Example #1
async def intro_toggle(ctx):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

        #Get user ID
        user = str(ctx.author.id)

        #if user has disabled intro, enable it
        if user in cfg.disabledIntros:
            await dm.send('You have enabled your intro song(s).')
            cfg.Log(user + ' has enabled their intro sound.')
        #if user has an enabled sound, disable it
            await dm.send('You have disabled your intro song(s).')
            cfg.Log(user + ' has disabled their intro sound.')

        #Write changes to config file
        JSONreader.WriteToConfig(cfg.configPath, 'user_disabled_intro',
Example #2
async def remove_user_sound(ctx, _file):
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private')
            and (ctx.message.author.bot != True)):
        user = str(ctx.message.author.id)
        files = os.listdir(cfg.soundsPath + '/' + user)
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
            await ctx.author.create_dm()
            dm = ctx.author.dm_channel

        removed = False
        for id, sounds in enumerate(files, start=0):
            #if the filename matches delete it
            if _file == sounds:
                os.remove(cfg.soundsPath + '/' + user + '/' + _file)
                cfg.Log(user + ' removed file:' + _file)
                await dm.send('Successfully removed sound file: ' + _file +
                removed = True

            #if the ID of the element matches delete it
            elif _file == str(id):
                os.remove(cfg.soundsPath + '/' + user + '/' + files[id])
                cfg.Log(user + ' removed file:' + files[id])
                await dm.send('Successfully removed sound file: ' + files[id] +
                removed = True

        if not removed:
            await dm.send(
                'Failed to delete sound file: ' + _file +
                '. Try using the\'MySounds\' command to check the exact spelling or ID.'
            cfg.Log(user + ' failed to remove a sound file.')
Example #3
async def toggle_sound_timer(ctx, _userID):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    #If command caller is an admin continue
    if (str(ctx.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers):
        #if user is in no time limit list, remove them
        if str(_userID) in cfg.noSoundTimer:
            await dm.send('Enabled {}\'s sound timer'.format('<@!' + _userID +
            cfg.Log('{} Enabled {}\'s sound timer'.format(
                ctx.author.name, '<@!' + _userID + '>'))

        #if user not in the list, add them to it
            await dm.send('Disabled {}\'s sound timer'.format('<@!' + _userID +
            cfg.Log('{} Disabled {}\'s sound timer'.format(
                ctx.author.name, '<@!' + _userID + '>'))

        JSONreader.WriteToConfig(cfg.configPath, 'no_sound_timer',
        await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
        cfg.Log('{} tried to use ToggleSoundTimer command'.format(
Example #4
async def remove_admin(ctx, _userID):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    #If the user who used the command is an admin and the userID he presented is not already in the adminUsers file
    if (str(ctx.message.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers) and (_userID
                                                           in cfg.adminUsers):
        #Write new admin to the config file
        JSONreader.WriteToConfig(cfg.configPath, "admin_user", cfg.adminUsers)
        cfg.Log('{} removed {} to admin list'.format(ctx.message.author.name,
        await dm.send(
            '{} has been removed from the admin list.'.format(_userID))
        #If the userID is already and admin alert the user
        if _userID not in cfg.adminUsers:
            await dm.send('{} is not an admin.'.format(_userID))
        #Otherwise the user must not be an admin, as so alert them of this and log the attempt
            await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
            cfg.Log('{} tried to remove {} as an admin but was denied access.'.
                    format(ctx.message.author.name, _userID))
Example #5
async def max_file_size(ctx, size):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    #If invoker is an admin user and the file size is more than 0
    if (str(ctx.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers) and (int(size) > 0):

        cfg.fileSizeAllowed = size
        JSONreader.WriteToConfig(cfg.configPath, 'max_file_size',
        await dm.send('Changed max file size to {} bytes'.format(
        cfg.Log('{} changed the max file size to {} bytes'.format(
            ctx.author.name, cfg.fileSizeAllowed))

        await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
        cfg.Log('{} tried to use MaxFileSize command'.format(ctx.author.name))
Example #6
def ReadConfig(_filePath):

    #config file path
    filePath = _filePath

    #attempt load the json
        file = open(filePath)
        data = json.load(file)

        #Vars to be searched for and set
        cfg.token = data['discord_token']
        cfg.adminUsers = data['admin_user']
        cfg.cmdPrefix = data['cmd_prefix']
        cfg.soundTime = data['sound_time']
        cfg.noSoundTimer = data['no_sound_timer']
        cfg.disabledIntros = data['user_disabled_intro']
        cfg.blockedChannels = data['blocked_channels']
        cfg.fileSizeAllowed = data['max_file_size']
        cfg.maxSoundFiles = data['max_sound_files']

    except Exception as e:
        cfg.Log('Failed to open config file!')
        cfg.Log('ERROR:' + e)
Example #7
async def on_voice_state_update(member,before,after):
	#if the bot is not leaving a channel, is not currently playing a sound and the user is not a bot continue
	if ((after.channel is not None)and(len(bot.voice_clients)==0)and(member.bot==False)):
		#read variables from JSON in case of changes
		#get user unique id
		user = str(member.id)
		#old way of making usernames easier to read, deprecated as a risk of users changing discriminator
		#user = member.name.lower()+'#'+member.discriminator 
		#If moving to a NEW voice channel, the bot is allowed in the channel, and the user who triggered has not disabled their intro
		if ((before.channel!=after.channel)and(after.channel.name not in cfg.blockedChannels)and(user not in cfg.disabledIntros)):
			#if the user has a sounds folder with sound files in it
			if ((os.path.exists(cfg.soundsPath+'/'+user))and(len(os.listdir(cfg.soundsPath+'/'+user))>0)):
				#Wait to connect to users voice channel
				await currentChannel.connect()
				#find where the user is
				vcVal = 0
				for i, vc in enumerate(bot.voice_clients):
					if vc.guild==member.guild:
						vcVal = i
				#check if the bot is already playing anything
				if not bot.voice_clients[vcVal].is_playing():
						#choose a random sound from their sound folder to play
						files = os.listdir(cfg.soundsPath+'/'+user)
						song = random.choice(files)
					except Exception as e:
						cfg.Log('Failled to play {}\'s intro sound:{}'.format(member.name,e))
					cfg.Log('Playing {}\'s intro sound: {}'.format(member.name,song))

					#timer to allowe limited time for audio to play
					enabledTimer = True
					#if the user is found in the noSoundTimer list disabled their timer
					if user in cfg.noSoundTimer:
						enabledTimer = False
					startTime = time.time()
					while (bot.voice_clients[vcVal].is_playing()  and  (((int(time.time()-startTime)<=int(cfg.soundTime))   or   (not enabledTimer)))):
    						await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
					#Bot disconnects from voice channel
					await bot.voice_clients[vcVal].disconnect()		
Example #8
async def reload_config(ctx):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    if (str(ctx.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers):
        await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
        cfg.Log('{} tried to use ReloadConfig command'.format(ctx.author.name))
Example #9
async def blocked_channels(ctx, channel=None):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    if str(ctx.message.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers:
        #if channel name is passed to command
        if channel is not None:

            #if the channels in the list remove it
            if channel in cfg.blockedChannels:
                JSONreader.WriteToConfig(cfg.configPath, 'blocked_channels',

                await dm.send(
                    'Removed {} from blocked channels list'.format(channel))
                cfg.Log('{} removed {} from blocked channels list'.format(
                    ctx.message.author.name, channel))

            #if the channel is not in the list add it
                JSONreader.WriteToConfig(cfg.configPath, 'blocked_channels',
                await dm.send(
                    'Added {} to blocked channels list'.format(channel))
                cfg.Log('{} added {} to blocked channels list'.format(
                    ctx.message.author.name, channel))

        #if no argument passed to command
            tmpString = ''
            for entry in cfg.blockedChannels:
                tmpString = tmpString + '{}\n'.format(entry)
            await dm.send('Blocked channels:\n\n{}'.format(tmpString))

        await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
        cfg.Log('{} tried to use BlockedChannels command'.format(
Example #10
async def migrate(ctx):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    userid = str(ctx.author.id)

    #if user is an admin
    if (userid in cfg.adminUsers):

        tempStr = ''
        usersDict = {}
        raw = bot.users

        #get dictionary with username as key and user id as value
        for user in raw:
            usersDict[user.name.lower() + '#' + user.discriminator] = str(

        #get sound folders
        folders = os.listdir(cfg.soundsPath)
        for folder in folders:

            if folder in usersDict:
                    os.rename(cfg.soundsPath + '/' + folder,
                              cfg.soundsPath + '/' + usersDict[folder])
                    tempStr += folder + ' --> ' + usersDict[folder] + '\n'
                except Exception as e:
                    cfg.Log('Failed to rename {}\'s folder:{}'.format(
                        folder, e))

        await dm.send(
            'The following folders have been migrated successfully:\n\n' +
        cfg.Log('{} Migrated the following folder successfully:\n\n{}'.format(
            ctx.author.name, tempStr))
        await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
        cfg.Log('{} tried to use ReloadConfig command'.format(ctx.author.name))
Example #11
async def silence_bot(ctx):
    vcVal = 0
    for i, vc in enumerate(bot.voice_clients):
        if vc.guild == ctx.guild:
            vcVal = i
    if bot.voice_clients[vcVal].is_playing():
        cfg.Log(ctx.message.author.name + ' silenced bot')
Example #12
async def on_ready():
	cfg.Log('Checking for sounds folder.')
	#Check to see if sounds folder exists
	if (os.path.exists(cfg.soundsPath)):
		cfg.Log('Sounds folder found!')
			#Try to make the sounds folder if it does not exist
			cfg.Log('No sounds folder found so one was created.')
			#If folder creation fails, alert the user and exit.
			cfg.Log('Failed to create sounds folder. Please make one yourself and restart the bot.')
	cfg.Log('{} has connected to Discord!'.format(bot.user))
	await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(name=(cfg.cmdPrefix+'help')))
Example #13
async def max_files_allowed(ctx, size):
	#Check if message is a dm
	if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
		dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
		if dm is None:
				await ctx.author.create_dm()
				dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
			except Exception as e:
				cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:'+e)
	if (str(ctx.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers) and (int(size)>1):
		cfg.maxSoundFiles = size
		await dm.send('Changed maximum amount of files to {}'.format(cfg.maxSoundFiles))
		cfg.Log('{} changed the max amount of files to {}'.format(ctx.author.name,cfg.maxSoundFiles))
		await dm.send('You do not have permissions to use this command!')
		cfg.Log('{} tried to use MaxFilesAllowed command'.format(ctx.author.name))	
Example #14
def WriteToConfig(_filePath, _key, _newVal):
    filePath = _filePath
    key = _key
    newVal = _newVal

        file = open(filePath)
        data = json.load(file)

        #set the JSON var as the newVal
        data[key] = newVal

        #open the config file to write to it
        wFile = open(filePath, 'w')
        #write the json value
        json.dump(data, wFile, indent=2)

        #Refresh the data in the variables

    except Exception as e:
        cfg.Log('Failed to write to the config file!')
        cfg.Log('ERROR:' + e)
Example #15
async def list_admins(ctx):
    #Check if message is a dm
    if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
        dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
        if dm is None:
                await ctx.author.create_dm()
                dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
            except Exception as e:
                cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:' + e)

    if (str(ctx.message.author.id) in cfg.adminUsers):
        stringBld = 'Admin users:\n\n'
        for id in cfg.adminUsers:
            stringBld += '<@!' + id + '> ID:' + id + '\n'

        await dm.send(stringBld)
Example #16
async def add_sound(ctx):
	#Check if the message is a DM
	if ((str(ctx.channel.type) == 'private') and (ctx.author.bot != True)):
		dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
		if dm is None:
				await ctx.author.create_dm()
				dm = ctx.author.dm_channel
			except Exception as e:
				cfg.Log('Error opening DM channel:'+e)
		#Grab the message attachments
		attatchments = ctx.message.attachments
		#if there is less than the max sound files allowed
		if ((len(attatchments)!=0) and (len(attatchments)<int(cfg.maxSoundFiles))):
			user = str(ctx.message.author.id)
			#check if user sound file folder exists, if not make one
			if not os.path.exists(cfg.soundsPath+'/'+ user):
					os.makedirs(cfg.soundsPath+'/'+ user)
				except Exception as e:
					cfg.Log('Error making user sound folder:'+e)
			#check how many files they currently have
			files = os.listdir(cfg.soundsPath+'/'+user)
			#work through each attachment
			for song in attatchments:
				#check if file is within allowd size and is an mp3
				if (int(song.size)<int(cfg.fileSizeAllowed)) and (song.filename.endswith('.mp3')):
					#check if user is allowed more files
					if (len(files) < int(cfg.maxSoundFiles)):
							fileName = cfg.soundsPath+'/' + user + '/' + song.filename.lower()
							cfg.Log('{}\'s file {} being saved'.format(user,song.filename))
							await song.save(fileName)
							cfg.Log('saved {} to {}\'s sound folder'.format(song.filename,user))
							await dm.send('Your intro sound number {} was saved to your folder!'.format(len(files)+1))
						except Exception as e:
							cfg.Log('Error saving sound:'+e)
						await dm.send("You have too many sound files already saved! there is a limit of {} files!".format(cfg.maxSoundFiles))
						cfg.Log('Failed to save due to too many files')
			await dm.send('Please make sure you send only .mp3 files that are under {} bytes'.format(cfg.fileSizeAllowed))
Example #17
import random

#Discord.py specific
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.voice_client import VoiceClient
import asyncio
import time

#read in variables from config file

#setup bot to start
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=cfg.cmdPrefix)

cfg.Log('IAmFatAndLazy\'s StupidBoiV2 is launching...')

#Command calls here
#This keeps this file readable and easier to expand on

#Called when the bot starts/connects to Discord
async def on_ready():
    cfg.Log('Checking for sounds folder.')
    #Check to see if sounds folder exists
    if (os.path.exists(cfg.soundsPath)):
        cfg.Log('Sounds folder found!')