Example #1
 def cdef(self):
     Return a :class:`cgen.Struct` representing the profiler data structure in C
     (a ``struct``).
     return Struct('profiler',
                   [Value('double', i.name) for i in self._sections])
Example #2
 def _C_typedecl(self):
     if self._is_composite_dtype:
         return Struct(
             [Value(ctypes_to_cstr(j), i) for i, j in self.pfields])
         return None
Example #3
 def _C_typedecl(self):
     fields = []
     for i, j in self.pfields:
         if i == self._field_flag:
             fields.append(Initializer(Value('volatile %s' % ctypes_to_cstr(j), i), 1))
             fields.append(Value(ctypes_to_cstr(j), i))
     return Struct(self.pname, fields)
Example #4
def make_superblocks(devdata, struct_name, single_item, multi_item, extra_fields={}):
    from hedge.backends.cuda.tools import pad_and_join

    # single_item = [([ block1, block2, ... ], decl), ...]
    # multi_item = [([ [ item1, item2, ...], ... ], decl), ...]

    multi_blocks = [
            ["".join(s) for s in part_data]
            for part_data, part_decls in multi_item]
    block_sizes = [
            max(len(b) for b in part_blocks)
            for part_blocks in multi_blocks]

    from pytools import single_valued
    block_count = single_valued(
            len(si_part_blocks) for si_part_blocks, si_part_decl in single_item)

    from cgen import Struct, ArrayOf

    struct_members = []
    for part_data, part_decl in single_item:
        assert block_count == len(part_data)
        single_valued(len(block) for block in part_data)

    for part_data, part_decl in multi_item:
                ArrayOf(part_decl, max(len(s) for s in part_data)))

    superblocks = []
    for superblock_num in range(block_count):
        data = ""
        for part_data, part_decl in single_item:
            data += part_data[superblock_num]

        for part_blocks, part_size in zip(multi_blocks, block_sizes):
            assert block_count == len(part_blocks)
            data += pad(part_blocks[superblock_num], part_size)


    superblock_size = devdata.align(
            single_valued(len(sb) for sb in superblocks))

    data = pad_and_join(superblocks, superblock_size)
    assert len(data) == superblock_size*block_count

    class SuperblockedDataStructure(Record):

    return SuperblockedDataStructure(
            struct=Struct(struct_name, struct_members),
Example #5
 def _C_neighbours(self):
     """A :class:`ctypes.Struct` to access the neighborhood of a given rank."""
     entries = list(product(self.dimensions, [LEFT, RIGHT]))
     fields = [('%s%s' % (d, i), c_int) for d, i in entries]
     obj = CompositeObject('nb', 'neighbours', Structure, fields)
     for d, i in entries:
         setattr(obj.value._obj, '%s%s' % (d, i), self.neighbours[d][i])
     cdef = Struct('neighbours', [Value('int', i) for i, _ in fields])
     CNeighbours = namedtuple('CNeighbours', 'ctype cdef obj')
     return CNeighbours(obj.dtype, cdef, obj)
Example #6
def test_cgen():
    s = Struct(
            POD(np.float32, "order"),
            POD(np.float32, "face_jacobian"),
            ArrayOf(POD(np.float32, "normal"), 17),
            POD(np.uint16, "a_base"),
            POD(np.uint16, "b_base"),
            #CudaGlobal(POD(np.uint8, "a_ilist_number")),
            POD(np.uint8, "b_ilist_number"),
            POD(np.uint8, "bdry_flux_number"),  # 0 if not on boundary
            POD(np.uint8, "reserved"),
            POD(np.uint32, "b_global_base"),
    f_decl = FunctionDeclaration(POD(np.uint16, "get_num"), [
        POD(np.uint8, "reserved"),
        POD(np.uint32, "b_global_base"),
    f_body = FunctionBody(
            POD(np.uint32, "i"),
                "i = 0",
                "i < 17",
                    "a > b",
                    Assign("a", "b"),
                        Assign("a", "b-1"),
            Comment("all done"),
    t_decl = Template(
        'typename T',
            Value('CUdeviceptr', 'scan'),
            [Value('CUdeviceptr', 'inputPtr'),
             Value('int', 'length')]))

Example #7
def get_elwise_module_descriptor(arguments, operation, name="kernel"):
    from codepy.bpl import BoostPythonModule

    from cgen import FunctionBody, FunctionDeclaration, \
            Value, POD, Struct, For, Initializer, Include, Statement, \
            Line, Block

    S = Statement  # noqa: N806

    mod = BoostPythonModule()

        S("namespace ublas = boost::numeric::ublas"),
        S("using namespace pyublas"),

    body = Block([
                "numpy_array<{} >::iterator".format(dtype_to_ctype(
                    varg.dtype)), varg.name), f"args.{varg.name}_ary.begin()")
        for varg in arguments if isinstance(varg, VectorArg)
    ] + [
        Initializer(sarg.declarator(), f"args.{sarg.name}")
        for sarg in arguments if isinstance(sarg, ScalarArg)

        For("unsigned i = 0", "i < codepy_length", "++i",

    arg_struct = Struct("arg_struct", [arg.declarator() for arg in arguments])
    mod.add_struct(arg_struct, "ArgStruct")

            FunctionDeclaration(Value("void", name), [
                POD(numpy.uintp, "codepy_length"),
                Value("arg_struct", "args")
            ]), body))

    return mod
 def _C_typedecl(self):
     # Overriding for better code readability
     # Struct neighborhood                 Struct neighborhood
     # {                                   {
     #   int ll;                             int ll, lc, lr;
     #   int lc;                 VS          ...
     #   int lr;                             ...
     #   ...                                 ...
     # }                                   }
     # With this override, we generate the one on the right
     groups = [list(g) for k, g in groupby(self.pfields, key=lambda x: x[0][0])]
     groups = [(j[0], i) for i, j in [zip(*g) for g in groups]]
     return Struct(self.pname, [Value(ctypes_to_cstr(i), ', '.join(j))
                                for i, j in groups])
Example #9
 def _C_typedecl(self):
     return Struct(self.pname, [Value(ctypes_to_cstr(j), i) for i, j in self.pfields])
Example #10
class DiscreteFunction(AbstractCachedFunction, ArgProvider):
    Symbol representing a discrete array in symbolic equations. Unlike an
    Array, a DiscreteFunction carries data.

    Users should not instantiate this class directly. Use Function or
    SparseFunction (or their subclasses) instead.

    # Required by SymPy, otherwise the presence of __getitem__ will make SymPy
    # think that a DiscreteFunction is actually iterable, thus breaking many of
    # its key routines (e.g., solve)
    _iterable = False

    is_Input = True
    is_DiscreteFunction = True
    is_Tensor = True

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._cached():
            super(DiscreteFunction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

            # There may or may not be a `Grid` attached to the DiscreteFunction
            self._grid = kwargs.get('grid')

            # A `Distributor` to handle domain decomposition (only relevant for MPI)
            self._distributor = self.__distributor_setup__(**kwargs)

            # Staggering metadata
            self._staggered = self.__staggered_setup__(**kwargs)

            # Symbolic (finite difference) coefficients
            self._coefficients = kwargs.get('coefficients', 'standard')
            if self._coefficients not in ('standard', 'symbolic'):
                raise ValueError("coefficients must be `standard` or `symbolic`")

            # Data-related properties and data initialization
            self._data = None
            self._first_touch = kwargs.get('first_touch', configuration['first-touch'])
            self._allocator = kwargs.get('allocator', default_allocator())
            initializer = kwargs.get('initializer')
            if initializer is None or callable(initializer):
                # Initialization postponed until the first access to .data
                self._initializer = initializer
            elif isinstance(initializer, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)):
                # Allocate memory and initialize it. Note that we do *not* hold
                # a reference to the user-provided buffer
                self._initializer = None
                if len(initializer) > 0:
                    self.data_with_halo[:] = initializer
                    # This is a corner case -- we might get here, for example, when
                    # running with MPI and some processes get 0-size arrays after
                    # domain decomposition. We touch the data anyway to avoid the
                    # case ``self._data is None``
                raise ValueError("`initializer` must be callable or buffer, not %s"
                                 % type(initializer))

    def _allocate_memory(func):
        """Allocate memory as a Data."""
        def wrapper(self):
            if self._data is None:
                debug("Allocating memory for %s%s" % (self.name, self.shape_allocated))
                self._data = Data(self.shape_allocated, self.dtype,
                                  modulo=self._mask_modulo, allocator=self._allocator)
                if self._first_touch:
                    assign(self, 0)
                if callable(self._initializer):
                    if self._first_touch:
                        warning("`first touch` together with `initializer` causing "
                                "redundant data initialization")
                    except ValueError:
                        # Perhaps user only wants to initialise the physical domain
            return func(self)
        return wrapper

    def __dtype_setup__(cls, **kwargs):
        grid = kwargs.get('grid')
        dtype = kwargs.get('dtype')
        if dtype is not None:
            return dtype
        elif grid is not None:
            return grid.dtype
            return np.float32

    def __staggered_setup__(self, **kwargs):
        Setup staggering-related metadata. This method assigns:

            * 0 to non-staggered dimensions;
            * 1 to staggered dimensions.
        staggered = kwargs.get('staggered')
        if staggered is None:
            self.is_Staggered = False
            return tuple(0 for _ in self.indices)
            self.is_Staggered = True
            if staggered is NODE:
                staggered = ()
            elif staggered is CELL:
                staggered = self.indices
                staggered = as_tuple(staggered)
            mask = []
            for d in self.indices:
                if d in staggered:
                elif -d in staggered:
            return tuple(mask)

    def __distributor_setup__(self, **kwargs):
        grid = kwargs.get('grid')
        # There may or may not be a `Distributor`. In the latter case, the
        # DiscreteFunction is to be considered "local" to each MPI rank
        return kwargs.get('distributor') if grid is None else grid.distributor

    def _functions(self):
        return {self.function}

    def _data_buffer(self):
        Reference to the data. Unlike :attr:`data` and :attr:`data_with_halo`,
        this *never* returns a view of the data. This method is for internal use only.
        return self._data_allocated

    def _data_alignment(self):
        return self._allocator.guaranteed_alignment

    def _mem_external(self):
        return True

    def grid(self):
        """The Grid on which the discretization occurred."""
        return self._grid

    def staggered(self):
        return self._staggered

    def coefficients(self):
        """Form of the coefficients of the function."""
        return self._coefficients

    def _coeff_symbol(self):
        if self.coefficients == 'symbolic':
            return sympy.Function('W')
            raise ValueError("Function was not declared with symbolic "

    def shape(self):
        Shape of the domain region. The domain constitutes the area of the
        data written to by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* domain region shape.
        return self.shape_domain

    def shape_domain(self):
        Shape of the domain region. The domain constitutes the area of the
        data written to by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* domain region shape.
        Alias to ``self.shape``.
        return tuple(i - j for i, j in zip(self._shape, self.staggered))

    def shape_with_halo(self):
        Shape of the domain+outhalo region. The outhalo is the region
        surrounding the domain that may be read by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* with_halo region shape.
        Further, note that the outhalo of inner ranks is typically empty, while
        the outhalo of boundary ranks contains a number of elements depending
        on the rank position in the decomposed grid (corner, side, ...).
        return tuple(j + i + k for i, (j, k) in zip(self.shape_domain,

    _shape_with_outhalo = shape_with_halo

    def _shape_with_inhalo(self):
        Shape of the domain+inhalo region. The inhalo region comprises the
        outhalo as well as any additional "ghost" layers for MPI halo
        exchanges. Data in the inhalo region are exchanged when running
        Operators to maintain consistent values as in sequential runs.

        Typically, this property won't be used in user code, but it may come
        in handy for testing or debugging
        return tuple(j + i + k for i, (j, k) in zip(self.shape_domain, self._halo))

    def shape_allocated(self):
        Shape of the allocated data. It includes the domain and inhalo regions,
        as well as any additional padding surrounding the halo.

        In an MPI context, this is the *local* with_halo region shape.
        return tuple(j + i + k for i, (j, k) in zip(self._shape_with_inhalo,

    def shape_global(self):
        Global shape of the domain region. The domain constitutes the area of
        the data written to by an Operator.

        In an MPI context, this is the *global* domain region shape, which is
        therefore identical on all MPI ranks.
        if self.grid is None:
            return self.shape
        retval = []
        for d, s in zip(self.dimensions, self.shape):
            size = self.grid.dimension_map.get(d)
            retval.append(size.glb if size is not None else s)
        return tuple(retval)

    _offset_inhalo = AbstractCachedFunction._offset_halo
    _size_inhalo = AbstractCachedFunction._size_halo

    def _size_outhalo(self):
        """Number of points in the outer halo region."""
        if self._distributor is None:
            return self._size_inhalo

        left = [self._distributor.glb_to_loc(d, i, LEFT, strict=False)
                for d, i in zip(self.dimensions, self._size_inhalo.left)]
        right = [self._distributor.glb_to_loc(d, i, RIGHT, strict=False)
                 for d, i in zip(self.dimensions, self._size_inhalo.right)]

        Size = namedtuple('Size', 'left right')
        sizes = tuple(Size(i, j) for i, j in zip(left, right))

        return EnrichedTuple(*sizes, getters=self.dimensions, left=left, right=right)

    def _mask_modulo(self):
        """Boolean mask telling which Dimensions support modulo-indexing."""
        return tuple(True if i.is_Stepping else False for i in self.dimensions)

    def _mask_domain(self):
        """Slice-based mask to access the domain region of the allocated data."""
        return tuple(slice(i, j) for i, j in
                     zip(self._offset_domain, self._offset_halo.right))

    def _mask_inhalo(self):
        """Slice-based mask to access the domain+inhalo region of the allocated data."""
        return tuple(slice(i.left, i.right + j.right) for i, j in
                     zip(self._offset_inhalo, self._size_inhalo))

    def _mask_outhalo(self):
        """Slice-based mask to access the domain+outhalo region of the allocated data."""
        return tuple(slice(i.start - j.left, i.stop and i.stop + j.right or None)
                     for i, j in zip(self._mask_domain, self._size_outhalo))

    def _decomposition(self):
        Tuple of Decomposition objects, representing the domain decomposition.
        None is used as a placeholder for non-decomposed Dimensions.
        if self._distributor is None:
            return (None,)*self.ndim
        mapper = {d: self._distributor.decomposition[d] for d in self._dist_dimensions}
        return tuple(mapper.get(d) for d in self.dimensions)

    def _decomposition_outhalo(self):
        Tuple of Decomposition objects, representing the domain+outhalo
        decomposition. None is used as a placeholder for non-decomposed Dimensions.
        if self._distributor is None:
            return (None,)*self.ndim
        return tuple(v.reshape(*self._size_inhalo[d]) if v is not None else v
                     for d, v in zip(self.dimensions, self._decomposition))

    def data(self):
        The domain data values, as a numpy.ndarray.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use :meth:`data_ro`
        return self.data_domain

    def data_domain(self):
        The domain data values.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        Alias to ``self.data``.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_domain` instead.
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return self._data._global(self._mask_domain, self._decomposition)

    def data_with_halo(self):
        The domain+outhalo data values.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_with_halo` instead.
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return self._data._global(self._mask_outhalo, self._decomposition_outhalo)

    _data_with_outhalo = data_with_halo

    def _data_with_inhalo(self):
        The domain+inhalo data values.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_with_inhalo` instead.

        Typically, this accessor won't be used in user code to set or read data
        values. Instead, it may come in handy for testing or debugging
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return np.asarray(self._data[self._mask_inhalo])

    def _data_allocated(self):
        The allocated data values, that is domain+inhalo+padding.

        Elements are stored in row-major format.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back. If you only need to look at the values, use
        :meth:`data_ro_allocated` instead.

        Typically, this accessor won't be used in user code to set or read data
        values. Instead, it may come in handy for testing or debugging
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        return np.asarray(self._data)

    def _data_in_region(self, region, dim, side):
        The data values in a given region.

        region : DataRegion
            The data region of interest (e.g., OWNED, HALO) for which a view
            is produced.
        dim : Dimension
            The dimension of interest.
        side : DataSide
            The side of interest (LEFT, RIGHT).

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.

        With this accessor you are claiming that you will modify the values you
        get back.

        Typically, this accessor won't be used in user code to set or read
        data values.
        self._is_halo_dirty = True
        offset = getattr(getattr(self, '_offset_%s' % region.name)[dim], side.name)
        size = getattr(getattr(self, '_size_%s' % region.name)[dim], side.name)
        index_array = [slice(offset, offset+size) if d is dim else slice(None)
                       for d in self.dimensions]
        return np.asarray(self._data[index_array])

    def data_ro_domain(self):
        """Read-only view of the domain data values."""
        view = self._data._global(self._mask_domain, self._decomposition)
        return view

    def data_ro_with_halo(self):
        """Read-only view of the domain+outhalo data values."""
        view = self._data._global(self._mask_outhalo, self._decomposition_outhalo)
        return view

    _data_ro_with_outhalo = data_ro_with_halo

    def _data_ro_with_inhalo(self):
        Read-only view of the domain+inhalo data values.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.
        view = self._data[self._mask_inhalo]
        return np.asarray(view)

    def _data_ro_allocated(self):
        Read-only view of the domain+inhalo+padding data values.

        This accessor does *not* support global indexing.
        view = self._data
        return np.asarray(view)

    def local_indices(self):
        Tuple of slices representing the global indices that logically
        belong to the calling MPI rank.

        Given a Function ``f(x, y)`` with shape ``(nx, ny)``, when *not* using
        MPI this property will return ``(slice(0, nx-1), slice(0, ny-1))``. On
        the other hand, when MPI is used, the local ranges depend on the domain
        decomposition, which is carried by ``self.grid``.
        if self._distributor is None:
            return tuple(slice(0, s) for s in self.shape)
            return tuple(self._distributor.glb_slices.get(d, slice(0, s))
                         for s, d in zip(self.shape, self.dimensions))

    def space_dimensions(self):
        """Tuple of Dimensions defining the physical space."""
        return tuple(d for d in self.indices if d.is_Space)

    def _dist_dimensions(self):
        """Tuple of MPI-distributed Dimensions."""
        if self._distributor is None:
            return ()
        return tuple(d for d in self.indices if d in self._distributor.dimensions)

    def initializer(self):
        if self._data is not None:
            return self.data_with_halo.view(np.ndarray)
            return self._initializer

    def symbolic_shape(self):
        The symbolic shape of the object. This includes:

            * the domain, halo, and padding regions. While halo and padding are
              known quantities (integers), the domain size is represented by a symbol.
            * the shifting induced by the ``staggered`` mask.
        symbolic_shape = super(DiscreteFunction, self).symbolic_shape
        ret = tuple(Add(i, -j) for i, j in zip(symbolic_shape, self.staggered))
        return EnrichedTuple(*ret, getters=self.dimensions)

    _C_structname = 'dataobj'
    _C_typename = 'struct %s *' % _C_structname
    _C_field_data = 'data'
    _C_field_size = 'size'
    _C_field_nopad_size = 'npsize'
    _C_field_domain_size = 'dsize'
    _C_field_halo_size = 'hsize'
    _C_field_halo_ofs = 'hofs'
    _C_field_owned_ofs = 'oofs'

    _C_typedecl = Struct(_C_structname,
                         [Value('%srestrict' % ctypes_to_cstr(c_void_p), _C_field_data),
                          Value(ctypes_to_cstr(POINTER(c_int)), _C_field_size),
                          Value(ctypes_to_cstr(POINTER(c_int)), _C_field_nopad_size),
                          Value(ctypes_to_cstr(POINTER(c_int)), _C_field_domain_size),
                          Value(ctypes_to_cstr(POINTER(c_int)), _C_field_halo_size),
                          Value(ctypes_to_cstr(POINTER(c_int)), _C_field_halo_ofs),
                          Value(ctypes_to_cstr(POINTER(c_int)), _C_field_owned_ofs)])

    _C_ctype = POINTER(type(_C_structname, (Structure,),
                            {'_fields_': [(_C_field_data, c_void_p),
                                          (_C_field_size, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_nopad_size, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_domain_size, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_halo_size, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_halo_ofs, POINTER(c_int)),
                                          (_C_field_owned_ofs, POINTER(c_int))]}))

    def _C_make_dataobj(self, data):
        A ctypes object representing the DiscreteFunction that can be passed to
        an Operator.
        dataobj = byref(self._C_ctype._type_())
        dataobj._obj.data = data.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
        dataobj._obj.size = (c_int*self.ndim)(*data.shape)
        # MPI-related fields
        dataobj._obj.npsize = (c_int*self.ndim)(*[i - sum(j) for i, j in
                                                  zip(data.shape, self._size_padding)])
        dataobj._obj.dsize = (c_int*self.ndim)(*self._size_domain)
        dataobj._obj.hsize = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._size_halo))
        dataobj._obj.hofs = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._offset_halo))
        dataobj._obj.oofs = (c_int*(self.ndim*2))(*flatten(self._offset_owned))
        return dataobj

    def _C_as_ndarray(self, dataobj):
        """Cast the data carried by a DiscreteFunction dataobj to an ndarray."""
        shape = tuple(dataobj._obj.size[i] for i in range(self.ndim))
        ctype_1d = dtype_to_ctype(self.dtype) * int(reduce(mul, shape))
        buf = cast(dataobj._obj.data, POINTER(ctype_1d)).contents
        return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(shape)

    def _C_make_index(self, dim, side=None):
        # Depends on how fields are populated in `_C_make_dataobj`
        idx = self.dimensions.index(dim)
        if side is not None:
            idx = idx*2 + (0 if side is LEFT else 1)
        return idx

    def _C_get_field(self, region, dim, side=None):
        """Symbolic representation of a given data region."""
        ffp = lambda f, i: FieldFromPointer("%s[%d]" % (f, i), self._C_name)
        if region is DOMAIN:
            offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
            size = ffp(self._C_field_domain_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
        elif region is OWNED:
            if side is LEFT:
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
            elif side is CENTER:
                # Note: identical to region=HALO, side=CENTER
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_domain_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
        elif region is HALO:
            if side is LEFT:
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_halo_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
            elif side is CENTER:
                # Note: identical to region=OWNED, side=CENTER
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_owned_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_domain_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
                offset = ffp(self._C_field_halo_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
                size = ffp(self._C_field_halo_size, self._C_make_index(dim, RIGHT))
        elif region is NOPAD:
            offset = ffp(self._C_field_halo_ofs, self._C_make_index(dim, LEFT))
            size = ffp(self._C_field_nopad_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
        elif region is FULL:
            offset = 0
            size = ffp(self._C_field_size, self._C_make_index(dim))
            raise ValueError("Unknown region `%s`" % str(region))

        RegionMeta = namedtuple('RegionMeta', 'offset size')
        return RegionMeta(offset, size)

    def _halo_exchange(self):
        """Perform the halo exchange with the neighboring processes."""
        if not MPI.Is_initialized() or MPI.COMM_WORLD.size == 1:
            # Nothing to do
        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > 1 and self._distributor is None:
            raise RuntimeError("`%s` cannot perform a halo exchange as it has "
                               "no Grid attached" % self.name)
        if self._in_flight:
            raise RuntimeError("`%s` cannot initiate a halo exchange as previous "
                               "exchanges are still in flight" % self.name)
        for i in self.space_dimensions:
        self._is_halo_dirty = False
        assert not self._in_flight

    def __halo_begin_exchange(self, dim):
        """Begin a halo exchange along a given Dimension."""
        neighborhood = self._distributor.neighborhood
        comm = self._distributor.comm
        for i in [LEFT, RIGHT]:
            neighbor = neighborhood[dim][i]
            owned_region = self._data_in_region(OWNED, dim, i)
            halo_region = self._data_in_region(HALO, dim, i)
            sendbuf = np.ascontiguousarray(owned_region)
            recvbuf = np.ndarray(shape=halo_region.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
            self._in_flight.append((dim, i, recvbuf, comm.Irecv(recvbuf, neighbor)))
            self._in_flight.append((dim, i, None, comm.Isend(sendbuf, neighbor)))

    def __halo_end_exchange(self, dim):
        """End a halo exchange along a given Dimension."""
        for d, i, payload, req in list(self._in_flight):
            if d == dim:
                status = MPI.Status()
                if payload is not None and status.source != MPI.PROC_NULL:
                    # The MPI.Request `req` originated from a `comm.Irecv`
                    # Now need to scatter the data to the right place
                    self._data_in_region(HALO, d, i)[:] = payload
            self._in_flight.remove((d, i, payload, req))

    def _arg_names(self):
        """Tuple of argument names introduced by this function."""
        return (self.name,)

    def _arg_defaults(self, alias=None):
        A map of default argument values defined by this symbol.

        alias : DiscreteFunction, optional
            To bind the argument values to different names.
        key = alias or self
        args = ReducerMap({key.name: self._data_buffer})

        # Collect default dimension arguments from all indices
        for i, s, o in zip(key.indices, self.shape, self.staggered):
            args.update(i._arg_defaults(_min=0, size=s+o))

        # Add MPI-related data structures
        if self.grid is not None:

        return args

    def _arg_values(self, **kwargs):
        A map of argument values after evaluating user input. If no
        user input is provided, return a default value.

            Dictionary of user-provided argument overrides.
        # Add value override for own data if it is provided, otherwise
        # use defaults
        if self.name in kwargs:
            new = kwargs.pop(self.name)
            if isinstance(new, DiscreteFunction):
                # Set new values and re-derive defaults
                values = new._arg_defaults(alias=self).reduce_all()
                # We've been provided a pure-data replacement (array)
                values = {self.name: new}
                # Add value overrides for all associated dimensions
                for i, s, o in zip(self.indices, new.shape, self.staggered):
                    size = s + o - sum(self._size_nodomain[i])
                # Add MPI-related data structures
                if self.grid is not None:
            values = self._arg_defaults(alias=self).reduce_all()

        return values

    def _arg_check(self, args, intervals):
        Check that ``args`` contains legal runtime values bound to ``self``.

            If, given the runtime values ``args``, an out-of-bounds array
            access would be performed, or if shape/dtype don't match with
            self's shape/dtype.
        if self.name not in args:
            raise InvalidArgument("No runtime value for `%s`" % self.name)
        key = args[self.name]
        if len(key.shape) != self.ndim:
            raise InvalidArgument("Shape %s of runtime value `%s` does not match "
                                  "dimensions %s" % (key.shape, self.name, self.indices))
        if key.dtype != self.dtype:
            warning("Data type %s of runtime value `%s` does not match the "
                    "Function data type %s" % (key.dtype, self.name, self.dtype))
        for i, s in zip(self.indices, key.shape):
            i._arg_check(args, s, intervals[i])

    def _arg_as_ctype(self, args, alias=None):
        key = alias or self
        return ReducerMap({key.name: self._C_make_dataobj(args[key.name])})

    # Pickling support
    _pickle_kwargs = AbstractCachedFunction._pickle_kwargs +\
        ['grid', 'staggered', 'initializer']
Example #11
def get_boundary_flux_mod(fluxes, fvi, discr, dtype):
    from cgen import \
            FunctionDeclaration, FunctionBody, Typedef, Struct, \
            Const, Reference, Value, POD, MaybeUnused, \
            Statement, Include, Line, Block, Initializer, Assign, \
            CustomLoop, For

    from pytools import to_uncomplex_dtype, flatten

    from codepy.bpl import BoostPythonModule
    mod = BoostPythonModule()


    S = Statement
        S("using namespace hedge"),
        S("using namespace pyublas"),
        Typedef(POD(dtype, "value_type")),
        Typedef(POD(to_uncomplex_dtype(dtype), "uncomplex_type")),

    arg_struct = Struct("arg_struct", [
        Value("numpy_array<value_type>", "flux%d_on_faces" % i)
        for i in range(len(fluxes))
        Value("numpy_array<value_type>", arg_name)
        for arg_name in fvi.arg_names

    mod.add_struct(arg_struct, "ArgStruct")

    fdecl = FunctionDeclaration(
                Value("void", "gather_flux"),
                    Const(Reference(Value("face_group<face_pair<straight_face> >" , "fg"))),
                    Reference(Value("arg_struct", "args"))

    from pymbolic.mapper.stringifier import PREC_PRODUCT

    def gen_flux_code():
        f2cm = FluxToCodeMapper()

        result = [
                Assign("fof%d_it[loc_fof_base+i]" % flux_idx,
                    "uncomplex_type(fp.int_side.face_jacobian) * " +
                    flux_to_code(f2cm, False, flux_idx, fvi, flux.op.flux, PREC_PRODUCT))
                for flux_idx, flux in enumerate(fluxes)

        return [
            Initializer(Value("value_type", cse_name), cse_str)
            for cse_name, cse_str in f2cm.cse_name_list] + result

    fbody = Block([
            Const(Value("numpy_array<value_type>::iterator", "fof%d_it" % i)),
            "args.flux%d_on_faces.begin()" % i)
        for i in range(len(fluxes))
                "%s_it" % arg_name)),
            "args.%s.begin()" % arg_name)
        for arg_name in fvi.arg_names
        CustomLoop("BOOST_FOREACH(const face_pair<straight_face> &fp, fg.face_pairs)", Block(
            Initializer(Value("node_number_t", "%s_ebi" % where),
                "fp.%s.el_base_index" % where),
            Initializer(Value("index_lists_t::const_iterator", "%s_idx_list" % where),
                "fg.index_list(fp.%s.face_index_list_number)" % where),
            for where in ["int_side", "ext_side"]
            Initializer(Value("node_number_t", "loc_fof_base"),
                " + fp.%(where)s.face_id)" % {"where": "int_side"}),
                "unsigned i = 0",
                "i < fg.face_length()",
                        Value("node_number_t", "%s_idx" % where)),
                        "%(where)s_ebi + %(where)s_idx_list[i]"
                        % {"where": where})
                    for where in ["int_side", "ext_side"]

    mod.add_function(FunctionBody(fdecl, fbody))

    #print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
    #print mod.generate()

    return mod.compile(get_flux_toolchain(discr, fluxes))
Example #12
    def create_native(self):
        from cgen import (ArrayOf, POD, Block, For, Statement, Struct)
        from cgen import dtype_to_ctype
        import numpy

        members = []
        code = []

        for pk, pv in config.parameters.iteritems():
            if isinstance(pv, int):
                members.append(POD(numpy.int, pk))
                    Statement("params.%s = extract<%s>(cppdict[\"%s\"])" %
                              (pk, dtype_to_ctype(numpy.int), pk)))
            elif isinstance(pv, float):
                members.append(POD(numpy.float64, pk))
                    Statement("params.%s = extract<%s>(cppdict[\"%s\"])" %
                              (pk, dtype_to_ctype(numpy.float64), pk)))
            elif isinstance(pv, list):
                if isinstance(pv[0], int):
                    members.append(ArrayOf(POD(numpy.int, pk), len(pv)))
                            Statement("list v = extract<%s>(cppdict[\"%s\"])" %
                                      (list.__name__, pk)),
                                "unsigned int i  = 0", "i<len(v)", "++i",
                                Statement("params.%s[i] = extract<%s>(v[i])" %
                                          (pk, dtype_to_ctype(numpy.int)))),
                elif isinstance(pv[0], float):
                    members.append(ArrayOf(POD(numpy.float64, pk), len(pv)))
                            Statement("list v = extract<%s>(cppdict[\"%s\"])" %
                                      (list.__name__, pk)),
                                "unsigned int i  = 0", "i < len(v)", "++i",
                                        "params.%s[i] = extract<%s>(v[i])" %
                                        (pk, dtype_to_ctype(numpy.float64))),
                                        "//std::cout << params.%s[i] << std::endl"
                                        % (pk))

        mystruct = Struct('Parameters', members)
        mycode = Block(code)

        # print mystruct
        # print mycode

        from jinja2 import Template

        tpl = Template("""
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/object.hpp>
#include <boost/python/extract.hpp>
#include <boost/python/list.hpp>
#include <boost/python/dict.hpp>
#include <boost/python/str.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>


Parameters params;

void CopyDictionary(boost::python::object pydict)
    using namespace boost::python;

    extract< dict > cppdict_ext(pydict);
        throw std::runtime_error(
                    "PassObj::pass_dict: type error: not a python dict.");

    dict cppdict = cppdict_ext();
    list keylist = cppdict.keys();



   boost::python::def("copy_dict", &CopyDictionary);
        rendered_tpl = tpl.render(my_module="NativeParameters",

        # print rendered_tpl

        from codepy.toolchain import NVCCToolchain
        import codepy.toolchain

        kwargs = codepy.toolchain._guess_toolchain_kwargs_from_python_config()
        # print kwargs
        kwargs["cc"] = "nvcc"
        # kwargs["cflags"]=["-m64","-x","cu","-Xcompiler","-fPIC","-ccbin","/opt/local/bin/g++-mp-4.4"]
        kwargs["cflags"] = ["-m64", "-x", "cu", "-Xcompiler", "-fPIC"]
        kwargs["defines"] = []
        kwargs["ldflags"] = ["-shared"]
        # kwargs["libraries"]=["python2.7"]
        kwargs["libraries"] = ["python2.6"]
        print kwargs
        toolchain = NVCCToolchain(**kwargs)

        from codepy.libraries import add_boost_python

        from codepy.jit import extension_from_string
        mymod = extension_from_string(toolchain, "NativeParameters",

Example #13
 def ctype(self):
     Returns a :class:`cgen.Struct` relative to the profiler.
     return Struct(Profiler.typename,
                   [Value('double', n) for n in self._timers])