def get_3407(date, gindex, database=UgcUserOn3407): # 轻橙用户数(玩过轻橙作品的用户数) user_playuser = [] for i in range(0, 100): print('轻橙用户数', i) sql = """SELECT gindex,COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM platform_count_01.user_game_record_{0} where gindex in {1} GROUP BY gindex """.format(i, tuple(gindex['gindex'])) user_playuser.append(df_from_sql(database, sql, ['gindex', '总游玩人数'])) user_playuser = pd.concat(user_playuser, ignore_index=True) user_playuser = user_playuser.groupby(['gindex'], as_index=False).agg({'总游玩人数': np.sum}) dt['总轻橙用户数'] = user_playuser["总游玩人数"].sum() # 轻橙用户数(玩过轻橙作品的用户数全去重) user_playuser = [] tup = tuple(gindex['gindex']) for i in range(0, 100): print('轻橙用户数去重', i) sql = """ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM platform_count_01.user_game_record_{0} where gindex in {1}""".format(i, tup) user_playuser.append(df_from_sql(database, sql, ['总游玩人数'])) user_playuser = pd.concat(user_playuser, ignore_index=True) dt['总轻橙用户数(全去重)'] = user_playuser["总游玩人数"].sum() # 当日游玩人数和总时长 sql = """ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid),sum(run_time)/3600 FROM platform_count_01.org_game_daily_by_user_{0} where gindex in {1} """.format(date, tuple(gindex['gindex'])) res = get_res(database, sql) dt['每日去重用户数'] = res[0][0] dt['每日用户总游玩时长(小时)'] = int(res[0][1])
def get_qingcheng(d): get_3510(d) gindex, gindex_check = get_gindex(d) get_3406(d, gindex, gindex_check) get_3408(d, gindex) get_3513(d, gindex) get_3407(d, gindex) uid = get_author_count(d) # 新发布工程的签约作者人数 tt_sum1 = [] for i in range(0, 100): print('签约作者数', i) sql = f"""SELECT uid, gguid from sae_project.orange_uid_guid_map_{i} where source=2 and DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%Y%m%d")<= {d}""" tt_sum1.append(df_from_sql(UgcUserOn3510, sql, ['作者UID', 'guid'])) tt_sum1 = pd.concat(tt_sum1, ignore_index=True) project_uid = list(set(list(tt_sum1['作者UID']))) project_uid_sign = [v for v in project_uid if v in uid] dt['新建轻橙工程签约作者总数'] = len(project_uid_sign) dt['新建轻橙工程非签约作者总数'] = len(project_uid) - len(project_uid_sign) data_all = pd.DataFrame([dt]) data_all = data_all[['日期', '新建轻橙工程数量', '轻橙新发布的作品数量', '正式发布过的新增轻橙作品数量', '正式发布过字数大于0的新增轻橙作品数量', '新过审轻橙作品数量', 'L1作品数', 'L2作品数', 'L3作品数', 'L4作品数', 'L5作品数', '轻橙完结作品总数量', '当日更新字数', '当日鲜花总数', '分享', '收藏', '点赞', '评论', '正式发布轻橙作品签约作者总数', '正式发布轻橙作品非签约作者总数', '新建轻橙工程签约作者总数', '新建轻橙工程非签约作者总数', '总轻橙用户数', '总轻橙用户数(全去重)', '每日去重用户数', '每日用户总游玩时长(小时)']] data_all.to_excel(f'P:/a/轻橙/月报/{d}_轻橙.xlsx', index=False) data_all = pd.DataFrame.stack(data_all, level=-1, dropna=True) return data_all
def get_3510(_date): # 新建轻橙工程数量 tt_sum = 0 for i in range(0, 100): print('3510', i) sql = f"""SELECT count(uid) from sae_project.orange_uid_guid_map_{i} where source=2 and DATE_FORMAT(create_time,"%Y%m%d")= {_date}""" tt_sum += df_from_sql(UgcUserOn3510, sql, [''])[''][0] dt['新建轻橙工程数量'] = tt_sum
def get_list(): database = js.UgcUserOn3406 sql = """SELECT tid, tname FROM dbbh_website.org_tag_summary WHERE tname like '#%#' AND status in (0, 9) """ df_list = js.df_from_sql(database, sql, ['tag', 'tname']) return list(df_list['tag']), list(df_list['tname'])
def get_nickname(tup): dataframe = [] for idx in range(100): print(idx) res = df_from_sql(UgcUserOn3402, f"SELECT uid,nick_name FROM dbbh_passport.uc_user_info_{idx} WHERE uid in {tup}", ['uid', 'name']) dataframe.append(res) dataframe = pd.concat(dataframe, ignore_index=True) return dataframe
def get_gindex_level(tup): sql = f""" SELECT gindex, `level` FROM dbbh_website.org_auto_promo_game WHERE gindex in {tup} """ res = df_from_sql(UgcUserOn3406, sql, ['gindex', 'level']) return res
def get_nickname(df, st): # 获取昵称 uid = tuple(df[f'{st}ID']) df = [] for i in range(100): print(i) res = df_from_sql( UgcUserOn3402, f"SELECT uid,nick_name FROM dbbh_passport.uc_user_info_{i} WHERE uid in {uid}", [f'{st}ID', f'{st}昵称']) df.append(res) df = pd.concat(df, ignore_index=True) return df
def get_gindex(_date, _tag): # 带轻橙标签的游戏编号 database = js.AnalysisUser3406 sql = """SELECT gindex, guid FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex IN ( SELECT gindex FROM dbbh_website.org_tag_game WHERE tid = {1} ) AND FROM_UNIXTIME(passed_time, "%Y%m%d") <={0} and check_level >=2 """.format( _date, _tag) return js.df_from_sql(database, sql, ['gindex', 'guid'])
def get_gindex(_date, database=UgcUserOn3406): # 带轻橙标签的游戏编号 sql = f"""SELECT gindex, guid, check_level FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex IN (SELECT gindex FROM dbbh_website.org_tag_game WHERE tid = 12337) AND FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y%m%d") <={_date} """ gindex = df_from_sql(database, sql, ['gindex', 'guid', 'check_level']) # 带轻橙标签的游戏编号过审作品 gindex_check = gindex[gindex['check_level'] >= 2][['gindex', 'guid']] return gindex, gindex_check
def get_data(e): sql = f""" SELECT uid, gindex, flower_num, invest_status, create_time FROM dbbh_website.org_user_game_invest WHERE invest_status != 2 AND create_time < '{e}' """ res = df_from_sql(UgcUserOn3406, sql, ['uid', 'gindex', 'flower_num', 'status', 'create_time']) return res
def get_deal(_month): # 交易记录, 画师姓名 sql = f"""SELECT a.order_id, a.buyer_id, a.seller_id, a.price*a.buy_num, a.buy_num, a.goods_name, FROM_UNIXTIME(a.pay_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'), b.user_name FROM c2c_order.c2c_order_{_month} AS a , c2c_user.user_identity AS b WHERE a.seller_id = b.uid AND a.pay_status = 1""" df = df_from_sql( UgcUserOn3501, sql, ['订单ID', '买家ID', '画师ID', '订单金额', '购买数量', '商品名称', '交易时间', '画师姓名']) return df
def get_gain(tup): sql = f""" SELECT uid, gindex, flower_num, voucher_1_num, voucher_2_num, voucher_3_num, voucher_4_num, create_time FROM dbbh_website.org_user_game_invest_dividend_award WHERE gindex in {tup} and id in (SELECT min(id) from dbbh_website.org_user_game_invest_dividend_award WHERE flower_num != 0 GROUP BY uid) """ res = df_from_sql(UgcUserOn3406, sql, ['uid', 'gindex', 'flower', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'create_time']) return res
def get_qingcheng(_date, _tag, _tname): gindex = get_gindex(_date, _tag) data_count = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '收录作品总数量': [len(gindex)] }, columns=['日期', '收录作品总数量']) if len(gindex) == 0: data_all = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '标签': ['{0}_截止统计日期无过审作品'.format(_tname)] }, columns=['日期', '标签']) return data_all else: # 当日过审轻橙作品 sql = """SELECT {0} AS p, COUNT(*) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex IN {1} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(passed_time, "%Y%m%d") = {0}""".format( _date, tuple(list(gindex['gindex']))) data_pass_gindex = js.df_from_sql(js.UgcUserOn3406, sql, ['日期', '当日新过审作品数量']) # 当日更新字数 sql = '''select distinct(gindex) from dbbh_website.org_game_version where pub_day = {0} and gindex in {1} AND pub_mode = 1 '''.format( _date, tuple(list(gindex['gindex']))) result = js.df_from_sql(js.UgcUserOn3406, sql, ['gid']) game = list(result['gid']) update_con = [] for i in range(len(game)): print(i) sql = '''select gindex,word_sum,pub_day from dbbh_website.org_game_version where gindex = %s AND pub_mode = 1 ''' % game[i] df = js.df_from_sql(js.UgcUserOn3406, sql, ['作品id', '总字数', '发布日期']) index_number = df[df['发布日期'] == _date].index.tolist() if index_number[0] > 0: df_new = df[index_number[0] - 1:index_number[-1] + 1] word_list = list(df_new['总字数']) differ = list( map( lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(word_list[1:len(word_list)], word_list[0:len(word_list) - 1]))) num_above0 = [i for i in differ if i > 0] if len(num_above0) == 0: pass else: update_con.append((game[i], sum(num_above0))) else: df_new = df[index_number[0]:index_number[-1] + 1] word_list = list(df_new['总字数']) word_list.insert(0, 0) differ = list( map( lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(word_list[1:len(word_list)], word_list[0:len(word_list) - 1]))) num_above0 = [i for i in differ if i > 0] if len(num_above0) == 0: pass else: update_con.append((game[i], sum(num_above0))) df_update = pd.DataFrame(update_con, columns=['gindex', '当日更新字数']) data_word = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '当日更新字数': [df_update["当日更新字数"].sum()] }, columns=['日期', '当日更新字数']) # 鲜花、人气、分享、收藏、点赞、评论 db3408, cur3408 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3408, _try_times=5) sql = """ SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN coin_type=3 THEN coin_num/100 ELSE coin_num END) AS flower FROM website_userinfo.`org_log_user_coin_{0}` WHERE coin_type IN (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11) AND TYPE IN (50,52,144,137,138,139) AND create_date ={1} AND gindex IN {2} """.format( str(_date)[0:6], _date, tuple(list(gindex['gindex']))) cur3408.execute(sql) result = cur3408.fetchall() flower_num = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '当日鲜花总数': [int(result[0][0] or 0)] }, columns=['日期', '当日鲜花总数']) db3505, cur3505 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3505, _try_times=5) sql = """ SELECT SUM(var4 + var6 + var7 + var8) AS '总人气' FROM game_record.orange_log_vars_{0} WHERE guid in {2} and day = {1} """.format( str(_date)[0:6], _date, tuple(list(gindex['guid']))) cur3505.execute(sql) result = cur3505.fetchall() renqi_num = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '当日人气总数': [int(result[0][0] or 0)] }, columns=['日期', '当日人气总数']) db3513, cur3513 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3513, _try_times=5) sql = """ SELECT {1} AS p,SUM(share_num) as s from user_act.share_user_share_game_{0} WHERE share_date = {1} AND gindex IN {2} """.format(str(_date)[0:6], _date, tuple(list(gindex['gindex']))) cur3513.execute(sql) result = cur3513.fetchall() share_num = pd.DataFrame(list(result), columns=['日期', '分享']) db3408, cur3408 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3408, _try_times=5) sql = """SELECT {1} AS p,SUM(num) FROM (SELECT gindex ,COUNT(*) as num FROM website_userinfo.org_user_fav_game_0 WHERE gindex IN {0} and add_day = {1} group by gindex UNION ALL SELECT gindex ,COUNT(*) as num FROM website_userinfo.org_user_fav_game_1 WHERE gindex IN {0} and add_day = {1} group by gindex UNION ALL SELECT gindex ,COUNT(*) as num FROM website_userinfo.org_user_fav_game_2 WHERE gindex IN {0} and add_day = {1} group by gindex UNION ALL SELECT gindex ,COUNT(*) as num FROM website_userinfo.org_user_fav_game_3 WHERE gindex IN {0} and add_day = {1} group by gindex UNION ALL SELECT gindex ,COUNT(*) as num FROM website_userinfo.org_user_fav_game_4 WHERE gindex IN {0} and add_day = {1} group by gindex ) as a """.format(tuple(list(gindex['gindex'])), _date) cur3408.execute(sql) result = cur3408.fetchall() fav_num = pd.DataFrame(list(result), columns=['日期', '收藏']) db6066, cur6066 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3513, _try_times=5) sql = """SELECT {1} AS p,SUM(num) FROM ( select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_0 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_1 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_2 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_3 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_4 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_5 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_6 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_7 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_8 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_9 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_10 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_11 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_12 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_13 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} UNION ALL select count(gindex) as num from game_outer_attr.org_game_star_record_14 where gindex in {0} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time, "%Y%m%d")={1} ) as a """.format(tuple(list(gindex['gindex'])), _date) cur6066.execute(sql) result = cur6066.fetchall() dianzan_num = pd.DataFrame(list(result), columns=['日期', '点赞']) # 作者人数 db3406, cur3406 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3406, _try_times=5) sql = """SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT author_uid) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex in {0} AND gindex in (SELECT gindex from dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE pub_mode = 1 AND gindex in {0} ) """.format(tuple(list(gindex['gindex']))) cur3406.execute(sql) res1 = cur3406.fetchall() pd.DataFrame({ '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '发布轻橙作品总作者数': [res1[0][0]] }, columns=['日期', '发布轻橙作品总作者数']) # 签约作者人数 db3408, cur3408 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3408, _try_times=5) sql = """ SELECT uid FROM website_userinfo.org_user_sign WHERE `status` = 2 """ cur3408.execute(sql) result = cur3408.fetchall() uid = [i[0] for i in result] db3406, cur3406 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3406, _try_times=5) sql = """SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT author_uid) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex in {0} AND gindex in (SELECT gindex from dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE pub_mode = 1 AND gindex in {0} ) AND author_uid in {1}""".format(tuple(list(gindex['gindex'])), tuple(uid)) cur3406.execute(sql) res2 = cur3406.fetchall() data_signauthor = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '正式发布轻橙作品签约作者总数': [res2[0][0]] }, columns=['日期', '正式发布轻橙作品签约作者总数']) data_unsignauthor = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '正式发布轻橙作品非签约作者总数': [res1[0][0] - res2[0][0]] }, columns=['日期', '正式发布轻橙作品非签约作者总数']) # 轻橙用户数(玩过轻橙作品的用户数) db3407, cur3407 = js.get_conn_cur_by_class(js.UgcUserOn3407, _try_times=5) sql = """ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM platform_count_01.org_game_daily_by_user_{0} where gindex in {1} """.format(_date, tuple(list(gindex['gindex']))) cur3407.execute(sql) result = cur3407.fetchall() data_userall = pd.DataFrame( { '日期': ['{0}'.format(_date)], '每日用户数': [result[0][0]] }, columns=['日期', '每日用户数']) flower_num[["日期"]] = flower_num[["日期"]].astype(int) share_num[["日期"]] = share_num[["日期"]].astype(int) fav_num[["日期"]] = fav_num[["日期"]].astype(int) dianzan_num[["日期"]] = dianzan_num[["日期"]].astype(int) renqi_num[["日期"]] = renqi_num[["日期"]].astype(int) data_signauthor[["日期"]] = data_signauthor[["日期"]].astype(int) data_unsignauthor[["日期"]] = data_unsignauthor[["日期"]].astype(int) data_word[["日期"]] = data_word[["日期"]].astype(int) data_userall[["日期"]] = data_userall[["日期"]].astype(int) data_count[["日期"]] = data_count[["日期"]].astype(int) data_all = pd.merge(data_count, data_pass_gindex, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, data_word, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, flower_num, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, share_num, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, fav_num, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, dianzan_num, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, renqi_num, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, data_signauthor, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, data_unsignauthor, on='日期', how='left') data_all = pd.merge(data_all, data_userall, on='日期', how='left') data_all['标签'] = '{0}'.format(_tname) data_all.to_csv('P:\\a\\轻橙\\每日数据\\{0}_轻橙_{1}.csv'.format(_date, _tag), sep=',', index=False) return data_all
def get_3406(date, gindex, gindex_check, database=UgcUserOn3406): sql = f"""SELECT count(DISTINCT(gindex)) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE channel_id=2 AND version=1 AND pub_day = {date} GROUP BY pub_day""" dt['轻橙新发布的作品数量'] = get_res(database, sql)[0][0] sql = f"""SELECT count(DISTINCT(gindex)) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE channel_id = 2 AND pub_mode > 0 AND pub_day = {date} AND gindex not in(SELECT DISTINCT(gindex) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE channel_id = 2 AND pub_mode > 0 AND pub_day < {date})""" dt['正式发布过的新增轻橙作品数量'] = get_res(database, sql)[0][0] sql = f"""SELECT count(DISTINCT(gindex)) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE channel_id=2 AND word_sum > 0 AND pub_mode > 0 AND pub_day = {date} AND gindex not in(SELECT DISTINCT(gindex) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_version WHERE channel_id=2 AND word_sum > 0 AND pub_mode > 0 AND pub_day < {date})""" dt['正式发布过字数大于0的新增轻橙作品数量'] = get_res(database, sql)[0][0] # 当日过审轻橙作品 sql = f"""SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex IN {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} AND FROM_UNIXTIME(passed_time, "%Y%m%d") = {date}""" dt['新过审轻橙作品数量'] = get_res(database, sql)[0][0] # 各等级作品分布 sql = f"""SELECT COUNT(gindex) from dbbh_website.org_auto_promo_game WHERE gindex IN {tuple(gindex_check['gindex'])} GROUP BY LEVEL""" res = get_res(database, sql) dt['L1作品数'] = res[0][0] dt['L2作品数'] = res[1][0] dt['L3作品数'] = res[2][0] dt['L4作品数'] = res[3][0] dt['L5作品数'] = res[4][0] # 当日更新字数 sql = f'''select distinct(gindex) from dbbh_website.org_game_version where pub_day = {date} and gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} AND pub_mode = 1''' game = list(df_from_sql(database, sql, [''])['']) update_con = [] for i in range(len(game)): print(i) sql = f'''select gindex,word_sum,pub_day from dbbh_website.org_game_version where gindex = {game[i]} AND pub_mode = 1 ''' df = df_from_sql(database, sql, ['作品id', '总字数', '发布日期']) index_number = df[df['发布日期'] == date].index.tolist() if index_number[0] > 0: df_new = df[index_number[0] - 1:index_number[-1] + 1] word_list = list(df_new['总字数']) chazhi = list(map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(word_list[1:len(word_list)], word_list[0:len(word_list) - 1]))) num_above0 = [i for i in chazhi if i > 0] if len(num_above0) == 0: pass else: update_con.append((game[i], sum(num_above0))) else: df_new = df[index_number[0]:index_number[-1] + 1] word_list = list(df_new['总字数']) word_list.insert(0, 0) chazhi = list(map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(word_list[1:len(word_list)], word_list[0:len(word_list) - 1]))) num_above0 = [i for i in chazhi if i > 0] if len(num_above0) == 0: pass else: update_con.append((game[i], sum(num_above0))) data_word = pd.DataFrame(update_con, columns=['gindex', '当日更新字数']) dt['当日更新字数'] = data_word["当日更新字数"].sum() sql = f"""SELECT sum(num) from (select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_0 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_0 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_1 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_1 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_2 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_2 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_3 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_3 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_4 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_4 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_5 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_5 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_6 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_6 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_7 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_7 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_8 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_8 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date} union all select count(a.cid) as num from dbbh_website.org_game_comment_summary_9 a, dbbh_website.org_game_comment_detail_9 b where a.cid = b.cid and a.gindex in {tuple(gindex['gindex'])} and a.add_day= {date}) as a """ dt['评论'] = get_res(database, sql)[0][0] # 轻橙完结作品总数 sql = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex IN (SELECT gindex FROM dbbh_website.org_game_summary WHERE gindex IN (SELECT gindex FROM dbbh_website.org_tag_game WHERE tid = 12337) AND FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time, "%Y%m%d") <={0}) AND complete_date <= {0} and complete_date >0""".format(date) dt['轻橙完结作品总数量'] = get_res(database, sql)[0][0]