Example #1
    def create_bundle(self, tmp=None):
        Creates the Application bundle structure

        Contents/MacOS/MainExectuable -> Contents/Home/bin/main-executable
        tmp = tmp or tempfile.mkdtemp()

        contents = os.path.join(tmp, 'Contents')
        macos = os.path.join(contents, 'MacOS')
        resources = os.path.join(contents, 'Resources')
        for p in [contents, macos, resources]:
            if not os.path.exists(p):

        # Create Contents/Info.plist
        # Use the template if provided in the package
        plist_tpl = None
        if os.path.exists(self.package.resources_info_plist):
            plist_tpl = open(self.package.resources_info_plist).read()
        framework_plist = ApplicationPlist(
            self.package.app_name, self.package.org, self.package.version,
            self.package.shortdesc, self.package.config.min_osx_sdk_version,
            os.path.basename(self.package.resources_icon_icns), plist_tpl)
        framework_plist.save(os.path.join(contents, 'Info.plist'))

        # Copy app icon to Resources
        shutil.copy(self.package.resources_icon_icns, resources)

        for f in self.package.osx_resources:
            f = self.package.relative_path(f)
            shutil.copy(f, resources)

        # Link or create a wrapper for the executables in Contents/MacOS
        for name, path, use_wrapper, wrapper in self.package.get_commands():
            filename = os.path.join(macos, name)
            if use_wrapper:
                wrapper = self.package.get_wrapper(path, wrapper)
                if not wrapper:
                with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                shell.call('chmod +x "%s"' % filename)
                # FIXME: We need to copy the binary instead of linking, because
                # beeing a different path, @executable_path will be different
                # and it we will need to set a different relative path with
                # install_name_tool
                shutil.copy(os.path.join(contents, 'Home', path), filename)
        return tmp
Example #2
 def testApplicationPackageType(self):
     self.info_plist = ApplicationPlist('test', 'test.org', '1.0',
                                        'Test package')
     result = self.info_plist._get_properties_string()
     expected = self.PROPS_TPL % {'ptype': 'APPL', 'icon': ''}
     self.assertEquals(result, expected)