def main(args): """Run ARIMA experiments on multiple machines.""" # TODO: everybody loads the data here # Load full data set from pickle file (see dfs_full = pkl.load(open(args.data_folder, 'rb')) # Keep only patients with more than `THRESHOLD` days of CGM acquisition _threshold = args.threshold if _threshold is None: _threshold = datetime.timedelta(days=3.5) # default dfs = utils.filter_patients(dfs_full, _threshold) if RANK == 0: patients_out = master(dfs) else: slave(dfs) # if IS_MPI_JOB: # Wait for all jobs to end COMM.barrier() if RANK == 0: pkl.dump(patients_out, open('full_output.pkl', 'wb'))
"""KF experiments development.""" from cgmtools import utils from cgmtools import plotting from cgmtools.forecast import kf import datetime import numpy as np import pickle as pkl ############################################################################### # Load full data set from pickle file (see dfs_full = pkl.load(open('../../data/dfs_py3.pkl', 'rb')) # Keep only patients with more than `THRESHOLD` days of CGM acquisition _threshold = datetime.timedelta(days=3.5) # default dfs = utils.filter_patients(dfs_full, _threshold) burn_in = 300 # burn-in samples used to learn the best order via cv n_splits = 15 ph = 18 # prediction horizon # State-space model: # transition matrix (double integration model) F = np.array([[2, -1], [1, 0]]) # measures matrix H = np.array([1, 0]) # Get patients list patients = list(dfs.keys()) for idx in patients:
def main(args): """Run ARIMA experiments.""" ### TODO: deleteme ### # List all completed patients completed = list( filter( lambda x: x.endswith('.pkl'), os.listdir( '/home/samu/projects/glicemie/experiments/cgm-tools/scripts'))) completed = [x[-3] + '.csv' for x in completed] ### TODO: deleteme ### # Load full data set from pickle file (see dfs_full = pkl.load(open(args.data_folder, 'rb')) # Keep only patients with more than `THRESHOLD` days of CGM acquisition _threshold = args.threshold if _threshold is None: _threshold = datetime.timedelta(days=3.5) # default dfs = utils.filter_patients(dfs_full, _threshold) # ----------------- TEST ----------------------------- # # Experiment parameters burn_in = 300 # burn-in samples used to learn the best order via cv n_splits = 15 # burn_in = 144 # burn-in samples used to learn the best order via cv # n_splits = 8 w_size = 36 # Window-size ph = 18 # prediction horizon # Get patients list patients = list(dfs.keys()) for count, idx in enumerate(patients): if idx not in completed: print("Evaluating patient: {} ({}/{}) ...".format( idx, count, len(patients))) df = utils.gluco_extract(dfs[idx], return_df=True) # Learn the best order via cv out = arima.grid_search(df, burn_in=burn_in, n_splits=n_splits, p_bounds=(1, 4), d_bounds=(1, 2), q_bounds=(1, 4), ic_score='AIC', return_order_rank=True, return_final_index=True, verbose=False) opt_order, order_rank, final_index = out print("Order rank:\n{}".format(order_rank)) df = df.iloc[burn_in:] # don't mix-up training/test errs = None # Try the order from best to worst for order in order_rank: p, d, q = order try: # perform moving-window arma print('Using ARIMA({}, {}, {}) ...'.format(p, d, q)) errs, forecast = arima.moving_window(df, w_size=w_size, ph=ph, p=p, d=d, q=q, start_params=None, verbose=False) print('ARIMA({}, {}, {}) success'.format(p, d, q)) break # greedy beahior: take the first that works except Exception as e: print('ARIMA({}, {}, {}) failure'.format(p, d, q)) print('arima.moving_window raised the following exception') print(e) if errs is not None: # Save results reports error_summary = utils.forecast_report(errs) print(error_summary) # dump it into a pkl pkl.dump(error_summary, open(idx + '.pkl', 'wb')) try: # Plot signal and its fit plotting.cgm(df, forecast['ts'], title='Patient ' + idx, savefig=True) # Plot residuals plotting.residuals(df, forecast['ts'], skip_first=w_size, skip_last=ph, title='Patient ' + idx, savefig=True) except: print("Plotting failed for patient {}".format(idx)) else: print("{} already completed".format(idx))