Example #1
    def init():
        '''Initialize the module.'''

        with StackContext(Privilege.fileaccess):
            except FileNotFoundError:
            os.mkdir('container/standard/home', mode=0o771)
            except FileNotFoundError:
            os.mkdir('container/standard/cache', mode=0o771)

        ffi = FFI()
        ffi.cdef('''int mount(const char source[], const char target[],
            const char filesystemtype[], unsigned long mountflags,
            const void *data);''')
        ffi.cdef('''int umount(const char *target);''')
        libc = ffi.dlopen('libc.so.6')
        with StackContext(Privilege.fullaccess):
            libc.mount(b'/dev', b'container/standard/dev', b'', MS_BIND, \

        StdChal.null_fd = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR | os.O_CLOEXEC)
        StdChal.build_cache = {}
        StdChal.build_cache_refcount = {}
Example #2
def solve_it(input_data):
    arr = [(int(n[0]), int(n[1])) for n in [line.split() for line in input_data.split("\n") if line]]
    nitems = arr[0][0]
    capacity = arr[0][1]
    values, weights = zip(*arr[1:])

    ffi = FFI()

    typedef enum {false, true} bool;

    typedef struct {
        bool success;
        int value;
        bool *route;
    } Result;

    Result run(int *values, int *weights, int nitems, int capacity);

    fpath = "data/ks_4_0"

    lib = ffi.dlopen("libknap.so")
    res = lib.run(values, weights, nitems, capacity)

    out = "%d 1\n" % res.value
    out += " ".join([str(res.route[i]) for i in range(nitems)])

    return out
Example #3
def test_pipe():
    ffi = FFI(backend=FakeBackend())
    ffi.cdef("int pipe(int pipefd[2]);")
    C = ffi.dlopen(None)
    func = C.pipe
    assert func.name == 'pipe'
    assert func.BType == '<func (<pointer to <int>>), <int>, False>'
Example #4
def build_ffi(include_recovery=False, include_schnorr=False, include_ecdh=False):
    ffi = FFI()

    source = "#include <secp256k1.h>"
    cdefs = definitions
    if include_recovery:
        cdefs += definitions_recovery
        source += "\n#include <secp256k1_recovery.h>"
    if include_schnorr:
        cdefs += definitions_schnorr
        source += "\n#include <secp256k1_schnorr.h>"
    if include_ecdh:
        cdefs += definitions_ecdh
        source += "\n#include <secp256k1_ecdh.h>"

    incpath = [os.environ['INCLUDE_DIR']] if 'INCLUDE_DIR' in os.environ else None
    libpath = [os.environ['LIB_DIR']] if 'LIB_DIR' in os.environ else None


    return ffi
Example #5
def test_vararg():
    ffi = FFI(backend=FakeBackend())
    ffi.cdef("short foo(int, ...);")
    C = ffi.dlopen(None)
    func = C.foo
    assert func.name == 'foo'
    assert func.BType == '<func (<int>), <short>, True>'
Example #6
def test_no_args():
    ffi = FFI(backend=FakeBackend())
        int foo(void);
    C = ffi.dlopen(None)
    assert C.foo.BType == '<func (), <int>, False>'
Example #7
def test_simple():
    ffi = FFI(backend=FakeBackend())
    ffi.cdef("double sin(double x);")
    m = ffi.dlopen(lib_m)
    func = m.sin    # should be a callable on real backends
    assert func.name == 'sin'
    assert func.BType == '<func (<double>), <double>, False>'
Example #8
 def test_introspect_included_type(self):
     ffi1 = FFI()
     ffi2 = FFI()
     ffi1.cdef("typedef signed char schar_t; struct sint_t { int x; };")
     assert ffi1.list_types() == ffi2.list_types() == (
         ['schar_t'], ['sint_t'], [])
Example #9
    def setup_class(cls):
        stack_ffi = FFI()
        typedef intptr_t ptr_t;
        int vmp_binary_search_ranges(ptr_t ip, ptr_t * l, int count);
        int vmp_ignore_ip(ptr_t ip);
        int vmp_ignore_symbol_count(void);
        ptr_t * vmp_ignore_symbols(void);
        void vmp_set_ignore_symbols(ptr_t * symbols, int count);
        int vmp_read_vmaps(const char * fname);
        void vmp_native_disable();
        with open("src/vmp_stack.c", "rb") as fd:
            source = fd.read().decode()
            libs = [] #['unwind', 'unwind-x86_64']
            if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
                libs = ['unwind', 'unwind-x86_64']
            # trick: compile with _CFFI_USE_EMBEDDING=1 which will not define Py_LIMITED_API
            stack_ffi.set_source("vmprof.test._test_stack", source, include_dirs=['src'],
                                 define_macros=[('_CFFI_USE_EMBEDDING',1), ('PY_TEST',1),
                                 libraries=libs, extra_compile_args=['-Werror', '-g'])

        from vmprof.test import _test_stack as clib
        cls.lib = clib.lib
        cls.ffi = clib.ffi
Example #10
def _init_api():

    lib_name = ctypes.util.find_library("ssh")
    if not lib_name:
        raise exceptions.PystasshException("libssh not found, please visit https://www.libssh.org/get-it/")

    ffi = FFI()
    lib = ffi.dlopen(lib_name)
        void* ssh_new();
        int ssh_options_set(void*, int, char*);
        int ssh_connect(void*);
        int ssh_disconnect(void*);
        int ssh_is_connected(void*);
        char* ssh_get_error(void*);

        int ssh_userauth_password(void*, char*, char*);
        int ssh_userauth_autopubkey(void*, char*);

        void* ssh_channel_new(void*);
        int ssh_channel_open_session(void*);
        int ssh_channel_is_open(void*);
        void ssh_channel_free(void*);
        int ssh_channel_request_exec(void*, char*);
        int ssh_channel_request_pty(void*);
        int ssh_channel_request_shell(void*);

        int ssh_channel_get_exit_status(void*);
        int ssh_channel_read(void*, char*, int, int);
        int ssh_channel_send_eof(void*);
    return ffi, lib
Example #11
 def test_not_supported_bitfield_in_result(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
     ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a,b,c,d,e; int x:1; };")
     e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, ffi.callback,
                        "struct foo_s foo(void)", lambda: 42)
     assert str(e.value) == ("struct foo_s(*)(): "
         "callback with unsupported argument or return type or with '...'")
Example #12
def load_inline_module():
    Create an inline module, return the corresponding ffi and dll objects.
    from cffi import FFI

    # We can't rely on libc availability on Windows anymore, so we use our
    # own compiled wrappers (see https://bugs.python.org/issue23606).

    defs = """
    double _numba_test_sin(double x);
    double _numba_test_cos(double x);
    int foo(int a, int b, int c);

    source = """
    static int foo(int a, int b, int c)
        return a + b * c;

    ffi = FFI()
    # Load the _helperlib namespace
    from numba import _helperlib
    return ffi, ffi.dlopen(_helperlib.__file__)
Example #13
def _run_callback_in_thread():
    ffi = FFI()
        typedef int (*mycallback_func_t)(int, int);
        int threaded_ballback_test(mycallback_func_t mycb);
    lib = ffi.verify("""
        #include <pthread.h>
        typedef int (*mycallback_func_t)(int, int);
        void *my_wait_function(void *ptr) {
            mycallback_func_t cbfunc = (mycallback_func_t)ptr;
            cbfunc(10, 10);
            cbfunc(12, 15);
            return NULL;
        int threaded_ballback_test(mycallback_func_t mycb) {
            pthread_t thread;
            pthread_create(&thread, NULL, my_wait_function, (void*)mycb);
            return 0;
    """, extra_compile_args=['-pthread'])
    seen = []
    def mycallback(x, y):
        seen.append((x, y))
        return 0
    count = 300
    while len(seen) != 2:
        count -= 1
        assert count > 0, "timeout"
    assert seen == [(10, 10), (12, 15)]
def test_redefine_common_type():
    prefix = "" if sys.version_info < (3,) else "b"
    ffi = FFI()
    ffi.cdef("typedef char FILE;")
    assert repr(ffi.cast("FILE", 123)) == "<cdata 'char' %s'{'>" % prefix
    ffi.cdef("typedef char int32_t;")
    assert repr(ffi.cast("int32_t", 123)) == "<cdata 'char' %s'{'>" % prefix
Example #15
def _setup_cffi():
    class LazyLibrary(object):

        def __init__(self, ffi, libname):
            self._ffi = ffi
            self._libname = libname
            self._lib = None
            self._lock = threading.Lock()

        def __getattr__(self, name):
            if self._lib is None:
                with self._lock:
                    if self._lib is None:
                        self._lib = self._ffi.dlopen(self._libname)

            return getattr(self._lib, name)

    MODULES = ["libnvpair", "libzfs_core"]
    ffi = FFI()

    for module_name in MODULES:
        module = importlib.import_module("." + module_name, __package__)
        lib = LazyLibrary(ffi, module.LIBRARY)
        setattr(module, "ffi", ffi)
        setattr(module, "lib", lib)
Example #16
 def test_function_pointer(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
     def cb(charp):
         assert repr(charp).startswith("<cdata 'char *' 0x")
         return 42
     fptr = ffi.callback("int(*)(const char *txt)", cb)
     assert fptr != ffi.callback("int(*)(const char *)", cb)
     assert repr(fptr) == "<cdata 'int(*)(char *)' calling %r>" % (cb,)
     res = fptr(b"Hello")
     assert res == 42
     if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
         py.test.skip("probably no symbol 'stderr' in the lib")
         int fputs(const char *, void *);
         void *stderr;
     ffi.C = ffi.dlopen(None)
     fptr = ffi.cast("int(*)(const char *txt, void *)", ffi.C.fputs)
     assert fptr == ffi.C.fputs
     assert repr(fptr).startswith("<cdata 'int(*)(char *, void *)' 0x")
     with FdWriteCapture() as fd:
         fptr(b"world\n", ffi.C.stderr)
     res = fd.getvalue()
     assert res == b'world\n'
Example #17
 def test_missing_function(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         int nonexistent();
     m = ffi.dlopen(lib_m)
     assert not hasattr(m, 'nonexistent')
Example #18
def main(filename):
    ffi = FFI()

        # include "libsize.h"

struct Size_return {
	int r0; /* w */
	int r1; /* h */

extern struct Size_return Size(char* p0);
    ffi.compile(verbose=True, debug=True)

    from pylibsize import lib, ffi
    sizeinfo = lib.Size(filename.encode("utf-8"))
    print(sizeinfo, sizeinfo.r0, sizeinfo.r1)
Example #19
 def test_vararg(self):
     if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
         py.test.skip("probably no symbol 'stderr' in the lib")
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
        int fprintf(void *, const char *format, ...);
        void *stderr;
     ffi.C = ffi.dlopen(None)
     with FdWriteCapture() as fd:
         ffi.C.fprintf(ffi.C.stderr, b"hello with no arguments\n")
                       b"hello, %s!\n", ffi.new("char[]", b"world"))
                       ffi.new("char[]", b"hello, %s!\n"),
                       ffi.new("char[]", b"world2"))
                       b"hello int %d long %ld long long %lld\n",
                       ffi.cast("int", 42),
                       ffi.cast("long", 84),
                       ffi.cast("long long", 168))
         ffi.C.fprintf(ffi.C.stderr, b"hello %p\n", ffi.NULL)
     res = fd.getvalue()
     assert res == (b"hello with no arguments\n"
                    b"hello, world!\n"
                    b"hello, world2!\n"
                    b"hello int 42 long 84 long long 168\n"
                    b"hello (nil)\n")
Example #20
def test_unpack_args():
    ffi = FFI()
    ffi.cdef("void foo0(void); void foo1(int); void foo2(int, int);")
    lib = verify(ffi, "test_unpack_args", """
    void foo0(void) { }
    void foo1(int x) { }
    void foo2(int x, int y) { }
    assert 'foo0' in repr(lib.foo0)
    assert 'foo1' in repr(lib.foo1)
    assert 'foo2' in repr(lib.foo2)
    lib.foo2(43, 44)
    e1 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo0, 42)
    e2 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo0, 43, 44)
    e3 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo1)
    e4 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo1, 43, 44)
    e5 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo2)
    e6 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo2, 42)
    e7 = py.test.raises(TypeError, lib.foo2, 45, 46, 47)
    assert str(e1.value) == "foo0() takes no arguments (1 given)"
    assert str(e2.value) == "foo0() takes no arguments (2 given)"
    assert str(e3.value) == "foo1() takes exactly one argument (0 given)"
    assert str(e4.value) == "foo1() takes exactly one argument (2 given)"
    assert str(e5.value) == "foo2() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given)"
    assert str(e6.value) == "foo2() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)"
    assert str(e7.value) == "foo2() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)"
Example #21
 def test_not_supported_bitfield_in_result(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
     ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a,b,c,d,e; int x:1; };")
     e = py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, ffi.callback,
                        "struct foo_s foo(void)", lambda: 42)
     assert str(e.value) == ("<struct foo_s(*)(void)>: "
         "cannot pass as argument or return value a struct with bit fields")
Example #22
def test_unique_types():
    CDEF = "struct foo_s; union foo_u; enum foo_e { AA };"
    ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi1, "test_unique_types_1", CDEF)
    ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef(CDEF); verify(ffi2, "test_unique_types_2", CDEF)
    assert ffi1.typeof("char") is ffi2.typeof("char ")
    assert ffi1.typeof("long") is ffi2.typeof("signed long int")
    assert ffi1.typeof("double *") is ffi2.typeof("double*")
    assert ffi1.typeof("int ***") is ffi2.typeof(" int * * *")
    assert ffi1.typeof("int[]") is ffi2.typeof("signed int[]")
    assert ffi1.typeof("signed int*[17]") is ffi2.typeof("int *[17]")
    assert ffi1.typeof("void") is ffi2.typeof("void")
    assert ffi1.typeof("int(*)(int,int)") is ffi2.typeof("int(*)(int,int)")
    # these depend on user-defined data, so should not be shared
    for name in ["struct foo_s",
                 "union foo_u *",
                 "enum foo_e",
                 "struct foo_s *(*)()",
                 "void(*)(struct foo_s *)",
                 "struct foo_s *(*[5])[8]",
        assert ffi1.typeof(name) is not ffi2.typeof(name)
    # sanity check: twice 'ffi1'
    assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s*") is ffi1.typeof("struct foo_s *")
Example #23
def test_verify_struct():
    ffi = FFI()
    ffi.cdef("""struct foo_s { int b; short a; ...; };
                struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_verify_struct',
                 """struct foo_s { short a; int b; };
                    struct bar_s { struct foo_s *f; };""")
    ffi.typeof("struct bar_s *")
    p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *", {'a': -32768, 'b': -2147483648})
    assert p.a == -32768
    assert p.b == -2147483648
    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a -= 1")
    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.b -= 1")
    q = ffi.new("struct bar_s *", {'f': p})
    assert q.f == p
    assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "a") == 0
    assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo_s", "b") == 4
    assert ffi.offsetof(u+"struct foo_s", u+"b") == 4
    py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
    assert ffi.addressof(p[0]) == p
    assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p[0])) is ffi.typeof("struct foo_s *")
    assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p, "b")) is ffi.typeof("int *")
    assert ffi.addressof(p, "b")[0] == p.b
Example #24
def test_some_integer_type():
    ffi = FFI()
        typedef int... foo_t;
        typedef unsigned long... bar_t;
        typedef struct { foo_t a, b; } mystruct_t;
        foo_t foobar(bar_t, mystruct_t);
        static const bar_t mu = -20;
        static const foo_t nu = 20;
    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_some_integer_type', """
        typedef unsigned long long foo_t;
        typedef short bar_t;
        typedef struct { foo_t a, b; } mystruct_t;
        static foo_t foobar(bar_t x, mystruct_t s) {
            return (foo_t)x + s.a + s.b;
        static const bar_t mu = -20;
        static const foo_t nu = 20;
    assert ffi.sizeof("foo_t") == ffi.sizeof("unsigned long long")
    assert ffi.sizeof("bar_t") == ffi.sizeof("short")
    maxulonglong = 2 ** 64 - 1
    assert int(ffi.cast("foo_t", -1)) == maxulonglong
    assert int(ffi.cast("bar_t", -1)) == -1
    assert lib.foobar(-1, [0, 0]) == maxulonglong
    assert lib.foobar(2 ** 15 - 1, [0, 0]) == 2 ** 15 - 1
    assert lib.foobar(10, [20, 31]) == 61
    assert lib.foobar(0, [0, maxulonglong]) == maxulonglong
    py.test.raises(OverflowError, lib.foobar, 2 ** 15, [0, 0])
    py.test.raises(OverflowError, lib.foobar, -(2 ** 15) - 1, [0, 0])
    py.test.raises(OverflowError, ffi.new, "mystruct_t *", [0, -1])
    assert lib.mu == -20
    assert lib.nu == 20
Example #25
def test_global_var_array():
    ffi = FFI()
    ffi.cdef("int a[100];")
    lib = verify(ffi, 'test_global_var_array', 'int a[100] = { 9999 };')
    lib.a[42] = 123456
    assert lib.a[42] == 123456
    assert lib.a[0] == 9999
Example #26
 def test_void_star_accepts_string(self):
     ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
     ffi.cdef("""int strlen(const void *);""")
     lib = ffi.dlopen(None)
     res = lib.strlen(b"hello")
     assert res == 5
Example #27
def netscape_spki_from_b64(b64):
    """Converts a base64 encoded Netscape SPKI DER to a crypto.NetscapeSPKI.

    PyOpenSSL does not yet support doing that by itself, so some work around
    through FFI and "internals-patching" trickery is required to perform this
    conversion. https://github.com/pyca/pyopenssl/issues/177 tracks the issue
    if not hasattr(netscape_spki_from_b64, 'NETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_decode'):
        from cffi import FFI as CFFI
        from OpenSSL._util import ffi as _sslffi, lib as _ssllib
        cffi = CFFI()
        cffi.cdef('void* NETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_decode(const char *str, int len);')
        lib = cffi.dlopen('libssl.so')
        def wrapper(b64, lib=lib):
            if isinstance(b64, str):
                b64 = b64.encode('ascii')
            b64_ptr = _sslffi.new('char[]', b64)
            spki_obj = lib.NETSCAPE_SPKI_b64_decode(b64_ptr, len(b64))
            if spki_obj == cffi.NULL:
                raise ValueError("Invalid SPKI base64")
            def free(spki_obj, ref=b64_ptr):
            return _sslffi.gc(spki_obj, free)
        netscape_spki_from_b64.func = wrapper

    ret = crypto.NetscapeSPKI()
    ret._spki = netscape_spki_from_b64.func(b64)
    return ret
Example #28
def test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef():
    ffi = FFI()
    ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
    verify(ffi, 'test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef',
           "typedef struct { int a; long b; } *foo_t;")
    p = ffi.new("foo_t", {'b': 42})
    assert p.b == 42
 def test_load_library(self):
     ffi = FFI()
     ffi.cdef("double sin(double x);")
     csrc = '/*hi there %s!3*/\n#include <math.h>\n' % self
     v = Verifier(ffi, csrc, force_generic_engine=self.generic)
     library = v.load_library()
     assert library.sin(12.3) == math.sin(12.3)
Example #30
def test_address_of_global_var():
    ffi = FFI()
        long bottom, bottoms[2];
        long FetchRectBottom(void);
        long FetchRectBottoms1(void);
        #define FOOBAR 42
    lib = verify(ffi, "test_address_of_global_var", """
        long bottom, bottoms[2];
        long FetchRectBottom(void) { return bottom; }
        long FetchRectBottoms1(void) { return bottoms[1]; }
        #define FOOBAR 42
    lib.bottom = 300
    assert lib.FetchRectBottom() == 300
    lib.bottom += 1
    assert lib.FetchRectBottom() == 301
    lib.bottoms[1] = 500
    assert lib.FetchRectBottoms1() == 500
    lib.bottoms[1] += 2
    assert lib.FetchRectBottoms1() == 502
    p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'bottom')
    assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof("long *")
    assert p[0] == 301
    p[0] += 1
    assert lib.FetchRectBottom() == 302
    p = ffi.addressof(lib, 'bottoms')
    assert ffi.typeof(p) == ffi.typeof("long(*)[2]")
    assert p[0] == lib.bottoms
    py.test.raises(AttributeError, ffi.addressof, lib, 'unknown_var')
    py.test.raises(AttributeError, ffi.addressof, lib, "FOOBAR")
Example #31
import os
from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()
    """double calc_distance_c(double*, double*, int, double*, double*, int,
          double, double, double, double, double);""")

base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
base_dir = os.path.join(base_dir[0], "..")

for file in os.listdir(base_dir):
    if file.startswith("MasSpOTCppToPy") and file.endswith(".so"):
        so_path = os.path.join(base_dir, file)
lib = ffi.dlopen(so_path)

# Above searches for .so files in installed package.

def spectral_distance(spec1,

    mzs1, ints1 = zip(*[x for x in spec1.confs if x[1] > 0])
    mzs2, ints2 = zip(*[x for x in spec2.confs if x[1] > 0])
Example #32
    /* libpmem */
    typedef int mode_t;

    const char *pmem_errormsg(void);
    void *pmem_map_file(const char *path, size_t len, int flags, mode_t mode,
        size_t *mapped_lenp, int *is_pmemp);
    int pmem_unmap(void *addr, size_t len);
    int pmem_has_hw_drain(void);
    int pmem_is_pmem(void *addr, size_t len);
    const char *pmem_check_version(
        unsigned major_required,
        unsigned minor_required);
    void pmem_persist(void *addr, size_t len);
    int pmem_msync(void *addr, size_t len);
    void pmem_flush(void *addr, size_t len);
    void pmem_drain(void);

    /* libpmemlog */
    #define PMEMLOG_MIN_POOL ...
    typedef struct pmemlog PMEMlogpool;
    typedef int off_t;

    const char *pmemlog_errormsg(void);
    PMEMlogpool *pmemlog_open(const char *path);
    PMEMlogpool *pmemlog_create(const char *path, size_t poolsize, mode_t mode);
    void pmemlog_close(PMEMlogpool *plp);
    size_t pmemlog_nbyte(PMEMlogpool *plp);
    void pmemlog_rewind(PMEMlogpool *plp);
    off_t pmemlog_tell(PMEMlogpool *plp);
    int pmemlog_check(const char *path);
    int pmemlog_append(PMEMlogpool *plp, const void *buf, size_t count);
    const char *pmemlog_check_version(
        unsigned major_required,
        unsigned minor_required);
    void pmemlog_walk(PMEMlogpool *plp, size_t chunksize,
        int (*process_chunk)(const void *buf, size_t len, void *arg),
        void *arg);

    /* libpmemblk */
    #define PMEMBLK_MIN_POOL ...
    #define PMEMBLK_MIN_BLK ...
    typedef struct pmemblk PMEMblkpool;
    const char *pmemblk_errormsg(void);
    PMEMblkpool *pmemblk_open(const char *path, size_t bsize);
    PMEMblkpool *pmemblk_create(const char *path, size_t bsize,
        size_t poolsize, mode_t mode);
    void pmemblk_close(PMEMblkpool *pbp);
    int pmemblk_check(const char *path, size_t bsize);
    size_t pmemblk_bsize(PMEMblkpool *pbp);
    size_t pmemblk_nblock(PMEMblkpool *pbp);
    int pmemblk_read(PMEMblkpool *pbp, void *buf, off_t blockno);
    int pmemblk_write(PMEMblkpool *pbp, const void *buf, off_t blockno);
    int pmemblk_set_zero(PMEMblkpool *pbp, off_t blockno);
    int pmemblk_set_error(PMEMblkpool *pbp, off_t blockno);
    const char *pmemblk_check_version(
        unsigned major_required,
        unsigned minor_required);

    /* libpmemobj */
    typedef ... va_list;
    typedef struct pmemobjpool PMEMobjpool;
    #define PMEMOBJ_MIN_POOL ...
    #define PMEMOBJ_MAX_ALLOC_SIZE ...
    typedef struct pmemoid {
        uint64_t pool_uuid_lo;
        uint64_t off;
    } PMEMoid;
    static const PMEMoid OID_NULL;
    enum pobj_tx_stage {

    const char *pmemobj_errormsg(void);
    PMEMobjpool *pmemobj_open(const char *path, const char *layout);
    PMEMobjpool *pmemobj_create(const char *path, const char *layout,
        size_t poolsize, mode_t mode);
    void pmemobj_close(PMEMobjpool *pop);
    int pmemobj_check(const char *path, const char *layout);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_root(PMEMobjpool *pop, size_t size);
    size_t pmemobj_root_size(PMEMobjpool *pop);
    void *pmemobj_direct(PMEMoid oid);
    int pmemobj_tx_begin(PMEMobjpool *pop, void *env, va_list *);
    void pmemobj_tx_abort(int errnum);
    void pmemobj_tx_commit(void);
    int pmemobj_tx_end(void);
    int pmemobj_tx_add_range(PMEMoid oid, uint64_t off, size_t size);
    int pmemobj_tx_add_range_direct(const void *ptr, size_t size);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_tx_alloc(size_t size, uint64_t type_num);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_tx_zalloc(size_t size, uint64_t type_num);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_tx_realloc(PMEMoid oid, size_t size, uint64_t type_num);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_tx_zrealloc(PMEMoid oid, size_t size, uint64_t type_num);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_tx_strdup(const char *s, uint64_t type_num);
    int pmemobj_tx_free(PMEMoid oid);
    enum pobj_tx_stage pmemobj_tx_stage(void);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_first(PMEMobjpool *pop);
    PMEMoid pmemobj_next(PMEMoid oid);
    uint64_t pmemobj_type_num(PMEMoid oid);

""" + pmemobj_structs)
Example #33
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cffi import FFI
ffibuilder = FFI()

int parse_vlp_16(char [], float *, float *, float *, int);
int parse_rs(char [], float *, float *, float *, int);
int size_float();

    int size_float()
        return sizeof(float);
    float unpack(char x[], int lend)
        unsigned char a, b;
        a = x[0]; b = x[1];
        if (lend == 1) {
            return a | (b << 8);
        if (lend == 0) {
            return b | (a << 8);
    static int parse_vlp_16(char buf[], \
            float *radius, float *intensity, float *azimuth, int x)
Example #34
from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()
#define FIONREAD ...

#include <sys/ioctl.h>

if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #35
static inline uint64_t xor_murmur64(uint64_t h) ;

static inline uint64_t xor_mix_split(uint64_t key, uint64_t seed) ;

static inline uint64_t xor_rotl64(uint64_t n, unsigned int c) ;

static inline uint32_t xor_reduce(uint32_t hash, uint32_t n) ;

static inline uint64_t xor_fingerprint(uint64_t hash) ;

static inline uint64_t xor_rng_splitmix64(uint64_t *seed) ;

typedef struct xor8_s {
  uint64_t seed;
  uint64_t blockLength;
      *fingerprints; // after xor8_allocate, will point to 3*blockLength values
} xor8_t;

struct xor_xorset_s {
  uint64_t xormask;
  uint32_t count;

typedef struct xor16_s {
  uint64_t seed;
  uint64_t blockLength;
      *fingerprints; // after xor16_allocate, will point to 3*blockLength values
} xor16_t;

typedef struct xor_xorset_s xor_xorset_t;

struct xor_hashes_s {
  uint64_t h;
  uint32_t h0;
  uint32_t h1;
  uint32_t h2;
typedef struct xor_hashes_s xor_hashes_t;

struct xor_h0h1h2_s {
  uint32_t h0;
  uint32_t h1;
  uint32_t h2;
typedef struct xor_h0h1h2_s xor_h0h1h2_t;

struct xor_keyindex_s {
  uint64_t hash;
  uint32_t index;

typedef struct xor_keyindex_s xor_keyindex_t;

struct xor_setbuffer_s {
  xor_keyindex_t *buffer;
  uint32_t *counts;
  int insignificantbits;
  uint32_t slotsize; // should be 1<< insignificantbits
  uint32_t slotcount;
  size_t originalsize;
typedef struct xor_setbuffer_s xor_setbuffer_t;

static inline bool xor8_contain(uint64_t key, const xor8_t *filter);
static inline bool xor16_contain(uint64_t key, const xor16_t *filter);

static inline bool xor8_allocate(uint32_t size, xor8_t *filter);
static inline bool xor16_allocate(uint32_t size, xor16_t *filter);
static inline size_t xor8_size_in_bytes(const xor8_t *filter);
static inline size_t xor16_size_in_bytes(const xor16_t *filter);
static inline void xor8_free(xor8_t *filter);
static inline void xor16_free(xor16_t *filter);

static inline xor_hashes_t xor8_get_h0_h1_h2(uint64_t k, const xor8_t *filter) ;
static inline xor_h0h1h2_t xor8_get_just_h0_h1_h2(uint64_t hash, const xor8_t *filter) ;
static inline uint32_t xor8_get_h0(uint64_t hash, const xor8_t *filter) ;
static inline uint32_t xor8_get_h1(uint64_t hash, const xor8_t *filter) ;
static inline uint32_t xor8_get_h2(uint64_t hash, const xor8_t *filter) ;
static inline uint32_t xor16_get_h0(uint64_t hash, const xor16_t *filter) ;
static inline uint32_t xor16_get_h1(uint64_t hash, const xor16_t *filter) ;
static inline uint32_t xor16_get_h2(uint64_t hash, const xor16_t *filter) ;
static inline xor_hashes_t xor16_get_h0_h1_h2(uint64_t k, const xor16_t *filter) ;

static inline bool xor_init_buffer(xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, size_t size) ;
static inline void xor_free_buffer(xor_setbuffer_t *buffer) ;
static inline void xor_buffered_increment_counter(uint32_t index, uint64_t hash, xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, xor_xorset_t *sets) ;
static inline void xor_make_buffer_current(xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, xor_xorset_t *sets, uint32_t index, xor_keyindex_t *Q, size_t *Qsize) ;
static inline void xor_buffered_decrement_counter(uint32_t index, uint64_t hash, xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, xor_xorset_t *sets, xor_keyindex_t *Q, size_t *Qsize) ;
static inline void xor_flush_increment_buffer(xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, xor_xorset_t *sets) ;
static inline void xor_flush_decrement_buffer(xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, xor_xorset_t *sets, xor_keyindex_t *Q, size_t *Qsize) ;
static inline uint32_t xor_flushone_decrement_buffer(xor_setbuffer_t *buffer, xor_xorset_t *sets, xor_keyindex_t *Q, size_t *Qsize) ;

bool xor8_buffered_populate(const uint64_t *keys, uint32_t size, xor8_t *filter) ;
bool xor8_populate(const uint64_t *keys, uint32_t size, xor8_t *filter) ;
bool xor16_buffered_populate(const uint64_t *keys, uint32_t size, xor16_t *filter) ;
bool xor16_populate(const uint64_t *keys, uint32_t size, xor16_t *filter) ;
Example #36
from timeit import Timer
from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open("hellomodule.h") as header:
    lib = ffi.dlopen("fib.so")
    s = lib.fib(47)
    print([s[i] for i in range(47)])

    t = Timer(lambda: lib.fib(47))
Example #37
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
typedef void* piglet;
piglet* piglet_create(void (*setup)(void), void (*draw)(void));
piglet* piglet_create_detail(
  void (*setup)(void),
  void (*draw)(void),
  unsigned x,
  unsigned y,
  unsigned width,
  unsigned height,
  unsigned fullscreen);
void piglet_fullscreen(piglet* p, unsigned fullscreen);
void piglet_set_rect(piglet* p, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height);
void piglet_destroy(piglet* p);

lib = ffi.dlopen("../piglet.so");

def Create(setup, draw):
  return lib.piglet_create(ffi.callback("void(void)", setup), ffi.callback("void(void)", draw))

def Destroy(piglet):
Example #38
from cffi import FFI

root = os.path.dirname(__file__)

kwdfile = 'c:/workspace/pyfvs2/data/pnt01.key'

variant = 'pn'
#libname = '{root}/bin/libFVS_{variant}.dll'.format(**locals())'
libname = 'libFVS_pn'

ffi = FFI()
fvs = ffi.dlopen(libname)

	void fvs_(int* rtn);

	void fvsSetCmdLine_(char *cmdline, int lencl, int* rtn);

s = '--keywordfile={}'.format(kwdfile)
cmdline = bytes(s.encode())

_cmdline = ffi.new('char[]', cmdline)
_lencl = ffi.new('int', len(cmdline))
_rtn = ffi.new('int* rtn', 0)

fvs.fvsSetCmdLine_(_cmdline, _lencl, _rtn)
Example #39

def _define_macro(name, value):
    LIBUV_MACROS.append((name, value))

if sys.platform != 'win32':
    _define_macro('_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', 1)
    _define_macro('_FILE_OFFSET_BITS', 64)

if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    _define_macro('_GNU_SOURCE', 1)
    _define_macro('_POSIX_C_SOURCE', '200112')


if __name__ == "__main__":
Example #40
typedef unsigned int pid_t;

GArray *
g_array_new (gboolean zero_terminated,
             gboolean clear_,
             guint element_size);
GArray * g_array_append_vals(GArray* a, gconstpointer v, guint len);
''' + ''.join(altered_lines)

cdef_string = cdef_string[:-2]  # Remove the trailing }

cdef_string += '''
extern "Python" void onDCCallback(int pid, void* socket,
cb_event_loop* cb_loop);
extern "Python" void onIceCallback(IceCandidate_C ice);

extern "Python" void onOpened(void);
extern "Python" void onClosed(int pid);
extern "Python" void onStringMsg(int pid, const char* message);
extern "Python" void onBinaryMsg(void* message);
extern "Python" void onError(const char* description);



if __name__ == "__main__":
typedef size_t mpd_size_t; /* unsigned size type */
typedef ssize_t mpd_ssize_t; /* signed size type */
typedef size_t mpd_uint_t;
#define MPD_SIZE_MAX ...
#define MPD_SSIZE_MIN ...
#define MPD_SSIZE_MAX ...

const char *mpd_version(void);
void mpd_free(void *ptr);

typedef struct mpd_context_t {
    mpd_ssize_t prec;   /* precision */
    mpd_ssize_t emax;   /* max positive exp */
    mpd_ssize_t emin;   /* min negative exp */
    uint32_t traps;     /* status events that should be trapped */
    uint32_t status;    /* status flags */
    uint32_t newtrap;   /* set by mpd_addstatus_raise() */
    int      round;     /* rounding mode */
    int      clamp;     /* clamp mode */
    int      allcr;     /* all functions correctly rounded */
} mpd_context_t;

enum {
    MPD_ROUND_UP,          /* round away from 0               */
    MPD_ROUND_DOWN,        /* round toward 0 (truncate)       */
    MPD_ROUND_CEILING,     /* round toward +infinity          */
    MPD_ROUND_FLOOR,       /* round toward -infinity          */
    MPD_ROUND_HALF_UP,     /* 0.5 is rounded up               */
    MPD_ROUND_HALF_DOWN,   /* 0.5 is rounded down             */
    MPD_ROUND_HALF_EVEN,   /* 0.5 is rounded to even          */
    MPD_ROUND_05UP,        /* round zero or five away from 0  */
    MPD_ROUND_TRUNC,       /* truncate, but set infinity      */

#define MPD_Clamped             ...
#define MPD_Conversion_syntax   ...
#define MPD_Division_by_zero    ...
#define MPD_Division_impossible ...
#define MPD_Division_undefined  ...
#define MPD_Float_operation     ...
#define MPD_Fpu_error           ...
#define MPD_Inexact             ...
#define MPD_Invalid_context     ...
#define MPD_Invalid_operation   ...
#define MPD_Malloc_error        ...
#define MPD_Not_implemented     ...
#define MPD_Overflow            ...
#define MPD_Rounded             ...
#define MPD_Subnormal           ...
#define MPD_Underflow           ...
#define MPD_Max_status          ...
/* Conditions that result in an IEEE 754 exception */
#define MPD_IEEE_Invalid_operation ...
/* Errors that require the result of an operation to be set to NaN */
#define MPD_Errors              ...

void mpd_maxcontext(mpd_context_t *ctx);
int mpd_qsetprec(mpd_context_t *ctx, mpd_ssize_t prec);
int mpd_qsetemax(mpd_context_t *ctx, mpd_ssize_t emax);
int mpd_qsetemin(mpd_context_t *ctx, mpd_ssize_t emin);
int mpd_qsetround(mpd_context_t *ctx, int newround);
int mpd_qsettraps(mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t flags);
int mpd_qsetstatus(mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t flags);
int mpd_qsetclamp(mpd_context_t *ctx, int c);

typedef struct mpd_t {
    uint8_t flags;
    mpd_ssize_t exp;
    mpd_ssize_t digits;
    mpd_ssize_t len;
    mpd_ssize_t alloc;
    mpd_uint_t *data;
} mpd_t;

#define MPD_POS                 ...
#define MPD_NEG                 ...
#define MPD_INF                 ...
#define MPD_NAN                 ...
#define MPD_SNAN                ...
#define MPD_SPECIAL             ...
#define MPD_STATIC              ...
#define MPD_STATIC_DATA         ...
#define MPD_SHARED_DATA         ...
#define MPD_CONST_DATA          ...
#define MPD_DATAFLAGS           ...

mpd_t *mpd_qnew(void);
void mpd_del(mpd_t *dec);

/* Operations */
void mpd_qabs(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qplus(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qminus(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qsqrt(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qexp(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qln(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qlog10(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qlogb(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qinvert(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);

void mpd_qmax(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qmax_mag(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qmin(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qmin_mag(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);

void mpd_qadd(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qsub(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qmul(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qdiv(mpd_t *q, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qdivint(mpd_t *q, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qfma(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_t *c, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qrem(mpd_t *r, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qrem_near(mpd_t *r, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qpow(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *base, const mpd_t *exp, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qpowmod(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *base, const mpd_t *exp, const mpd_t *mod, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_qcopy_sign(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_qcopy_abs(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_qcopy_negate(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qdivmod(mpd_t *q, mpd_t *r, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qand(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qor(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qxor(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_same_quantum(const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b);

void mpd_qround_to_intx(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qround_to_int(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_qcopy(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a,  uint32_t *status);

int mpd_qcmp(const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_qcompare(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_qcompare_signal(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_compare_total(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b);
int mpd_compare_total_mag(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b);
void mpd_qnext_toward(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qnext_minus(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qnext_plus(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qquantize(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);

void mpd_qrotate(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qscaleb(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qshift(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_t *b, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qreduce(mpd_t *result, const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);

/* Get attributes */
uint8_t mpd_sign(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isnegative(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_ispositive(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_iszero(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isfinite(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isinfinite(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_issigned(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isnan(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_issnan(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isspecial(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isqnan(const mpd_t *dec);
int mpd_isnormal(const mpd_t *dec, const mpd_context_t *ctx);
int mpd_issubnormal(const mpd_t *dec, const mpd_context_t *ctx);
mpd_ssize_t mpd_adjexp(const mpd_t *dec);
mpd_ssize_t mpd_etiny(const mpd_context_t *ctx);
mpd_ssize_t mpd_etop(const mpd_context_t *ctx);

mpd_t *mpd_qncopy(const mpd_t *a);

/* Set attributes */
void mpd_set_sign(mpd_t *result, uint8_t sign);
void mpd_set_positive(mpd_t *result);
void mpd_clear_flags(mpd_t *result);
void mpd_seterror(mpd_t *result, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_setspecial(mpd_t *dec, uint8_t sign, uint8_t type);

/* I/O */
void mpd_qimport_u16(mpd_t *result, const uint16_t *srcdata, size_t srclen,
                     uint8_t srcsign, uint32_t srcbase,
                     const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
size_t mpd_qexport_u16(uint16_t **rdata, size_t rlen, uint32_t base,
                       const mpd_t *src, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qset_string(mpd_t *dec, const char *s, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qset_uint(mpd_t *result, mpd_uint_t a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qset_ssize(mpd_t *result, mpd_ssize_t a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
void mpd_qsset_ssize(mpd_t *result, mpd_ssize_t a, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
mpd_ssize_t mpd_qget_ssize(const mpd_t *dec, uint32_t *status);
int mpd_lsnprint_signals(char *dest, int nmemb, uint32_t flags, const char *signal_string[]);
const char *dec_signal_string[];

void mpd_qfinalize(mpd_t *result, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);
const char *mpd_class(const mpd_t *a, const mpd_context_t *ctx);

/* format specification */
typedef struct mpd_spec_t {
    mpd_ssize_t min_width; /* minimum field width */
    mpd_ssize_t prec;      /* fraction digits or significant digits */
    char type;             /* conversion specifier */
    char align;            /* alignment */
    char sign;             /* sign printing/alignment */
    char fill[5];          /* fill character */
    const char *dot;       /* decimal point */
    const char *sep;       /* thousands separator */
    const char *grouping;  /* grouping of digits */
} mpd_spec_t;

char *mpd_to_sci(const mpd_t *dec, int fmt);
char *mpd_to_eng(const mpd_t *dec, int fmt);
int mpd_parse_fmt_str(mpd_spec_t *spec, const char *fmt, int caps);
int mpd_validate_lconv(mpd_spec_t *spec);
char *mpd_qformat_spec(const mpd_t *dec, const mpd_spec_t *spec, const mpd_context_t *ctx, uint32_t *status);

Example #42
typedef void * (*yajl_malloc_func)(void *ctx, size_t sz);
typedef void (*yajl_free_func)(void *ctx, void * ptr);
typedef void * (*yajl_realloc_func)(void *ctx, void * ptr, size_t sz);
typedef struct
    yajl_malloc_func malloc;
    yajl_realloc_func realloc;
    yajl_free_func free;
    void * ctx;
} yajl_alloc_funcs;
typedef struct yajl_handle_t * yajl_handle;
typedef enum {
} yajl_status;
typedef enum {
    yajl_allow_comments = 0x01,
    yajl_dont_validate_strings     = 0x02,
    yajl_allow_trailing_garbage = 0x04,
    yajl_allow_multiple_values = 0x08,
    yajl_allow_partial_values = 0x10
} yajl_option;
typedef struct {
    int (* yajl_null)(void * ctx);
    int (* yajl_boolean)(void * ctx, int boolVal);
    int (* yajl_integer)(void * ctx, long long integerVal);
    int (* yajl_double)(void * ctx, double doubleVal);
    int (* yajl_number)(void * ctx, const char * numberVal,
                        size_t numberLen);
    int (* yajl_string)(void * ctx, const unsigned char * stringVal,
                        size_t stringLen);
    int (* yajl_start_map)(void * ctx);
    int (* yajl_map_key)(void * ctx, const unsigned char * key,
                         size_t stringLen);
    int (* yajl_end_map)(void * ctx);
    int (* yajl_start_array)(void * ctx);
    int (* yajl_end_array)(void * ctx);
} yajl_callbacks;
int yajl_version(void);
yajl_handle yajl_alloc(const yajl_callbacks *callbacks, yajl_alloc_funcs *afs, void *ctx);
int yajl_config(yajl_handle h, yajl_option opt, ...);
yajl_status yajl_parse(yajl_handle hand, const unsigned char *jsonText, size_t jsonTextLength);
yajl_status yajl_complete_parse(yajl_handle hand);
unsigned char* yajl_get_error(yajl_handle hand, int verbose, const unsigned char *jsonText, size_t jsonTextLength);
void yajl_free_error(yajl_handle hand, unsigned char * str);
void yajl_free(yajl_handle handle);
Example #43
import glob
import os

from cffi import FFI

# include_dirs = [os.path.join('libraries', 'Rmath', 'src'),
# os.path.join('libraries', 'Rmath', 'include')]

# rmath_src = glob.glob(os.path.join('libraries', 'Rmath', 'src', '*.c'))

ffi = FFI()
ffi.set_source('_khash_ffi', '#include "khash_int2int.h"')

typedef int... khint64_t;
static inline void *khash_int2int_init(void);
static void khash_int2int_destroy(void *);
static inline khint64_t khash_int2int_get(void *, khint64_t, khint64_t);
static inline int khash_int2int_set(void *, khint64_t, khint64_t);

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #44
def _load_header(path: str) -> str:
    Load a C header file and convert it to something parseable by cffi.
    data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, path)
    if data is None:  # pragma: no cover
        raise RuntimeError("Couldn't load 'glean.h'")
    data_str = data.decode("utf-8")
    return "\n".join(
        line for line in data_str.splitlines() if not line.startswith("#include")

ffi = FFI()
lib = ffi.dlopen(str(Path(__file__).parent / get_shared_object_filename()))

def make_config(
    data_dir: Path, package_name: str, upload_enabled: bool, max_events: int,
) -> Any:
    Make an `FfiConfiguration` object.

        data_dir (pathlib.Path): Path to the Glean data directory.
        package_name (str): The name of the package to report in Glean's pings.
    data_dir = ffi.new("char[]", ffi_encode_string(str(data_dir)))
Example #45
from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()
   void OutputDebugStringW(const wchar_t*);
kernel32 = ffi.dlopen('kernel32.dll')

class OutputDebugStringWriter:
    def write(self, value):

    def flush(self):
Example #46
class libperipheryled:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ffi = FFI()
        # Specify each C function, struct and constant you want a Python binding for
        # Copy-n-paste with minor edits
        enum led_error_code {
            LED_ERROR_ARG       = -1,
            LED_ERROR_OPEN      = -2,
            LED_ERROR_QUERY     = -3,
            LED_ERROR_IO        = -4,
            LED_ERROR_CLOSE     = -5,
        struct led_handle {
            char name[64];
            unsigned int max_brightness;
            struct {
                int c_errno;
                char errmsg[96];
            } error;
        typedef struct led_handle led_t;
        led_t *led_new(void);
        int led_open(led_t *led, const char *name);
        int led_read(led_t *led, bool *value);
        int led_write(led_t *led, bool value);
        int led_close(led_t *led);
        void led_free(led_t *led);
        int led_get_brightness(led_t *led, unsigned int *brightness);
        int led_get_max_brightness(led_t *led, unsigned int *max_brightness);
        int led_set_brightness(led_t *led, unsigned int brightness);
        int led_name(led_t *led, char *str, size_t len);
        int led_tostring(led_t *led, char *str, size_t len);
        int led_errno(led_t *led);
        const char *led_errmsg(led_t *led);
        self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen("/usr/local/lib/libperipheryled.so")

    def open(self, device):
        """Open LED device and return handle.
        handle = self.lib.led_new()
        if self.lib.led_open(handle, device.encode('utf-8')) < 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
        return handle

    def close(self, handle):
        """Close I2C device.
        if self.lib.led_close(handle) < 0:
            raise RuntimeError(

    def setBrightness(self, handle, value):
        """Write value to led brightness register.
        # Transfer a transaction with one I2C message
        if self.lib.led_set_brightness(handle, value) < 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
Example #47
typedef struct network network;
typedef struct layer layer;

typedef struct{
    int *leaf;
    int n;
    int *parent;
    int *child;
    int *group;
    char **name;

    int groups;
    int *group_size;
    int *group_offset;
} tree;

typedef enum{

typedef enum {

typedef enum{

struct layer{
    LAYERTYPE type;
    ACTIVATION activation;
    COSTTYPE cost_type;
    void (*forward);
    void (*backward);
    void (*update);
    void (*forward_gpu);
    void (*backward_gpu);
    void (*update_gpu);
    int batch_normalize;
    int shortcut;
    int batch;
    int forced;
    int flipped;
    int inputs;
    int outputs;
    int nweights;
    int nbiases;
    int extra;
    int truths;
    int h,w,c;
    int out_h, out_w, out_c;
    int n;
    int max_boxes;
    int groups;
    int size;
    int side;
    int stride;
    int reverse;
    int flatten;
    int spatial;
    int pad;
    int sqrt;
    int flip;
    int index;
    int binary;
    int xnor;
    int steps;
    int hidden;
    int truth;
    float smooth;
    float dot;
    float angle;
    float jitter;
    float saturation;
    float exposure;
    float shift;
    float ratio;
    float learning_rate_scale;
    float clip;
    int softmax;
    int classes;
    int coords;
    int background;
    int rescore;
    int objectness;
    int joint;
    int noadjust;
    int reorg;
    int log;
    int tanh;
    int *mask;
    int total;

    float alpha;
    float beta;
    float kappa;

    float coord_scale;
    float object_scale;
    float noobject_scale;
    float mask_scale;
    float class_scale;
    int bias_match;
    int random;
    float ignore_thresh;
    float truth_thresh;
    float thresh;
    float focus;
    int classfix;
    int absolute;

    int onlyforward;
    int stopbackward;
    int dontload;
    int dontsave;
    int dontloadscales;

    float temperature;
    float probability;
    float scale;

    char  * cweights;
    int   * indexes;
    int   * input_layers;
    int   * input_sizes;
    int   * map;
    float * rand;
    float * cost;
    float * state;
    float * prev_state;
    float * forgot_state;
    float * forgot_delta;
    float * state_delta;
    float * combine_cpu;
    float * combine_delta_cpu;

    float * concat;
    float * concat_delta;

    float * binary_weights;

    float * biases;
    float * bias_updates;

    float * scales;
    float * scale_updates;

    float * weights;
    float * weight_updates;

    float * delta;
    float * output;
    float * loss;
    float * squared;
    float * norms;

    float * spatial_mean;
    float * mean;
    float * variance;

    float * mean_delta;
    float * variance_delta;

    float * rolling_mean;
    float * rolling_variance;

    float * x;
    float * x_norm;

    float * m;
    float * v;

    float * bias_m;
    float * bias_v;
    float * scale_m;
    float * scale_v;

    float *z_cpu;
    float *r_cpu;
    float *h_cpu;
    float * prev_state_cpu;

    float *temp_cpu;
    float *temp2_cpu;
    float *temp3_cpu;

    float *dh_cpu;
    float *hh_cpu;
    float *prev_cell_cpu;
    float *cell_cpu;
    float *f_cpu;
    float *i_cpu;
    float *g_cpu;
    float *o_cpu;
    float *c_cpu;
    float *dc_cpu;

    float * binary_input;

    struct layer *input_layer;
    struct layer *self_layer;
    struct layer *output_layer;

    struct layer *reset_layer;
    struct layer *update_layer;
    struct layer *state_layer;

    struct layer *input_gate_layer;
    struct layer *state_gate_layer;
    struct layer *input_save_layer;
    struct layer *state_save_layer;
    struct layer *input_state_layer;
    struct layer *state_state_layer;

    struct layer *input_z_layer;
    struct layer *state_z_layer;

    struct layer *input_r_layer;
    struct layer *state_r_layer;

    struct layer *input_h_layer;
    struct layer *state_h_layer;

    struct layer *wz;
    struct layer *uz;
    struct layer *wr;
    struct layer *ur;
    struct layer *wh;
    struct layer *uh;
    struct layer *uo;
    struct layer *wo;
    struct layer *uf;
    struct layer *wf;
    struct layer *ui;
    struct layer *wi;
    struct layer *ug;
    struct layer *wg;

    tree *softmax_tree;

    size_t workspace_size;

typedef enum {

typedef struct network{
    int n;
    int batch;
    size_t *seen;
    int *t;
    float epoch;
    int subdivisions;
    layer *layers;
    float *output;

    float learning_rate;
    float momentum;
    float decay;
    float gamma;
    float scale;
    float power;
    int time_steps;
    int step;
    int max_batches;
    float *scales;
    int   *steps;
    int num_steps;
    int burn_in;

    int adam;
    float B1;
    float B2;
    float eps;

    int inputs;
    int outputs;
    int truths;
    int notruth;
    int h, w, c;
    int max_crop;
    int min_crop;
    float max_ratio;
    float min_ratio;
    int center;
    float angle;
    float aspect;
    float exposure;
    float saturation;
    float hue;
    int random;

    int gpu_index;
    tree *hierarchy;

    float *input;
    float *truth;
    float *delta;
    float *workspace;
    int train;
    int index;
    float *cost;
    float clip;
} network;

typedef struct {
    int w;
    int h;
    int c;
    float *data;
} image;

network *load_network(char *cfg, char *weights, int clear);
image letterbox_image(image im, int w, int h);
int resize_network(network *net, int w, int h);
void top_predictions(network *net, int n, int *index);
void free_image(image m);
image load_image_color(char *filename, int w, int h);
float *network_predict_image(network *net, image im);
float *network_predict(network *net, float *input);
network *make_network(int n);
layer make_convolutional_layer(int batch, int h, int w, int c, int n, int groups, int size, int stride, int padding, ACTIVATION activation, int batch_normalize, int binary, int xnor, int adam);
layer make_connected_layer(int batch, int inputs, int outputs, ACTIVATION activation, int batch_normalize, int adam);
layer make_maxpool_layer(int batch, int h, int w, int c, int size, int stride, int padding);
layer make_avgpool_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int c);
layer make_shortcut_layer(int batch, int index, int w, int h, int c, int w2, int h2, int c2);
layer make_batchnorm_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int c);
layer make_reorg_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int c, int stride, int reverse, int flatten, int extra);
layer make_region_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int n, int classes, int coords);
layer make_softmax_layer(int batch, int inputs, int groups);
layer make_rnn_layer(int batch, int inputs, int outputs, int steps, ACTIVATION activation, int batch_normalize, int adam);
layer make_yolo_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int n, int total, int *mask, int classes);
layer make_crnn_layer(int batch, int h, int w, int c, int hidden_filters, int output_filters, int steps, ACTIVATION activation, int batch_normalize);
layer make_lstm_layer(int batch, int inputs, int outputs, int steps, int batch_normalize, int adam);
layer make_gru_layer(int batch, int inputs, int outputs, int steps, int batch_normalize, int adam);
layer make_upsample_layer(int batch, int w, int h, int c, int stride);
layer make_l2norm_layer(int batch, int inputs);
void free_network(network *net);
Example #48
def load_ool_module():
    Compile an out-of-line module, return the corresponding ffi and
    module objects.
    from cffi import FFI

    numba_complex = """
    typedef struct _numba_complex {
        double real;
        double imag;
    } numba_complex;

    defs = numba_complex + """
    double sin(double x);
    double cos(double x);
    int foo(int a, int b, int c);
    void vsSin(int n, float* x, float* y);
    void vdSin(int n, double* x, double* y);
    void vector_real(numba_complex *c, double *real, int n);
    void vector_imag(numba_complex *c, double *imag, int n);

    source = numba_complex + """
    static int foo(int a, int b, int c)
        return a + b * c;

    void vsSin(int n, float* x, float* y) {
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
            y[i] = sin(x[i]);

    void vdSin(int n, double* x, double* y) {
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<n; i++)
            y[i] = sin(x[i]);

    static void vector_real(numba_complex *c, double *real, int n) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            real[i] = c[i].real;

    static void vector_imag(numba_complex *c, double *imag, int n) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            imag[i] = c[i].imag;

    ffi = FFI()
    ffi.set_source('cffi_usecases_ool', source)
    ffi.cdef(defs, override=True)
    tmpdir = temp_directory('test_cffi')
        mod = import_dynamic('cffi_usecases_ool')
        cffi_support.register_type(mod.ffi.typeof('struct _numba_complex'),
        return mod.ffi, mod
Example #49
struct ExpressionClassHandler;
typedef struct ExpressionClassHandler* Expression;

struct calculate_c_library_template {
    void (*version)(char*);
    void (*author)(char*);
    void (*date)(char*);

    void (*constants)(char*);
    void (*operators)(char*);
    void (*functions)(char*);

    Expression (*create)(const char*, const char*, char*);
    Expression (*build)(const char*, const char*);
    Expression (*parse)(const char*, char*);
    void (*free)(Expression);

    void (*expression)(Expression, char*);
    void (*variables)(Expression, char*);
    void (*infix)(Expression, char*);
    void (*postfix)(Expression, char*);
    void (*tree)(Expression, char*);

    double (*evaluate)(Expression, double*, int, char*);
    double (*eval)(Expression, double*, int);
    double (*value)(Expression, ...);

const struct calculate_c_library_template* get_calculate_reference();
Example #50
                      include_dirs=[src_dir, htslib_dir],
                          os.path.join(src_dir, x)
                          for x in ('levenshtein.c', 'medaka_bamiter.c',
                                    'medaka_common.c', 'medaka_khcounter.c',

cdef = [
    "typedef struct { ...; } bam_fset;"
    "bam_fset* create_bam_fset(char* fname);"
    "void destroy_bam_fset(bam_fset* fset);"
for header in ('clair3_pileup.h', 'clair3_full_alignment.h'):
    with open(os.path.join(src_dir, header), 'r') as fh:
        # remove directives
        lines = ''.join(x for x in fh.readlines() if not x.startswith('#'))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    run("cp {}/libclair3*.so {}/libclair3.so".format(file_directory,
def test_cffi_assembly():
    mesh = create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 13, 13)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", 1))

    if mesh.comm.rank == 0:
        from cffi import FFI
        ffibuilder = FFI()
            "_cffi_kernelA", r"""
        #include <math.h>
        #include <stdalign.h>
        void tabulate_tensor_poissonA(double* restrict A, const double* w,
                                    const double* c,
                                    const double* restrict coordinate_dofs,
                                    const int* entity_local_index,
                                    const int* cell_orientation)
        // Precomputed values of basis functions and precomputations
        // FE* dimensions: [entities][points][dofs]
        // PI* dimensions: [entities][dofs][dofs] or [entities][dofs]
        // PM* dimensions: [entities][dofs][dofs]
        alignas(32) static const double FE3_C0_D01_Q1[1][1][2] = { { { -1.0, 1.0 } } };
        // Unstructured piecewise computations
        const double J_c0 = coordinate_dofs[0] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[3] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        const double J_c3 = coordinate_dofs[1] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[7] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        const double J_c1 = coordinate_dofs[0] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[6] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        const double J_c2 = coordinate_dofs[1] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[4] * FE3_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        alignas(32) double sp[20];
        sp[0] = J_c0 * J_c3;
        sp[1] = J_c1 * J_c2;
        sp[2] = sp[0] + -1 * sp[1];
        sp[3] = J_c0 / sp[2];
        sp[4] = -1 * J_c1 / sp[2];
        sp[5] = sp[3] * sp[3];
        sp[6] = sp[3] * sp[4];
        sp[7] = sp[4] * sp[4];
        sp[8] = J_c3 / sp[2];
        sp[9] = -1 * J_c2 / sp[2];
        sp[10] = sp[9] * sp[9];
        sp[11] = sp[8] * sp[9];
        sp[12] = sp[8] * sp[8];
        sp[13] = sp[5] + sp[10];
        sp[14] = sp[6] + sp[11];
        sp[15] = sp[12] + sp[7];
        sp[16] = fabs(sp[2]);
        sp[17] = sp[13] * sp[16];
        sp[18] = sp[14] * sp[16];
        sp[19] = sp[15] * sp[16];
        // UFLACS block mode: preintegrated
        A[0] = 0.5 * sp[19] + 0.5 * sp[18] + 0.5 * sp[18] + 0.5 * sp[17];
        A[1] = -0.5 * sp[19] + -0.5 * sp[18];
        A[2] = -0.5 * sp[18] + -0.5 * sp[17];
        A[3] = -0.5 * sp[19] + -0.5 * sp[18];
        A[4] = 0.5 * sp[19];
        A[5] = 0.5 * sp[18];
        A[6] = -0.5 * sp[18] + -0.5 * sp[17];
        A[7] = 0.5 * sp[18];
        A[8] = 0.5 * sp[17];

        void tabulate_tensor_poissonL(double* restrict A, const double* w,
                                     const double* c,
                                     const double* restrict coordinate_dofs,
                                     const int* entity_local_index,
                                     const int* cell_orientation)
        // Precomputed values of basis functions and precomputations
        // FE* dimensions: [entities][points][dofs]
        // PI* dimensions: [entities][dofs][dofs] or [entities][dofs]
        // PM* dimensions: [entities][dofs][dofs]
        alignas(32) static const double FE4_C0_D01_Q1[1][1][2] = { { { -1.0, 1.0 } } };
        // Unstructured piecewise computations
        const double J_c0 = coordinate_dofs[0] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[3] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        const double J_c3 = coordinate_dofs[1] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[7] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        const double J_c1 = coordinate_dofs[0] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[6] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        const double J_c2 = coordinate_dofs[1] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][0] + coordinate_dofs[4] * FE4_C0_D01_Q1[0][0][1];
        alignas(32) double sp[4];
        sp[0] = J_c0 * J_c3;
        sp[1] = J_c1 * J_c2;
        sp[2] = sp[0] + -1 * sp[1];
        sp[3] = fabs(sp[2]);
        // UFLACS block mode: preintegrated
        A[0] = 0.1666666666666667 * sp[3];
        A[1] = 0.1666666666666667 * sp[3];
        A[2] = 0.1666666666666667 * sp[3];
        void tabulate_tensor_poissonA(double* restrict A, const double* w,
                                    const double* c,
                                    const double* restrict coordinate_dofs,
                                    const int* entity_local_index,
                                    const int* cell_orientation);
        void tabulate_tensor_poissonL(double* restrict A, const double* w,
                                    const double* c,
                                    const double* restrict coordinate_dofs,
                                    const int* entity_local_index,
                                    const int* cell_orientation);


    from _cffi_kernelA import ffi, lib

    ptrA = ffi.cast("intptr_t", ffi.addressof(lib, "tabulate_tensor_poissonA"))
    integrals = {IntegralType.cell: ([(-1, ptrA)], None)}
    a = _cpp.fem.Form_float64([V._cpp_object, V._cpp_object], integrals, [],
                              [], False)

    ptrL = ffi.cast("intptr_t", ffi.addressof(lib, "tabulate_tensor_poissonL"))
    integrals = {IntegralType.cell: ([(-1, ptrL)], None)}
    L = _cpp.fem.Form_float64([V._cpp_object], integrals, [], [], False)

    A = fem.assemble_matrix(a)
    assert np.isclose(np.sqrt(A.norm_squared()), 56.124860801609124)

    b = fem.assemble_vector(L)
    assert np.isclose(b.norm(), 0.0739710713711999)
Example #52

c_header_source = r'''
    #include <xenctrl.h>
    #include <xencall.h>
    #include <libxl.h>
    #include <xendevicemodel.h>
    #include <xenevtchn.h>
    #include <xenforeignmemory.h>
    #include <xenguest.h>
    #include <xenstore.h>

    #include <xen/domctl.h>
    #include <xen/vm_event.h>
    #include <xen/io/ring.h>
    #include <xen/sys/privcmd.h>

    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #define FOO__HYPERVISOR_domctl __HYPERVISOR_domctl
#include <xentoollog.h>

cdef = read_local_file('cdef.h')

ffi = FFI()
ffi.set_source('xendbg.xen._bindings', c_header_source, libraries=libraries)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Example #53
from common.basedir import BASEDIR
from common.params import Params
from selfdrive.swaglog import cloudlog

STAGING_ROOT = "/data/safe_staging"

OVERLAY_UPPER = os.path.join(STAGING_ROOT, "upper")
OVERLAY_METADATA = os.path.join(STAGING_ROOT, "metadata")
OVERLAY_MERGED = os.path.join(STAGING_ROOT, "merged")
FINALIZED = os.path.join(STAGING_ROOT, "finalized")

NICE_LOW_PRIORITY = ["nice", "-n", "19"]

# Workaround for lack of os.link in the NEOS/termux python
ffi = FFI()
ffi.cdef("int link(const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);")
libc = ffi.dlopen(None)

def link(src, dest):
    return libc.link(src.encode(), dest.encode())

class WaitTimeHelper:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ready_event = threading.Event()
        self.shutdown = False
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.graceful_shutdown)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.graceful_shutdown)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, self.update_now)
Example #54
    of work, the better your chances are of landing in the main chain.

    Feel free to modify this code in any way, or reimplement it in a different
    language or on specialized hardware.

    Good luck!

def flatten(l):
    return [x for lp in l for x in lp]

ffi = FFI()
    "int go(uint64_t, uint64_t, const uint8_t*, const uint8_t*, const uint8_t*, const uint8_t*, uint32_t, uint64_t*);"
lib = ffi.dlopen("aesniminer-kernel/target/release/libaesniminer_kernel.so")

# cuda_mod = SourceModule(open("kernel2.cu", "rb").read())

# go = cuda_mod.get_function('go')
# test_AES = cuda_mod.get_function('test_AES')

# key = '\0'*32
# expanded = numpy.array([x % (2**32) for x in flatten(pyaes.aes.AES(key)._Ke)], dtype=numpy.uint32)
# # text = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(16))
# text = '\0' * 16
# text_arr = numpy.array(map(ord, text), dtype=np.uint8)
# test_AES(drv.In(expanded), drv.InOut(text_arr), block=(1, 1, 1))
# asdf = AES.new(key)
Example #55
class SimEnv(gym.Env):
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

    def __init__(self):
        self.init = True

    def step(self, action):  # これを呼ぶときには,actionは決定されている
        # self.state = self._get_state() # 1stepにつき冒頭と末尾に状態取得?
        # print(action)
        # print(action.shape)
        # sys.exit()

        # if len(self.agents) == 1: # エージェント数が1だとスカラーになってエラー->暫定対処
        #     action = action.reshape(-1,1)

        # 他の避難所の行動を決定するコードを書く
        dict_actions = {}  # key:ノードID, value:ノードID
        self.tmp_action_matrix = np.zeros(
            (len(self.agents), len(self.actions)), dtype=float)
        for i, node_id in enumerate(self.agents):  # エージェントの行動
            # print("ここでtmp_action_matrixに代入する")
            # print("action.shape", action.shape)
            dict_actions[node_id] = self._get_action(action[i])
            self.tmp_action_matrix[i, action[i]] = 1.
        for shelter_id, node_id in enumerate(self.actions):  # エージェントではない避難所の行動
            if node_id in self.agents:  # self.sidの代入と更新タイミングに注意
            _action = self.others[shelter_id].get_action(self.goal_state)
            dict_actions[node_id] = self._get_action(_action)
            # # for other in self.others:
            #     # if shelter_id == self.sid: # self.sidの代入と更新タイミングに注意
            #     if node_id == self.sid: # self.sidの代入と更新タイミングに注意
            #         # 自エージェントのactionだけ下で上書き
            #         dict_actions[node_id] = self._get_action(action)
            #     else:
            #         _action = self.others[shelter_id].get_action(self.goal_state)
            #         dict_actions[node_id] = self._get_action(_action)
        # _action = self._get_action(action)
        # self.call_traffic_regulation(_action, self.num_step)
        # print("dict_actions",dict_actions)
        self.call_traffic_regulation(dict_actions, self.num_step)
        self.call_iterate(self.cur_time + self.interval)  # iterate
        self.cur_time += self.interval
        self.update_navi_state()  # self.navi_stateを更新するだけ
        self.state = self._get_state()
        # self.state = self._get_observation(self.cur_time + self.interval) # iterate
        # observation = self.state2obsv( self.state, self.id )
        # observation = self.state
        # reward = self._get_reward_time()
        # reward = self._get_reward()
        # reward = self._get_reward(self.edge_state)
        sum_pop = np.sum(
            self.edge_state) * self.interval / self.num_agents  # 累積すると平均移動時間

        # if self.flg_reward == "goal":
        #     reward, G = self._get_reward_goal()
        #     self.prev_reward = copy.deepcopy(G)
        # elif self.flg_reward == "goal_cum":
        #     reward, _ = self._get_reward_goal_cum()
        #     # self.prev_reward = copy.deepcopy(G)
        # elif self.flg_reward == "edge_wo_T0":
        #     reward = self._get_reward_wo_T0(self.state)
        # elif self.flg_reward == "speed":
        #     reward = self._get_reward_speed(self.state)
        # elif self.flg_reward == "speed_w_V0":
        #     reward = self._get_reward_speed_w_V0(self.state)
        if DEBUG: print("in step(), flg_reward = ", self.flg_reward)
        if self.flg_reward == "time":
            reward = self._get_reward_time()
        elif self.flg_reward == "time_once":
            reward = self._get_reward_total_time_once()
        # elif self.flg_reward == "total_time_once_wo_norm":
        #     reward = self._get_reward_total_time_once_wo_norm()
        else:  # self.flg_reward == "edge":
            reward = self._get_reward()

        # self.episode_reward += sum_pop
        self.episode_reward += reward
        # print("CURRENT", self.cur_time, action, sum_pop, self.T_open[self.num_step], reward, self.episode_reward)
        if DEBUG:
            print("CURRENT", self.env_id, self.cur_time, action, sum_pop,
                  reward, self.episode_reward)
        with open(self.resdir + "/current_log.txt", "a") as f:
            f.write("CURRENT {:} {:} {:} {:} {:} {:}\n".format(
                self.env_id, self.cur_time, action, sum_pop, reward,
        self.num_step += 1
        done = self.max_step <= self.num_step
        print(self.max_step, self.num_step, done)
        # done = False
        # travel_time = self.mk_travel_open()
        info = {}
        if done:
            agentid, travel_time = self._goal_time_all()  # 歩行者の移動速度リストを取得
            info = {
                "episode": {
                    "r": self.episode_reward
                "events": self.event_history,
                "env_id": self.env_id,
                "travel_time": travel_time,
                "agentid": agentid
            # print("info",info)
        if DEBUG: print(self.state.shape, reward, done)
        # if DEBUG: print(self.state.shape, reward, done, info)
        return self.state, reward, done, info  # obseration, reward, done, info

    def reset(self):
        # config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        # config.read('config.ini')

        self.sim_time = self.config.getint('SIMULATION', 'sim_time')
        self.interval = self.config.getint('SIMULATION', 'interval')
        self.max_step = int(np.ceil(self.sim_time / self.interval))
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.num_step = 0
        self.state = np.zeros(self.num_obsv * self.obs_step)

        self.episode_reward = 0
        self.event_history = []
        # self.flag = True

        # for reward selection
        # self.prev_goal = 0

        self.reset_sim()  # set up simulation

        return self.state

    def render(self, mode='human', close=False):

    def close(self):

    def seed(self,
             R_base=(None, None)):
        self.T_open, self.travel_open = R_base
        # print("T_open @ seed",self.T_open)
        # print("travel_open @ seed",self.travel_open)
        # training_targets = dict_target["training"]
        # fixed_agents = dict_target["fixed"] # その他を固定しよう
        # rule_agents = dict_target["rule"]
        # fixed_agents: モデルで行動,更新なし,の避難所
        # training_targets: 学習対象の避難所
        # rule_agents: ルールベースの避難所

        # from init (for config import)
        self.config = config
        # num_parallel   = config.getint('TRAINING',   'num_parallel')
        # tmp_id = len(training_targets) % num_parallel
        # tmp_id = seed % len(training_targets)
        tmp_id = env_id % len(datadirs)
        # if DEBUG: print(training_targets, tmp_id)
        self.env_id = env_id
        # self.sid = training_targets[tmp_id]
        # self.training_target = self.sid # 不要かも
        self.datadir = datadirs[tmp_id]
        # config = configparser.ConfigParser()
        # config.read('config.ini')
        # self.num_agents = config.getint('SIMULATION', 'num_agents')
        # self.num_edges  = config.getint('SIMULATION', 'num_edges')
        self.obs_step = config.getint('TRAINING', 'obs_step')
        self.obs_degree = config.getint('TRAINING', 'obs_degree')
        # self.datadir         = config.get('SIMULATION',    'datadir')
        self.tmp_resdir = config['TRAINING']['resdir']
        self.actions = np.loadtxt(config['SIMULATION']['actionfn'], dtype=int)
        # self.agents = training_targets # = self.actions
        self.agents = copy.deepcopy(self.actions)
        if DEBUG: print(self.actions)
        # sys.exit()
        # self.dict_action = {}
        # for action in list( self.actions ):
        #     self.dict_action[]
        self.flg_reward = config['TRAINING']['flg_reward']

        # self.flag = True

        # self.edges = Edge(self.obs_degree) # degreeは不要になったはず...
        self.edges = Edge(self.datadir)  # degreeは不要になったはず...
        # ->seed()の前に設定してしまいたい
        self.num_edges = self.edges.num_obsv_edge
        self.num_goals = self.edges.num_obsv_goal
        self.num_navi = len(self.actions) * len(
            self.actions)  # 誘導の状態数は,ワンホットベクトルを想定
        self.navi_state = np.zeros(len(self.actions) * len(self.actions),
                                   dtype=float)  # 入れ物だけ作っておく
        # self.num_navi = len(self.actions) * len(self.agents) # 誘導の状態数は,ワンホットベクトルを想定
        # self.navi_state = np.zeros(len(self.actions) * len(self.agents), dtype=float) # 入れ物だけ作っておく
        # self.num_obsv = self.num_edges + self.num_goals # 1ステップ分の観測の数
        if DEBUG: print("self.navi_state.shape", self.navi_state.shape)
        self.num_obsv = self.num_edges + self.num_goals + self.num_navi  # 1ステップ分の観測の数

        self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.actions.shape[0])
        self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(
            # high=self.num_agents,
            shape=np.zeros(self.num_obsv * self.obs_step).shape)
        assert self.action_space.n == self.actions.shape[0]
        assert self.observation_space.shape[0] == self.num_obsv * self.obs_step

        # self.state = None
        # self.state     = np.zeros(self.num_edges * self.obs_step)
        # self.cur_time  = 0
        # self.interval
        # self.prev_goal = 0

        # self.reset()
        # copy from reset()
        self.sim_time = self.config.getint('SIMULATION', 'sim_time')
        self.interval = self.config.getint('SIMULATION', 'interval')
        self.max_step = int(np.ceil(self.sim_time / self.interval))
        self.cur_time = 0
        self.num_step = 0
        self.state = np.zeros(self.num_obsv * self.obs_step)

        # original seed
        # self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
        # https://harald.co/2019/07/30/reproducibility-issues-using-openai-gym/
        # print(self.datadir)
        self.set_resdir("%s/sim_result_%d" % (self.tmp_resdir, self.env_id))
        # ルールベースの避難所のエージェントを生成する
        # self.others = {}
        # for shelter_id, node_id in enumerate( self.actions ):
        #     # 自分のエージェントを作ってもいいけど,使わない
        #     controler = FixControler(shelter_id, self.edges.DistanceMatrix)
        #     self.others[shelter_id] = controler

        return [seed]

    def _get_action(self, action):
        return self.actions[action]

    # def _get_reward_goal(self): # sum of people who reached goal
    #     G = np.sum( self._goal_cnt() )
    #     G_diff = G - self.prev_goal
    #     reward = G_diff / self.num_agents # - (1./ self.max_step)
    #     return reward, G

    # def _get_reward_goal_cum(self): # sum of people who reached goal
    #     G = np.sum( self._goal_cnt() )
    #     reward = G / self.num_agents # - (1./ self.max_step)
    #     return reward, G

    def _get_reward_time(self):  # mean travel time of people who reached goal
        agentid, travel_time = self._goal_time()
        # print(agentid, travel_time)
        if len(agentid) == 0:
            return 0
        reward = np.sum(self.travel_open[agentid] - travel_time) / np.sum(
        if reward < 0:
            return max(reward, -1)
        return min(reward, 1)

    def _get_reward_total_time_once(
            self):  # mean travel time of people who reached goal
        if self.travel_open is None:
            return 0
        if self.max_step > self.num_step + 1:
            return 0  # reward only last step
        agentid, travel_time = self._goal_time_all()
        # print(agentid, travel_time)
        # if len(agentid) == 0:
        #     return 0
        reward = np.sum(self.travel_open[agentid] - travel_time) / np.sum(
        # reward = np.sum( self.T_open[agentid] - travel_time ) / np.sum( self.T_open[agentid] )
        if reward < 0:
            return max(reward, -1)
        return min(reward, 1)

    # def _get_reward_total_time_once_wo_norm(self): # mean travel time of people who reached goal
    #     if self.max_step > self.num_step + 1:
    #         return 0 # reward only last step
    #     agentid, travel_time = self._goal_time_all()
    #     # print(agentid, travel_time)
    #     # if len(agentid) == 0:
    #     #     return 0
    #     reward = np.sum( - travel_time ) / ( 1. * self.sim_time * self.num_agents)
    #     if reward < 0:
    #         return max(reward, -1)
    #     return min(reward, 1)

    # def mk_travel_open(self): # travel time of people who reached goal
    #     stop_time = (self.max_step + 1) * self.interval
    #     start_time = 0
    #     print(start_time, stop_time)
    #     tmp = self.lib.goalAgentCnt(start_time, stop_time-1, -1) # all goal
    #     res = self.ffi.new("int[%d][3]" % tmp)
    #     l = self.lib.goalAgent(start_time, stop_time-1, tmp+1, res)
    #     # print(l)
    #     travel_time = np.array( [res[i][1] for i in range(l)] )
    #     # print(travel_time)
    #     return travel_time

    # def _get_reward_speed(self, observation):
    #     # moving speedをRewardとする
    #     # 最大値を取るか,平均を取るかは要検討
    #     # 全歩行者数でRewardを決定
    #     v_mean = self.speed
    #     th     = 1.8 / (v_mean + 0.3)
    #     num_agent = observation[self.num_obsv * (self.obs_step-1):] # observationのサイズを変更したので要修正
    #     rho    = num_agent / (self.edges.dist * self.edges.width)
    #     # rho    = rho[self.num_edges * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     rho_   = np.where(rho == 0, float('-inf'), rho)
    #     v_1    = np.where((0 <= rho) & (rho < th), v_mean, 0)
    #     v_2    = np.where((th <= rho_) & (rho_ < 6), 1.8 / rho_ - 0.3, 0)
    #     v      = (v_1 + v_2) * num_agent # weighted
    #     # reward = (v_mean - v) / v_mean
    #     if np.sum(num_agent) == 0:
    #         v = v_mean
    #     else:
    #         v = np.sum(v) / np.sum(num_agent)
    #     reward = ( v_mean - v ) / v_mean
    #     return -reward

    # def _get_reward_speed_w_V0(self, observation):
    #     # moving speedをRewardとする
    #     # 最大値を取るか,平均を取るかは要検討
    #     # 全歩行者数でRewardを決定
    #     v_mean = self.speed
    #     th     = 1.8 / (v_mean + 0.3)
    #     num_agent = observation[self.num_obsv * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     rho    = num_agent / (self.edges.dist * self.edges.width)
    #     # rho    = rho[self.num_edges * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     rho_   = np.where(rho == 0, float('-inf'), rho)
    #     v_1    = np.where((0 <= rho) & (rho < th), v_mean, 0)
    #     v_2    = np.where((th <= rho_) & (rho_ < 6), 1.8 / rho_ - 0.3, 0)
    #     v      = (v_1 + v_2) * num_agent # weighted
    #     # reward = (v_mean - v) / v_mean
    #     if np.sum(num_agent) == 0:
    #         v = v_mean
    #     else:
    #         v = np.sum(v) / np.sum(num_agent)
    #     # reward = ( v_mean - v ) / v_mean

    #     if self.V_open[self.num_step] == 0:
    #         if v == 0:
    #             return 0
    #         else:
    #             return 1
    #     reward = (self.V_open[self.num_step] - v) / (self.V_open[self.num_step])
    #     if reward < 0:
    #         return max(reward, -1)
    #     return min(reward, 1)

    # def _get_reward_wo_T0(self, observation):
    #     reward = ( self.num_agents - self._get_num_traveler(observation)) / (1. * self.num_agents)
    #     return reward

    def _get_reward(self):
        # t_open
        tmp_state = np.sum(self.edge_state) * self.interval / self.num_agents
        # print("T_open",self.T_open)
        if self.T_open is None:
            return tmp_state
            if self.T_open[self.num_step] == 0:
                if tmp_state == 0:
                    return 0
                    return -1
            reward = (self.T_open[self.num_step] -
                      tmp_state) / (self.T_open[self.num_step])
            # print("tmp_reward", reward)
            if reward < 0:
                return max(reward, -1)
            return min(reward, 1)

    # def _get_travel_time(self, observation):
    #     # observation = observation[self.num_obsv * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     observation = observation[self.num_edges * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     return np.sum(observation) * self.interval / self.num_agents

    # def _get_num_traveler(self, observation):
    #     observation = observation[self.num_obsv * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     return np.sum(observation)

    def call_traffic_regulation(self, actions, t):
        Take action, i.e., open/close gates
        # pass
        events = self.get_events(actions, t)
        # for nid, action in actions.items():
        #     events.append(self.get_events(nid, action, t))
        # events = self.get_events(action, t)
        for e in events:
            # if DEBUG: print(e)
        return events

    def _edge_cnt(self):
        ret = np.zeros(len(self.edges.observed_edge))
        for e, idx in self.edges.observed_edge.items():
            fr, to = e
            ret[idx] = self.lib.cntOnEdge(fr - 1, to - 1)
        return ret

    def _goal_cnt(self):  # ゴールした人の累積人数
        ret = np.zeros(len(self.edges.observed_goal))  # 返値は,observed_goal次元
        stop_time = self.cur_time  # + self.interval
        start_time = 0  # self.cur_time #stop_time - self.interval
        for node, idx in sorted(self.edges.observed_goal.items()):
            tmp = self.lib.goalAgentCnt(start_time, stop_time - 1, node - 1)
            ret[idx] = tmp
            # print(start_time, stop_time, node-1, idx, tmp)
        return ret

    def _goal_time(self):
        # 直近のstepにゴールした人の移動時間を求める
        stop_time = self.cur_time  # + self.interval
        start_time = self.cur_time - self.interval
        tmp = self.lib.goalAgentCnt(start_time, stop_time - 1, -1)  # all goal
        res = self.ffi.new("int[%d][3]" % tmp)
        l = self.lib.goalAgent(start_time, stop_time - 1, tmp + 1, res)
        agentid = np.array([res[i][0] for i in range(l)])
        travel_time = np.array([res[i][1] for i in range(l)])
        return agentid, travel_time

    def _goal_time_all(self):
        # 現時点までにゴールした人の移動時間を求める
        stop_time = self.cur_time  # + self.interval
        start_time = 0
        tmp = self.lib.goalAgentCnt(start_time, stop_time - 1, -1)  # all goal
        res = self.ffi.new("int[%d][3]" % tmp)
        l = self.lib.goalAgent(start_time, stop_time - 1, tmp + 1, res)
        agentid = np.array([res[i][0] for i in range(l)])
        travel_time = np.array([res[i][1] for i in range(l)])
        return agentid, travel_time

    # def call_edge_cnt(self, stop_time=0):
    #     """
    #     Count the number of agents on the edge
    #     """
    #     self.lib.setStop(stop_time)
    #     self.lib.iterate()
    #     ret = self._edge_cnt()
    #     return ret

    # def call_speed(self, stop_time=0):
    #     """
    #     Measure the mean of agents speed
    #     """
    #     # self.lib.setStop(stop_time)
    #     # self.lib.iterate()
    #     print("stop_time : ", stop_time)
    #     # self.state = self._get_observation(stop_time) # iterate
    #     self.call_iterate(stop_time)
    #     self.state = self._get_state()
    #     # observation = state2obsv( self.state, self.id )
    #     observation = self.state

    #     v_mean = self.speed
    #     th     = 1.8 / (v_mean + 0.3)
    #     num_agent = observation[self.num_edges * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     rho    = num_agent / (self.edges.dist * self.edges.width)
    #     # rho    = rho[self.num_edges * (self.obs_step-1):]
    #     rho_   = np.where(rho == 0, float('-inf'), rho)
    #     v_1    = np.where((0 <= rho) & (rho < th), v_mean, 0)
    #     v_2    = np.where((th <= rho_) & (rho_ < 6), 1.8 / rho_ - 0.3, 0)
    #     v      = (v_1 + v_2) * num_agent # weighted
    #     # reward = (v_mean - v) / v_mean
    #     if np.sum(num_agent) == 0:
    #         v = v_mean
    #     else:
    #         v = np.sum(v) / np.sum(num_agent)
    #     return v

    # def call_goal_cnt(self, stop_time=0):
    #     """
    #     Count the number of agents on the goal
    #     """
    #     self.lib.setStop(stop_time)
    #     self.lib.iterate()
    #     # ret = np.zeros(len(self.edges.dict_edge))
    #     # for e, idx in self.edges.dict_edge.items():
    #     ret = _goal_cnt()
    #     return ret

    def call_iterate(self, stop_time=0):

    def update_navi_state(self):  # この関数,本当に必要?
        # self.navi_state = np.zeros(len(self.actions) * len(self.agents)) # 入れ物だけ作っておく
        # self.navi_state = self.tmp_action_matrix.reshape(1,-1)
        self.navi_state = self.tmp_action_matrix.flatten()
        # print( self.navi_state )
        # print( self.navi_state.shape )

    def _get_state(self):  # 時刻は進めない->繰り返し使うと同じstateが最大4step分だけ繰り返されるので注意
        # 1ステップ分ずらす
        obs = self.state[self.num_obsv:]  # 左端を捨てる
        # 避難所の状況を取得
        tmp_goal_state = copy.deepcopy(self._goal_cnt())
        # print(tmp_goal_state)
        self.edge_state = copy.deepcopy(self._edge_cnt())  # 何度も使いそうなので保存
        self.goal_state = self.edges.goal_capa - tmp_goal_state  # 何度も使いそうなので保存
        # print(self.goal_state)
        # print(np.sum(tmp_goal_state), np.sum(self.edge_state))
        cur_obs = np.append(self.edge_state, self.goal_state)
        cur_obs = np.append(cur_obs, self.navi_state)
        return np.append(obs, cur_obs)  # 右端に追加

    # def _get_observation(self, stop_time=0):
    #     self.call_iterate(stop_time)
    #     return self._get_state()
    #     # obs     = self.state[self.num_obsv:]
    #     # cur_obs = self.call_edge_cnt(stop_time) # iterate
    #     # return np.append(obs, cur_obs)

    def set_datadir(self, datadir):
        self.datadir = datadir
        # agentfn    = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/agentlist.txt"%self.datadir
        agentfn = "%s/agentlist.txt" % self.datadir
        self.speed = self.get_speed(agentfn)
        self.num_agents = self.get_num_agents(agentfn)

    def set_resdir(self, resdir):
        # print(resdir)
        os.makedirs(resdir, exist_ok=True)
        self.resdir = resdir

    def get_events(self, actions, t):
        # nid: 誘導元のノードID
        # action: 誘導先のノードID
        tmp = [t,cmd_name,shelter, shelter]
        cmd_name = "signage"
        ratio = 1.0
        via_length = 0
        tmp = [t, cmd_name, shelter, shelter, target_node, target_node, ratio, via_length]
        # 末尾(1と0)は,分配率と経由地数
        time = t * self.interval + 1
        out = []
        out.append("%d clear_all_signage" % time)
        for nid, action in sorted(actions.items()):
            if action == -1:
                # out = "%d del_signage_table %d %d"%(time, nid, nid)
                # detour = self.dict_action[action]
                detour = action
                # if nid == action:
                # out = "%d del_signage_table %d %d"%(time, nid, nid)
                if nid != action:
                    out.append("%d signage %d %d %d %d 1.0 0" %
                               (time, nid, nid, detour, detour))
        return out

    # def call_open_event(self):
    #     # print(self.seed)
    #     # config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    #     # config.read('config.ini')
    #     # datadir = "mkUserlist/data/N80000r{:}i0".format(self.file_seed)
    #     datadir = self.datadir
    #     agentfn  = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/agentlist.txt"%self.datadir
    #     graphfn  = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/graph.twd"%self.datadir
    #     goalfn   = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/goallist.txt"%self.datadir
    #     sim_time = self.config.get('SIMULATION', 'sim_time')
    #     resdir = self.resdir
    #     # resdir = "result/%s"%self.datadir
    #     print(resdir)
    #     os.makedirs(resdir, exist_ok=True)
    #     argv = [sys.argv[0]]
    #     argv.extend([
    #         agentfn,
    #         graphfn,
    #         goalfn,
    #         "-o",
    #         # "bin/result%s"%self.seed,
    #         resdir,
    #         "-l",
    #         "9999999",
    #         # "300", # ログ周期
    #         # "10", # ログ周期
    #         "-e",
    #         sim_time,
    #         # "-S"
    #         ])
    #     # print(argv)
    #     tmp = []
    #     for a in argv:
    #         # tmp.append(self.ffi.new("char []", a))
    #         # tmp.append(self.ffi.new("char []", a.encode('UTF-8')))
    #         tmp.append(self.ffi.new("char []", a.encode('ascii')))
    #     argv = self.ffi.new("char *[]", tmp)
    #     # call simulator
    #     self.lib.init(len(argv), argv)
    #     # _action = self._get_action(0)
    #     # print(_action)
    #     # self.call_traffic_regulation({}, 0)
    #     # self.T_open = None
    #     # call_open_event全体をコメントアウトすると動作しないので,ここまでだけ実行(暫定)
    #     return
    #     # elif "speed_w_V0" == self.flg_reward:
    #     #     print("self.call_speed")
    #     #     self.V_open = [self.call_speed((i + 1) * self.interval) for i in range(self.max_step)]
    #     #     print(self.V_open, np.sum(self.V_open))
    #     # elif "time" == self.flg_reward or "time_once" == self.flg_reward:
    #     #     print("travel time")
    #     #     self.call_iterate( (self.max_step + 1) * self.interval)
    #     #     self.travel_open = self.mk_travel_open() # ここにベースラインを保存する
    #     #     print(self.travel_open, len(self.travel_open), np.mean(self.travel_open))
    #     # else:
    #     #     pass

    def str_cdef(self):
        ret = """
        void init(int argc, char** argv);
        int   setStop(int t);
        void  iterate();
        int   cntDest(int node, double radius);
        int   cntSrc(int node, double radius);
        void  setBomb( char *fn);
        int   cntOnEdge(int fr, int to);
        void  setBombDirect(char *text);
        void  restart();
        void  save_ulog(char *fn);
        void  init_restart(int argc, char** argv);
        int   goalAgentCnt(int stime, int etime, int cnt);
        int   goalAgent(int stime, int etime,int n,  int result[][3]);
        return ret

    def set_ffi(self):
        libsimfn = os.path.dirname(
            os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../bin/libsim.so"
        self.ffi = FFI()
        self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen(libsimfn)
        # self.call_open_event()
        datadir = self.datadir
        # agentfn  = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/agentlist.txt"%self.datadir
        # graphfn  = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/graph.twd"%self.datadir
        # goalfn   = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../%s/goallist.txt"%self.datadir
        agentfn = "%s/agentlist.txt" % self.datadir
        graphfn = "%s/graph.twd" % self.datadir
        goalfn = "%s/goallist.txt" % self.datadir
        sim_time = self.config.get('SIMULATION', 'sim_time')
        resdir = self.resdir
        # resdir = "result/%s"%self.datadir
        os.makedirs(resdir, exist_ok=True)
        argv = [sys.argv[0]]
            # "bin/result%s"%self.seed,
            # "300", # ログ周期
            # "10", # ログ周期
            # "-S"
        # print(argv)
        tmp = []
        for a in argv:
            # tmp.append(self.ffi.new("char []", a))
            # tmp.append(self.ffi.new("char []", a.encode('UTF-8')))
            tmp.append(self.ffi.new("char []", a.encode('ascii')))
        argv = self.ffi.new("char *[]", tmp)
        # call simulator
        self.lib.init(len(argv), argv)

    def reset_sim(self):
        print("reset simulator configure")
        # if True:
        if self.init:
            # libsimfn = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../bin/libsim.so"
            # self.ffi = FFI()
            # self.lib = self.ffi.dlopen(libsimfn)
            # self.ffi.cdef(self.str_cdef())
            # self.call_open_event()
            # self.num_step  = 0 # call_open_event中にstep進めてしまってるので
            # self.cur_time  = 0 # 同上
            # save initial state
            # 以下コメントアウトで,毎回ffi作成->エラーになる
            self.init = False
        # else:
        #     # load inital state
        #     self.lib.restart()

    def get_speed(self, agentfn):
        with open(agentfn) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        return sum([float(l.split('\t')[2])
                    for l in lines[1:]]) / float(lines[0].split(' ')[0])

    def get_num_agents(self, agentfn):
        with open(agentfn) as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        return int(lines[0].split(' ')[0])
int Pa_GetVersion( void );
const char* Pa_GetVersionText( void );
typedef int PaError;
typedef enum PaErrorCode
    paNoError = 0,
    paNotInitialized = -10000,
} PaErrorCode;
const char *Pa_GetErrorText( PaError errorCode );
PaError Pa_Initialize( void );
PaError Pa_Terminate( void );
typedef int PaDeviceIndex;
#define paNoDevice -1
#define paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification -2
typedef int PaHostApiIndex;
PaHostApiIndex Pa_GetHostApiCount( void );
PaHostApiIndex Pa_GetDefaultHostApi( void );
typedef enum PaHostApiTypeId
} PaHostApiTypeId;
typedef struct PaHostApiInfo
    int structVersion;
    PaHostApiTypeId type;
    const char *name;
    int deviceCount;
    PaDeviceIndex defaultInputDevice;
    PaDeviceIndex defaultOutputDevice;
} PaHostApiInfo;
const PaHostApiInfo * Pa_GetHostApiInfo( PaHostApiIndex hostApi );
PaHostApiIndex Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex( PaHostApiTypeId type );
PaDeviceIndex Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex( PaHostApiIndex hostApi,
        int hostApiDeviceIndex );
typedef struct PaHostErrorInfo{
    PaHostApiTypeId hostApiType;
    long errorCode;
    const char *errorText;
const PaHostErrorInfo* Pa_GetLastHostErrorInfo( void );
PaDeviceIndex Pa_GetDeviceCount( void );
PaDeviceIndex Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice( void );
PaDeviceIndex Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice( void );
typedef double PaTime;
typedef unsigned long PaSampleFormat;
#define paFloat32        0x00000001
#define paInt32          0x00000002
#define paInt24          0x00000004
#define paInt16          0x00000008
#define paInt8           0x00000010
#define paUInt8          0x00000020
#define paCustomFormat   0x00010000
#define paNonInterleaved 0x80000000
typedef struct PaDeviceInfo
    int structVersion;
    const char *name;
    PaHostApiIndex hostApi;
    int maxInputChannels;
    int maxOutputChannels;
    PaTime defaultLowInputLatency;
    PaTime defaultLowOutputLatency;
    PaTime defaultHighInputLatency;
    PaTime defaultHighOutputLatency;
    double defaultSampleRate;
} PaDeviceInfo;
const PaDeviceInfo* Pa_GetDeviceInfo( PaDeviceIndex device );
typedef struct PaStreamParameters
    PaDeviceIndex device;
    int channelCount;
    PaSampleFormat sampleFormat;
    PaTime suggestedLatency;
    void *hostApiSpecificStreamInfo;
} PaStreamParameters;
#define paFormatIsSupported 0
PaError Pa_IsFormatSupported( const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
                              const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
                              double sampleRate );
typedef void PaStream;
#define paFramesPerBufferUnspecified 0
typedef unsigned long PaStreamFlags;
#define   paNoFlag         0
#define   paClipOff        0x00000001
#define   paDitherOff      0x00000002
#define   paNeverDropInput 0x00000004
#define   paPrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback 0x00000008
#define   paPlatformSpecificFlags 0xFFFF0000
typedef struct PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo{
    PaTime inputBufferAdcTime;
    PaTime currentTime;
    PaTime outputBufferDacTime;
} PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo;
typedef unsigned long PaStreamCallbackFlags;
#define paInputUnderflow  0x00000001
#define paInputOverflow   0x00000002
#define paOutputUnderflow 0x00000004
#define paOutputOverflow  0x00000008
#define paPrimingOutput   0x00000010
typedef enum PaStreamCallbackResult
} PaStreamCallbackResult;
typedef int PaStreamCallback(
    const void *input, void *output,
    unsigned long frameCount,
    const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo,
    PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags,
    void *userData );
PaError Pa_OpenStream( PaStream** stream,
                       const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
                       const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
                       double sampleRate,
                       unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
                       PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
                       PaStreamCallback *streamCallback,
                       void *userData );
PaError Pa_OpenDefaultStream( PaStream** stream,
                              int numInputChannels,
                              int numOutputChannels,
                              PaSampleFormat sampleFormat,
                              double sampleRate,
                              unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
                              PaStreamCallback *streamCallback,
                              void *userData );
PaError Pa_CloseStream( PaStream *stream );
typedef void PaStreamFinishedCallback( void *userData );
PaError Pa_SetStreamFinishedCallback( PaStream *stream,
    PaStreamFinishedCallback* streamFinishedCallback );
PaError Pa_StartStream( PaStream *stream );
PaError Pa_StopStream( PaStream *stream );
PaError Pa_AbortStream( PaStream *stream );
PaError Pa_IsStreamStopped( PaStream *stream );
PaError Pa_IsStreamActive( PaStream *stream );
typedef struct PaStreamInfo
    int structVersion;
    PaTime inputLatency;
    PaTime outputLatency;
    double sampleRate;
} PaStreamInfo;
const PaStreamInfo* Pa_GetStreamInfo( PaStream *stream );
PaTime Pa_GetStreamTime( PaStream *stream );
double Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad( PaStream* stream );
PaError Pa_ReadStream( PaStream* stream,
                       void *buffer,
                       unsigned long frames );
PaError Pa_WriteStream( PaStream* stream,
                        const void *buffer,
                        unsigned long frames );
signed long Pa_GetStreamReadAvailable( PaStream* stream );
signed long Pa_GetStreamWriteAvailable( PaStream* stream );
PaHostApiTypeId Pa_GetStreamHostApiType( PaStream* stream );
PaError Pa_GetSampleSize( PaSampleFormat format );
void Pa_Sleep( long msec );

/* pa_mac_core.h */

typedef int32_t SInt32;
typedef struct
    unsigned long size;
    PaHostApiTypeId hostApiType;
    unsigned long version;
    unsigned long flags;
    SInt32 const * channelMap;
    unsigned long channelMapSize;
} PaMacCoreStreamInfo;
void PaMacCore_SetupStreamInfo( PaMacCoreStreamInfo *data, unsigned long flags );
void PaMacCore_SetupChannelMap( PaMacCoreStreamInfo *data, const SInt32 * const channelMap, unsigned long channelMapSize );
const char *PaMacCore_GetChannelName( int device, int channelIndex, bool input );
#define paMacCoreChangeDeviceParameters 0x01
#define paMacCoreFailIfConversionRequired 0x02
#define paMacCoreConversionQualityMin    0x0100
#define paMacCoreConversionQualityMedium 0x0200
#define paMacCoreConversionQualityLow    0x0300
#define paMacCoreConversionQualityHigh   0x0400
#define paMacCoreConversionQualityMax    0x0000
#define paMacCorePlayNice                    0x00
#define paMacCorePro                         0x01
#define paMacCoreMinimizeCPUButPlayNice      0x0100
#define paMacCoreMinimizeCPU                 0x0101

/* pa_win_waveformat.h */

typedef unsigned long PaWinWaveFormatChannelMask;

/* pa_asio.h */

#define paAsioUseChannelSelectors 0x01

typedef struct PaAsioStreamInfo
    unsigned long size;
    PaHostApiTypeId hostApiType;
    unsigned long version;
    unsigned long flags;
    int *channelSelectors;
} PaAsioStreamInfo;

/* pa_win_wasapi.h */

typedef enum PaWasapiFlags
    paWinWasapiExclusive                = 1,
    paWinWasapiRedirectHostProcessor    = 2,
    paWinWasapiUseChannelMask           = 4,
    paWinWasapiPolling                  = 8,
    paWinWasapiThreadPriority           = 16
} PaWasapiFlags;

typedef void (*PaWasapiHostProcessorCallback) (
    void *inputBuffer,  long inputFrames,
    void *outputBuffer, long outputFrames, void *userData);

typedef enum PaWasapiThreadPriority
    eThreadPriorityNone = 0,
} PaWasapiThreadPriority;

typedef enum PaWasapiStreamCategory
    eAudioCategoryOther           = 0,
    eAudioCategoryCommunications  = 3,
    eAudioCategoryAlerts          = 4,
    eAudioCategorySoundEffects    = 5,
    eAudioCategoryGameEffects     = 6,
    eAudioCategoryGameMedia       = 7,
    eAudioCategoryGameChat        = 8,
    eAudioCategorySpeech          = 9,
    eAudioCategoryMovie           = 10,
    eAudioCategoryMedia           = 11
} PaWasapiStreamCategory;

typedef enum PaWasapiStreamOption
    eStreamOptionNone        = 0,
    eStreamOptionRaw         = 1,
    eStreamOptionMatchFormat = 2
} PaWasapiStreamOption;

typedef struct PaWasapiStreamInfo
    unsigned long size;
    PaHostApiTypeId hostApiType;
    unsigned long version;
    unsigned long flags;
    PaWinWaveFormatChannelMask channelMask;
    PaWasapiHostProcessorCallback hostProcessorOutput;
    PaWasapiHostProcessorCallback hostProcessorInput;
    PaWasapiThreadPriority threadPriority;
    PaWasapiStreamCategory streamCategory;
    PaWasapiStreamOption streamOption;
} PaWasapiStreamInfo;

from cffi import FFI

source = open("libsec.h", "r").read()

header = """
#include <secp256k1.h>
#include <secp256k1_extrakeys.h>
#include <secp256k1_schnorrsig.h>

ffi = FFI()
ffi.set_source("_libsec", header, libraries=["secp256k1"])
Example #58

typedef struct {
  const char* name;
  double value;
} SignalPackValue;

typedef struct {
  uint32_t address;
  const char* name;
  double default_value;
} SignalParseOptions;

typedef struct {
  uint32_t address;
  int check_frequency;
} MessageParseOptions;

typedef struct {
  uint32_t address;
  uint16_t ts;
  const char* name;
  double value;
} SignalValue;

typedef enum {
} SignalType;

typedef struct {
  const char* name;
  int b1, b2, bo;
  bool is_signed;
  double factor, offset;
  SignalType type;
} Signal;

typedef struct {
  const char* name;
  uint32_t address;
  unsigned int size;
  size_t num_sigs;
  const Signal *sigs;
} Msg;

typedef struct {
  const char* name;
  uint32_t address;
  const char* def_val;
  const Signal *sigs;
} Val;

typedef struct {
  const char* name;
  size_t num_msgs;
  const Msg *msgs;
  const Val *vals;
  size_t num_vals;
} DBC;

void* can_init(int bus, const char* dbc_name,
              size_t num_message_options, const MessageParseOptions* message_options,
              size_t num_signal_options, const SignalParseOptions* signal_options, bool sendcan,
              const char* tcp_addr, int timeout);

int can_update(void* can, uint64_t sec, bool wait);

size_t can_query_latest(void* can, bool *out_can_valid, size_t out_values_size, SignalValue* out_values);

const DBC* dbc_lookup(const char* dbc_name);

void* canpack_init(const char* dbc_name);

uint64_t canpack_pack(void* inst, uint32_t address, size_t num_vals, const SignalPackValue *vals, int counter);
Example #59
    typedef void* appd_bt_handle;
    typedef void* appd_exitcall_handle;
    typedef void* appd_frame_handle;

    struct appd_config;
    struct appd_context_config;

    enum appd_config_log_level

    struct appd_config* appd_config_init();

    void appd_config_set_app_name(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* app);

    void appd_config_set_tier_name(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* tier);

    void appd_config_set_node_name(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* node);

    void appd_config_set_controller_host(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* host);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_host(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* host);

    void appd_config_set_controller_port(struct appd_config* cfg, const unsigned short port);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_port(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const unsigned short port);

    void appd_config_set_controller_account(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* acct);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_account(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* acct);

    void appd_config_set_controller_access_key(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* key);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_access_key(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* key);

    void appd_config_set_controller_use_ssl(struct appd_config* cfg, const unsigned int ssl);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_use_ssl(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, unsigned int ssl);

    void appd_config_set_controller_http_proxy_host(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* host);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_http_proxy_host(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* host);

    void appd_config_set_controller_http_proxy_port(struct appd_config* cfg, const unsigned short port);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_http_proxy_port(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const unsigned short port);

    void appd_config_set_controller_http_proxy_username(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* user);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_http_proxy_username(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* user);

    void appd_config_set_controller_http_proxy_password(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* pwd);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_http_proxy_password(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* pwd);

    void appd_config_set_controller_http_proxy_password_file(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* file);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_http_proxy_password_file(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* file);

    void appd_config_set_controller_certificate_file(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* file);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_certificate_file(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* file);

    void appd_config_set_controller_certificate_dir(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* dir);
    void appd_context_config_set_controller_certificate_dir(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* dir);

    void appd_config_set_logging_min_level(struct appd_config* cfg, enum appd_config_log_level lvl);

    void appd_config_set_logging_log_dir(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* dir);

    void appd_config_set_logging_max_num_files(struct appd_config* cfg, const unsigned int num);

    void appd_config_set_logging_max_file_size_bytes(struct appd_config* cfg, const unsigned int size);

    void appd_config_set_init_timeout_ms(struct appd_config* cfg, const int time);

    void appd_config_set_flush_metrics_on_shutdown(struct appd_config* cfg, int enable);

    void appd_config_getenv(struct appd_config* cfg, const char* prefix);

    struct appd_context_config* appd_context_config_init(const char* context);

    void appd_context_config_set_app_name(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* app);

    void appd_context_config_set_tier_name(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* tier);

    void appd_context_config_set_node_name(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg, const char* node);

    int appd_sdk_add_app_context(struct appd_context_config* context_cfg);

    int appd_sdk_init(const struct appd_config* config);

    void appd_backend_declare(const char* type, const char* unregistered_name);

    int appd_backend_set_identifying_property(const char* backend, const char* key, const char* value);

    int appd_backend_prevent_agent_resolution(const char* backend);

    int appd_backend_add(const char* backend);

    appd_bt_handle appd_bt_begin(const char* name, const char* correlation_header);

    appd_bt_handle appd_bt_begin_with_app_context(const char* context, const char* name, const char* correlation_header);

    void appd_bt_store(appd_bt_handle bt, const char* guid);

    appd_bt_handle appd_bt_get(const char* guid);

    enum appd_error_level

    void appd_bt_add_error(appd_bt_handle bt, enum appd_error_level level, const char* message, int mark_bt_as_error);

    char appd_bt_is_snapshotting(appd_bt_handle bt);

    void appd_bt_add_user_data(appd_bt_handle bt, const char* key, const char* value);

    void appd_bt_set_url(appd_bt_handle bt, const char* url);

    void appd_bt_end(appd_bt_handle bt);

    appd_exitcall_handle appd_exitcall_begin(appd_bt_handle bt, const char* backend);

    void appd_exitcall_store(appd_exitcall_handle exitcall, const char* guid);

    appd_exitcall_handle appd_exitcall_get(const char* guid);

    int appd_exitcall_set_details(appd_exitcall_handle exitcall, const char* details);

    const char* appd_exitcall_get_correlation_header(appd_exitcall_handle exitcall);

    void appd_exitcall_add_error(appd_exitcall_handle exitcall, enum appd_error_level level, const char* message, int mark_bt_as_error);

    void appd_exitcall_end(appd_exitcall_handle exitcall);

    enum appd_time_rollup_type

    enum appd_cluster_rollup_type

    enum appd_hole_handling_type

    void appd_custom_metric_add(const char* application_context, const char* metric_path, enum appd_time_rollup_type time_rollup_type, enum appd_cluster_rollup_type cluster_rollup_type, enum appd_hole_handling_type hole_handling_type);

    void appd_custom_metric_report(const char* application_context, const char* metric_path, long value);

    enum appd_frame_type

    appd_frame_handle appd_frame_begin(appd_bt_handle bt, enum appd_frame_type frame_type, const char* class_name, const char* method_name, const char* file, unsigned int line_number);

    void appd_frame_end(appd_bt_handle bt, appd_frame_handle frame);

    void appd_sdk_term();
Example #60
from cffi import FFI
ffibuilder = FFI()

         void evolve(double *u, double *u_previous, int nx, int ny,
                     double a, double dt, double dx2, double dy2);

ffibuilder.set_source("_evolve",  # name of the output C extension
         void evolve(double *u, double *u_previous, int nx, int ny,
                     double a, double dt, double dx2, double dy2);
    # libraries=['evolve'],

if __name__ == "__main__":