")
        logger.info("END   - {} configuration changes made".format(lun.num_changes))

    module.exit_json(changed=(lun.num_changes > 0), meta={"msg": "Configuration updated"})
Example #2
def define_luns(gateway):
    define the disks in the config to LIO
    :param gateway: (object) gateway object - used for mapping
    :return: None

    local_gw = this_host()

    # sort the disks dict keys, so the disks are registered in a specific
    # sequence
    disks = config.config['disks']
    srtd_disks = sorted(disks)
    pools = {disks[disk_key]['pool'] for disk_key in srtd_disks}

    if pools:
        with rados.Rados(conffile=settings.config.cephconf) as cluster:

            for pool in pools:

                logger.debug("Processing rbd's in '{}' pool".format(pool))

                with cluster.open_ioctx(pool) as ioctx:

                    pool_disks = [disk_key for disk_key in srtd_disks
                                  if disk_key.startswith(pool)]
                    for disk_key in pool_disks:

                        pool, image_name = disk_key.split('.')

                            with rbd.Image(ioctx, image_name) as rbd_image:
                                image_bytes = rbd_image.size()
                                image_size_h = human_size(image_bytes)

                                lun = LUN(logger, pool, image_name,
                                          image_size_h, local_gw)
                                if lun.error:
                                    halt("Error defining rbd image "

                                if lun.error:
                                    halt("Error unable to register {} with "
                                         "LIO - {}".format(disk_key,

                        except rbd.ImageNotFound:
                            halt("Disk '{}' defined to the config, but image "
                                 "'{}' can not be found in "
                                 "'{}' pool".format(disk_key,

        # Gateway Mapping : Map the LUN's registered to all tpg's within the
        # LIO target
        if gateway.error:
            halt("Error mapping the LUNs to the tpg's within the iscsi Target")

        logger.info("No LUNs to export")
Example #3
def manage_disk(image_id):
    Manage a disk definition on the local gateway
    Internal Use ONLY
    Disks can be created and added to each gateway, or deleted through this
    :param image_id: (str) of the form pool.image_name

    if request.method == 'GET':

        if image_id in config.config['disks']:
            return jsonify(config.config["disks"][image_id]), 200

            return jsonify(message="rbd image {} not "
                           "found".format(image_id)), 404

    elif request.method == 'PUT':
        # A put is for either a create or a resize
        # put('',data={'pool': 'rbd','size': '3G','owner':'ceph-1'})

        rqst_fields = set(request.form.keys())
        if rqst_fields.issuperset(("pool", "size", "owner", "mode")):

            image_name = str(image_id.split('.', 1)[1])
            lun = LUN(logger, str(request.form['pool']), image_name,
                      str(request.form['size']), str(request.form['owner']))
            if lun.error:
                logger.error("Unable to create a LUN instance"
                             " : {}".format(lun.error_msg))
                return jsonify(message="Unable to establish LUN instance"), 500

            if lun.error:
                logger.error("LUN alloc problem - {}".format(lun.error_msg))
                return jsonify(message="LUN allocation failure"), 500

            if request.form['mode'] == 'create':
                # new disk is allocated, so refresh the local config object

                iqn = config.config['gateways']['iqn']
                ip_list = config.config['gateways']['ip_list']

                # Add the mapping for the lun to ensure the block device is
                # present on all TPG's
                gateway = GWTarget(logger, iqn, ip_list)

                if gateway.error:
                    logger.error("LUN mapping failed : "
                    return jsonify(message="LUN map failed"), 500

                return jsonify(message="LUN created"), 200

            elif request.form['mode'] == 'resize':

                return jsonify(message="LUN resized"), 200


            # this is an invalid request
            return jsonify(message="Invalid Request - need to provide"
                           "pool, size and owner"), 400

        # DELETE request
        # let's assume that the request has been validated by the caller

        # if valid_request(request.remote_addr):
        purge_host = request.form['purge_host']

        pool, image = image_id.split('.', 1)

        lun = LUN(logger, pool, image, '0G', purge_host)

        if lun.error:
            # problem defining the LUN instance
            logger.error("Error initialising the LUN : "
            return jsonify(message="Error establishing LUN instance"), 500

        if lun.error:
            if 'allocated to' in lun.error_msg:
                # attempted to remove rbd that is still allocated to a client
                status_code = 400
                status_code = 500

            logger.error("LUN remove failed : {}".format(lun.error_msg))
            return jsonify(message="Failed to remove the LUN"), status_code


        return jsonify(message="LUN removed"), 200